View Full Version : The 100% Happy Wheels Discussion Station
3 Jul 2003, 23:38
Yeah, I saw that. That explains PJ, but what about A? Administrator, maybe?
4 Jul 2003, 00:15
Yeah, I saw that. That explains PJ, but what about A? Administrator, maybe?
could be his Surname initial, but then PJA doesn't have the same ring to it, does it?
4 Jul 2003, 04:52
But why does APJ have 2 accounts?
Andrew Paul James, maybe?
Star Worms
4 Jul 2003, 09:28
|_()|_ @ 73|-| |\|()()8!!1!11!!!1!11!1!111!!!11!!111!!11!!!1!11!! !!!!!1!!11111!!!1!!!!1!!!!111!111!111!!1
4 Jul 2003, 15:40
00110000001100010011000000110000001100010011000000 11000000110000001100000011000100110001001100000011 00000011000100110000001100010011000000110001001100 01001100000011000100110001001100000011000000110000 00110001001100010011000000110001001100010011000000 11000000110000001100010011000100110000001100010011 00010011000100110001001100000011000000110001001100 00001100010011000100110000001100000011000000110000 00110001001100000011000000110000001100000011000000 11000000110001001100000011000000110001001100000011 00000011000100110000001100000011000100110000001100 00001100000011000000110000001100000011000100110001 00110000001100000011000000110000001100010011000000 11000100110001001100000011000100110001001100000011 00010011000000110000001100010011000000110000001100 00001100000011000000110000001100010011000000110001 00110000001100000011000100110001001100000011000100 11000100110001001100000011000100110000001100000011 00000011000100110001001100000011000000110000001100 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00000011000100110001001100000011000000110001001100 00001100010011000000110001001100010011000100110000 00110000001100010011000000110000001100000011000100 11000000110001001100000011000100110000000011010000 1010(decode this twice!!)(BTW this does actually say something - decode it first and you get the binary and then again to get the meaage;))
I tried....I couldn't get anything that made sense, though. What does it say?
4 Jul 2003, 15:48
00110000001100010011000000110000001100010011000000 11000000110000001100000011000100110001001100000011 00000011000100110000001100010011000000110001001100 01001100000011000100110001001100000011000000110000 00110001001100010011000000110001001100010011000000 11000000110000001100010011000100110000001100010011 00010011000100110001001100000011000000110001001100 00001100010011000100110000001100000011000000110000 00110001001100000011000000110000001100000011000000 11000000110001001100000011000000110001001100000011 00000011000100110000001100000011000100110000001100 00001100000011000000110000001100000011000100110001 00110000001100000011000000110000001100010011000000 11000100110001001100000011000100110001001100000011 00010011000000110000001100010011000000110000001100 00001100000011000000110000001100010011000000110001 00110000001100000011000100110001001100000011000100 11000100110001001100000011000100110000001100000011 00000011000100110001001100000011000000110000001100 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00001100010011000000110001001100000011000100110000 00110000001100010011000100110000001100010011000000 11000000110000001100000011000100110001001100000011 00000011000000110000001100010011000000110001001100 01001100000011000100110001001100010011000000110000 00110001001100010011000000110000001100010011000000 11000000110000001100010011000100110001001100000011 00000011000100110001001100000011000000110001001100 00001100000011000000110000001100000011000000110001 00110001001100000011000100110001001100000011000100 11000000110001001100010011000000110000001100010011 00000011000100110000001100010011000100110000001100 00001100010011000000110000001100000011000100110001 00110000001100000011000000110000001100010011000000 11000100110001001100000011000100110001001100000011 00000011000000110000001100010011000000110000001100 00001100000011000000110000001100010011000100110000 00110001001100010011000100110001001100000011000100 11000100110001001100000011000100110001001100000011 00000011000100110001001100000011000000110001001100 00001100010011000000110001001100010011000100110000 00110000001100010011000000110000001100000011000100 11000000110001001100000011000100110000000011010000 1010(decode this twice!!)(BTW this does actually say something - decode it first and you get the binary and then again to get the meaage;))
I tried....I couldn't get anything that made sense, though. What does it say? all i could get was "Hello I am St-" :confused:
4 Jul 2003, 15:53
00110000001100010011000000110000001100010011000000 11000000110000001100000011000100110001001100000011 00000011000100110000001100010011000000110001001100 01001100000011000100110001001100000011000000110000 00110001001100010011000000110001001100010011000000 11000000110000001100010011000100110000001100010011 00010011000100110001001100000011000000110001001100 00001100010011000100110000001100000011000000110000 00110001001100000011000000110000001100000011000000 11000000110001001100000011000000110001001100000011 00000011000100110000001100000011000100110000001100 00001100000011000000110000001100000011000100110001 00110000001100000011000000110000001100010011000000 11000100110001001100000011000100110001001100000011 00010011000000110000001100010011000000110000001100 00001100000011000000110000001100010011000000110001 00110000001100000011000100110001001100000011000100 11000100110001001100000011000100110000001100000011 00000011000100110001001100000011000000110000001100 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11000000110000001100000011000000110000001100010011 00010011000100110001001100000011000000110001001100 00001100010011000100110000001100010011000100110001 00110001001100000011000100110001001100010011000000 11000100110000001100010011000000110000001100010011 00000011000000110000001100000011000000110000001100 01001100010011000000110000001100000011000000110001 00110000001100010011000100110001001100000011000000 11000100110000001100000011000100110001001100000011 00000011000100110000001100010011000000110000001100 01001100000011000000110000001100000011000000110000 00110001001100010011000000110000001100000011000000 11000100110000001100000011000100110000001100000011 00000011000000110000001100000011000100110001001100 01001100000011000100110001001100000011000000110001 00110001001100000011000000110001001100000011000100 11000000110001001100010011000100110000001100000011 00010011000000110000001100010011000100110001001100 01001100000011000000110001001100000011000000110001 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00001100010011000000110001001100000011000100110000 00110000001100010011000100110000001100010011000000 11000000110000001100000011000100110001001100000011 00000011000000110000001100010011000000110001001100 01001100000011000100110001001100010011000000110000 00110001001100010011000000110000001100010011000000 11000000110000001100010011000100110001001100000011 00000011000100110001001100000011000000110001001100 00001100000011000000110000001100000011000000110001 00110001001100000011000100110001001100000011000100 11000000110001001100010011000000110000001100010011 00000011000100110000001100010011000100110000001100 00001100010011000000110000001100000011000100110001 00110000001100000011000000110000001100010011000000 11000100110001001100000011000100110001001100000011 00000011000000110000001100010011000000110000001100 00001100000011000000110000001100010011000100110000 00110001001100010011000100110001001100000011000100 11000100110001001100000011000100110001001100000011 00000011000100110001001100000011000000110001001100 00001100010011000000110001001100010011000100110000 00110000001100010011000000110000001100000011000100 11000000110001001100000011000100110000000011010000 1010(decode this twice!!)(BTW this does actually say something - decode it first and you get the binary and then again to get the meaage;))
I tried....I couldn't get anything that made sense, though. What does it say? all i could get was "Hello I am St-" :confused:
All I could get was H1100000011000110000101LX11011000110000011L01110L0 01100 0011000H11000H110000000011000010001100011011000110 0010C000000SL011C000011000001100.D1100000000000110 0V011000101101111011100110000I10001011L00111001100 1LB011000000000001100011K0LD0110000000L01110010110 11100110.00110001I1000000000110001100
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
That makes sense.....:P
UnKnown X
4 Jul 2003, 15:57
Hello, I am Star Worms, if you can read this you are a very clever person *hands medal over*
4 Jul 2003, 15:58
Hello, I am Star Worms, if you can read this you are a very clever person *hands medal over*
The table I found on google didn't have lowercase letters....:(
4 Jul 2003, 21:18
But why does APJ have 2 accounts?
Andrew Paul James, maybe? Yeah, I think I remember somewhere that he prefers being called by his middle name.
And why not? Paul is a perfectly fine name. Just because we share our name with a religious propagandist and several Enid Blyton villains doesn't mean we're all bad...
Yeah, I saw that. That explains PJ, but what about A? Administrator, maybe?
I would say what the A means but I will probably ghet banned and I don't want to anyway ;)
5 Jul 2003, 13:53
mayeb it's just "a Paul James"
UnKnown X
5 Jul 2003, 15:28
5 Jul 2003, 16:24
Isn't he referred to as Paul because they have several Andys at Team17?
5 Jul 2003, 18:54
Isn't he referred to as Paul because they have several Andys at Team17? or maybe because there are many Andys in the forum?
UnKnown X
12 Jul 2003, 11:02
Star Worms
12 Jul 2003, 14:17
|/\|0|2|\/|5 3|)
Nostalgia Day is on this Friday! Put up your old avatars and sigs then.
[ note] Mice are druggies [/ note]
12 Jul 2003, 16:06
Weapons of Mass Distraction
12 Jul 2003, 16:08
well theres only one person who can truly solve this conundrum!
shame im talking a load of crap, or we might be getting somewhere
12 Jul 2003, 19:11
Stream of Unconsciousness
12 Jul 2003, 20:38
Mr. Potato Head
12 Jul 2003, 21:10
Weapons of Mass Distraction
Heh, that's a GOOD one...:)
Star Worms
12 Jul 2003, 21:14
can anyone tell me what's going on?!:eek:
12 Jul 2003, 21:16
just some WEAPONS OF MASS PRODUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!
Star Worms
12 Jul 2003, 21:19
Star Worms then:rolleyes: :p :eek:
12 Jul 2003, 21:26
\/\/3 P\/\/|\| Y()|_|
Star Worms
12 Jul 2003, 21:29
|\|()-()|\|3 ()\/\/|\|5 574|2 \/\/()|2/\/\5!!!1!!!11!!!11!111!
12 Jul 2003, 21:32
yes, i know who owns star worms.. you do! after all, it's YOUR user
12 Jul 2003, 21:36
|\|()-()|\|3 ()\/\/|\|5 574|2 \/\/()|2/\/\5!!!1!!!11!!!11!111! |\|0 |/\|4`/!!!!!!!111 3\/3|2`/1 0|/\||\|5 `/0|_|!!!!11
Star Worms
12 Jul 2003, 22:18
|\|()-()|\|3 ()\/\/|\|5 574|2 \/\/()|2/\/\5!!!1!!!11!!!11!111! |\|0 |/\|4`/!!!!!!!111 3\/3|2`/1 0|/\||\|5 `/0|_|!!!!11 |3|-| \/\/|2()/\/\ /\/\/-\5|2/-\ |-|/-\5 5|*()3|<3|\|!!111!1!!11!11!!
12 Jul 2003, 23:47
57F|_| \/\/|20|\/| |\/|4573|2:p
*rolls around in the dirt*
13 Jul 2003, 01:21
*tells zero that it's not actually dirt, and points an elephant that's walking a bit far away*:rolleyes:
*rolls in cyanide*
13 Jul 2003, 03:29
Quickly, everyone! To the summit of Mt. Wannahawkaloogie!
I'm on the way!
*Gets lost*
*ends up on Mars*
So this is why every time you say Zeeky Boogy Doog
*nuclear explosion*
13 Jul 2003, 04:03
mmm, my sister is watching a site called "zero skaterboards"(she is obsessed with skateboarding:rolleyes: )
quite a coincidence, huh?:p
one skate says "Zero or Die!"
UnKnown X
13 Jul 2003, 08:44
Hello-o! Is this Moe Szyzlak? Can you ask the pub if there is a Aym Stoopeed in there?
Hello-o! Is this Moe Szyzlak? Can you ask the pub if there is a Kikk May Bott in there?
Hello-o! Is this Moe Szyzlak? Can you ask the pub if there is a Hohoho Mary Krissmes in there?
13 Jul 2003, 14:22
UnKnown X
13 Jul 2003, 15:28
HEY! I showed you that one! I should introduce it to the forum! :mad: Ahh! That's better! :p
13 Jul 2003, 16:14
Quickly, everyone! To the summit of Mt. Wannahawkaloogie!
Dude, fish are friends, NOT food.
13 Jul 2003, 22:24
Well, as long as we're on the subject of Newgrounds, here's a very good Zelda parody ( :)
Also check out his other works, particularly "All Your Pie".
13 Jul 2003, 22:35
roflmao! that's a good one!:D
13 Jul 2003, 22:46
Mu-ha! 13,000th post!
*lightning flashes*
That can't be good...:-/
lol, I saw that too.
Left a review, too, but not a very thoughtful one.:p
lol..."Come, Ganny! *squeak!*"
Speaking of Ganny, on the credits page, click on him several times, and something different happens.
13 Jul 2003, 23:24
I've noticed something else -- the poster on the back of Ganondorf's bedroom wall seems to change every so often. Maybe there's a specific poster for each day of the week?
He did say in the description that a picture somewhere within the cartoon changed daily, I believe...
13 Jul 2003, 23:37
*fiddles with computer clock*
Hey, yeah... cool.
Stickman Bob sez:
Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, gulp. Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, gulp. Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, gulp. Slurp, gulp. Belch.
14 Jul 2003, 04:21
OWNAGE ETIQUETTE - By world-renowned leetologist, Dr. Slugsalot.
Whenever one has outsmarted, outclassed, disproven or championed a person online, one is said to have Owned them. This "Ownage" is not to be confused with mere "ownership" or "possession", but is more of a metaphorical superiority to the person who you have just beaten in some way. There is, however, an important procedure to follow when Owning someone, a procedure which has been crafted into a finely tuned art-form by generations of people from the ancient tribe of computer-users known as the "Leet Hack-Sores".
1: Recognition.
When you have just Owned somebody, not only is it essential that you notify them of this fact immediately, but you must also make the fact of your Ownage known to every other user who can bear witness to the Ownage. If the Ownage occurs in a web-forum, for example, it is good form to add a post consisting of "OWNED" (to inform the Owned person that they have been Owned by you) followed by many consecutive exclamation marks terminated by a string of 1's. It is not inappropriate to also post with your "OWNED!!!...111...1" any number of enormous JPEG images depicting humorously painful scenes on top of which another "OWNED!!!...111...1" has been added in a drawing program.
2: Cultural Sensitivity.
Not only is the internet used by people covering a wide variety of nationalities, but also of varying backgrounds of computer experience. Among the latter are the Leet Hack-Sores, or, as they call themselves in their quaint but sacred language, "1337 HA><()Rz". It is from this ancient people that we have obtained the art-form of Ownage, which dates back in their cultural history to the days when punch-cards and giant floppy disks roamed the earth while Hackers and BBS masters ruled cyberspace. For these people, conventional languages such as English or Indian or Czechoslovakian are somewhat unnatural and even mind-boggling, so it pays to also announce your Ownage victories in the traditional language of the Ownage ritual, namely "Leet Speak", using the term "OWNd" or "***d" instead of "OWNED", or even "1 ***z J00". Adding terms such as "ROFL" or "LOL" or "OMGROFLFMAOFLMAFOAMMFLORLRORORLOLOLOL!!!!!11" to your Ownage announcement is also very fitting with the Leet Hack-Sores' language, and may be used instead of posting pictures if you are using a chatroom. Please be respectful of the ancient traditions of the Leet Hack-Sores, who are a very wise and knowledgeable people, at one with the internet. It would be most insensitive to insult them, after all the persecution that they have faced from other peoples over the ages before computers finally became hip and trendy.
3: Reminder.
As a Master of Ownage (M. Ownz) it is your duty to keep reminding the subject of your Ownage of the fact that you have Owned them; this responsibility can be carried out in a variety of ways, including (but not limited to):
a) Quoting, in your forum signature, the entire conversation in which the Ownage occurred.
b) Typing "OWNED" (and Leet Speak variations thereof) for every second line of text that you type in a conversation of which said Owned person is partaking.
c) Changing your avatar to an (often animated) image that clearly depicts your Ownage.
d) Having the word "OWNED" tattooed across your forehead so that everywhere you go, everybody will know that you have Owned somebody.
This is only a rough guide to Ownage, but it outlines the basics needed to start you off in the wonderful world of "Owning the newbs". For a more detailed guide on this subtle and beautiful art, consult your local Leet Hack-Sore community. Good luck!
[subliminal message]rAAw Battery[/subliminal message]
Szeor stay uptoo late agin/.
UnKnown X
14 Jul 2003, 08:40
I have an idea that's to DIE FOR!!!
Da da da da da da dam, da da da da da da dam, da da da da da da dam, da, da, da, dam, da da da da da da dam, da da da da da da dam, da da da da da da dam, da, da, da, dam
More things you can do:
Click ganny anytime in the movie to make him squeek.
When it's finished, click on the guy to the left's shirt.
Near the start when Ganondorf plays with the animals, click on the window.
I can't figure out how this polka became so known by everyone. People in Russia know it, People in US know it. Is there a place where people don't know it. I can understand pupularity of some clasical music. Like Simphonie No 9, espetialy the "Ode to Joy" bit of it. But the Chiken Polka? I just can't wrap my mind arround it.
UnKnown X
14 Jul 2003, 11:01
When I was in a lower grade in school WE DANCED TO THAT FRICKIN CHICKEN POLKA!!!!!!!!
14 Jul 2003, 12:37
[subliminal message]rAAw Battery[/subliminal message]
Szeor stay uptoo late agin/.
UnKnown X
14 Jul 2003, 15:20
Sorry, I think I am drunk today, so I better get off this forum and relax a bit...
Worm Mad
14 Jul 2003, 15:41
In other news: 35% of walruses prefer nylon underwear.
In other news: 35% of walruses prefer nylon underwear.I KNEW it!
14 Jul 2003, 20:58
I KNEW it!
No u didn't!
And I just named one of my worms in my team Kamikaze "K^2"!
[subliminal message]rAAw Battery[/subliminal message]
Szeor stay uptoo late agin/.
r0x0r. Yes, my friend, it certainly does rock-sore.
14 Jul 2003, 22:44
So, someone did read their Ownage Ettiquette.;)
And I just named one of my worms in my team Kamikaze "K^2"!
UnKnown X
15 Jul 2003, 08:22
-.- ... --.- ..- .- .-. . -..
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-... . ... .. -.. . ...
-- .
--- --- .-. .-. .-.
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... ---
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..- ... .. -. --.
.--. .-. --- --. .-. .- --
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UnKnown X
15 Jul 2003, 08:53
.- .-. .
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-- --- .-. ... .
-.-. --- -.. .
--- .-.
-.. ---
-.-- --- ..-
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.. -
-- .- -. ..- .- .-.. -.--
Mostly manually, but sometimes when I forget a letter I check on a list I have.
UnKnown X
15 Jul 2003, 10:00
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Mwahahahahaha...this should confuse a few people
That = Congratulations!
For the record:
Large pills don't always go down jsut right, squeezing meat out of a plastic pouch is just a little scary, and stepping on a pin left in the middle of your dining room floor isn't much fun.
15 Jul 2003, 20:06
... and stepping on a pin left in the middle of your dining room floor isn't much fun.
Especially if you're bare-foot.
16 Jul 2003, 00:35
I started to learn morse code so I could talk to people in class by tapping a pen...:)
We used binary to tap messages in programming.
16 Jul 2003, 02:07
I started to learn morse code so I could talk to people in class by tapping a pen...:)
*flashes back to "Dexter Detention" episode*
I just spent an hour in the basement, but now I can connect to internet from almost any room in the house.
16 Jul 2003, 15:43
Look, I'm so cool I made two DJ tunes :eek:
16 Jul 2003, 21:36
LET'S DO THE CHICKEN DANCE!!! Is that anything to do with the Chicken song?
Throw... a... chicken in the air,
shove a deckchair up your nose,
fly a jumbo jet,
and then bury your clean clothes.
Paint your left knee green,
and extract your wisdom teeth,
form a string quartet
and pretend your name is Keith...
Quite a favourite of the Chuckle Brothers, if i remember correctly...
16 Jul 2003, 22:44
I'm getting varius programs for making stuff for Combat Flight Sim. My plan is to make an assortment of X-COM craft and UFOs. Then I'll use the campaign editor to make 2 campaigns, one where you fly X-COM craft and have to shoot down UFOs, and another where you play the aliens and shoot down humans. As the missions progress you'll get better technology. I'll even be able to make a mission where you fly to a base and land. Then in the next mission you run around shooting aliens! (in realtime:p) With a flight sim engine! I can make a "plane" that looks like a person, and the animation for taxiing (when planes drive on the ground) is the guy walking! I can set his max speed to less than that needed for takeoff so he can never take flight, (although that would be really funny!) so it'll be just like a shooter! Of course, there will be some bad things, such as the guy leaning when turning, but that's inevitable when using such an engine.
I don't think the model will lean for turning since it have not taken off yet. But what are you going to do with the jet flames. They would look... uhm... strange on a person, don't you think?
16 Jul 2003, 22:56
I don't think the model will lean for turning since it have not taken off yet. But what are you going to do with the jet flames. They would look... uhm... strange on a person, don't you think? There are no jet flames. All the normal planes use propellers. And I have seen custom planes without propellers. Actually a while back I downloaded a rocket plane that leaves a trail of smoke...:)
When you're taxiing you do lean slightly when you're turning, but I might be able to remove this effect.
There are no jet flames. All the normal planes use propellers. And I have seen custom planes without propellers. Actually a while back I downloaded a rocket plane that leaves a trail of smoke...:)
When you're taxiing you do lean slightly when you're turning, but I might be able to remove this effect.
Sorry, I did not read the name of the game carefully enough and did not realise that it was a WW2 Flight Sim.
16 Jul 2003, 23:12
Sorry, I did not read the name of the game carefully enough and did not realise that it was a WW2 Flight Sim. Actually the title doesn't say squat about it being a WWII flight sim...
Star Worms
16 Jul 2003, 23:15
PUT IT IN THE SOOO-OOOOUUUL OF EEEEEVERYOOOOONE! ooooooookkkkkkkkkk..........take your pills!!
Hey, it's a damn good song.:p
Was even better in Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, because it had that awesome intro.
17 Jul 2003, 02:32
I like... big... BUTTS and I cannot lie!
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And that round thing in your face...
Actually the title doesn't say squat about it being a WWII flight sim...
But I know the title, so I know it is a WWII sim, I just sort of skiped the name and moved on to "more important" details.
By the way. What about smoke? Damaged planes leave a trail of smoke, don't they? So wouldn't it look strange that the wonded enemys will leave one as well? Or can you disable it somehow?
Also, if the physics in the game is right, if you reduce the weight of planes-characters they should not tilt to sides as much when turning.
17 Jul 2003, 06:14
Actually the title doesn't say squat about it being a WWII flight sim...
But I know the title, so I know it is a WWII sim, I just sort of skiped the name and moved on to "more important" details.
By the way. What about smoke? Damaged planes leave a trail of smoke, don't they? So wouldn't it look strange that the wonded enemys will leave one as well? Or can you disable it somehow?
Also, if the physics in the game is right, if you reduce the weight of planes-characters they should not tilt to sides as much when turning. I forgot something! The AI doesn't fire at you when it's on the ground!:( It acts as if you aren't even there! It'd simply attempt to gain enough speed to take off!
Edit: Still, I'll make a flying person!:)
17 Jul 2003, 06:27
Hey, who stole my ranch dressing? The dingobabies! I'LL GET YOU, DINGOBABIES!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY RANCH DRESSING???
18 Jul 2003, 02:24
I had a CODE tag here with as many '.'s as it would allow which made the page alignment unbearable. Due to popular demand I replaced it with this.
Now it's just to see if UX follows suit...
18 Jul 2003, 02:34
Amazingly that post did not cause this thread to move to the top of the list. Also no 'New Post' icon* appeared, interesting.
This message most likely wasn't worth the endless scrolling - sorry!
*Edit: forgot to type it!
It took me almost a minute and 3 refreshes to figure out where the posts went. That was evil.
18 Jul 2003, 02:47
it took my a long time to find the posts, and then another long time to find the "post reply" window(where you type your post):o
18 Jul 2003, 02:51
lol I was just sitting here wondering why AOL was taking so long to load the page!:o
18 Jul 2003, 04:20
Congratulations, SomePerson. You have just officially destroyed this page of the thread.
*presents SomePerson with "most annoying wannabe l33ter award*
UnKnown X
18 Jul 2003, 07:11
I CAN MAKE IT LONGER THAN YOU SOMEPERSON!!!!!!!!!!111111 (see next p0st)
Well, it's only a few pixels longer, but I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
UnKnown X
18 Jul 2003, 07:13
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18 Jul 2003, 08:04
Congratulations, SomePerson. You have just officially destroyed this page of the thread.
*presents SomePerson with "most annoying wannabe l33ter award* Why, I don't know what to say!:D
If it's annoying I can always delete it, but getting UX to do the same may be a different matter...
UnKnown X
18 Jul 2003, 08:09
If it's annoying I can always delete it, but getting UX to do the same may be a different matter...
Yes, yes, you're so absolutely right... What kind of money are we talking about here? Tell me that and I may consider deleting the post...
18 Jul 2003, 09:04
Has anyone else noticed the new 'Country' section of the User Profile?
UnKnown X
18 Jul 2003, 09:08
Has anyone else noticed the new 'Country' section of the User Profile? Yeh, I think I saw that one a month ago...
18 Jul 2003, 15:20
this wouldn't have been so bad, except that the posts are on the middle of the page and the forum navigation is in the left side of the page, which makes it quite boring to move around. AND I HAVE A 1280x1024 RESOLUTION!!!
18 Jul 2003, 20:52
Has anyone else noticed the new 'Country' section of the User Profile? Yeh, I think I saw that one a month ago... I only saw it a few days ago.
This page of the thread is somewhat annoying, isn't it?
18 Jul 2003, 21:20
I've removed the code from my post.
19 Jul 2003, 00:53
let's spam to get to the other page!:p
19 Jul 2003, 00:58
but the reply window is still lost!
we need 21 more posts!:eek:
19 Jul 2003, 01:32
nice way to hide your spam, zero!
er... i like tacos
Edit: Damn! You screwed me up!:p
19 Jul 2003, 01:33
um... i still like tacos!
19 Jul 2003, 01:34
er... have you seen the new kirby cartoon in fox kids?
Yeah, I saw one episode. I liked it.
19 Jul 2003, 01:36
wonder if APJ would mind this.. meh, he's on vacations:p
19 Jul 2003, 01:37
19 Jul 2003, 01:38
*farts* oops, sorry
19 Jul 2003, 01:38
how much left?
19 Jul 2003, 01:39
5 more posts!(i guess)
And the answer, of course, is yes.
Edit: You screwed me up again! *bursts into flame*
19 Jul 2003, 01:40
19 Jul 2003, 01:41
i'm screwing master:cool:
19 Jul 2003, 01:42
the next one to post saves the day!
19 Jul 2003, 01:43
edit: now i can rest in peace knowing i did good to the human kind
*gets banned*
19 Jul 2003, 02:11
19 Jul 2003, 03:42
You think of her when you see spam?!:eek:;):rolleyes:
No, I think of her when somebody goes "Rar." She does that all the time.:p
19 Jul 2003, 06:16
I'm flying to Georgia tomorrow. There's internet there, but I most likely won't get a chance to use it tomorrow.
19 Jul 2003, 17:38
After that tidal wave of Spam, it's about time we got a reasonable topic to discuss for a couple of posts before ignoring (as in the original spirit of this thread).
So: SimCity 4. Discuss.
Sorry, had to spam our brains out to get rid of that irksome code tag. We did you a favor.:p
I know nothing about SimCity 4.:-/
19 Jul 2003, 22:48
Well, I can post here, but is costs money.:p
20 Jul 2003, 02:13
Sim City 4?
um... it sucks!
why? i'm tired of all that "sims" everywhere!!
*leaves the room*
*go buys sim city 4*:rolleyes:
20 Jul 2003, 06:05
*changes topic again*
Zero's name in Klingon is vagh Soch cha'. No idea what mine is.:p
Wow, thanks for helping me out with that.:p
20 Jul 2003, 18:54
*changes topic again*
Okay, it's back to the previous topic, but it still counts as a topic change...
I now have three cities with populations greater than 60,000, one city past 50,000, one city nearly at 50,000, one city greater than 30,000, and several smaller cities.
I have SimCity 3000 Unlimited. I'm pretty good at keeping people happy, but I'm really, really lousy at economics. I can't help but go broke.:-/
Edit: But I once got a metropolis on the SNES SimCity.:)
20 Jul 2003, 19:24
I have SimCity 3000 Unlimited. I'm pretty good at keeping people happy, but I'm really, really lousy at economics. I can't help but go broke.:-/Mmm. I could never make a profit in SC2K, and I only got one city ever to make a profit in SC3K (and that disappeared when I placed the College), but I'm doing pretty well at making profits in SC4 - and I'm keeping people reasonably happy.
For SC4, education is the key. Get that right, and everything else slots in pretty well (although you'll still need hospitals and fire stations and so on). Don't bother with police stations until the population reaches about 25,000; they can look after thenselves till then.
Coal power is usually best; it may be dirty, but it's ludicrously economical. Stick it in a corner away from everything else, and you'll do okay. If you're really bothered about the environment, use gas power.
And make sure you have lots of neighbour connections to boost your regional economy.
20 Jul 2003, 20:46
*changes topic*
soup is hot.:)
20 Jul 2003, 20:58
my favourite is chicken noodle.:)
20 Jul 2003, 22:38
**Changes subjust yet again**
I'm making a new avitar....exept that it's tedious.....I have to (want to) put a shirt with a nut on it on the worm.......Star know what i'm talking about....:-/
20 Jul 2003, 23:52
*changes topic*
i use diapers!!! er... i mean..
*changes topic again*
my computer sucks!
*changes topic again*
*changes topic again*
the first one to say "AYE" before the topic changes wins 3 million dollars!
*changes topic again*
21 Jul 2003, 02:16
*explodes topic ( *
Run away!!!!
21 Jul 2003, 02:23
*changes topic*
i need scissors!!!!!!!!!! 61!
*changes subject*
There's something in my eye!
21 Jul 2003, 02:28
*changes subject*
i like to play on delta force 2. does any1 else have that game?:)
21 Jul 2003, 04:05
*changes topic*
Soldat ( is actually kinda cool. Now you can have a rocket launcher as your secondary weapon.:cool:
*discovers that the foreign object in his eye is a black kitten*
21 Jul 2003, 20:54
I remember sitting in my house one afternoon, quietly reading, when I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look at it, and it was a black cat that had entered the house, as calm as you please. I jumped and said something along the lines of "What the-?" and it ran off out of the house.
The same cat attempted to enter the house (sometimes with success) several more times over the next few days. I think it finally got the message that we didn't want to adopt a cat...
We had a similar incident on holiday in Montgomery, although that time it was a tortoiseshell.
Weird, huh?
21 Jul 2003, 21:45
yeah, weird
*changes topic*
[insert a topic here]
21 Jul 2003, 22:30
[topic inserted]
How many times has this thread changed topic?
How many lines of text are on-topic?
If a post is on topic and posting off topic is on topic, how can I post a totally irrelevant topic and call it off topic whilst being completely on topic?
21 Jul 2003, 22:47
we're on topic!!!!!
21 Jul 2003, 23:00
we're on topic!!!!!
Hang on. If we're on-topic, that means we're off topic as the topic is off topic. But that means we're off topic, so we can't be on-topic, which means we can't be off topic, which *bang*.
*walks through guiding a fully-grown Metroid Prime on a leash*
Remember, Bobo, no slaughtering the masses today.
21 Jul 2003, 23:13
we're on topic!!!!!
Hang on. If we're on-topic, that means we're off topic as the topic is off topic. But that means we're off topic, so we can't be on-topic, which means we can't be off topic, which *bang*. Ah, you've just realised the true beauty of my creation...
(Well, to be honest, that was an afterthought. The original idea was to stop people who say "stay on topic" in their tracks.)
*notices another scene of flaming carnage and death*
BAD Bobo! *whacks it in the leg with a newspaper*
Good thing it can't actually feel this.
22 Jul 2003, 12:50
Online Pictionary (!!!
it's highly addictive and is available in all languages :D
22 Jul 2003, 20:42
Yeah, I found that a while ago. Beats the crap out of Shockwave's InkLink, I think.:cool:
23 Jul 2003, 06:07
he he!
Sailing: Does ne1 know how 2?
23 Jul 2003, 18:52
Kool! Wat do u really like about it?
24 Jul 2003, 00:20
Behold the magical JPG! It tells you your IP, your ISP, what OS and browser you're using, and gives you a random meaningless quote! (I've gotta figure out how to make one of these things...)
Is there really such a thing as a "good way to lose an eye?"
24 Jul 2003, 12:16
Behold the magical JPG! It tells you your IP, your ISP, what OS and browser you're using, and gives you a random meaningless quote! (I've gotta figure out how to make one of these things...) "You are! Your ISP is! You are running on Windows XP and using IE 6"
well, at least its right.
i think there's some kind of javascript that can edit images (like, add text to them or something). all u gotta know is where to get those values (ip, isp, os, browser) from.
24 Jul 2003, 12:34
Behold the magical JPG! It tells you your IP, your ISP, what OS and browser you're using, and gives you a random meaningless quote! (I've gotta figure out how to make one of these things...)
All right except apparently my ISP is ;)
Seen that before though, someone has that exact sig being used on CL2K.
24 Jul 2003, 13:31
Behold the magical JPG! It tells you your IP, your ISP, what OS and browser you're using, and gives you a random meaningless quote! (I've gotta figure out how to make one of these things...)
Sweet! Who made it? That has GOT to be more than a .PNG.....if a .PNG is a pic, that is.
24 Jul 2003, 15:14
Behold the magical JPG! It tells you your IP, your ISP, what OS and browser you're using, and gives you a random meaningless quote! (I've gotta figure out how to make one of these things...)
Sweet! Who made it? That has GOT to be more than a .PNG.....if a .PNG is a pic, that is.
Considering the url has a JPG it's a JPG. And yes a PNG (Portable Network Graphic) is a picture.
And no it's not just a plain .jpg
24 Jul 2003, 20:40
At least my quote wasn't meaningless:
There is no spoon.
24 Jul 2003, 21:27
Wat is your favourite film? I have many: The Matrix(and Reloaded), The Lord Of The Rings(both), Mystery Science Theatre 3000: The Movie, Mystery Men, Airplane, Hot Shots(both) and all old Star Wars films.
24 Jul 2003, 22:23
I have many, most of them fantasy & Sci-Fi films
24 Jul 2003, 23:22
Anything made by Pixar. ;)
25 Jul 2003, 00:16
Anything made by Pixar. ;)
Yes.....that would be true! I hear disney is going to have to fork over to renew their ends in '05! (Time magizine)
25 Jul 2003, 00:48
nah, j/k
matrix(the first one only, haven't seen reloaded, and i've heard its baaaaaaad), Lord of the Rings(both, and i'm pretty sure the third one too:p ), Bravehearth, The Hulk, and some others
25 Jul 2003, 00:51
The Hulk? They have this commercial for the stupidiest thing ever made...these plastic hard gloves that make "Hulk" roars when you smash them into something......whoever thinks that's stupid say "I"! I.....
25 Jul 2003, 00:55
The Hulk? They have this commercial for the stupidiest thing ever made...these plastic hard gloves that make "Hulk" roars when you smash them into something......whoever thinks that's stupid say "I"! I.....
but not as stupid as yugioh cards, and they are selling a lot...
25 Jul 2003, 00:59
The Hulk? They have this commercial for the stupidiest thing ever made...these plastic hard gloves that make "Hulk" roars when you smash them into something......whoever thinks that's stupid say "I"! I.....
but not as stupid as yugioh cards, and they are selling a lot...
I dono...I know this "cool" kid in my class.....he says Poke'mon is dumb and Yugioh is cool....a couple of days later Poke'mon is cool and Yugioh is dumb....that shows you why cool kids are strained....that's why i'm NOT cool! **Puts on goofy hat with red honky-clown-nose-thingie**
25 Jul 2003, 18:55
lol! where'd u get those? I WANT!!!
Pixar is kool!
Look! A FROG!!!
DISASTER! I'm almost out of peanut butter! I wonder if I should give the crackers a rest and get a sandwich while I still can...
Peanut butter can give you cancer. (THIS IS TRUE!)
Really? Wow.
I stopped eating anyway, since I think everything I've eaten in the past half-hour is still in the middle of my esophagus.
Esphogus is supposed to act as a natural pheromone (im not sure if I used the right word here) which means it supposed to produce certain sex hormones in your body so if you eat esophagus and then take Kyria into your room and you know...have...(lol) you will be more err...stimulated.
Uhh... the esophagus is the tube between your throat and your stomach, dude.
****...I thought you meant Esparagus. Well back into the box with my dictionary...
*looks at his collection of Overclocked Remixes*
*looks at his collection of Overclocked Remixes*
lol shouting that out to Kyria eh? ;)
Would you stop daydreaming about my love life?:p lol.
Ok Ok. Just wait till I get my own... where can I download one?
Ahhh yes 'Godzilla' by Feeder. I love this.
For dry, red eyes, Clear Eyes works best. *drip, drip* OMG TEH BRUNING!!!11!1
One question.
Have you done any comics recently?
Nope... I haven't been inspired... And uninspired comics are cruddy, humorless comics. Just look at The Day That Blew Up.
Yeah inperation is like a well. Err...
Ok something else.
Insperation is hard to come by these days.
Just an idea for you Zero. I said this a while ago. Put Kyria in your next one (sorry for mentioning her so much it's just you are cool and Kyria must be cool too) and maybe act her as Zero's lurve intrest. Proto worm gets jealous and uhh...
25 Jul 2003, 20:53
Anything made by Pixar. ;) Mike: Using mainly spoons, we dig a tunnel under the city, and release it into the wild...
Sully: Spoons.
It's just the deadpan way Sully says "Spoons". And the fact that they're going to use mainly spoons...
When does Finding Nemo come out in Britain? And, for the yanks who've already seen it, what's it like?
25 Jul 2003, 23:23
My hand's blue!
Monsters Inc. wasn't 2 bad...
But Shrek is still top o' the pile!
26 Jul 2003, 00:37
Anything made by Pixar. ;) Mike: Using mainly spoons, we dig a tunnel under the city, and release it into the wild...
Sully: Spoons.
It's just the deadpan way Sully says "Spoons". And the fact that they're going to use mainly spoons...
When does Finding Nemo come out in Britain? And, for the yanks who've already seen it, what's it like?
Finding Nemo... it's cool
i saw it already
quite nicely animated, with a good plot
I haven't been inspired...
then you're not an artist
and artist doesn't need to feel "inspired" to do art, inspiration is not suposed to come randomly, inspiration is suposed to be there, everytime, everywhere, that's what makes an artist a real artist
just ignore me, i'm having an art class in my preparative course to Graphic Design...
26 Jul 2003, 05:36
then you're not an artist Most artists don't have to come up with funny things for their art to say.:p onardo DeVinci.
26 Jul 2003, 12:16 onardo DeVinci.
No-one past or present can beat the likes of Leonardo, he was more than just an artist
26 Jul 2003, 14:07
Pickle. Who can offer any info on pickle?:p
According to my calculations any line that is straight (ie a shortest distance between two points) must be at a 45 degree angle. Any line at any other angle is not straight. I realise that this is a total BS and will continue looking for misscalculations.
26 Jul 2003, 20:15
then you're not an artist Most artists don't have to come up with funny things for their art to say.:p
then you're not an artist Most artists don't have to come up with funny things for their art to say.:p
He has a point. Please note i accidentally vewied this thread and will probably not veiw it again for another few months.
26 Jul 2003, 23:14
Is that cuz' it's pointless?
Anything made by Pixar. ;) Mike: Using mainly spoons, we dig a tunnel under the city, and release it into the wild...
Sully: Spoons.
It's just the deadpan way Sully says "Spoons". And the fact that they're going to use mainly spoons...
When does Finding Nemo come out in Britain? And, for the yanks who've already seen it, what's it like?
It's nice. Definitly worth some time. Although, I think it's funny how the rating peoplr (in the US) think that if there are cartoon charecters, it isn't as scary...I mean these fish are in loads of danger and they almost get eaten several times, and one does get eaten (That's important to one of the main charecters, that is)
27 Jul 2003, 00:57
i saw finging nemo.
the 3d animating was the greatest. i wish i could make stuff like that.:)
*changes topic*
im at my camp
27 Jul 2003, 04:07
Lashing out the action, returning the reaction
Weak are ripped and torn away
Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower
Battery is here to stay
Smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the Battery
Pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the Battery
Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me
Crushing all deceivers, mashing non-believers
never ending potency
Hungry violence seeker, feeding off the weaker
Breeding on insanity
Smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the Battery
Pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the Battery
Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me
Circle of Destruction, Hammer comes crushing
Powerhouse of energy
Whipping up a fury, Dominating flurry
We create the Battery
Smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the Battery
Pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the Battery
Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me
i saw finging nemo.I saw Finding Nemo. The animation was pretty good in that, too.;)
27 Jul 2003, 19:45
*changes topic*
icecream is a good dessert or a meal.
27 Jul 2003, 21:08 onardo DeVinci.
No-one past or present can beat the likes of Leonardo, he was more than just an artist Well, yeah, he was an inventor as well. And quite an athlete, too, so he was pretty much your stereotypical Rennaissance Man...
I don't like ice cream that much, although I'll eat it. Chocolate and Vanilla are my favourite ice creams.
I remember when I was at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth (sp?), I saw on a board "Brown Bread Ice Cream", which made my mind boggle a bit...
28 Jul 2003, 03:03
I don't like ice cream that much, although I'll eat it. Chocolate and Vanilla are my favourite ice creams.
i like blizzards from dairy queen also. cookie dough is best.:)
28 Jul 2003, 04:06
*changes topic again*
Penguins ( can be so cruel sometimes...:rolleyes:
You do, of course, realise that the seccond penguin, the one that pushes the first one, is a CG animation.
28 Jul 2003, 05:24
Perhaps so, but it's darn well done. The penguin that takes the plunge does so at such a speed that it doesn't look like he made the dive on his own......
You know, you take all the fun out of these things with your scientifical psychobabble.:p
28 Jul 2003, 14:08
My friend, Elijah is comin' over in about 15 minutes, I think. :D We're going to have a wormy tounament! (I have quite a few worminig years under my belt, and he doesn't. Though, I gave him a copy of W2 (from my worms triple pack, I got another one, the first worms game I ever got) and he might have gotten better. (I hope!)
29 Jul 2003, 01:36
k2 never answers when you talk to him in messenger:p
29 Jul 2003, 01:43
Wasn't he in that six-way chat we just had?:-/
29 Jul 2003, 01:47
Wasn't he in that six-way chat we just had?:-/ we?
29 Jul 2003, 01:58
Maybe not. (*scratches head*) PinkWorm... Zero... Sarge... um... who else?
MAN, my memory is bad.
No, he wasn't, but he did answer me one time. Apparently other people use his computer a lot. Why the hell they keep Messenger running under his name is an interesting issue, but...
By the way, it's about half-past midnight and I'm eating peanut-butter crackers.
29 Jul 2003, 07:26
And I'm drinking chocolate milkshakes.:p (All forms of chocolate contain some caffeine.)
29 Jul 2003, 13:49
Just in case your bored:
here (
29 Jul 2003, 17:56
cabbage soup and flashlight:)
29 Jul 2003, 23:38
No, he wasn't, but he did answer me one time. Apparently other people use his computer a lot. Why the hell they keep Messenger running under his name is an interesting issue, but...
even more interesting, why don't they reply saying "he's not here"or something?
30 Jul 2003, 00:24
Click Here (
30 Jul 2003, 01:08
oh no!
forum advertising!
I, man, am regal - A German am I!
Never odd or even
If I had a hi-fi!
Madam, I'm Adam
Too hot to hoot!
No lemons, no melon
Too bad I hid a boot!
Lisa Bonet ate no basil
Warsaw was raw
Was it a car, or a cat I saw?
Rise, to vote sir!
Do geese see God?
"Do nine men interpret?" "Nine men," I nod!
Rats live on no evil star!
Won't lovers revolt now?
Race fast, safe car!
Pa's a sap,
Ma is as selfless as I am,
May a moody baby doom a yam?
Ah, Satan sees Natasha!
No devil lived on!
Lonely Tylenol
not a banana baton!
No X in Nixon
O stone, be not so!
O Geronimo, no minor ego!
"Naomi," I moan,
A Toyota's a Toyota
A dog, a panic... In a pagoda!
Oh no Don Ho!
Nurse, I spy gypsies- Run!
Senile felines!
Now I see bees I won!
UFO tofu
We panic in a pew!
Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo!
God, a red nugget, a fat egg under a dog!
Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog!
30 Jul 2003, 14:25
oh no!
forum advertising!
Is not! It's just that nobody replied to it yet so i'd like someone to!
30 Jul 2003, 15:54
oh no!
forum advertising!
Is not! It's just that nobody replied to it yet so i'd like someone to!
ah, ok...
30 Jul 2003, 23:34
because I can't think of anything witty to say
31 Jul 2003, 14:10
Anybody like my new avitar?
31 Jul 2003, 16:03
The NeverEnding Stairs ;)
31 Jul 2003, 18:06
Yup. I had to optimize u see a dif in the graphics? Attached is original, optimized is my current avitar.
31 Jul 2003, 19:14
Damn it's hard to catch up on things when you're gone for a week and a half!:eek:
31 Jul 2003, 19:55
Damn it's hard to catch up on things when you're gone for a week and a half!
I've only been off a few days (I've discovered the joy of Sky Digital :-/), but a lot of stuff's piled up for me as well!
Must look at that new Discworld thread...
1 Aug 2003, 06:17
I've got it in my sig now, but for those of you who haven't noticed, check out -- it really defies description, but it's teriffic.:D
1 Aug 2003, 06:28
octopus aren't octopus... they are cats disguised as dogs... yes!
but that's not true! that's what they want you to believe!!
and dogs are sodas, and sodas are cats disguised as cats...
did you know... i have a basketball? they are weird, it never moves, it just stays there, in the floor... so lonely... *snif*
anyway, beñiojks... er... akardso... um... uh...
1 Aug 2003, 06:38
There's a rather fun game for the SNES called 'EVO'. (For evolution) You start as a fish and as you kill things you get evo. points. With your points you can evolve varius properties such as tail, mouth, body size and type, etc. I've never gotten past being a fish, but I think you eventually become a human.
*decides to put forth a grand finale before going to bed*
1 Aug 2003, 15:33
There's a rather fun game for the SNES called 'EVO'. (For evolution) You start as a fish and as you kill things you get evo. points. With your points you can evolve varius properties such as tail, mouth, body size and type, etc. I've never gotten past being a fish, but I think you eventually become a human.
i've played that game
it's quite good
you do become a human, but it's kinda harder to finish it as a human, since the final boss is quite hard to beat and the human has a very short range attack
still, you can save your creatures and use them in the future with some crystal, i don't remember which one
i wish they released EVO for GC...
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