View Full Version : Strategy / Weapons

  1. Sniper Rifle Glitch
  2. Icarus Potion:Useful Utility or Pointless Peritheral?
  3. Just so nobody pesters anyone on how to get the unlockables... How to get them.
  4. See this thread for help on missions, deathmatches, trophies and other unlockables
  5. Pointless but fun - Tweaked Weapons
  6. sticky bomb!
  7. Favourite Weapon of all Time
  8. What does this random thing do?
  9. other weapons
  10. how do i get the machin-gun?
  11. Help!!!
  12. Your custom weapons
  13. Concret Donkey etc...
  14. Fun Games on W4M
  15. Most Unrealistic Thing Ever In Worms
  16. Parachute ''trick''
  17. Blast Strenght
  18. A Cheat
  19. Firepunch Bug?
  20. Game Styles ?
  21. may be a stupid question: where do i get the machine gun: ...
  22. great game, questions
  23. My Game Lags ON A PS2!!!
  24. Playing Worms 4 (Xbox version) on the Xbox 360
  25. Who weapons do you have created on worms 4?
  26. manual placement
  27. Shotgun Sniping!
  28. could you actually make a reversion of armageddon?
  29. i have made a weapons guide for worms 4.
  30. my own weapons
  31. new weapons guide thanks to 'plazma'.
  32. can you customize your own landscapes?
  33. Ropestyle Worms 4 mayhem?
  34. Favourite weapon?
  35. insert Red Bull Weapon. How to
  36. post your weapons here!
  37. Anti-Donkey Shield
  38. What do you like most?
  39. Alien situation
  40. Tips and Tricks
  41. how do u tweak weapons for worms 4 mayhem
  42. how to get the 5 secret weapons
  43. more weapons
  44. Weapon List please
  45. Old woman problem!
  46. Please ansewer this quetion
  47. Como hacer el truco de la pocion de icaro
  48. Apocalipisis Weapon
  49. Old worms 2d weapons in mayhem??!!
  50. Helpful tips about trophies, challenges.
  51. Weapon factory tweaking
  52. team weapons question