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5 Mar 2009, 22:46
To be fair, this one hasn't crashed once since I threw an extra 512Mb RAM in it. And neither has my PowerBook, but that's just getting very old now. Had a few monitor issues, but solved that by buying a new one, which I also run off the laptop sometimes.

8 Mar 2009, 04:21
Well, I heard at one point last week that a good friend of mine's father was in a car wreck and hospitalized in pretty bad condition... And today I was woken up by a call in the early afternoon with the news that he has died. It's... pretty bad news. He was a better man than most. One of my last memories of him was when he got himself up at something like 6 or 7 in the morning to drive me to the high school for the SAT after my mom's car wouldn't start, and he did it without any kind of grumbling, either. Really genuinely great guy.

Needless to say, I'm pretty worried about this friend of mine, and about his mom and sister. I really can't imagine what they must be going through. Worst I've had to deal with was my cat last year, and that did a pretty good number on me.

The viewing is tomorrow, and I'll be there for that, which will also be a first for me. It's gonna suck. Funeral's on Monday morning, but I doubt I'll be making it to that... Work day and all that. We'll see what happens.

Suffice it to say... :( and stuff.

8 Mar 2009, 17:49
Ask for some compassionate leave, Justin. You won't get anything if you don't try. If you're worried about how his family will cope, that's natural, but it's likely they will come to terms with it. If you carry that attitude in your dealings with them, you will help support them.

Star Worms
8 Mar 2009, 20:16
Well, I heard at one point last week that a good friend of mine's father was in a car wreck and hospitalized in pretty bad condition... And today I was woken up by a call in the early afternoon with the news that he has died. It's... pretty bad news. He was a better man than most. One of my last memories of him was when he got himself up at something like 6 or 7 in the morning to drive me to the high school for the SAT after my mom's car wouldn't start, and he did it without any kind of grumbling, either. Really genuinely great guy.

Needless to say, I'm pretty worried about this friend of mine, and about his mom and sister. I really can't imagine what they must be going through. Worst I've had to deal with was my cat last year, and that did a pretty good number on me.

The viewing is tomorrow, and I'll be there for that, which will also be a first for me. It's gonna suck. Funeral's on Monday morning, but I doubt I'll be making it to that... Work day and all that. We'll see what happens.

Suffice it to say... :( and stuff.Just be there for him as a friend. It really means a lot. Suffice to say that it will probably really shake him up. It's not something you expect and when it happens your life is turned upside down.

8 Mar 2009, 21:12
Why is it that whenever I start seeing a girl, something dreadful happens to her within a week? Did I **** off some gypsies? I swear this has happened literally every time. I realise it's a small sample space, but nevertheless, this is getting silly. Still, this time it seems not to have broken the relationship, so keep pointing your sympathy glands at Zero.

Edit: It is important to note when reading this post that 'wank' does not filter.

9 Mar 2009, 00:05
The weekend cycle:
1. Excitement at potential lesson ideas.
2. Initial work
3. "Okay, I've done enough now, let's take a break"
4. Longer-than-necessary break
5. Come back, think "what?"
5a. Get hung up on something that has a 90% chance of being inconsequential.
6. Skive off to take mind off inability to comprehend work
7. Intermittent working/skiving
8. Hit a point where you realise you need all the time you have left and then some and go AARGH
9. Bright idea
10. Adrenaline-powered working on idea staves off tiredness
11. Adrenaline wears off, realise you've spent ages on one thing and there's still heaps to do, plus you're not even sure if your one bright idea is that great
12. Body calls in its cheques.
13. Want sleep, must work.
14. Give in to sleep.
15. Not ready for what it is you need to do.
16. Anger, depression from self, disappointment from mentors.
17. Plough through week somehow, getting lessons sorted the night before they're due, mixing stress with (at best) mediocre teaching.
18. Discuss next week's lessons with teachers.
19. Repeat.

9 Mar 2009, 00:06
I know that cycle pretty well.

9 Mar 2009, 01:02
Also, could someone please explain to me how I'm supposed to start the week well when first lesson on a Monday is the hardest thing to prepare for? (because I can't ask for advice on the weekend, and there's a massive rush to print off plans/worksheets in that little slot between arriving and the 9.30 staff meeting (why hold it on Monday, why?)).

Star Worms
9 Mar 2009, 01:20
My cycle seems to be the following:

1. Have a lie in: It's a weekend
2. Wake up around 10 or 11
3. Lie in bed until 2
4. Have a shower
5. Fill some time on the computer
6. Have lunch
7. Think about doing some work
8. Realise you'll be having dinner in a few hours, so it's not worthwhile starting.
9. Lay around until dinnertime
10. Lay around past dinner time
11. Have dinner at 8 or 9
12. Too tired to do work and it's too late anyway
13. Lay around for a few hours
14. Sleep
15. Repeat

Damnit why can't I just get work done?!

9 Mar 2009, 01:57
Today went a lot better than I thought, really... Just kind of a breeze-through-say-hi-offer-basic-support kind of deal, and my showing up was clearly appreciated. I haven't been as close to the family as I should have been for the past several years, because I'm bad at life and trying to keep up with my job means I've been unable to keep up with much of anything else. I still have my friend's current phone number, so I'll give him a buzz next weekend when things have settled down a bit and try to hook up and do some old-fashioned hanging out. The least I can do.

The man's passing may have been untimely, but I'd like to think that he had nothing to regret. Although he apparently just became a grandfather, totally under my radar. Aside from the obvious, the rest of the family is well, and there were no doubts that he loved and was loved by all of them.

I'm glad I could be there and offer whatever I could, though. Like I said, I could tell that they were glad to see me after all this time, despite the circumstances, and hopefully I'll be keeping them a bit closer now.

I won't be expected at the funeral or whatever; tomorrow will be a by-the-books sleep-and-then-work kind of day for me. Hooraayyy.

Alien King
10 Mar 2009, 17:47
I've just signed a cheque for £50 to pay a fine I picked up Sunday.
I was in town with some of my friends Saturday night, got quite drunk and was sick at mate's house. I'd parked my car at a pay and display car park with a ticket expiring at 7 am. I got there at 11 am. That night turned out to be quite expensive.

Also my Grandfather, who had a really bad stroke 12-15 years ago and has been on the verge of dying for a good while now, died last night. We'd been expecting it for a long time though.

Thursday I get to drive up to Bristol and back again and on Monday or Tuesday, I get to do the same with Durham - university open days.

Oh, and I've just been arguing with some fairly stupid people on the closest thing the college has to a forum.

11 Mar 2009, 18:13
My cat got run over and died today, at the age of 1 and 3/4. I was really attached to her :(.

It hasn't really sunk in properly yet though, I only found out half an hour ago.

I'm just glad I have plenty of pictures and memories of her. She was such a character.

Star Worms
11 Mar 2009, 18:50
Sorry to hear that, and so young too :(

11 Mar 2009, 19:31
My cat got run over and died today, at the age of 1 and 3/4. I was really attached to her :(.

It hasn't really sunk in properly yet though, I only found out half an hour ago.

I'm just glad I have plenty of pictures and memories of her. She was such a character.
nooooooooooooo :(

11 Mar 2009, 21:22
:( Bad luck, Muzer.

In other news, one of my two main USB sticks is deciding to be read-only for no readily apparent reason. And I accidentally left the other one at school.

Right, well, I really don't know how I'm supposed to plan my lessons tonight. Shame really, today's lessons went a bit better. I guess I'll try to cook something up.

(by the way, the senior mentor's assessing me last period tomorrow).

11 Mar 2009, 21:50
:( :( :( :( :(

12 Mar 2009, 01:51
And I accidentally left the other one at school.

I thought we already had the talk about leaving your stick in someone else's hole. :confused:

And wow, really sorry to hear that Muzer. :( I love cats.

As for myself, I have suddenly come down with very painful stomach...pains. On the plus side, it is probably just a bug passing through since the rest of my family had just been through something similar. On the down side, it still sucks. >.<


12 Mar 2009, 04:44
I also suffered from strong stomach aches all day. Also heavy diarrhea but you don't need to know that.

12 Mar 2009, 08:11
I'm really sorry about your cat, Muzer. :( As you said, though, at least you've got plenty of pictures.

Man... What's with all the death lately? :(

12 Mar 2009, 18:14
**** death.

12 Mar 2009, 22:48
Last summer I saw squirrel get run over by traffic just a few steps in front of me as it was crossing my path on the pavement.
It already made it past the first lane but then turned, tried to run back and got overun by a car.
It was a grisly sight when I saw the half-crushed squirrel as it was twitching after the first car, then getting mashed into a red, furry pulp after the second.

Last autumn I saw a man on a bicycle getting hit by a passing tramway train a few meters in front of me, falling down right next to the rails and getting dragged several meters by the tramway's underbody and turned around 180° degrees in the process. I really expected to see a crushed head.

13 Mar 2009, 05:41
Man, that really is terrible bonz.

Nobody should have to go without seeing a crushed head.

13 Mar 2009, 13:18
I really expected to see a crushed head.
Nobody should have to go without seeing a crushed head.
Huh? I meant that in a bad way, hence the sad smily.
Was a shocking rush of adrenaline.

15 Mar 2009, 21:31
Nobody should have to go without seeing a crushed head.

I approve of your sense of humour.

I ran over a possum last night. Not really a negative event because they're a pest in New Zealand, but still not nice. I swerved a bit but just caught his backside I think. The car behind me probably finished him off. :-/

16 Mar 2009, 18:35
Man, that really is terrible bonz.

Nobody should have to go without seeing a crushed head.

16 Mar 2009, 19:18
I once hit a pheasant. A car on the other side of the road had stopped with the pheasant looking at its grill, so I drove by expecting the pheasant to run away from my side of the road and to safety. Unfortunately it ran straight infront of my car and headbutted my right-hand headlight, smashing it into lots of little bits (the headlight, not the pheasant, whose head was securely planted between the headlight and the bonnet).

Interestingly, this post is probably more amusing if you remove the H from "pheasant" throughout.

16 Mar 2009, 19:33
I almost hit a policeman the other day. It wasn't a good scene.

16 Mar 2009, 19:39
I almost hit a policeman the other day. It wasn't a good scene.
No... I imagine that would have made quite a mess of your headlight.

Star Worms
16 Mar 2009, 21:46
Interestingly, this post is probably more amusing if you remove the H from "pheasant" throughout.I was actually about to suggest this...

17 Mar 2009, 07:54
Unfortunately it ran straight infront of my carYou basically described the wildlife of this entire State. Rabbits and deer seriously have nothing better to do with their lives except to hang around by the side of a road and meander nonchalantly in front of the first thing with headlights it sees. And then there are possums, which have no idea where the **** they are at any time at all, really. I've never seen a skunk waddle across the road personally, but evidently it happens a lot, because their carcasses can be smelled from half a mile.

Edit: Actually, a deer will meander nonchalantly, but a rabbit will actually hurl itself forward with all of its fuzzy little strength and aim for a wheel.

17 Mar 2009, 08:59
Sounds like Northumberland and it's kamikaze grouse. They're on the other side of the road, what do they do? Run into your side of the road too fast for you to do anything. But I suppose they're only bred to be shot, so natural selection never gets a chance.

18 Mar 2009, 07:59
I'm reminded of Ron White's theory that deer would be a lot easier to shoot if you slowed the bullet down to 55 mph and put a tiny pair of headlights on it. The thing would do everything in its power to get in front of the bullet.

18 Mar 2009, 21:07
I don't know why I keep getting into arguments with people on youtube. Maybe I miss all the idiocy I had to deal with at work when I worked as customer service...

So I basically burn this person who was being an idiot, calling him an idiot in the process, and then sarcastically complimenting him for being a clever person. He then responds to me asking why would I call him stupid and then clever at the same time. In response, I quote the definition of Sarcasm. He then replies saying that that doesn't answer anything. I reply, again, explaining that when I called him clever, I was being sarcastic, and that I posted the definition of sarcasm so that he would be able to comprehend what was going on. He then responds saying "That's no excuse for calling me stupid then clever"...

It is only out of pure morbid curiosity that I will once again reply to try and explain this to him...

18 Mar 2009, 23:50
Sarcarm is not idiot-compatible.

18 Mar 2009, 23:57
Sarcarm is not idiot-compatible.
Only when applied with a sledgehammer.

18 Mar 2009, 23:58
I don't know why I keep getting into arguments with people on youtube. Maybe I miss all the idiocy I had to deal with at work when I worked as customer service...

So I basically burn this person who was being an idiot, calling him an idiot in the process, and then sarcastically complimenting him for being a clever person. He then responds to me asking why would I call him stupid and then clever at the same time. In response, I quote the definition of Sarcasm. He then replies saying that that doesn't answer anything. I reply, again, explaining that when I called him clever, I was being sarcastic, and that I posted the definition of sarcasm so that he would be able to comprehend what was going on. He then responds saying "That's no excuse for calling me stupid then clever"...

It is only out of pure morbid curiosity that I will once again reply to try and explain this to him...
haha you comment on youtube videos

19 Mar 2009, 02:28
haha you comment on youtube videos

I actually have to agree with this. :p

19 Mar 2009, 04:27
haha you comment on youtube videos
I can't help myself.

19 Mar 2009, 09:37
I can't help myself.

Hey, I do too! There was a guy claiming that differentials were pointless so I had to correct him. Differentials are very sexy. If nothing else, they have that purpose.

19 Mar 2009, 10:42
Hey, I do too! There was a guy claiming that differentials were pointless so I had to correct him. Differentials are very sexy. If nothing else, they have that purpose.
Driving through curves wouldn't be possible without differentials.
At least not with rubber tyres. Horse carriages with their wooden wheels with metal rims simply slipped across the cobble-stone with the outer wheel.

19 Mar 2009, 19:32
Driving through curves wouldn't be possible without differentials.
He he, that reminds me of something my brother said in the car when he was tiny:

"Daddy, stop going round the corners, I can't get to sleep!"

20 Mar 2009, 17:09
You may remember about a year or so ago I engaged in a long rant about how Internet Explorer 7 sucked because it had broken my dad's professionally designed website. Yesterday I downloaded IE8RC1 and guess what... that's broken it too :D

Works fine in IE7 and below, IE8 compatibility mode, Firefox, Safari, Safari Mobile and Google Chrome. IE8, in traditional Microsoft form totally destroys it and renders the site useless :p

Queue one quick email to the designer to tell him he's got to redo it... again.

20 Mar 2009, 18:56
I make a point of not doing much work to make sites work on IE. Not really a viable corporate policy, but if people can't read my site because their browser is broken that's a problem they should be fixing.

20 Mar 2009, 18:59
I make a point of not doing much work to make sites work on IE. Not really a viable corporate policy, but if people can't read my site because their browser is broken that's a problem they should be fixing.
We get phonecalls moaning that people can't view our sites :p

20 Mar 2009, 19:45
I make a point of not doing much work to make sites work on IE. Not really a viable corporate policy, but if people can't read my site because their browser is broken that's a problem they should be fixing.
I encourage that, but the people who really get up my snout are the ones who go out of their way to ensure their site does not work in anything other than Firefox. That's just plain stupid. The funniest thing about it is this can be fixed with the "mask as Firefox" option, or at hardest, a simple User JS script, messing up their hours of hard work.

20 Mar 2009, 21:55
In fairness, it's still a Release Candidate... oh who am I kidding, it's not getting any better by the time Windows 7 is out.

At least we can just tell IE users (those that won't use anything else) to use "Compatibility mode" now. :p

20 Mar 2009, 22:58
Somehow I doubt MS are going to totally overhaul (ie steal Firefox or Safari's) the rendering engine between RC1 and 8.0.0...

Give it until about IE12 or IE13 and they will have finally got it right. By which time they will have around 0% market share of web browsers.

Star Worms
20 Mar 2009, 23:27
I'd like to see the EU take an even tougher stance with Microsoft. Their programs are utterly incompatible with the web. Their web browser should have to display sites correctly, or they should be forced to provide an alternative.

Maybe that seems a bit over the top, but something needs to be done. Microsoft will be forced on the issue too: it's not like they can say no and lose all customers in the whole of Europe. Half of designing a website is designing it. The other half is making it work in IE.

Excel is another incompatible program: Although you can export as a HTML file, it will only render correctly in IE. That goes against competition rulings in my view.

21 Mar 2009, 01:51
Through work I see councils around here that are still stuck on IE6 because they have applications which don't work on anything else. Nightmarish.

21 Mar 2009, 04:29
It'll probably take a while for IE6 to fade away. FF3 only beat it this month: http://blog.statcounter.com/2009/03/ff3-gains-ground-on-ie/

21 Mar 2009, 06:22
Somehow I doubt MS are going to totally overhaul (ie steal Firefox or Safari's) the rendering engine between RC1 and 8.0.0...

Give it until about IE12 or IE13 and they will have finally got it right. By which time they will have around 0% market share of web browsers.
the fact that they package ie with windows means that a sizable, technologically illiterate chunk of the population will always be using ie

it's funny; now that i think about it the first thing i do after a fresh windows install is download firefox

21 Mar 2009, 06:23
Somehow I doubt MS are going to totally overhaul (ie steal Firefox or Safari's) the rendering engine between RC1 and 8.0.0...

Give it until about IE12 or IE13 and they will have finally got it right. By which time they will have around 0% market share of web browsers.

By IE13, some time in 2031, I expect they'll have mastered web standards as they stand now. By that point there'll be a new Acid 9 test that will rate IE13 as 'a bit pants'.

21 Mar 2009, 10:24
the fact that they package ie with windows means that a sizable, technologically illiterate chunk of the population will always be using ie

it's funny; now that i think about it the first thing i do after a fresh windows install is download firefox
That was the first thing I did when I got my PC... even before I put antivirus software on it :p

I assume IE8 doesn't come anywhere near to passing Acid3...

And after a bit of Wikiing, I was right :D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid3 Worst score on the page (excluding mobile browsers, because they generally suck anyway). Mind you, IE7 didn't even meet Acid2

21 Mar 2009, 16:29
This is your browser on Acid:

21 Mar 2009, 17:53
On a similar note:
I feel (not for the first time) like sending Microsoft a bill for all the f*&$%ing wasted hours spent working around IE CSS bugs. Grrrrr!
http://twitter.com/TerrorBullGames/statuses/1366678502@TerrorBullGames Send one. They won't pay but you can post it on your website. It'd be good linkbait if nothing else.

...both ID numbers have 666 in them. Alert Vader.

23 Mar 2009, 02:54
i've always been impressed by webkit's standards compliance, and safari 4 is no exception:


the only flaw it had was one small magenta square in the upper right corner for a split-second as it counted up to 100

23 Mar 2009, 18:23
Opera 10 has it when it's out, which it isn't at the moment :(

Also, little known fact: Microsot's (lame) excuse for IE being broken, as well as Excel ouputting IE-only documents, is that IE and all other MS programs strictly speaking don't render/output HTML. They render/output MSHTML. The only way to ensure you have valid MSHTML is to save it with Word, Excel, FrontPage, or another MS product. I am not making this up.

23 Mar 2009, 20:34
If you love Opera so much, Muzer, why don't you marry it?

23 Mar 2009, 22:29
That thing is probably some kind of raw sewage container. Go ahead and rub your face all over it.


23 Mar 2009, 22:49
If you love Opera so much, Muzer, why don't you marry it?

What makes you think he hasn't already?

23 Mar 2009, 22:57
In fairness, it's still a Release Candidate... oh who am I kidding, it's not getting any better by the time Windows 7 is out.Oh wait apparently it's already out (IE8, not W7). I never thought I'd have to correct myself.

24 Mar 2009, 13:45
...both ID numbers have 666 in them. Alert Vader.

Also this weekend I randomly scored 66600 in Ballistic Trauma, the Overkill level.

Unfortunately this is the wrong thread in which to express my joy over such trivialities, so I'm going to pretend it upset me. :(

27 Mar 2009, 06:20
I'm gonna make a poll on BlameThePixel for this!

No prizes for guessing what's on the mind of BTP users. Sperm is winning the poll so far.

27 Mar 2009, 15:32
I found out today just HOW vulnerable I am to high pitched tones.

I've known for a while that I'm extraordinarily sensitive to high pitch tones. I don't know why but I just seem to be more affected by them than others. well yesterday my friend and coworker found an app for her iPhone that simulates a dog whistle. yesterday she was playing around with it and gave me a headache pretty bad. I felt a bit dizzy for a bit afterward but it basically just felt like a temporary migraine or something. today, however, she played it again in retribution for me taunting her about something (I'm honestly not sure what, but that's another story). after a few quick bursts of it I felt dizzy. the last time she hit it on a higher note than she had been and it nearly actually knocked me down as I was trying to walk away. the whole way driving home my head felt like it was swimming and I couldn't think quite straight. even now my thoughts are a tad fuzzy....

so yeah. aku + dog whistle = bad.

27 Mar 2009, 16:50
I found out today just HOW vulnerable I am to high pitched tones.

I've known for a while that I'm extraordinarily sensitive to high pitch tones. I don't know why but I just seem to be more affected by them than others. well yesterday my friend and coworker found an app for her iPhone that simulates a dog whistle. yesterday she was playing around with it and gave me a headache pretty bad. I felt a bit dizzy for a bit afterward but it basically just felt like a temporary migraine or something. today, however, she played it again in retribution for me taunting her about something (I'm honestly not sure what, but that's another story). after a few quick bursts of it I felt dizzy. the last time she hit it on a higher note than she had been and it nearly actually knocked me down as I was trying to walk away. the whole way driving home my head felt like it was swimming and I couldn't think quite straight. even now my thoughts are a tad fuzzy....

so yeah. aku + dog whistle = bad.

I too am quite sensitive to high frequency noises. But we should enjoy it while it lasts. Adults seem to lose their ability to hear these wonderful sounds.

27 Mar 2009, 17:14
There's a Mythbusters in which Adam plays around with those sort of frequencies and makes himself feel sick.

It might even be the Brown Note episode, come to think of it.

Mythbusters FTW.

27 Mar 2009, 17:46
Brown Note's the bass level that's s'posed to make you poo, isn't it?

ENJOY them, Xinos?

27 Mar 2009, 19:53
Do you hear bats at night? :eek:

27 Mar 2009, 20:34
I find it fun to play around with the tone generator in Audacity and see how high I can hear. I can only hear up to around 16 kHz, which means I'm old. :( But pitches above that which I cannot hear still seem to affect me - it feels like someone pressurized the room.

Star Worms
27 Mar 2009, 21:50
I found out today just HOW vulnerable I am to high pitched tones.

I've known for a while that I'm extraordinarily sensitive to high pitch tones. I don't know why but I just seem to be more affected by them than others. well yesterday my friend and coworker found an app for her iPhone that simulates a dog whistle. yesterday she was playing around with it and gave me a headache pretty bad. I felt a bit dizzy for a bit afterward but it basically just felt like a temporary migraine or something. today, however, she played it again in retribution for me taunting her about something (I'm honestly not sure what, but that's another story). after a few quick bursts of it I felt dizzy. the last time she hit it on a higher note than she had been and it nearly actually knocked me down as I was trying to walk away. the whole way driving home my head felt like it was swimming and I couldn't think quite straight. even now my thoughts are a tad fuzzy....

so yeah. aku + dog whistle = bad.Temporary migraine? Please tell me you're not one of those people who think it's just a bad headache...

28 Mar 2009, 00:11
Temporary migraine? Please tell me you're not one of those people who think it's just a bad headache...no, no. that's why this was comment worthy. sure, it WAS A headache sort of thing but it also had me feeling sort of exhausted and nauseated. it wasn't QUITE a migraine sort of thing but that's the closest I can compare it to, based on the one migraine I've had.

the sensation was sort of like being kicked in the nuts but in my brain instead. if that makes any sense to you.

28 Mar 2009, 02:09
Temporary migraine?

There's a difference between people who get recurring migraines without necessarily knowing why, and just a one-off migraine which you know the cause of. I get aura and sometimes numb fingers, and it's usually due to lack of sleep. The headache follows later if I don't take pain killers.

28 Mar 2009, 09:32
I get aura and sometimes numb fingers, and it's usually due to lack of sleep. The headache follows later if I don't take pain killers.
I get virtually all aura symptoms that there are, including scintillating scotoma, hearing and speaking disturbances, numb extremities (from the fingers up to the elbows, sometimes shoulders) and numbness in my face, including lips, teeth, tongue and even uvula, and nausea.

All this happens on one half of my body ususally starting with the scotoma followed by the numbness and then about 30 minutes later on the opposite side the pain begins.
After about 6 hours everything repeats, only vice versa.

500mg of mefenamic acid taken early on the first signs of aura seem to help me best recently.
Some years ago I tried a triptan product (zolmitriptan) but that had almost never any effect, least of all an analgetic one.

I mostly get it before the weekend and due to lack of sleep, but it can occur on any day and also with enough sleep.
I also suspect alcohol, especially beer, to be a trigger.

Do we need a migraine thread yet?

28 Mar 2009, 13:32
It seems there's a definition of aura I'm not familiar with. I thought it was an electromagnetic field emitted by an object, often portrayed as a glow around a human.

Can physical symptoms come of manipulating this field? If so, reiki et al has a scientifically provable mechanism by which to work.

28 Mar 2009, 15:33
I am **** at Chemistry.

28 Mar 2009, 21:23
By the looks of things, aura (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_(symptom))in terms of migraines has a proper definition, as it does with light (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_(optics)). Not much to do with what I think you're thinking of, Vader.

Star Worms
29 Mar 2009, 00:09
I get aura, but not quite like in the photo on that page. With me it's in the top left corner of my vision as a flashing multicoloured light. Mine's like a or b on this image: http://www.perret-optic.ch/optometrie/symptomes_diagnostiques/symptomes/symptomes_image/opto_migraine_ophtalmic.gif. The flashing doesn't spread with me though, it just flashes on and off. Shutting my eyes usually helps it 'flash off' more frequently than on. After that my vision goes blurry starting from the top left until I can't really see or focus. Then the headache and nausea comes on. Tried tablets but they just made me vomit. Eventually my vision clears up, but when it does I cannot focus on anything. For example, if watching the TV I would perhaps only be able to directly see one person's face. Outside of that acts a bit like peripheral vision. I haven't had them for a few years now but the headache and nausea is so unbearable as soon as I got one I'd just go to bed for the rest of the day. I usually don't get much sleep and usually have to run to the bathroom a couple of times, but it's better than being awake.

29 Mar 2009, 02:50
"Saliva collecting in the mouth."

Aww, I have that too. It's one of the bad ones actually, because often when trying to either swallow or spit I get heavily nauseous and often vomit.
And vomiting on an empty stomach is a very discomforting experience, because here it pumps some extra blood through your throbbing brain.

Hmm, I'd like to do poll about migraine and various forms of aura.
Perhaps we can gather enough statistic data to prove that people hanging around in front of computer monitors are more likely to be affected. :P

Star Worms
29 Mar 2009, 10:30

Aww, I have that too. It's one of the bad ones actually, because often when trying to either swallow or spit I get heavily nauseous and often vomit.
And vomiting on an empty stomach is a very discomforting experience, because here it pumps some extra blood through your throbbing brain.

Hmm, I'd like to do poll about migraine and various forms of aura.
Perhaps we can gather enough statistic data to prove that people hanging around in front of computer monitors are more likely to be affected. :P

I get that too, but I do that when I'm nauseous anyway, so I don't think it's due to the migraine.

30 Mar 2009, 21:26
Got a call to say the little office I've been working in burnt down. :o It was a kinda temporary thing like contractors use. There are others I can work in.

30 Mar 2009, 23:48
Got a call to say the little office I've been working in burnt down. :o It was a kinda temporary thing like contractor use. There are others I can work in.

This guy doesn't happen to work there does he?

1 Apr 2009, 06:25
They have deduced that the aforementioned fire was arson. Lots of attention on the last field worker to get fired.

I haven't actually been there, but someone took photos:


1 Apr 2009, 08:27
Man. I wish someone would burn my workplace down.

1 Apr 2009, 08:43
wow ut est nonnullus infigo strages

1 Apr 2009, 11:34
On a more serious note, I feel that I'm nearing a breaking point with this insufferable charade I call my job, and I desperately want, possibly more than ever before, to get the hell out. There just aren't other jobs. And I can't exactly just discard my income and coast on my savings when my old man and I are talking about getting a house sometime inside of a year from now.

So... trapped... under miserable, horrible job...

1 Apr 2009, 11:45
What is your job again?

1 Apr 2009, 12:18
By the looks of things, aura (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_(symptom))in terms of migraines has a proper definition, as it does with light (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_(optics)). Not much to do with what I think you're thinking of, Vader.

Well in that case, I get that, too.

When I have a migraine coming on my vision completely messes up. Most commonly the left third of my vision becomes... invisible. It's like the edges of what I can see join and what's betwixt is no longer there. It's a nightmare when you're trying to finalise a report for a big client and your manager is shouting at your to work faster and stop blinking at the screen like a retard.

1 Apr 2009, 14:52
I find the invisibility power-up effect in the old Doom games pretty much describes how the scintillating scotoma looks like for me.

Most of the time, that is. Sometimes it just looks like nebulous blurring effect from Photoshop.

Alien King
1 Apr 2009, 15:42
I find the invisibility power-up effect in the old Doom games pretty much describes how the scintillating scotoma looks like for me.

Most of the time, that is. Sometimes it just looks like nebulous blurring effect from Photoshop.

What? Your hands go transparant?
Do you mean the invulnerability powerup?

1 Apr 2009, 15:50
EGO had meus saeta incidere hodie. is nisus sursum quoque brevis mihi. EGO reputo EGO mos reperio a novus tonsor in posterus.

Alien King
1 Apr 2009, 16:09
Stop putting english sentences through a crap Latin translator. :p
It's odd when some of the words are actually English words that it couldn't translate.

I take it the haircut wasn't good.

1 Apr 2009, 17:17
Dear iratecorpse,
Your video may have content that is owned or licensed by WMG.
No action is required on your part; however, if you're interested in learning how this affects your video, please visit the Content ID Matches section of your account for more information.
- The YouTube Team

Yet I can find nothing on the site to say I shouldn't have had a musical soundtrack.

Anyway, I've emailed someone to ask permission to use said music.

In the meanwhile, you can see my video WITH THE MUSIC here (http://vader.wurmz.net/LEGO/Ballbot_music.wmv) but you probably have to download it and watch it from your desktop. It'll probably play in your browser; it doesn't in mine but my connection is gash.

1 Apr 2009, 19:00
The Ipred law is in affect as of today. :-/

1 Apr 2009, 20:34
What? Your hands go transparant?
No, it's what I see.
Do you mean the invulnerability powerup?
Yes, that.

2 Apr 2009, 01:08
Stop putting english sentences through a crap Latin translator. :p
It's odd when some of the words are actually English words that it couldn't translate.

I take it the haircut wasn't good.će te preferirati hrvatski?

2 Apr 2009, 08:36
What is your job again?I'm a machine operator in a factory full of idiots. I "operate" the machines by turning them on and getting angry when they screw up constantly for no apparent reason and force me to try to unscrew them up in such a fashion that everything coming down the line doesn't back up behind it and start stopping everything else, which would make other people angry at me, but now there's a lady in charge whose mission in life is to get angry at me no matter what, so hey. Well, not just me, really. I'm pretty sure she hates everybody, and in turn, is hated by everybody. It's swell!

This is why my job has ascended to a new summit of unbearability. After sinking 3 and a half years of my life and Bob knows how much of my sanity into this clown car of a factory, a new lady hobbles onto my shift and starts telling me I'm not good enough at it. I wonder what will give first.

3 Apr 2009, 00:20
Find a better job.

3 Apr 2009, 12:17
I've thought of that, actually. There ain't jack.

7 Apr 2009, 00:02
Surely there must be? Don't you have some sort of Job Centre over there? Anything else must be better than what you're doing now.

7 Apr 2009, 09:01
Iiiiiiidunno, I think even the temp agencies are having a hard time now -- I'd most likely just end up with a few days of work at a time here and there, at places like, and quite possibly even including, where I currently am.

My latest deviantart journal rant expands on this a bit, but basically I've decided that as long as I'm stuck in this situation, well, I might as well just try to change my outlook a little bit and at least stop being so miserable about it.

7 Apr 2009, 11:46
Don't you have some sort of Job Centre over there?

The JobCentre won't help you find a job, they'll just make sure you're looking for one and encourage you to aim very low.

Alien King
7 Apr 2009, 17:10
I had to have a haircut yesterday. Whilst the shorter hair is better than the mess I had before, it feels odd.

9 Apr 2009, 09:42
Had to?

Alien King
9 Apr 2009, 09:44
Had to?

Most definitly. For one thing, a mullet was starting to form.

10 Apr 2009, 13:01
Most definitly. For one thing, a mullet was starting to form.

Wait, if you leave your hair to grow does it naturally form a mullet? Mine doesn't do that. Mine sort of just forms long hair.

Edit: avatar notwithstanding.

10 Apr 2009, 17:17
Drunkeness led to one of my eyeballs having a line of red felt tip pen across it.


Alien King
10 Apr 2009, 20:46
Wait, if you leave your hair to grow does it naturally form a mullet? Mine doesn't do that. Mine sort of just forms long hair.

Edit: avatar notwithstanding.

Not too sure and I wasn't willing to find out.
'twas fairly messy though.

It's more that the hair right at the back went a bit further than the hair everywhere else, although it wasn't too bad.

11 Apr 2009, 21:58
Drunkeness led to one of my eyeballs having a line of red felt tip pen across it.

Across your pupil? :eek:

11 Apr 2009, 22:13
Just below it.

Alien King
11 Apr 2009, 22:36
Across your pupil? :eek:

Red-eye Vision!

12 Apr 2009, 03:41
Wait, if you leave your hair to grow does it naturally form a mullet?

Everyone's does. The hairs on the back of your head are closer to the ground, so in the grand scheme of things, that part of your hair appears longer. I had to get a trim for the same reason once!

Star Worms
12 Apr 2009, 12:17
I'm fairly sure if I let my hair grow it would automatically grow into an afro.

12 Apr 2009, 13:50
Drunkeness led to one of my eyeballs having a line of red felt tip pen across it.

are you, in fact, stupid?

12 Apr 2009, 15:37
I'm fairly sure if I let my hair grow it would automatically grow into an afro.

Afrullet !

12 Apr 2009, 15:53
Afrullet !never say that word again in your life :p

13 Apr 2009, 23:56
never say that word again in your life :p


Star Worms
14 Apr 2009, 00:40
Looks a bit like Matty! :p

15 Apr 2009, 01:35
Just a bit, aye.

Old pic.

21 Apr 2009, 02:40
I'm home sick today with something flu-like.

And absolutely trippin' right off my nuts on Robotussin. I can smell colors over here.

21 Apr 2009, 02:42
I see that is reflected in your avatar.

21 Apr 2009, 08:10
Also worthy of note is that that was supposed to go in Unsigned Events rather than Negative, so even with the name change, I still managed to confuse them. I think I'll blame the drugs, though.

21 Apr 2009, 09:44
I'm home sick today with something flu-like.

And absolutely trippin' right off my nuts on Robotussin. I can smell colors over here.Quick, what does blue smell like?

21 Apr 2009, 13:14
Quick, what does blue smell like?

My guess is urinal cakes or Wii message alerts.

21 Apr 2009, 15:00
Quick, what does blue smell like?
"What smells like blue?"
http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/6110/pic00658.jpg (http://img504.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pic00658.jpg)
http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/2305/pic00659.jpg (http://img183.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pic00659.jpg)

The answer: metal inside a microwave.

22 Apr 2009, 02:20
Quick, what does blue smell like?I dunno, the ambient color in here is more of a brown sort of thing, so that's drowning out all the blues I have.

22 Apr 2009, 11:13
Your room smells brown?

Are you sure you don't have the trots?

22 Apr 2009, 12:02
Why am I getting a Authentication Required box asking me for a Username and Password whenever I enter this thread? :-/

A username and password are being requested by http://www.gotfuturama.com. The site says: "Access for CGEF base directory restricted"

22 Apr 2009, 12:43
Because thomasp hotlinked to images in that site. He should have his mod rights revoked. :p

22 Apr 2009, 17:20
are you, in fact, stupid?

No. I was drunk. That does result in an increase in stupidity, but I didn't actually draw red pen on my eyeball, someone else did by accident.

22 Apr 2009, 17:26
Did they call you Winx for the rest of the evening?

Geddit? Huh? You get it but it's not funny? Well screw you, hippy!

22 Apr 2009, 17:37
Why am I getting a Authentication Required box asking me for a Username and Password whenever I enter this thread? :-/

Because thomasp hotlinked to images in that site.

Apologies. Problem has now been fixed.

He should have his mod rights revoked. :p

I have submitted my resignation to volc.

22 Apr 2009, 18:23
I have submitted my resignation to volc.

Just give yourself a few infraction points and we'll be golden again.

23 Apr 2009, 11:32
when am i going to be a mod anyway

23 Apr 2009, 11:40
when am i going to be a mod anywayWell you could always start riding a scooter.

23 Apr 2009, 15:43
when am i going to be a mod anywaythe day you pass me in post count :p

23 Apr 2009, 16:00
the day you pass me in post count :p
Oh god don't say that :p

23 Apr 2009, 21:56
Oh god don't say that :p
Interesting thread appeared in that useless links bar at the bottom:



EDIT: And why the hell did I quote thom ASP?

EDIT2: And why did I just call him thom ASP?

24 Apr 2009, 16:29
the day you pass me in post count :p
if they enabled postcounts in od, i just might

24 Apr 2009, 16:29
not really but i am a Highly Prolific Poster

24 Apr 2009, 18:07
Did they call you Winx for the rest of the evening?

Geddit? Huh? You get it but it's not funny? Well screw you, hippy!
Yes, I'm called by my forum name in real life.

25 Apr 2009, 20:26
I'm unemployed, I'm broke, and I can't even afford the money for a train to go and see my girlfriend. I feel generally sort-of worthless right now.

But hey, it's my birthday tomorrow.

25 Apr 2009, 20:32
I can empathise; I can barely afford the bus fare to the JobCentre and my girlfriend is at the other side of the country for the weekend so I'm all lonely.

C'mere, gimme a hug.

That's better.

25 Apr 2009, 22:11
Yes, I'm called by my forum name in real life.
well i sure am

26 Apr 2009, 00:57
I get called Vader by (o\|/s in real life.

26 Apr 2009, 16:23
I'm not.

26 Apr 2009, 17:10
That's because everyone calls you "sarcy *******" in real life. ;)

26 Apr 2009, 18:12
They do. Otherwise I cut them.

27 Apr 2009, 18:43
The Swansea Vale Railway closed a couple of years ago and I only just found out today :(


5 May 2009, 13:07
I just put Windows on my lovely new MacBook Pro :(

5 May 2009, 13:29
That's not negative, now it's useful! :p

5 May 2009, 13:48
It's useful, and I need it to do my final year project, but I really didn't want to have to contaminate a brand new Mac with that "filth" :p

5 May 2009, 21:19
Does W:A work on Mac?

5 May 2009, 21:31
No, but it'd probably work on Windows, seeing as my MacBook Pro has an nVidia chipset, rather than Intel like the previous ones. But I don't have time to play WA at the minute, and the CD is at home, and more's the point, I have no idea where!

5 May 2009, 21:32
Not as far as I know. There is probably a Mac version but if there is it most likely only supports the old PowerPC architecture, and it certainly cannot be updated.

5 May 2009, 21:34
Not as far as I know. There is probably a Mac version but if there is it most likely only supports the old PowerPC architecture, and it certainly cannot be updated.
Are you talking about W:A? If so, the answer is: No.

IIRC, there were only mac versions of W1, WB and W3D, and the former two only worked on PPC macs (the latter works on x86 macs with a patch)

5 May 2009, 22:44
Not as far as I know. There is probably a Mac version but if there is it most likely only supports the old PowerPC architecture, and it certainly cannot be updated.
WA was in development for Mac but got canned when Infogrames got bought out. The last version of Worms for mac was Worms 3D from Feral Interactive.

6 May 2009, 08:08
Same thing happened to the Amiga version of WA, oddly enough.

6 May 2009, 12:53
No, but it'd probably work on Windows, seeing as my MacBook Pro has an nVidia chipset, rather than Intel like the previous ones.

Then this is a positive event.

But I don't have time to play WA at the minute, and the CD is at home, and more's the point, I have no idea where!

You can buy it from the Team17 Shop. :)

6 May 2009, 13:12
Then this is a positive event.

Might look at installing it when I finish uni...

You can buy it from the Team17 Shop. :)

I know the CD's at home somewhere, I just don't know which huge pile of junk it's in!

6 May 2009, 13:43
I know the CD's at home somewhere, I just don't know which huge pile of junk it's in!yes, but it's all of $5 these days. really not that painful to rebuy :p

6 May 2009, 13:48
yes, but it's all of $5 these days. really not that painful to rebuy :p
It is when:

a. you're a student
b. It's £6, not $5
c. You've just spent £1200 on a new laptop :p

6 May 2009, 14:03
well, get to searchin then :p

6 May 2009, 14:07
It'll have to wait until I'm next at home, which will be end of June :p

6 May 2009, 14:40
Instead of buying food for tomorrow, buy W:A and go hungry for a few hours. Be a proper student!

6 May 2009, 14:44
I don't buy food during the week, I'm in catered accommodation :D

*Lazy student*

6 May 2009, 14:52
Well sell your dinner to someone who isn't catered for, then. Glod, do we have to think of everything for you?

Seriously, I bet there's a purchase you could forego to afford W:A.

Alien King
6 May 2009, 17:44
Instead of buying food for tomorrow, buy W:A and go hungry for a few hours. Be a proper student!

A proper student would accidently buy alcohol with the food money instead.

6 May 2009, 17:46
No. A proper student considers alcohol to be food. 1 meal = 5 pints of Guinness. Well, one 5 course meal, at least.

Alien King
6 May 2009, 18:10
No. A proper student considers alcohol to be food. 1 meal = 5 pints of Guinness. Well, one 5 course meal, at least.

Ah, touché.

6 May 2009, 20:54
But booze comes before games!
At least that's how we do it here.

19 May 2009, 06:44
today is my 2-year wedding anniversary. this year it comes included with 100% more failed relationship and world crumbling.


Star Worms
19 May 2009, 09:58
Solution to your problems (NSFW): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhwbxEfy7fg

19 May 2009, 10:08
Solution to your problems (NSFW): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhwbxEfy7fgwell that certainly put me in the black on my Viewed Idiocy quota for the month.

fairly amusing, though :p

19 May 2009, 21:09
My dad might be made redundant. Apparently it's either him or the woman he's been training up who has to go, and he'll find out on Wednesday.

It's terrible, not just because he's my dad but because he's good at his job, and he's trained tons of people in the company to be good at their jobs. And the whole thing will be decided on some silly "points" system and I'm worried that, because he speaks his mind and doesn't tolerant bull****, he'll be the one who goes.

19 May 2009, 21:13
I empathise totally with him.

I was good at my job. Everyone I trained up in my old job is still there. I don't take bull**** and I speak my mind. I was made redundant.

I really hope there's one resounding difference between us, that being him keeping his job. I wish him the very best of luck, not just because he's your dad but because it's nearly impossible to find a new job at the minute. Man... poor guy...

19 May 2009, 23:53
Solution to your problems (NSFW): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhwbxEfy7fg


Also NSFW I guess. And hugely off topic, so I apologize. :p

On the subject of loosing a job, I've been thinking of quitting mine due to several reasons. Getting a new job won't be easy tho, and if I find one it will probably be worse, so I'm still undecided.

Star Worms
20 May 2009, 00:05

Also NSFW I guess. And hugely off topic, so I apologize. :pAnd also not available in the UK.

Part of the reason for me going for a PhD was so I could avoid being unemployed for a few years. By the time I finish with that, things should be picking up again and I'll be more qualified.

20 May 2009, 00:09
Ah, that's a shame. There are other people who uploaded it but I don't know if they are all unavailable in the uk or not...

20 May 2009, 19:33
But booze comes before games!
At least that's how we do it here.

Booze comes before a fall.

21 May 2009, 12:20
Michelle and I have broken up. Not a lot, but just a bit. We've taken a step back from the boyfriend/girlfriend status to just being friends and lovers, because the long-distance relationship thing isn't working.

I wish I could say I was coping with it well.

21 May 2009, 13:07
Michelle and I have broken up. Not a lot, but just a bit. We've taken a step back from the boyfriend/girlfriend status to just being friends and lovers, because the long-distance relationship thing isn't working.

I wish I could say I was coping with it well.ouch. perhaps I could fly over there and we could wallow in self pity together some time. :cool: :-/

negative event for me: my cat gave birth to 5 kittens a month ago. last night 3 of them died of some sort of sickness...I actually watched the last of the 3 take his last breath...now at some point we've got to dig a hole to bury them.

22 May 2009, 10:26
My bank card seems to have gone missing.

No telling how far it's gone, but the possibility that somebody else is walking around with a $10,000 bit of plastic with my name on it is a little disconcerting. Guess I'm calling the bank as soon as they open.

I really haven't got a clue how or where I managed to lose it. The thing never left my wallet, and the wallet is always either in my room or in my jeans, so nobody had both the motive and opportunity to take it from on or near my person. I know I had it last Sunday, because I used the ATM. I doubt I left it there -- my dad was with me at the time, and he scrutinizes most of what I do, so he would have noticed. I've thoroughly checked my room and the car. The thing just up and vanished.

I just picked up the new Punch-Out, which is how I noticed the card's absence, but I'm hardly in the mood to try to enjoy anything right now. What a swift kick in the ass, like I needed another one of those.

Edit: Hokay, it's all good, except that I have proven myself a lot friggin' dumber than I thought -- I did, somehow, manage to leave the damn card in the ATM. Fortunately, the bank was the first to find it, and in observance of protocol, destroyed it 24 hours later. So all I had to do was show some ID, and they issued me a new card, which should show up sometime in the coming week. Whew. I can knock off all that seething-at-the-world stuff for another 20 minutes.

It's possible that this startled me into being a bit more responsible with my banking, though. I've signed up to be able to check my transaction history online, just in case, aaand it occurs to me that there is way too much freakin' money in my primary checking account and I need to get a slab of it moved to a more interest-collecting sort of place.

After I sleep for too long, I'm totally gonna play the hell out of Punch-Out without having all this cross my mind every 2 minutes, which won't be a negative event or occurrence at all.

22 May 2009, 21:13
Did you not notice the furious beeping of the ATM, begging you to remove your card from its slot?

23 May 2009, 08:27
Would any human alive have missed it if such a thing had happened?

Then again, I did forget somehow, didn't I. Yeah, you're right, maybe I am retarded. :)

23 May 2009, 15:54
Does every ATM do that? I think ours just flash. More handicap-accessible, I suppose.

23 May 2009, 16:02
I've known people withdraw cash and just leave it there in the slot. Nearly did it myself once, but I caught myself.

Everyone does dumb stuff like that. Appropriate response is gentle ribbing for a few days and then forget it.

23 May 2009, 18:10
Yeah, dumb crap like this is more or less par for the course in my case. :p

Alien King
23 May 2009, 19:05
I've known people withdraw cash and just leave it there in the slot. Nearly did it myself once, but I caught myself.

Everyone does dumb stuff like that. Appropriate response is gentle ribbing for a few days and then forget it.

I thought you had to take the car out before it would dispense the cash.
Or are the ATMs round here unique?

23 May 2009, 20:15
I thought you had to take the car out before it would dispense the cash.
Or are the ATMs round here unique?

Good point.

"Counting cash"

Fft fft fft fft fft fft fft fft fft


* removes card *


* removes cash *


23 May 2009, 21:00
I thought you had to take the car out before it would dispense the cash.
Or are the ATMs round here unique?
They must be. I have never in my life seen ATM's that can fit a car inside. :-/

Alien King
23 May 2009, 21:20
They must be. I have never in my life seen ATM's that can fit a car inside. :-/

Ah-ha! I knew there was something wrong with things down here!
Bloody Cornish, don't know nuthin'!

26 May 2009, 13:38
I have left €40.- in the ATM once after I took back the card. I was distracted due to talking to my friends.
Later I was really surprised when I wanted to buy popcorn at the movie theater and my wallet was empty. I ran back to the bank and the money was of course gone.

The next day I called the bank and the lady told me that the money will get pulled back in after 1 minute, in which case it will be transferred back to my account at the end of the month or whenever the ATM will get refilled/checked again.
I never saw those €40.- again, although I definitely was in the bank more than 1 minute with only my friends, so no one else could have taken it afterwards.

Another time I was in a hurry and left the money but the guy waiting in queue behind me called my attention after I have walked away from the ATM.

26 May 2009, 15:55
Well the nice little relationship I had with someone who seemed rather special is DEAD. ENDED. NO MORE. PUT A STOPPED TO. BROKEN. BANANA. OVER WITH.
It only lasted... like... what? A few months?
BEH. I really like her. She really likes me. But we're both putting an end to it cause it t'was going to fast annnnd it was just bad timing for her and I. She's got a lot to work on yet with herself, and I have stuff I need to focus on too.
We've tried to phase our relationship out slowly, but it NEVER worked. So we're doing the cold-turkey break off tactic, cause it's the only one left. :/
So my heart is in a nice little knot of pain and agony right now, and I kinda want to die. :)
But there is hope that we'll one day get back together...and if we were developing real love, the amount of time between now and then will really be nothing neither of us can handle. I'd rather not rush into a relationship based off anything less than actual love. Not infatuation. So if this survives the test of time, then we'll have something worth looking at.
I'll still see her probably like twice a week. Maybe sometimes more. Since we have practically all the same exact friends. But as far as talking to her and sort of pairing off with her, it's not going to happen. Not to say i wont speak to her, but just not for a long amount of time.

Auuuuuuuugh the feeling of being alone again is crushing my spirits. I've done and spent so much time with her and talking to her, I have this biiiiiiiiig void now... in which I can only think of her. It's just very frustrating to know you and someone could get together, but you just cant at the present time. And of course all these worries and fears of her just moving on to some other mooch comes to mind which also make me sick to think about... But whatever...
I hope everything goes well for her, she makes good choices, she doesnt screw up and do something completely stupid, and if she finds someone else and completely falls in love and him with her... that they have a happy and wonderful life together.

We both agreed to wait for eachother... but we'll see. You can't expect or want the other person to wait for you if they don't feel the same or want to be with you anymore. :/ That's just a fear... and that fear makes me want to jump the gun and run and hide so to speak - in that I shouldn't bother waiting cause whats to say she'll be at the end waiting and willing to pick up where we left off? So will I do that? No, I made a promise and I never try and break a promise. But am I myself making promises that I am not able to keep? I'm thinking so... It's like advertising a product that you can't sell cause you have nothing in stock to give.

Auuuuuuuugh life lesson learned. Quick love fades quickly. As of now, I really don't know what to do in terms of what direction I should point my heart in. After all, a lot of my problem now is that my feelings and emotions are just as strong or stronger than my thinking and what I know to be real. I'm not innocent here, I made the choice to keep pursuing the relationship while I knew I shouldn't cause it's just a bad time to do it.Whether I realized it or not... I should have known better. Not my fault I want a relationship more so than to breath.
So that's just the JEST of things going on in ONE area of my life. And it's really only scratching the surface of whats going on with us as well as everyone else involved. I could tell you all some serious stuff about so many other things going on.
So I've had a few say that I've ABANDONED everything online, so maybe this will give a little bit of INSIGHT to the matter of where and whats been up.

....Good lord I miss her.

26 May 2009, 16:04
geez. is this the month of utterly failed relationships or what?

anyone else want to join us in the wrist slashing? only 4 days left! act now before the offer expires and you TOO can be a depressed pile of dead love! :cool: :(

26 May 2009, 18:11
Could be... I'm pretty thoroughly single again. I didn't mention it because it happened fairly slowly and anyway I'm basically okay with it.

I thought you had to take the car out before it would dispense the cash.
Or are the ATMs round here unique?

Not two hours after I posted that, I had to give some guy his card back after he left it in the machine. He was topping up his phone, though, so no cash involved.

Star Worms
26 May 2009, 18:46
I'll join in the wrist slashing, but it's due to finals, not relationships. Thing is, I had half revised what came up on one of the questions but I hadn't revised it enough to answer it in any detail. Plus I only realised 3 minutes before the end I had missed a huge chunk out so had to frantically write it all down.

27 May 2009, 11:03
"yauhui is now following you on Twitter!" :(

27 May 2009, 16:00
"yauhui is now following you on Twitter!" :(
haha, owned. iirc pickleworm had yauhui follow him after setting up his twitter account, despite the fact that he hadn't given out the link to anybody

Star Worms
27 May 2009, 18:45
I'll join in the wrist slashing, but it's due to finals, not relationships. Thing is, I had half revised what came up on one of the questions but I hadn't revised it enough to answer it in any detail. Plus I only realised 3 minutes before the end I had missed a huge chunk out so had to frantically write it all down.And just as I thought it couldn't get worse, I get shafted by another exam! (and now have a headache and another exam tomorrow).

27 May 2009, 20:43
"yauhui is now following you on Twitter!" :(

I got that. I clicked on his profile and instead of following him, I spotted a link to Splapp's profile and followed that instead.

27 May 2009, 20:44
Follow the yellow brick Splapp.

28 May 2009, 00:32
In terms of wrist slashing, sorry to hear that Slick (woops, sorry)

I've decided that I'm just going to give up on a few girls I've been interested in. Sure, they are interested back, but I'm not sure if I actually want to be with anyone. The exams are coming soon, or are practically on my doorstep anyway, I don't want the fear of a relationship. Ah well.

28 May 2009, 01:16
It's Slick. :p

Wrist-slashing should probably not be joined upon, but I will say girls and love eventually add up to as much trouble as it was worth. Yet we keep going back for more. Funny old world.

28 May 2009, 03:02
It's Slick. :p

slick is the yauhui twitter, you mean? if so, lol

28 May 2009, 07:05
I understand what you feel Slick. Although I haven't been in that situation I know I would be rather paranoid that the other person was just using the separation argument to bail from the relationship.

I myself am in a rather deep hole where I don't really find any interest or motivation in doing anything, and it doesn't seem to bother me a all. Like I could either become a hobo or go out there and learn something new or do something interesting and I wouldn't care either way. I don't want anything anymore other than superfluous crap.

slick is the yauhui twitter, you mean? if so, lol
No, he was replying to Blinx.
Blinx said "Sorry to hear that Splapp" when it was actually Slick who posted.

28 May 2009, 08:40
No, he was replying to Blinx.
Blinx said "Sorry to hear that Splapp" when it was actually Slick who posted.

ah right, i read gud

29 May 2009, 23:12
I'm not sure if I actually want to be with anyone. The exams are coming soon, or are practically on my doorstep anyway, I don't want the fear of a relationship. Ah well.


No, really, it literally is.

Star Worms
29 May 2009, 23:40
I've decided that I'm just going to give up on a few girls I've been interested in. Sure, they are interested back, but I'm not sure if I actually want to be with anyone. The exams are coming soon, or are practically on my doorstep anyway, I don't want the fear of a relationship. Ah well.I pretty much did that. There's no way I would've been able to handle a relationship and my final exams.

30 May 2009, 13:34
If you're in a relationship with someone who loves you then you could've. They would've been there to support you, not to sap all your energy away.

Oh, wait... females are designed to sap away males' energy... pitiful humans.

1 Jun 2009, 21:35
Designed by who?

1 Jun 2009, 21:52
Designed by who?
Aliens... Shhhh!

1 Jun 2009, 23:12
We can all hear you.

Although, I'm pretty sure there are no females here anyway. With the possible exception of my hair.

2 Jun 2009, 04:19
We can all hear you.

You can hear text?

2 Jun 2009, 08:56
He uses text-to-speech. His hair gets in the way of his eyes too much.

2 Jun 2009, 19:39
I'd like to get into a relationship. I just don't know where all the smart, nice, pretty and most importantly available girls are. (Certainly not here!)
Whenever I meet someone I like she is either already taken or gets taken quickly. Oh well, there's nothing wrong with spending your entire life alone right? :p

Cue the emo bashing!

So anyway.. I have a horrible cold today as a result of a result of a window being left open when I went to bed, and the weather went from nice and hot to dreadfully wet and cold. I just hope it doesn't evolve into a fever tonight, because that would really suck.

Star Worms
8 Jun 2009, 02:06
Two BNP members elected (so far that is), including Nick Griffin by just a few thousand votes :(
Edit: Actually apparently by 1200 votes.

8 Jun 2009, 02:30
Two BNP members elected (so far that is), including Nick Griffin by just a few thousand votes :(
Edit: Actually apparently by 1200 votes.
ugh, talk about owned

8 Jun 2009, 12:28
Utterly disgusting. :(

There's a petition against the BNP. Not sure how much difference it can make but it's worth signing. I noticed the number jump by about 600 in about 10 minutes, although I don't know how accurate that is, of course. Go, go, go:


8 Jun 2009, 20:42
What would they achieve anyway?

8 Jun 2009, 20:44
Seats in the European Parliament is more than they deserve.

It's more about the principle than anything else.

9 Jun 2009, 09:05
stuffI've been looking at the wrong page all this time, and totally missed all that. :(

Iiii'm not really sure what I can offer in terms of advice... But the artwork is really amazing. :(

9 Jun 2009, 12:24
My recent date, which started with Blues & Jazz and ended with a chuffing Bible group, has me feeling a little despondent.

9 Jun 2009, 12:34
bible group!? yikes...

9 Jun 2009, 13:28
My recent date, which started with Blues & Jazz and ended with a chuffing Bible group, has me feeling a little cross.

There, I fixed your post for you.

9 Jun 2009, 14:17
There, I fixed your post for you.that pun HAS to be grounds for a crucifixion....

Star Worms
9 Jun 2009, 16:19
Utterly disgusting. :(

There's a petition against the BNP. Not sure how much difference it can make but it's worth signing. I noticed the number jump by about 600 in about 10 minutes, although I don't know how accurate that is, of course. Go, go, go:


Yay http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8091605.stm

9 Jun 2009, 17:17
According to that he suffered only a "glancing splattering" with egg. Shame. A glancing splattering with shot would have been better.

9 Jun 2009, 20:27
that pun HAS to be grounds for a crucifixion....

oh i see what you did there

9 Jun 2009, 20:44
Any more god-awful religious puns and I'm banning the lot of you :p

9 Jun 2009, 20:46
Any more god-awful religious puns and I'm banning the lot of you http://forum.team17.co.uk/images/newsmilies/tongue.gif
Was that pun intended as well? :p

Star Worms
9 Jun 2009, 21:06
Stop with all the puns, Jesus Christ!

9 Jun 2009, 21:47
What the devil's going on here?

9 Jun 2009, 21:48
I can't believe this.

10 Jun 2009, 19:54
Just stop it already, such puns will not be sanctioned here.

13 Jun 2009, 04:18
This girl isn't healthy for me. I swear. I think I'm either going to die from starvation, stomach cramps, sharp pains in chest (rarely happen though), this over whelming feeling of just wanting to die, or sheer frustration and heartache.
When around her, everything comes back like nothing ever went wrong. For both of us. Then she starts to enjoy herself to much around me and she just gets all ****y cause she feels like she can't.
To just be friends, ok... but tell the other person that your amazing and that they are super happy with you... but they don't want that a lot because right now it's a distraction sometimes and they get their feelings all stirred up again? How the hell am I suppose to control that?

Example. Tonight. Played tennis, and then went to go get new rackets. Had a great time... in the middle of tennis she is having a blast - she catches herself and gets mean with that "pfft whatever asshole, I don't care" attitude.
... So I get ****ted on for...? Ok whatever, moving on we do. So she gets in a better mood again and we go get rackets. Everything is good. We go to the mall and wonder around. Everything is good. (despite one thing I said that apparently got her upset aaaannnnnddd refused to tell me... It's like she WANTS to hold a grudge or something. Bleh, anyways... got over that when she told me.)
Go to Chipolte, on the way she takes my phone to take a picture of the sky. She keeps it and wouldn't say what she was doing, or what she did after we got back. She's being a complete butt about telling me. Then I find out she was looking through my text messages. ....ok, big deal. I don't care but it's kinda messed up. Allow me to explain.
She was in a good mood till she did that, and she got worse as I asked what she was doing. It's my phone and I have every right to know. I don't care that she did but there is no reason to be all secretive about it and act like your trying to hide something.
So I was a bit peeved. Whatever. She saw that and gets in an even WORSE attitude. So I'm upset cause she's being a ass, and shes just... being an complete butt head. With that stupid "whatever I don't care screw you" attitude.
...What the hell is going ON? I don't know. So I try to make it better and she refuses.
It's like... you offend me, and I try to make peace and you throw it in my face insultingly saying no? It's like I have to TRY and apologize for her crap that she's doing to me. So the ONLY and I mean the ONLY way I can convince her that I want to move on and get over it is doing the things she doesn't want me to say or do. That's IT. I can't win. So the walls come down and there you have it. Things seem fine and yeah... Oh how I bet she'll go to bed all ****ed off at me.

*shrugs* I don't know either.

She is really, like... on my last bit of patience. You don't treat your friends like that. LET ALONE someone you claim to 'love'.

The situation at which I stand is this. To keep my feelings for her and be myself and just not express myself to her. (which seems and is very likely impossible to not show it in some way) And have a good time and be happy.


Kill my feelings. Now killing them means they can never come back. When I kill my feelings for someone, that's it. It's over. I might respect you somewhat as a human being, but I'll really end up hating you and not giving a **** at all what happens.

There isn't any in between here. I'm an extremist and I can't just be a little bit here, and a little bit there. It's either option A or option B.

Option A: Do this because you sincerely love this person and despite stupid fights want to be with them and forgive and forget and move on with your life. This makes me feel good I'd say about 90% of the time with and without her around.

Option B: Do this because you're really trying to at least maintain a friendship, but the other person is holding back so much that it SEEMS like they don't give a crap. So this makes you miserable and feels like your getting beaten up all the time for doing NICE and THOUGHTFUL things for the other person. It's like giving a starving child some food and him kicking you in the throat. Well not that extreme but I'm just sick of getting dicked over for being a nice person and having a good time with her. I'm also sick of being the person who seems to always have to fix everything. If it wasn't fixed it would bother her, yeah... at least for a while... but I'm always the one it seems who has to try and make the first move.

As you can see I'm still in the bad negative mood. So of course option B is going to be more in depth.
This is just driving me crazy. I can't win. And I'm miserable if I TRY option B. Because I've already tried it. :/
I just seem to... need her in my life somehow... and can't move on.

I quit. I'm done. Game over. Time for bed.

13 Jun 2009, 09:08
This morning I didn't speak to Danny John-Jules.

This afternoon I became homeless.

This evening I became not-homeless-anymore.

13 Jun 2009, 14:19
yikes, slick. that's a rough one.

given what you're saying about the situation I'm absolutely for B. my reasons are entirely the going behind your back and treating you like **** in general. if she feels she can't even be honest enough with you to admit to looking through your texts, how is she going to be honest about anything else? similarly, if she treats you badly just because she's happy with you, then no matter what you do in life she's going to treat you badly.

sounds to me like a case of you being far more mature than she is. she obviously hasn't figured out how to live happily yet and she's taking it out on you. I'd say drop her like a bad habit....though perhaps I'm a cold heartless jack ass.

Star Worms
13 Jun 2009, 14:54
And hypothetically speaking: You two end up going out and she still continues to act like this. Could you put up with that? Go with B.

13 Jun 2009, 15:01
Sorry to hear about all that, Slick.

If I were you I'd go with option B. In fact, when I was going through a similar situation I went with option B and a short while later I found someone who treated me as well as I treated her. We've been a couple for 5 years (in July) and we look forward to another 75 together.

My point isn't that option B will lead you to true love but option A will certainly keep you away from true love.

If you love someone, set them free.
If you love someone but they treat you like ****, cut them off.

13 Jun 2009, 18:10
Nasty situation there Slick. I'd say go for B.
She sounds like she needs to get her head checked.

13 Jun 2009, 22:30
Fair enough guys, but she's holding back for actual reasons. And they aren't anything I can really go into depth with here. Just cause... it's personal in a way and yeah.
She would treat me good if those circumstances were not there. I truly believe that... But eh, it's a really really really over complicated mess.

I've decided to go with option C.

Option C is that I just be whatever. Whatever in the sense that I really don't take anything personal from her, and I don't do anything personal. I'll watch what I do around her, and say and stuff... but as far as worrying about everything, like she IS mine to begin with, is over.
I'm just not going to contribute anymore, and let it cool down into a somewhat normal friendship. If she gets mad at me or upset for being distant, that's on her.
So it's more like option B than A. Just in the way that I'm not killing anything, just going to let it die. I can't lie to myself for feelings and can't just say "screw you". It's not right to do to anyone.
Yeah I'm a bit more mature when it comes to some stuff, but I can't say this is all on her. I've been childish to keep going back and getting all wrapped up in this stuff. I'm done getting all wrapped up in the thought that after some things are taken care of, we could get together and be happy.
What happens, happens. Till then, what I wont let happen again is this. No more of this crap from her or from me. When the guard is down and we can see each other eye to eye... things just click back the way they were before any of this stuff happened.
So I'm sure if we'd want to get back with each other after a little time when some things are settled - we very well could. That'll be my small hope at the moment.
Till then that's all I want, desire, and will think about when it comes to this situation.
It'll make things easier on me and for her. And what kind of a person am I too allow or put someone I love though crap like this over and over again?
Let her do her thing. I'm going to do my own.

I'm really sleepy. lol... You may see me around here and there to take my mind of this. Even though I don't have any time to come here, it's better to get nothing done and be distracted than to try and do something only to fail because your waaaaay cought up into something.
Heck maybe do art or something. That's a channel to vent for me that I've missed a lot.
Thanks fo' the support. I need it lol... Nothing like feeling alone and worthless after trying to break it off with someone. Hurrrrraaaay.

Here is some other bad news. The Yu-Gi-Oh the abridged series has newer episodes and they suck.

She's calling me to vent right now. This ought to be fun... *shoots self*

13 Jun 2009, 22:41
well, glad you could find an in-between to work with. probably the best option if you can stick with it.

Alien King
14 Jun 2009, 18:40
I cannot see my desk under past papers and various notes.
I have three calculators, one of which doesn't really work at all, one has the top display lines blanked out and the last one I dislike using and only use it for stuff my other two cannot use.

I am not looking forward to my last Maths exam tomorrow afternoon, but I only need 8% ish to get an A overall. I'm most likely going to get more than that. Plus, I'm good at Maths in general.

I am not looking forward to my last Physics exam on Tuesday, having done minimal revision. However, I don't need much in that either and I can do Physics...

...whereas I cannot do Chemistry very well. I am woefully unprepared for my final two Chemistry exams on Thursday morning. I've grossly understimated the amount of stuff I'd forgotten and needed to learn for them. The only good thing is, I don't need an A in Chemistry to go to Uni.

Oh wait, I have STEP I and Physics AEA the week after too. But they really don't matter.

Edit: I've also drunk far too much tea...

14 Jun 2009, 19:18
Edit: I've also drunk far too much tea...

at least it's not alcohol, then you'd really be in trouble

Alien King
14 Jun 2009, 20:06
at least it's not alcohol, then you'd really be in trouble

Indeed. I recover very badly from hangovers.

15 Jun 2009, 22:31
Hangovers are pretty easily avoided, you just need to eat some food before you go to bed and drink as much water as your stomach can hold, and then some more.

16 Jun 2009, 00:04
Hangovers are pretty easily avoided, you just need to eat some food before you go to bed and drink as much water as your stomach can hold, and then some more.
Also, eat a magnesium tablet to avoid cramps and eat an aspirin against the pain.

Alien King
16 Jun 2009, 00:06
Hangovers are pretty easily avoided, you just need to eat some food before you go to bed and drink as much water as your stomach can hold, and then some more.

The dehydration I can cope with.
I've yet to find a reliable prevention for nausea.

16 Jun 2009, 13:38
A big cup of coffee and a glass or 7 of mango juice and soda water is good. The fructose in the mango helps boost your blood sugar levels while the soda water acts as an effervescent in you stomach. The coffee has lots of caffiene and will also stir up a big turd. Once you've taken a dump you'll feel 65% better and can face a bacon sandwich. Bacon is awesome.

16 Jun 2009, 14:14
Once you've taken a dump you'll feel 65% better
In the initial minutes after defecation, the placebo effect may even raise that feeling to 90% or more. :D