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14 Dec 2007, 21:06
We have several roundabouts near where I live i don't know what these americans are talking about

15 Dec 2007, 03:37
We have several roundabouts near where I live i don't know what these americans are talking about
probably because you live in hicksville usa. lol.

15 Dec 2007, 08:02
Man I had a bad day yesterday.
I went to sleep around 5 am, and I woke up about an hour later, because my.. um... balls hurt like I someone had just kicked them. The pain woulnd't go away so I consult google for info and learn about possible causes, and realize it could be something bad. So I went to a doctor, who referred me to a urologist, who tells me that the pain is normal, but still has me get another test and gives me some medicine for the pain (he also scolded me for not studying a career...)... so anyway I end up getting back at home around 2pm, and I hadn't slept all freaking night. So I decide to take a nap before work, but of course I couldn't get back up. So that's the second time I skip work this month.

Well at least the pain is gone now.

15 Dec 2007, 11:25
(he also scolded me for not studying a career...)That's just bizarre. One of the last things I would want to hear at a time like that. :p

I was going to say "the last," but, you know, cancer would probably be a little worse.

15 Dec 2007, 12:41
Yeah it was bizarre.
I think he has issues.

15 Dec 2007, 13:33
Fifthly, it's great fun to endlessly go around a roundabout until your passengers get sick. :D
You can hardly do that on an intersection.

Centrifugal force FTW!

15 Dec 2007, 14:39
I feel like *****ing about my co-worker here.

last night, me, my cousin, my friend who works at front desk, her co worker, her co worker's boyfriend and my co worker were all sitting around at the front desk talking random crap cause we had nothing better to do. no guests were coming up really, or the few times that they did they dealt with whatever issues they were having, or answered whatever questions or whatever the case was at the time. basically, work was getting done, we were just hanging out with friends in the process. this is something my boss normally condones since it keeps us awake on the grave shift. well, we were talking about random stuff when the subject of bars came up. my idiot co-worker told the new night shift girl (this was her second day) that she should go to "Krystal's" which is a club in the closest thing we have to a big city around here. she pointed out that it was a gay bar. he said that he knew that already, so she made the connection and asked if he was saying she was a "carpet eater". rather than dispute the claim, he simply replies "it's rug muncher". her and her boyfriend got ****ed off at this, and both wanted to tell him off, but for the sake of professionalism, they settled for a pointed "you do realize we're together right?" and then went on to ignore him for the rest of the night. well, apparently he didn't like being ignored or something, because he walks off about 10-15 minutes later. a few minutes after he walks off, a guest shows up asking for a valet attendant's help. since he was the valet on duty (I'm a bell hop, I just help out on valet when the valet is on break and such) the other front desk employee (the one he DIDN'T call gay) called him on the radio. he responded very rudely, and when she said a guest needed help, he said "I'm on break. get nathan to do it. he never does anything anyway". I got up to go help the guest, but in the process grabbed my radio and said "we didn't know you were on break" to which he responded with "cry me a river". so I go to help the guest with his car, and when I get back Security and Inspectors (the guys who make sure people are doing their job and make sure that guests aren't getting retarded. they help security and act sort of like feds for the casino :P) are swarming all over the place. after all was said and done, my co worker got sent home for the night. we assumed he was fired, what with a sexual harrassment charge and a job abandoment charge against him.

well, I showed up tonight and guess who I see working... my boss pulls me aside first to ask my side of the story and to explain more about the report I filed about the whole thing. I clarified a few points that weren't made clear in the report, and he accepted that. throughout the rest of the conversation and with a conversation with the shift supervisor a little bit later, I realize that my boss apparently blames the front desk employee for the entire thing, saying that she shouldn't have let the situation get out of hand. now no one is allowed to sit and talk with the front desk. the grave shift valet and bell are confined to our work area, and we're no longer allowed to take extended breaks when there's no one coming through the valet. basically, instead of firing the one idiot who's caused nothing but problems since he started (he's been here 3 months. he's already wrecked a brand new 07 Special Edition Chevy Silverado on the first day the owner had it, lost one of our bell carts because he was too inept to pay attention, and verbally assaulted his supervisors at least once a week every week he's been employed. now he has sexual harassment and job abandonment to add to that list), he stops me from being able to do anything but sit on my ass for 8 hours a night by myself with nothing to do but watch the walls to see if they learn any tricks. my co worker, btw, was also convicted of a felony this past monday (possession of drugs, and a possible charge of "with intent to sell" added to that once the actual court issues are resolved). he shouldn't be working at all, but despite horrible job performance, horrible attitude and a felony, he's getting favoritism from my boss.....

why the HELL am I being screwed because one idiot teenager who doesn't know how to act?! normally my boss is known for being a good manager, and getting things done around the place. now he pulls this bull**** and is trying to apparently get the front desk employee in trouble when she didn't do a thing, and completely ignoring a SERIOUS problem in the process.

15 Dec 2007, 15:35

please don't :(

holy hell, that sucks

you said you've already filed a formal sexual harassment complaint, but why not also get your coworkers (the ones that don't suck) to sign some sort of statement detailing why you feel that his performance isn't up to the level expected of an employee and how he is distracting everyone else from properly doing their job thanks to his incomptence

15 Dec 2007, 15:38
please don't :(
I'm sorry.
Sometimes I forget that the T17 forum is the last bastion where such things are not used.

15 Dec 2007, 15:44
I'm sorry.
Sometimes I forget that the T17 forum is the last bastion where such things are not used.
you'll get temp-banned on facepunch or somethingawful for doing so

15 Dec 2007, 18:26
he's already wrecked a brand new 07 Special Edition Chevy Silverado on the first day the owner had it

How the hell does someone do this and NOT get fired? Way to fail at performing the specific labor of your job, Aku's co-worker.

15 Dec 2007, 19:17
Way to fail at performing the specific labor of your job, Aku's co-worker.

Internet-specific sentence construction for the succeed!

15 Dec 2007, 23:28
Internet-specific sentence construction for the succeed!

I could've spent time improving that sentence, but then that time would have been wasted. :p

16 Dec 2007, 00:25
Nathan, can you speak to your boss and tell him your feelings?

16 Dec 2007, 02:16
Nathan, can you speak to your boss and tell him your feelings?
read the post

my boss pulls me aside first to ask my side of the story and to explain more about the report I filed about the whole thing. I clarified a few points that weren't made clear in the report, and he accepted that. throughout the rest of the conversation and with a conversation with the shift supervisor a little bit later, I realize that my boss apparently blames the front desk employee for the entire thing, saying that she shouldn't have let the situation get out of hand.

16 Dec 2007, 06:00
Just a little bit ago my macbook was making a weird beeping noise every couple minutes.
I did a search for it and it seems like it indicates harddrive failure.


16 Dec 2007, 07:12
Not exactly a Negative event, just continuity to my previous post. Took my test results to the urologist and it appears I have a really really small cyst that is totally nothing serious and totally not the cause of the pain. Other than that totally not serious stuff, everything is fine. :p

16 Dec 2007, 09:34
read the post

I mean his feelings about how the situation has been handled. I know he filed a report, that's how the situation was dealt with.

EDIT: I've had aching balls like that a couple of times. Once it lasted all night and prevented me from getting to sleep. It was uncomfortable. I went for a scan a few years ago and nothing appeared to be wrong (just a swelling in a tube, that's why I went in) so I didn't think it was very bad. It was weird, though. I'm circumsized, if that's of any use.

16 Dec 2007, 11:59
I don't see how you can wreck a car. Wasn't he just meant to park it? The maximum speed you're likely to reach in a car park isn't anything like enough to wreck a car. Scratch it, yes, dent it maybe, possibly if you're really mental you could crack the bumper or maybe even a light cluster, but to wreck the car just by incompetent parking I think you'd have to drive it off the side of a multistorey, or possibly park it in a breaker's yard by mistake.

16 Dec 2007, 12:59
There was an incident within the last year where some valet parkers at Gatwick Airport were joyriding cars for up to 100 miles or something like that - could easily write one off doing that.

16 Dec 2007, 13:04
There was an incident within the last year where some valet parkers at Gatwick Airport were joyriding cars for up to 100 miles or something like that - could easily write one off doing that.

Yeah, but that's not being crap at your job; that's just stealing cars. You don't get fired for that; you get sent to jail. Your employer doesn't get a say in it.

16 Dec 2007, 16:24
I don't see how you can wreck a car. Wasn't he just meant to park it? The maximum speed you're likely to reach in a car park isn't anything like enough to wreck a car. Scratch it, yes, dent it maybe, possibly if you're really mental you could crack the bumper or maybe even a light cluster, but to wreck the car just by incompetent parking I think you'd have to drive it off the side of a multistorey, or possibly park it in a breaker's yard by mistake.perhaps "wreck" wasn't the word to use. what he did was scratch the truck so hard as to cause a dent along the entire length of the scratch. I believe the total was something like $6,000 of damage if I heard right. not sure on that though.

but lemme show you a pic of the design of our valet:

as you can see it's a ridiculous angle to park a large vehicle at. granted, as you can also see it's not ridiculous to the point as to be exactly hard. in the history of our valet, we have had 3 people mess up vehicles. this is the ONLY one of those 3 that involves being so inept at driving as to not be able to make the turn. what he did was ram the side of the truck into the side of our keypad where we put in the passcode to open the gate to the valet. the problem wouldn't have happened if he'd simply put the truck in reverse and backed out when he noticed he'd bumped the keypad. at most he'd have put one tiny dot on the truck and no one would've noticed (yay valet :) ). thing is, he just kept going, so rather than being a tiny mark on the side of the door handle, he ran a 4-foot long gouge across the front door handle and along the entirety of the truck.....yeah.....

and as for talking to my boss, my shift supervisor I mentioned has apparently written up the idiot co worker in question, but my boss has gone back and shredded those write-ups before they were actually filed. apparently my boss has some preference for the idiot...so no, I can't just talk to him about it.

16 Dec 2007, 16:43
Does your boss have a boss?

17 Dec 2007, 01:23
Does your boss have a boss?yes, but I have no idea how to get in touch with him. luckily, my supervisors all do, and they're thinking on contacting him.

unfortunately, the entire place I work for is run by indians simply because they're indians rather than because they qualify for their jobs. most of the higher ups are completely inept and literally have never been trained to run a business, much less one so large.

17 Dec 2007, 20:03
My computer speakers just gave out. :(

[EDIT]Maybe not. A restart seemed to have fixed them... maybe.

17 Dec 2007, 20:48
As Zeor decided to give his Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector one last attempt, I discovered a software update was available and figured it'd probably benefit me if nothing else.

Six hours and a system restore later, I got it rolled back to the version I was using previously and I am never touching it again, ever. Christ. That thing's touchier than a rabid hyena standing on hot coals.

17 Dec 2007, 22:23
Mind you, you should be able to roll back drivers without a System Restore (Driver Properties).

Worm Mad's having trouble with his connector too. Shame. :(

18 Dec 2007, 07:30
I'm beyond trouble. I've given up on the damn thing.

I just wanted to play Animal Crossing online again. :(

18 Dec 2007, 14:01
How come it's so hard? What seem to be the issues that affect it?

18 Dec 2007, 15:23
the wifi adaptor is complete crap. my cousin has one as well and he gets similar issues. just get the ethernet cable adaptor. it actually works....assuming you can run a wire to your wii anyway.

18 Dec 2007, 19:12
i'm probably an idiot for asking this, but why not just use a normal wifi gateway from linksys or whatever?

18 Dec 2007, 19:30
Most people don't want to spend that much, or go for the cheaper option thinking everything will be OK.

18 Dec 2007, 19:40
the wifi adaptor is complete crap. my cousin has one as well and he gets similar issues. just get the ethernet cable adaptor. it actually works....assuming you can run a wire to your wii anyway.

Phwoar, I didn't know this existed

19 Dec 2007, 01:08
Phwoar, I didn't know this existedit's never advertised and never listed anywhere. I've seen it in nearly every store that sells wii stuff, but it's mostly off in some random corner barely displayed at all.


19 Dec 2007, 08:14
That doesn't look like my DS answer, but even so, for whenever I get a Wii... Shazam. Thanks for pointing that out.

19 Dec 2007, 12:53
Ehrm, you can get WLAN access points for €28.- or a WLAN router for €32.- here in Austria.
That's quite cheap and you can use them for laptops and home networking too.

19 Dec 2007, 13:58
I had a wireless router once. It died upon impact with gravel for some reason.

19 Dec 2007, 14:17
I had a wireless router once. It died upon impact with gravel for some reason.good reason....

19 Dec 2007, 14:50
We had a wireless router once. It didn't work very well, so we bought another one. That seems to work fine. And we push it to its limits.

19 Dec 2007, 16:17
We have a wireless router, though we only use its wired functionality. I hope it works fine if I ever get a Wii. Or I could just wire it to my computer either way, I got two LAN ports.

19 Dec 2007, 22:19
I had a wireless router once. It died upon impact with gravel for some reason.

How do those objects ever meet?

20 Dec 2007, 06:38
It certainly wasn't because I got so completely sick and tired and ****ed off at it that I actually took it outside in my rage and smashed it against my driveway, that's for sure. 'Cause I'm not like that.

21 Dec 2007, 13:05
My old cat George isn't well. I consider it likely that he could be leaving us.

21 Dec 2007, 22:55
*Start of Exams of 1st Year 1st Semester of College*

22 Dec 2007, 00:01
Well, George spent most or all of yesterday and the overnight and most of today holed up in the bathroom, just lying still for the most part, occasionally getting up to try to make himself more comfortable. Whenever he gets up and moves, he looks very... frail, like maybe he's just really stiff in his old joints these days. It certainly looks like his age is catching up with him fast, but maybe he just has a cold or something. He ate some, drank an asston of water, and just moved to his favorite seat in the living room a little while ago, so he's trying to be healthy, anyway. We can't get him to the vet until Thursday, but we can give him aspirin to see if that helps him move around a bit.

So basically, we're working on preparing ourselves for the worst, but aren't expecting it.

22 Dec 2007, 10:26
I'm boarding the train to Stockholm in less than four hours! Woooo!

Alien King
22 Dec 2007, 19:20
Spent most of the day trying to piece together my new PC.
I can't load an OS onto it. The floppy disk drive doesn't appear to work. The CD drive isn't working and I lack the correct cable for the DVD drive.

Ah well.

22 Dec 2007, 21:11
The floppy disk drive doesn't appear to work.
Plugged in the floppy cable in the correct port (floppy A, not B)?
Activated in BIOS?
The CD drive isn't working
Plugged in the cable in the respective port (IDE or SATA)?
Activated in BIOS?
If it's an IDE drive, have you set the jumper correctly?
I lack the correct cable for the DVD drive.
Why's that?
The motherboard should come with enough cables for at least each port.

Alien King
22 Dec 2007, 22:25
Plugged in the floppy cable in the correct port (floppy A, not B)?
Activated in BIOS?

Plugged in the cable in the respective port (IDE or SATA)?
Activated in BIOS?
If it's an IDE drive, have you set the jumper correctly?

Why's that?
The motherboard should come with enough cables for at least each port.

It's all plugged in correctly as far as I can tell. The BIOS reads fine and the jumper is correct.

The DVD drive is SATA and so is the HDD.

23 Dec 2007, 11:24
My last post was meant to be in Positve Events & Occurences :p

23 Dec 2007, 11:28
My last post was meant to be in Positve Events & Occurences :p

Ah, that explains it. :p

Star Worms
23 Dec 2007, 13:58
My last post was meant to be in Positve Events & Occurences :pI just read it and assumed it must be a sh!thole and then went to another thread :p

24 Dec 2007, 22:47
Floppy A or B, bonz?

Check the floppy cable is the right way up. Sometimes they can let you put it in upside down. You should be using the end with the little twist in the ribbon, in to the drive.

Alien King
24 Dec 2007, 22:58
Floppy A or B, bonz?

Check the floppy cable is the right way up. Sometimes they can let you put it in upside down. You should be using the end with the little twist in the ribbon, in to the drive.

It was all correct. It could just be that the drive is buggered anyway, it is quite old and hasn't been used in a good while.

In anycase, it all works now (bar the floppy drive that has been removed).

27 Dec 2007, 08:01
It is becoming increasingly apparent to me that regardless of how my life progresses from this point, I'm going to end up expiring of some deliberately self-inflicted cause before anything else. It could take one year or it could take forty, but that is the only way I see things ultimately panning out. Even in my worst pitfalls thus far I've always retained enough sanity and common sense to never seriously consider such a thing, but I can tell that sooner or later there's going to come a point, likely triggered by some semi-benign event at a meticulously placed inopportune moment, where I completely snap.

Excluding, of course, getting hit by a car. Or the holocaust. Both entirely feasible within this generation.

Or maybe I'll eventually get a job that doesn't make me want to kill everyone around me including myself, make some friends who don't smoke and drink until they puke and get thrown in jail for shoplifting, find a single redeeming trait in humanity that I may have overlooked, pick up a hobby besides video games I can actually invest some time in, and maybe one or two other things that don't honestly bear mentioning because I cannot imagine any breakdown post ever made in history has been made without them but;fkff;fj;kkdtud;akdkda;ddkl; LIKE ANY OF THAT'S EVER GOING TO HAPPEN

Go go gadget depression complex

27 Dec 2007, 14:38
I feel almost exactly the same way. Plus I would really hate being old.

On another note, my family(mom, sister, aunts, grandparents) have all pretty much gone to vacation, and they have left me their pets to take care off. (Well, me and my brother, but he's also leaving probably tomorrow on a road trip). That's 2 dogs. I hate dogs, they're too loud and needy.

So anyway, one of them is staying here. It's a small one, but it keeps barking at my cat. I was afraid how my cat would react, but so far he just stays away from the dog's reach doing nothing while the dog keeps barking like a lol. I think my cat actually enjoys loling him off.

The other one is staying at my aunts house, and I have to go all the way over there (about 5 blocks away :p) to feed it. That one's a larger dog (thus why I won't let it anywhere near my house) and it's hyperactive like hell. My aunt has a PS3 tho, so I might actually get to testing it while I'm over there. :p

27 Dec 2007, 16:47
I feel almost exactly the same way. Plus I would really hate being old.

no way, being old is going to rule, i'm going to be a cantankerous old geezer who yells at kids to get off my lawn

also i hate loud dogs, i extend my sympathies to you

27 Dec 2007, 22:49
no way, being old is going to rule, i'm going to be a cantankerous old geezer who yells at kids to get off my lawn

You'd just better stay off my lawn when you do. :mad:

28 Dec 2007, 10:31
Watch out, soon you will be older.

28 Dec 2007, 14:30
Wait a sec -- I'm older right now! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

28 Dec 2007, 15:15
I always find it funny how my parents try to convince me to finish college quickly by going "Just think, as soon as you finish it you'll be on your own, with a job, with taxes, with all the great responsibilities adults have!"

...I should just live as a flunkie.

Star Worms
28 Dec 2007, 16:49
I always find it funny how my parents try to convince me to finish college quickly by going "Just think, as soon as you finish it you'll be on your own, with a job, with taxes, with all the great responsibilities adults have!"

...I should just live as a flunkie.I have highlighted the negatives :p

28 Dec 2007, 18:40
I thought about that a few days ago.. I was watching TV with my family, enjoying having time off from school. When suddenly for no reason, I thought about having a job and I panicked. "Why in the hell would I want to have responsibilites and have people RELY on me to deliver stuff on time!? It'll be prison!"

Only a 10 second panic though, then I was back to longing for a job again ;D

29 Dec 2007, 12:39
I have highlighted the negatives :p

That's lucky. Some of us were struggling to find the humour there.

29 Dec 2007, 14:00
Turns out it meant nothing.


29 Dec 2007, 16:40
I assume you are referring to...
I need help.
I was being complimentary to a girl and I said she was beautfiul and I'd pull her if I could.
Which prompted her to say "hehe thanks *blush*"
Then I said, "Well I assume you don't reciprocate those feelings?"
Her : "I don't know"
Me : "I won't be offended or anything if you don't"
Her: "No seriously I don't know".

Now. In school. We hug quite alot. I can wrap my arms around her and rest my head on her shoulder and she'll touch my hand. She strokes my hair sometimes.

I'm confused.
She's come out of a big realtionship about a month ago. She lost her virginity to this guy, who happens to be one of my friends, he's moved on, and he treated her like crap for the duration.
So, either she's still attracted to him, and not over him.
I've been friends with her for a very long time, pretty close, we wen't out about two-three years ago, and it didn't work out because she left me for someone else. This was when we were thirteen, not proper relationships.
So, she might not see me in that way.
But, I doubt it, because she doesnt react in this manner to other guys...


And then she said this.

Gareth | Operator Please says:
I was wondering...you don't mind me like, hugging you and stuff do you?
Her says:
no not at all
Her says:
its nice
Gareth | Operator Please says:
Gareth | Operator Please says:
It's just that, well, no other guys do it to you. Well, or at least to that extent
Her says :
nah its fine
Her says:
its just like if tanya or kate does it

30 Dec 2007, 15:50

I also ended up kissing her at our end of year ball.

31 Dec 2007, 02:21
I also ended up kissing her at our end of year ball.

Just like if Tanya or Kate did it?


Oh, come on - everyone was thinking it.

31 Dec 2007, 13:01
No. We kissed on the lips.

Whatever. It doesn't matter anyway.

31 Dec 2007, 14:47
Just like if Tanya or Kate did it?


Oh, come on - everyone was thinking it.

This is true enough... Did you see when that post was originally made in Positive Events by mistake? My reply was "I assume since this is in "positive events" that you plan on a four-in-a-bed with her, Tanya and Kate, yes?".

The whole bit's been deleted now, though.

31 Dec 2007, 15:05
The whole bit's been deleted now, though.

That is a truly negative event. :(

31 Dec 2007, 17:08
This is true enough... Did you see when that post was originally made in Positive Events by mistake? My reply was "I assume since this is in "positive events" that you plan on a four-in-a-bed with her, Tanya and Kate, yes?".
awwwwwww yeah :cool:

31 Dec 2007, 17:39
Apparently I was born 20 years too late.

31 Dec 2007, 19:52
Apparently I was born 20 years too late.

...for what?

Star Worms
1 Jan 2008, 23:20
Apparently I was born 20 years too late.Wow, that's a long pregnancy;)

2 Jan 2008, 08:13
Gurgh... now my computer won't play videos. I mean videos from youtube play perfectly, probably because it uses flash? But whenever I open any other video (wmv, avi, whatever) it only plays the sound... happens the same on any program (wmp, mediaplayer classic, winamp...).

2 Jan 2008, 16:00
Gurgh... now my computer won't play videos. I mean videos from youtube play perfectly, probably because it uses flash? But whenever I open any other video (wmv, avi, whatever) it only plays the sound... happens the same on any program (wmp, mediaplayer classic, winamp...).
Obviously something is severely messed up with your codecs. The default ones I might add.
Windows re-install? :-/

2 Jan 2008, 21:16
I'd try installing a new codec pack first.

www.afterdawn.com probably has a few but I'm not sure.

2 Jan 2008, 21:24
When in doubt, use the K-Lite Codec Pack (http://www.free-codecs.com/download/K_Lite_Codec_Pack.htm)

2 Jan 2008, 22:25
When in doubt, use the K-Lite Codec Pack (http://www.free-codecs.com/download/K_Lite_Codec_Pack.htm)
defilerpak (http://hellninjacommando.com/defilerpak/) is also v. good

3 Jan 2008, 07:38
When in doubt, use the K-Lite Codec Pack (http://www.free-codecs.com/download/K_Lite_Codec_Pack.htm)
Done. Still same problem. Give up. Who needs video anyway, right? :mad:

Alien King
3 Jan 2008, 12:57
My new computer decided to break a few days ago. Tried inserting a second disc drive and the PSU broke.
Somehow, it took out the HDD too.

So now I'm back to my old one, which by comparison, is crap.

3 Jan 2008, 21:52
Or use vlc which doesn't need codecs.

4 Jan 2008, 02:14
Or use vlc which doesn't need codecs.
Didn't work.
Wait, it's not the graphics card... is it? I didn't test videos when I just installed it. :/

4 Jan 2008, 10:02
Didn't work.
Wait, it's not the graphics card... is it? I didn't test videos when I just installed it. :/
have you upgraded your drivers

4 Jan 2008, 22:22
have you upgraded your drivers
Yes. I'll probably do a test sometime later changing back to my older graphics card and see if I can see videos with that one. That way I'll know if it's the card or not.

5 Jan 2008, 08:44
Well, video is working now, for no apparent reason.
Anyway, I'm getting this error when playing steam games, sometimes causes a crash:
OS Paged Pool Memory Low!
Currently using 37566 pages (150264 Kb) of total 40960 pages (163840 Kb total)
Would upgrading my RAM help in this case? :-/

5 Jan 2008, 11:25
Would upgrading my RAM help in this case? :-/
How much do you have?

I've got a 2GHz single core CPU, 1GB RAM and a GF7900 with 128MB and I can run TF2 fluently at full specs with 4xAA and 4xfiltering. On WinXP that is.

5 Jan 2008, 14:13
Well, video is working now, for no apparent reason.
Anyway, I'm getting this error when playing steam games, sometimes causes a crash:
OS Paged Pool Memory Low!
Currently using 37566 pages (150264 Kb) of total 40960 pages (163840 Kb total)
Would upgrading my RAM help in this case? :-/that sounds like low memory of some kind, but I can't imagine what type of memory you could have that's only 163 MB, so I don't know what to tell you.

5 Jan 2008, 16:24
It might also be the page file (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_file). Check your hard disk space and your system settings.

5 Jan 2008, 17:12
That's a similar error to one a friend of mine had. One he couldn't resolve without changing his graphics card, unfortunatly, so let's hope it's not exactly the same problem.

There's a page on steam which explains paged pool memory (http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=150) (not quite the page I'd been looking for, but looks like it'll do), I'd not heard of it either until my friend had problems with source-engine games.

7 Jan 2008, 23:38
I'm getting really worried about Dad. He's working far too hard in his job because he's the only person in the company qualified to do it, and he's having to work absurd hours to get it all done. He only finished working tonight about half an hour ago.

7 Jan 2008, 23:54
Why are you worried?

8 Jan 2008, 00:07
Well, it's not exactly good for his mental health.

8 Jan 2008, 02:48
Well, it's not exactly good for his mental health.
my dad does that every few months and he seems to be doing all right, i wouldn't worry about it if i were you

Star Worms
8 Jan 2008, 08:58
Is he getting extra pay for it? Overdoing oneself is not a good idea...

8 Jan 2008, 18:26
Is he getting extra pay for it? Overdoing oneself is not a good idea...

Not really, no. He fills it in on his timesheets, but nothing ever gets done about it.

9 Jan 2008, 04:00
cnn just called nh for hillary

fuccckk **** fuuuckckkck ***ckkckc fufuufufuuckckck fufkckc

9 Jan 2008, 04:28
So, I hear you guys don't like Hillary.

9 Jan 2008, 06:28
cnn just called nh for hillary

fuccckk **** fuuuckckkck ***ckkckc fufuufufuuckckck fufkckceVERYBODY WHO LIVES IN THAT STATE IS GAY

9 Jan 2008, 09:12
That's a similar error to one a friend of mine had. One he couldn't resolve without changing his graphics card, unfortunatly, so let's hope it's not exactly the same problem.

There's a page on steam which explains paged pool memory (http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=150) (not quite the page I'd been looking for, but looks like it'll do), I'd not heard of it either until my friend had problems with source-engine games.
I'm probably gonna have to change the graphics card again anyway, it seems like it's having the exact same problem the previous one had, only takes longer for it to happen.
With the first one I got, it kept glitching and would crash the game in about 5-10 seconds. With the replacement one I can play all of portal without issues, but I can only play about one third of Ep1 and it will crash. It happens a lot more in GTA:SA if I move around too much.
It seems to be something about the memory of the card not refreshing itself or something of the like, because it seems to happen only when a lot of new information needs to be handled. For example, Portal isn't very complex I guess and repeats a lot of textures and materials, that's probably why I can play it all in one shot, but GTA:SA is a whole diferent thing. When running GTA I can go about my bussiness all I want and nothing happens, until I move from one location to another.
For instance, with the first card I got, GTA would glitch a lot and would crash only if I moved for about 6 blocks distance... but with the replacement card they gave me, it only crashes if I move from say, San Fierro to Mount Chiliad. Probably because having to load all the new textures and/or models.
Well that's my theory anyway, I could be extremely wrong tho.

9 Jan 2008, 12:01
I'm not sure what I did...

I opened up my computer to put in a new HD. well the connectors for the HD that I snagged from my wife's computer didn't fit, so I put the HD back in its box and plugged the computer back in. I go to turn it on and nothing happens. I open it back up and make sure everything's connected right. didnt' work....I continue checking and rechecking everything from ALL the molex connectors, to the motherboard wires for the power button and such. I've got a faint light on the front of the case, so the case IS getting power, which means the power supply still has juice. now I've checked a million times to ensure everything's plugged in to the point that I unplugged EVERYTHING and plugged everything back up and then triple checked those connections to ensure I didn't miss anything.

there's still no response to me pressing the power button, and I can't figure out why for the life of me. I've even checked to make sure I didn't unplug the power cable going to the outlet...I'm lost here...

9 Jan 2008, 16:23
A bit crazy but there could always be a lose connection in the power button itself.

When I'm putting a PC together I usually just use a screwdriver to connect the two power connecters on the motherboard, to make sure everything works before putting the case back together. You could always give that a go... just to remove the possibility.

9 Jan 2008, 18:35
cnn just called nh for hillary

fuccckk **** fuuuckckkck ***ckkckc fufuufufuuckckck fufkckc

She's not so bad, is she?

Personally I find it hard to care at this stage -- every state, one democrat and one republican wins. And since all democrats (at least, all the ones with a chance) are basically fine and all republicans are mental far-right wingnut fundamentalists, I can't being myself to care about individual candidates as long as a democrat wins.

Personally I hope Obama wins it, but there are far worse choices than Clinton.

Star Worms
9 Jan 2008, 18:42
The one thing I like is that with the Obama - Clinton thing is that the Republicans don't get much of a mention. Whoever is elected as leader, Obama or Clinton, I hope those supporting the other person will still vote Democrat.

9 Jan 2008, 19:15
I think that's pretty safe.

9 Jan 2008, 19:51
but there are far worse choices than Clinton.

Like Bush? ;)


9 Jan 2008, 20:22

Try what Cyclaws suggested first. If that fails then...

Watch carefully. When you press the power button, does the CPU fan spin around a little bit?

Where is this light coming from? Your PSU may be giving off power but not entirely where it's needed. You will have to borrow someone else's PSU and try it in your machine. You can also get little PSU testers that tell you whether each set of voltage wires is working. When a PSU is 'turned off' it only supplies a little bit of power to the mainboard (5V I believe) for registration of the soft start (triggered by closing the two ON pins). Any decorative case lights are powered by a Molex connector. Indicative panel lights like power, hard disk activity and sleep mode will only work when the PC is having/doing/in those. The faint light you see may be the power indication LED on the mainboard.

If you try to turn on a machine and it doesn't turn on or it beeps at you, then either it's the PSU, motherboard or CPU. If it's anything else then you'll either get an error message or beeping, if you have a system speaker in the case. It could be a coincidence or you have brought on something's impending death sooner. I did it with my bro's PSU not long ago after cleaning the case out. Oh, and also, some devices can cause weird problems which prevent the PC from turning on. For example, for some reason a certain kind of modem prevented an ECS K7S5A from powering up, because of some kind of PCI bus power loop check. You might have accidentally short circuited something or introduced some static electricity somewhere. Try temporarily removing some cards.

EDIT: Oh, and if you accidentally cause some short-circuiting on external USB ports your PC can refuse to come on. I had a situation once where a lady's kids had messed up the front USB ports which seemed to have caused the PSU to blow. I imagine that happening isn't as likely in more modern PSUs.

10 Jan 2008, 04:26
well, I've just tried cyclaws' suggestion of pulling everything but the MB and PSU out and it was the same result. my next attempt will be to switch out the power supply from my computer to my wife's computer and visa versa (sp?). hopefully that has some results. good or bad at least I'd have results.

10 Jan 2008, 06:01
its you, your gay

10 Jan 2008, 17:03
its you, your gay

And people ask why this forum is dying ;)

10 Jan 2008, 19:36
She's not so bad, is she?

Personally I find it hard to care at this stage -- every state, one democrat and one republican wins. And since all democrats (at least, all the ones with a chance) are basically fine and all republicans are mental far-right wingnut fundamentalists, I can't being myself to care about individual candidates as long as a democrat wins.

Personally I hope Obama wins it, but there are far worse choices than Clinton.

No she's really not, I've just been looking at it more of a sports game than the primaries

I really don't like her personality especially compared to Obama's, and a lot of people hate her and I'm worried that if she gets the nomination it would split the democratic party and I really really really really don't want a republican in the office, but that aside no she's really not that bad

I really dislike her when she says things like

Clinton, the former first lady, reflected on her memorable moment of emotion the day before she gained her New Hampshire victory. "Maybe I have liberated us to actually let women be human beings in public," she said.

this though, especially when Obama is so mature about everything

10 Jan 2008, 20:42
Hehehe! :D
I just watched The Simpsons episode "E pluribus Wiggum" (S19E10) today.

Ralphie for president! ;)

11 Jan 2008, 01:01
No she's really not, I've just been looking at it more of a sports game than the primaries

I really don't like her personality especially compared to Obama's, and a lot of people hate her and I'm worried that if she gets the nomination it would split the democratic party and I really really really really don't want a republican in the office, but that aside no she's really not that bad

Yes, the main thing is to keep the republicans out of office, and if possible out of the public eye and ideally take away their votes. I know some people will think that anti-freedom somehow, but nuts to that, those guys are ****ing mental.

I really dislike her when she says things like ... this though, especially when Obama is so mature about everything

Yeah, the sane choices for the next president (and to be fair, the only likely candidates as I understand it) are a black man and a woman -- there's never been a rule against either, but whichever wins will **** off a lot of nutters. (If a republican was to win, then he'd be the nutter and he'd **** off women and black people, so it all works out. Kind of.) And Obama seems to be classily not calling attention to it. Which is good. Presidents should be classy.

Personally, I think Aaron Sorkin should stand for president.

11 Jan 2008, 01:01
Clinton, the former first lady, reflected on her memorable moment of emotion the day before she gained her New Hampshire victory. "Maybe I have liberated us to actually let women be human beings in public," she said.

She seriously said that? Sigh.
Yes, thank goodness you've shown everyone that woman can fall victim to their emotions in order to gain sympathy. Way to break the stereotype!

She didn't actually cry, either. It was choking up, at most.
She's probably just joking about how ridiculously overblown the whole thing was, but still...

Star Worms
11 Jan 2008, 11:50
My newly bought graphics card is acting up. I was just on it this morning and firstly the screen stayed black, so I restarted, and then it loaded up fine. Then after about 5 minutes the screen went pink, so I turned it off.

I should've known that nothing going wrong was too good to be true :rolleyes:

11 Jan 2008, 23:25
I didn't bother mentioning that you will probably need enhanced cooling in your case because I didn't expect you to upgrade your PC.

Star Worms
12 Jan 2008, 00:22
Well I have the side of the PC off anyway so cooling shouldn't really be a problem unless the graphics card cooler is sub standard.

12 Jan 2008, 05:52
Well I have the side of the PC off anyway so cooling shouldn't really be a problem unless the graphics card cooler is sub standard.well having the side off presents another possibility: hair/dust :p

12 Jan 2008, 08:07
Videos aren't working again. :mad:

The good thing is that next tuesday, unless something goes HORRIBLY WRONG, I'll be getting my shinny new iMac. :)

And they work now. After I reinstalled DivX codec and restarted my pc. :mad:

12 Jan 2008, 09:25
I'm not sure what I did...

I opened up my computer to put in a new HD. well the connectors for the HD that I snagged from my wife's computer didn't fit, so I put the HD back in its box and plugged the computer back in. I go to turn it on and nothing happens. I open it back up and make sure everything's connected right. didnt' work....I continue checking and rechecking everything from ALL the molex connectors, to the motherboard wires for the power button and such. I've got a faint light on the front of the case, so the case IS getting power, which means the power supply still has juice. now I've checked a million times to ensure everything's plugged in to the point that I unplugged EVERYTHING and plugged everything back up and then triple checked those connections to ensure I didn't miss anything.

there's still no response to me pressing the power button, and I can't figure out why for the life of me. I've even checked to make sure I didn't unplug the power cable going to the outlet...I'm lost here...http://www.augk18.dsl.pipex.com/Smileys/pebcak.gif

so apparently my case is retarded. I plugged everything in right and everything was working fine. about 30 minutes ago, I decided I'd finally switch out the power supplies of my wife's and my computer. I switch everything out and my power supply works just fine. this confused the **** out of me, as I couldn't imagine a situation in which the power button would cause NO reaction aside from an issue with the physical power button itsself. while fiddling with my wife's computer to put it all back together, what do I run across but the cables running to the power, reset, etc buttons for the case. I check the wires to be sure they're in correctly, and I notice that her wires aren't color coded and her power button is in the orange spot on the motherboard. I remember that in mine, the power button is a red wire and is in the red spot. well, since I couldn't think of anything that could possibly make me look like a bigger jack ass than switching those 2 wires out, I tried it, and sure enough, the red wire goes in the orange slot and the orange wire goes to the red slot.....stupid loling color coding.....

Star Worms
12 Jan 2008, 12:41
well having the side off presents another possibility: hair/dust :pIn just 1 week? I think not.

12 Jan 2008, 12:58
In just 1 week? I think not.that entirely depends on where you live :p

for instance: my dad's house is bad enough that I step into the house for any reason and come into contact with literally ANY surface and I get a streak of dust across whatever I'm wearing.

2. my cousin (taddar) is a very hairy guy. he lives in a 14' x 8' outdoor kitchen that his parents let him use as an appartment. said outdoor kitchen is completely covered in ungodly amounts of hair in deep dark corners of places no one has seen in years :p

if your computer was in either of these places, then yes, in just 1 week :p

12 Jan 2008, 20:14
Go in the BIOS and check yo temperatures, foo. Your CPU should be around 45 and yo mobo should be around 40. When you're seeing temperatures of around 55+ then your cooling is insufficient. You may have accidentally dislodged something on yo mobo, like the Northbridge cooler or CPU cooler, and the thermal gunk has become loose or out of place or the bottom of the heatsink is not contacting. have you been overclocking your graphics card at all? That can cause problems like that too.

Star Worms
12 Jan 2008, 20:39
The graphics card I bought was already overclocked (from BFG). Since installing the new processor and graphics card, Sandra (that thing bonz linked me to) can no longer give me info on the motherboard or processor. It can look at the graphics card though, but unlike my old graphics card, it doesn't state the temperature. Northbridge cooler is still going, although admittedly the graphics card does poke out in front of the fan.

13 Jan 2008, 01:50
Again, get in the BIOS and check yo temperatures, foo.

Don't trust the overclockedness of your card. "Whey hey! Pre-overclockedness!" they shout, but word on the street is that only crazy *****es overclock their shiz. Get your ass in to the control panel type stuff and reduce those frequencies to their normal level, ya hear?

Err, I think you have to unlock nVIDIA cards' frequency adjusty stuff. Do a search.

Star Worms
13 Jan 2008, 11:12
Again, get in the BIOS and check yo temperatures, foo.How?

Don't trust the overclockedness of your card. "Whey hey! Pre-overclockedness!" they shout, but word on the street is that only crazy *****es overclock their shiz. Get your ass in to the control panel type stuff and reduce those frequencies to their normal level, ya hear?

Err, I think you have to unlock nVIDIA cards' frequency adjusty stuff. Do a search.If the overclocking is causing the problem then I'll get a refund/replacement anyway. Chances are that editing stuff like that will void the warranty.

13 Jan 2008, 14:00
How?just after you turn on your computer there's normally a screen that shows a logo of some kind. typically there will be a key listed in the bottom corners of that screen that tells you what you need to press to access bios. assuming said key is not listed, it's normally F2 by my experience, but I've heard of other keys being used. just spam random F keys each time you turn on the computer till BIOS shows up :p

13 Jan 2008, 15:08
I'm running Motherboard Monitor with CPU Idle -- one gives me little thermometers in the system tray; the other runs some kind of "cooling process" on my CPU instead of the normal idle process, and it does seem to keep the little thermometers down (although I suppose it's possible they're rigged for some reason).

13 Jan 2008, 15:13
just after you turn on your computer there's normally a screen that shows a logo of some kind. typically there will be a key listed in the bottom corners of that screen that tells you what you need to press to access bios. assuming said key is not listed, it's normally F2 by my experience, but I've heard of other keys being used. just spam random F keys each time you turn on the computer till BIOS shows up :p

It's DEL for me. :p

Star Worms
13 Jan 2008, 15:16
I'll just mash the keyboard then :rolleyes:

13 Jan 2008, 15:19
It's DEL for me. :pthat's......really wierd.....really...

was it at least labelled as such?

13 Jan 2008, 15:22
Delete's not that unusual. I've seen a couple of computers use that.

13 Jan 2008, 15:25
Delete's not that unusual. I've seen a couple of computers use that.huh......guess I missed those.

13 Jan 2008, 16:07
I have never seen any BIOS that used a key different than DEL or F2.
And DEL is the more common one in my experience.

13 Jan 2008, 16:27
I have never seen any BIOS that used a key different than DEL or F2.
And DEL is the more common one in my experience.the other F keys thing was from a guy in dell tech support saying that it could be F6 or F8 or something like that as well as F2. it turned out that it WAS F2, but I kinda assumed he WASN'T an idiot, and took what he said to be knowledgable :p so I don't actually know if any other F keys are ever used.

13 Jan 2008, 16:49
Here you go, a list of the various possible keys: http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/bios_manufacturer.htm :p

13 Jan 2008, 19:17
Underclocking the card will not void its warranty. By doing it you can determine what the cause of the problem is anyway.

Star Worms
13 Jan 2008, 20:27
Well they've asked me to send it to them for testing so I'm just going to do that. If it turns out to be a faulty card then I'll get a replacement.

14 Jan 2008, 16:18
I've been reading more about Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama and despite standing basically on the same point on issues, I've decided that Hillary Clinton embodies everything wrong with American politics and Barack Obama embodies everything that's good.

14 Jan 2008, 16:40
Hillary is a drama queen.

15 Jan 2008, 02:16
I've been reading more about Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama and despite standing basically on the same point on issues, I've decided that Hillary Clinton embodies everything wrong with American politics and Barack Obama embodies everything that's good.so they pretty much have the same stance on everything? really?

well I definitely know who my vote goes to...

15 Jan 2008, 09:08
well I definitely know who my vote goes to...
Ralph Wiggum (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1023830/vote_for_ralph_wiggum/)?

20 Jan 2008, 20:59
I'm now being accused of trying to get off with two girls who have boyfriends at the party.
I dunno. I don't see how a kiss on the cheek constitues as trying to get off. I think some people are paranoid.

20 Jan 2008, 23:38
I'm now being accused of trying to get off with two girls who have boyfriends at the party.
I dunno. I don't see how a kiss on the cheek constitues as trying to get off. I think some people are paranoid.
...yet you wrote about it in positive events?

keep your pecker in your pants and i'm sure the right girl will come along eventually

21 Jan 2008, 02:16
I dunno. I don't see how a kiss on the cheek constitues as trying to get off. I think some people are paranoid.Umm... I'd work on accepting this paranoia as a normal part of your process.

22 Jan 2008, 21:14
I would join you all in the discussion of girls when there is a lack of version of all the Events and Occurances threads.

22 Jan 2008, 23:48
I've got this weird pain on the lower-left side of my abdomen. I'm hoping it's just a muscle strain, but I can't help but worry about it being a hernia (It can't be my appendix, as that's lower-right). I can't feel any lumps, though. Thoughts, hopefully of a "it's probably not, here's why" nature?

Star Worms
23 Jan 2008, 00:52
I've got this weird pain on the lower-left side of my abdomen. I'm hoping it's just a muscle strain, but I can't help but worry about it being a hernia (It can't be my appendix, as that's lower-right). I can't feel any lumps, though. Thoughts, hopefully of a "it's probably not, here's why" nature?Kidney, maybe?:-/

23 Jan 2008, 00:59
Kidney, maybe?:-/

Those are at the back, aren't they? This is at the front.

Star Worms
23 Jan 2008, 15:31
Three little pigs is offensive: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/7204635.stm

23 Jan 2008, 15:51
The feedback from the judges explaining why they had rejected the CD-Rom highlighted that they "could not recommend this product to the Muslim community".

They also warned that the story might "alienate parts of the workforce (building trade)".

The judges criticised the stereotyping in the story of the unfortunate pigs: "Is it true that all builders are cowboys, builders get their work blown down, and builders are like pigs?"


23 Jan 2008, 20:33
glad to see we're not the only ones who get ridiculous court cases

23 Jan 2008, 23:09
Who the hell is the Muslim Community anyway? Why would they be offended by pigs? And has that guy even met them?

What sort of messed up panel of judges manages to come up with that?

23 Jan 2008, 23:33
Gosh, this is fun. It's like what-why-how-who.

23 Jan 2008, 23:51
Incredibly thoughtful and polite, aren't we?

Why can't we just do stuff and if they complain say "Shut your face, we weren't doing it intentionally to **** you off, so stop moaning. It's nothing even to do with you. If you don't like it, you know where the door is."

23 Jan 2008, 23:59
We can. I do.

Councils tread carefully, though. (Which is ridiculous, because what are the muslims going to do? "Protest vote" for the BNP?)

Star Worms
24 Jan 2008, 00:07
We can. I do.

Councils tread carefully, though. (Which is ridiculous, because what are the muslims going to do? "Protest vote" for the BNP?)Get sued for racial discrimination.

24 Jan 2008, 00:12
Maybe pigs should sue Muslims for racial discrimination :p.

25 Jan 2008, 00:21
Sue them in a British court? Mind, can't put too much faith in judges having common sense these days.

25 Jan 2008, 01:49
Get sued for racial discrimination.

Thing is, though, judges are almost preposterously with it. They almost never -- seriously -- rule in favour of a lunatic.

Star Worms
25 Jan 2008, 08:37
Thing is, though, judges are almost preposterously with it. They almost never -- seriously -- rule in favour of a lunatic.I think the chances are quite high if it's the same judge who deemed the Three Little Pigs as offensive material.

25 Jan 2008, 17:18
Different type of judge :p

Star Worms
26 Jan 2008, 02:22
The strong wind is making one of my windows make a weird noise... no doubt it will keep waking me up in the night :(

26 Jan 2008, 03:48
The strong wind is making one of my windows make a weird noise... no doubt it will keep waking me up in the night :(a couple of my windows do the whole ghostly whistling thing they use in horror movies to set a creepy mood. kinda creepy being home alone when that starts up....

Star Worms
26 Jan 2008, 13:09
Mine's more of an annoying low pitched hum.

26 Jan 2008, 15:49
So, the other computer just stopped working for no apparent reason. :-/
It just won't turn own, maybe the PSU is faulty or something...

The bad thing about this is, that's the computer my mom uses, and if I don't get it fixed fast she'll start using mine.

26 Jan 2008, 18:47
Ha, ha, this is what you get for jumping over to the dark side.

27 Jan 2008, 23:21
So, the other computer just stopped working for no apparent reason. :-/
It just won't turn own, maybe the PSU is faulty or something...

The bad thing about this is, that's the computer my mom uses, and if I don't get it fixed fast she'll start using mine.
try resetting your pram - hold down command + option + P + R at the same time as you turn on your computer, and hold them down until the computer restarts

28 Jan 2008, 01:39
try resetting your pram - hold down command + option + P + R at the same time as you turn on your computer, and hold them down until the computer restarts
The thing is that it doesn't even try to start, pressing the "on" button has no effect at all. Thus why I suspected it to be the PSU.

Also, we tried it with a different PSU at a friend of my dad's place, and it worked, so now we gotta buy a new PSU.

28 Jan 2008, 03:31
Also, we tried it with a different PSU at a friend of my dad's place, and it worked, so now we gotta buy a new PSU.

wait, psu? like inside the computer? they'll replace that for free under warranty

28 Jan 2008, 03:51
The thing is that it doesn't even try to start, pressing the "on" button has no effect at all. Thus why I suspected it to be the PSU.

Also, we tried it with a different PSU at a friend of my dad's place, and it worked, so now we gotta buy a new PSU.well if anyone touched the insides, check the power button wires to ensure they're connected. that was my issue recently when mine had that problem.

28 Jan 2008, 03:51
wait, psu? like inside the computer? they'll replace that for free under warranty
Ah, not the iMac lol, the other computer. The PC I used before.
well if anyone touched the insides, check the power button wires to ensure they're connected. that was my issue recently when mine had that problem.
Nope, it just stopped working suddenly. Also we tested another PSU and it worked fine, tested the one it had again and didn't work, it's clearly it.

28 Jan 2008, 06:55
Ah, not the iMac lol, the other computer. The PC I used before.

how embarassing, i got confused upon reading wormatty's comment

28 Jan 2008, 12:41
Paul.Power says (12:36):
And there, but for one moment of madness, was my driving certificate
Mad Un' - http://rooms.wurmz.net says (12:37):
What happened?
Paul.Power says (12:37):
Well, there was this roundabout
Paul.Power says (12:38):
There was a van coming in from the right. I had plenty of time to get on ahead of him, but for some reason I hesitated and stopped
And then *he* stopped
So I thought "Oh, there must be someone blocking him", and there was. So I drove out
Paul.Power says (12:39):
But the someone blocking him happened to be turning right
So we nearly crashed
Mad Un' - http://rooms.wurmz.net says (12:39):
Paul.Power says (12:39):
Irony is, if I'd kept going like I was supposed to I'd've been fine
I only had 13 minor faults, and the limit is 15
Mad Un' - http://rooms.wurmz.net says (12:40):
Tough break.
Paul.Power says (12:40):
Oh well
Better than last time.

29 Jan 2008, 21:56
No fault on the part of the roundabout I presume. :o

Star Worms
30 Jan 2008, 00:57
I was nearly involved in 3 crashes the last lesson before my test (none my fault). Firstly while leaving my town, someone tried to overtake as someone was turning right and nearly went into them. Then I got into town and a bus nearly cut into me on the magic roundabout (which is basically 1 big roundabout with 5 smaller ones around it). Then while casually driving along the road, a bus nearly pulled out into me.

30 Jan 2008, 11:10
Did that affect your score?

Star Worms
30 Jan 2008, 16:09
It was the lesson before my test.

1 Feb 2008, 05:57
So I'm running XP right now, and I decided to download the Windows Live Installer to install Live Messenger. So it tells me "Checking your computer for Windows Live programs. This may take a few minutes.". So I wait.

20 minutes later, it's still checking.

"Sorry, this is taking a little longer than expected. Please bear with us just a few more minutes."


1 Feb 2008, 10:15
So I'm running XP right now, and I decided to download the Windows Live Installer to install Live Messenger. So it tells me "Checking your computer for Windows Live programs. This may take a few minutes.". So I wait.

20 minutes later, it's still checking.

"Sorry, this is taking a little longer than expected. Please bear with us just a few more minutes."

Screw it!
Use Miranda!

1 Feb 2008, 14:13
Screw it!
Use Miranda!How can it be there's a whole Messenger called Miranda and none of us knowed that?


1 Feb 2008, 15:38
Screw it!
Use Miranda!Miranda doesn't have Fishticuffs. :(

1 Feb 2008, 17:49
How can it be there's a whole OS called Miranda and none of us knowed that?

Miranda is an instant messenger capable of the MSN protocol plus much more.

2 Feb 2008, 01:06
Miranda is an instant messenger capable of the MSN protocol plus much more.ah, oops :p I'll go edit that.

2 Feb 2008, 09:02
I'm using XP. :(
Stupid Steam games... downloading so slowly... D:

Alien King
2 Feb 2008, 09:54
Yesterday I managed to hurt my arm. Again.
In the middle of Chemistry, I stretched it and felt something give in the upper section of my arm. It's been hurting ever since.
Fencing last night probably wasn't a good idea.

12 Feb 2008, 09:34
Guh, my tablet seems to be getting a slightly laggy response whenever I start to draw something, it's unnerving...
edit: It's goddamn awful and I HATE it. :mad:

Well okay it happens when I'm doing lots of fast consecutive brush strokes, but still, I don't recall that problem in my old computer...

13 Feb 2008, 02:26
Well this only happens under MacOSX, when running Photoshop CS3... But I have no issues when running Photoshop 7.0 on Windows XP...
This deeply annoys me.

13 Feb 2008, 09:45
I don't like PS C3 anyway, C2 was a much better program. PS7 is probably better too, but I'm not sure about it's tablet suport.

13 Feb 2008, 11:12
I don't like PS C3 anyway, C2 was a much better program. PS7 is probably better too, but I'm not sure about it's tablet suport.
My problem here is that CS3 is the only version of photoshop that can run natively on Mac OS X on an Intel iMac... I can run older versions but running trough some emulation which will hinder it's performance.

13 Feb 2008, 17:08
... unless you max out the RAM.

CS2 runs quite nicely on the 2.8GHz iMac with 4Gb RAM, and handling two or three 48Mb+ files at once. and with a couple of other apps open in the background

13 Feb 2008, 19:38
My problem here is that CS3 is the only version of photoshop that can run natively on Mac OS X on an Intel iMac... I can run older versions but running trough some emulation which will hinder it's performance.
get corel painter

13 Feb 2008, 19:48
Painter is hard to get used to. I still prefer to draw in photoshop.

Star Worms
13 Feb 2008, 23:45
I couldn't seem to find any CS2 demos. I don't want a CS3 one. I wanted CS2 on my mac :(

14 Feb 2008, 12:45
I don't wants Corel Painter, I wants the Photoshop!:mad:
Also I have noticed that the problem pertains to the tablet, or more specifically, the Mac drivers for it, given that the issue is present in any application under Mac OS and not present in any application in XP... :(

So anyway, I made this really cool drawing at work, but I drew it in the freaking desk....
I totally wanted to bring it home, scan it and colour it, but I didn't have anything to draw it on... D:
Basically some kickass looking dude with a sword. :P

I stuck the message "Don't erase me pls! :(" on it in hopes that it will still be there today. :p

Star Worms
14 Feb 2008, 14:03
I am going to go insane soon.

I have a practical write up to do for tomorrow. I was trying to do it last night. There are 3 of us in the house, one (let's call him A) had work to do for the next day. We eat together so I was expecting other housemate, B to start cooking. Well, I waited until about half 9 and knocked on his door and said something along the lines of "Are we eating together tonight?". He replied "Yeah, do you want to start cooking the mince". I hesitated before going downstairs as if to hint 'You know I have work to do, at least do some of the cooking'. So anyway, I ended up doing all of thatand didn't get round to doing much work that night. To make matters worse he was blasting out the same irritating song from his room about half a dozen times last night. Now he's just got back and has started blasting out the same song again.

I'll get my own back though. I'll deliberately leave early and leave my phone at home. We have a lecture in some obscure room. There's no way he'll find it (on time anyway) as he doesn't think ahead. Last practical we had, he had turned up in 2 different incorrect lecture theatres. Hopefully he won't ask me where it is before I go.

14 Feb 2008, 17:22
Just stay out of sight, fake some earphones.

14 Feb 2008, 18:50
I stuck the message "Don't erase me pls! :(" on it in hopes that it will still be there today. :p

did you actually write that or was it in spanish

because if it was written just like that, that is awesome and i commend you

14 Feb 2008, 20:52
did you actually write that or was it in spanish

because if it was written just like that, that is awesome and i commend you
Spanish. :p
"No me borres pls! :("
I did draw the sad smiley btw. :p

14 Feb 2008, 21:10
Spanish say please?

14 Feb 2008, 21:25
Spanish say please?
A lot of people do, particularly where I work given that most people know english there, it's very common to steal english words and mix them with spanish sentences. Although "pls" is mostly used when texting.

14 Feb 2008, 22:33
pls has become an international word much like omg and lol. Thank you the internet.

15 Feb 2008, 06:36
Well it was only partially erased. But someone cleverly stole my pencil. :p:mad:

15 Feb 2008, 06:40
It's amazing how the aura put off by Valentine's Day affects me in the polar opposite way of Christmas. It's like everything in the entire universe was wrong today and I just hated every aspect of everything around me, my life and myself.

But I'm better now.

The BEST news is, though, that tomorrow will probably suck even worse work-wise because we're running these horrible little boxes that hate you back.it's very common to steal english words and mix them with spanish sentences. Ah yes, Spanglish. :p

15 Feb 2008, 11:10
pls has become an international word much like omg and lol. Thank you the internet.

You could always try "pfv".

15 Feb 2008, 11:51
You could always try "pfv".
If you're trying to get a shorter version of "por favor" there, then there's already one. It's "xfa" or "xfis"("x" is pronounced as "por" in this case, as in the multiplying symbol; eg. "9x9"="nueve por nueve"). But it sounds incredibly corny. :p

So anyway, after an incident in which my sister overwrote her homework word document by accident(which had taken her like 4 hours to complete) I discovered that Vista has a Shadow Copy feature that basically let's you check older versions of any file. I also discovered this feature is not available on the Home Premium version of Vista, which is the one my sister has...

It's the kind of stuff that makes me want to take a plane to Bill Gates home, knock on his door, punch him in the face and say "That was NOT funny!"

15 Feb 2008, 14:07
So anyway, after an incident in which my sister overwrote her homework word document by accident(which had taken her like 4 hours to complete) I discovered that Vista has a Shadow Copy feature that basically let's you check older versions of any file. I also discovered this feature is not available on the Home Premium version of Vista, which is the one my sister has...

It's the kind of stuff that makes me want to take a plane to Bill Gates home, knock on his door, punch him in the face and say "That was NOT funny!"That feature usually doesn't backup what you want it to backup anyways. It's kinda like System Restore at a file level.

And yes, I'll admit we also use "please" in common language. We also use "lol" in text though we have our own version, "rcc". You don't wanna know how it translates.

15 Feb 2008, 14:23
So anyway, after an incident in which my sister overwrote her homework word document by accident(which had taken her like 4 hours to complete) I discovered that Vista has a Shadow Copy feature that basically let's you check older versions of any file. I also discovered this feature is not available on the Home Premium version of Vista, which is the one my sister has...

It's the kind of stuff that makes me want to take a plane to Bill Gates home, knock on his door, punch him in the face and say "That was NOT funny!"
You could have immediately stopped all HDD writing activity (turning off the computer's power), removing the HDD, putting it into another machine and running some data recovery software there.

15 Feb 2008, 17:09
Why switch machines? Data recovery will find it anyway..

15 Feb 2008, 17:14
If you run the hard drive as the primary HD (ie, run the OS off it) there's still a chance that the file could be overwritten by a temporary OS file. Using it as a secondary drive on a second machine eliminates this risk.

15 Feb 2008, 17:48
Why switch machines? Data recovery will find it anyway..
Because if it's the only HDD in that machine you don't want any writing activity on it.
The files might have been deleted in some temporary folder and using the same OS from the same HDD could overwrite those sectors on it.

15 Feb 2008, 20:05
Well it's a laptop so taking out the HD is really not an option. :P

15 Feb 2008, 22:52
There exist adaptors.

15 Feb 2008, 23:07
There do. Had to get one at work a bit back. Cost us about £2.50, possibly from Matt's work.

16 Feb 2008, 08:03
There exist adaptors.
Not the kind of thing you can get in a single night tho. That homework was for the next day. Anyway, she re-did her homework at the cost of not sleeping all night.
And besides, I'm quite sure that removing the HD from it would void the warranty.

16 Feb 2008, 12:24
And besides, I'm quite sure that removing the HD from it would void the warranty.
Only if you bought it from a really crap shop.

Edit: When I did it, I was nowhere near the magic warranty sticker.

Star Worms
16 Feb 2008, 13:05
Only if you bought it from a really crap shop.

Edit: When I did it, I was nowhere near the magic warranty sticker.

Indeed, still don't know where mine is. I've changed the PSU, graphics card and processor. The warranty runs out at the end of this month, but I've kept the old stuff should anything go wrong so I can slot it all in and take it back.

19 Feb 2008, 03:46
I swear if we get another day where we get like a foot of snow and halfway through the day it switches to freezing rain I am going to flip out with such velocity

I seriously am ready for winter to just die

20 Feb 2008, 04:19
***** whine gripe moan, etc. (http://monkeyforahead.deviantart.com/journal/16950603/) Not a new development, really, but I've sort of taken to psychoanalyzing myself and this is what I come up with.

And this is pretty much just an excuse to finally post something, so hi

20 Feb 2008, 19:00
It's not that bad, not caring about stuff. Less weight on your shoulders.

20 Feb 2008, 22:11
Yeah, not caring should mean you are neither happy or sad. But I doubt you truly mean it.

But if I were you I would quit working at McD and start studying something interesting. Student loans ftw. Or try to get a job within IT. Working at McD would make life feel pointless..

20 Feb 2008, 22:40
Another thing I didn't really go into there is that I have absolutely no focus or direction or goal. Never have. It was easy enough to get through school like that since it's a preset path, but college loans are something I'd like to avoid altogether, particularly when I don't even have a subject in mind to study.

The only two things I ever really had in mind as potential likable careers were something in the way of videogame design (and with the state of the market right now I can pretty well kiss that goodbye, not to mention programming makes my brain bleed), or cartoonist of some sort (which I've decided I'd hate because drawing is my hobby and a way to unwind, not something I want to be paid to do professionally).

I dunno. It was a rant and probably a bit dramatic, but most of it holds true. I've just completely lost my muse. I'm a pessimist from experience that being an optimist punched me in the balls every single time (hello Slick), which is probably part of it.

So yeah, let this be a warning to you: pessimism = bad. But I don't really know what the alternative is anymore.

Star Worms
21 Feb 2008, 00:41
You probably just need a bit of guidance on careers. Is there anywhere near where you live that could help? Try and find your strengths and see what jobs slot in. What do you like doing? What subjects did you do well in?

A job at McDonald's probably isn't going to lead anywhere. Secondly, it's hardly an attractive for a potential girlfriend.

I'd suggest doing something new. Meet new people, certainly.

21 Feb 2008, 07:19
I had another of those panic attacks last night. Second one this year. The bad thing is that I don't seem to have any control over it whatsoever, and I have no ****ing clue on what causes it. It comes shortly after I fall asleep, I suddenly wake up and feel like complete and utter ****, my hearth is pounding like crazy and nothing seems to make sense for a couple of minutes.

25 Feb 2008, 20:14
*Start of 1st Year 2nd Semester of College*

25 Feb 2008, 22:01
*End of 1st Year 2nd Semester of College*
are you on a trimester system or something?

Star Worms
25 Feb 2008, 22:38
are you on a trimester system or something?Aren't most people?

25 Feb 2008, 22:52
are you on a trimester system or something?

Aren't most people?

To be pedantic - I'm not :p

We're on a 2-semester 3-term system here :D (yes, I realise that's basically the same, but we call the "thirds" terms and the "halves" semesters)

I'm 3 weeks into my second semester, but 3 weeks away from the end of my second term.

25 Feb 2008, 23:08
are you on a trimester system or something?

How could he possibly be on a trimester system if he's coming to the end of his second semester?

26 Feb 2008, 00:04
Aren't most people?

Most universities here have a trimester system, but most people don't attend any of the reduced set of courses available in the summer trimester. So the two main trimesters may get called semesters if the summer one gets forgotten about.

Star Worms
26 Feb 2008, 00:20
To be pedantic - I'm not :p

We're on a 2-semester 3-term system here :D (yes, I realise that's basically the same, but we call the "thirds" terms and the "halves" semesters)

I'm 3 weeks into my second semester, but 3 weeks away from the end of my second term.That's weird...

Do you start new courses half way through term?

We have 3 terms, each 10 weeks. New courses each term. Each term is 40 credits. Currently at the start of the 8th week of the second term.

26 Feb 2008, 01:57
That's weird...

Do you start new courses half way through term?

We have 3 terms, each 10 weeks. New courses each term. Each term is 40 credits. Currently at the start of the 8th week of the second term.

That's the same as I have here, even down to it being 8th week right now. (Although there are theoretically 11 weeks - 10 weeks of lecture and then a week of finals)

26 Feb 2008, 02:01
How could he possibly be on a trimester system if he's coming to the end of his second semester?
he could have been using the term "semester" colloquially

26 Feb 2008, 08:42
That's weird...

Do you start new courses half way through term?

We have 3 terms, each 10 weeks. New courses each term. Each term is 40 credits. Currently at the start of the 8th week of the second term.
Yes we do. We have exams at the end of each semester as well. The "terms" just fit around Christmas, Easter and summer holidays.

26 Feb 2008, 17:55
You probably just need a bit of guidance on careers. Is there anywhere near where you live that could help? Try and find your strengths and see what jobs slot in. What do you like doing? What subjects did you do well in?
A) Yes, actually, and I went there a good while ago... they seem more hopeless as an organization than I do as a person.
B) Absolutely nothing work-related, and little else to boot.
C) Math and science, and they were my favourite subjects in that I didn't hate them... up until the end of high school. To hell with that noise, if I found a job that actually required that level of brain activity it'd drive me more crazy than this one. Plus my knowledge has completely atrophied in the interim and I don't even specifically remember long multiplication anymore.
A job at McDonald's probably isn't going to lead anywhere. Secondly, it's hardly an attractive for a potential girlfriend.
I'll let you know the next time I speak to a female non-coworker. See you in eight years. :p
I'd suggest doing something new. Meet new people, certainly.
Another of my problems is that I hate change. Much as I hate McDonald's, it's become habit, and habit is what I tend to take comfort in. Besides which, after every shift I'm too wiped to do anything but go home and laze about. Doesn't exactly give me much opportunity to go to a gym or something.

I appreciate the suggestions, but most "normal" solutions probably aren't going to apply to me. I've gotta find something to snap out of this funk, but I still don't know what it is.

26 Feb 2008, 21:46
Sorry, I meant Start, not End, otherwise it would've been positive.

And yes, it is a 2 semester per year, for 3 years, system.

Alien King
29 Feb 2008, 22:25
I broke my foil tonight. It only lasted me a year...

Still, six years fencing and only two snapped blades is pretty good.

9 Mar 2008, 06:18
Soooo... I can't use my iPod under XP. Apparently, I have to reformat it to work under Windows. Hmmm...

9 Mar 2008, 14:12
Soooo... I can't use my iPod under XP. Apparently, I have to reformat it to work under Windows. Hmmm...
Maybe Rockbox (http://www.rockbox.org) can help.

9 Mar 2008, 15:20
Soooo... I can't use my iPod under XP. Apparently, I have to reformat it to work under Windows. Hmmm...
or macdrive (http://www.mediafour.com/products/macdrive/) (hook up w/ me on msn and i will won't give you info on how to pirate it if you so desire)

9 Mar 2008, 16:45
Maybe Rockbox (http://www.rockbox.org) can help.

Rockbox does not have USB support yet. You have to set your iPod on hold when you plug it into your PC so that it boots with apples firmware, or the computer won't regognize it.

9 Mar 2008, 21:42
or macdrive (http://www.mediafour.com/products/macdrive/) (hook up w/ me on msn and i will won't give you info on how to pirate it if you so desire)
Does it work flawlessly? Sounds quite interesting, particularly if it will also recognize my Macintosh partition while on XP.

9 Mar 2008, 21:51
Does it work flawlessly? Sounds quite interesting, particularly if it will also recognize my Macintosh partition while on XP.
yes it is like having another logical disk and is completely seamless as long as macdrive.exe is running (which it will unless you disable it for some reason)

10 Mar 2008, 02:03
in other negative events, nearlyfreespeech.net has been down for quite a while now and i am very sad about it as they host multiple websites of mine

on the plus side, this is the only downtime i can remember them ever having

10 Mar 2008, 08:58
yes it is like having another logical disk and is completely seamless as long as macdrive.exe is running (which it will unless you disable it for some reason)
Well, just downloaded the trial and it really does work great! Thanks dude, I owe you. :)

17 Mar 2008, 20:29
Hi, Neil.

Mr and Mrs. Buckley have decided they aren't happy with their amp and speaker bundle and have returned it to the store. We are sending the whole bundle (leads, stands and coveres included) back to H/O as a customer return marked faulty. Obviously if there really is a problem, H/O will refund the money.

However, I have already spoken to Mr. Buckley about the problems he is describing and have explained them to be normal. He doesn't believe me and his wife has even less of an idea. She wasn't there when I was explaining it, and now she seems to believe that "Someone in the store told him not to have his squelch up, even though you're supposed to. You know, like in old CB radios." So I've no clue what he's been telling her but he doesn't seem to have grasped it.

The two problems he describes are...

1. When you turn the amp volume up from half-way to full, you hear hiss in the background during silence.

I spoke to Craig at Shop Support. He told me that the master output will cause more hiss because the line voltage output is not as stable, or is higher, so we should use the 'amp' output. We tried it in store and it did reduce the hiss by half. Also, using the master output has the sound going through more circuitry inside the mixer. Mr. Buckley's way of doing things is to put the master level up to max, and then raise the line input. He thinks that when you do it that way, it gives you "better sound". I explained to him that the master output takes in to account any bass and treble adjustments made on the EQ, so yes, as the master volume increases, so does the volume of those adjustments. The trade-off is that the output voltage will be higher, which will cause hissing in the amplifier, so normal procedure is to play music from two line inputs and crossfade across them, thereby eliminating silence and hiss! I also showed him what effect that has on a graphic EQ, and that the level should stay in the green. He has a Numark mixer, I don't know if he has a graphic EQ but he's just not accepting what I tell him.

2. "The sound sounds better on the left/right channel [can't remember which] than it does on the other."

He seemed to think it was a problem caused by the amplifier, yet he also said that he changed the leads and the speakers, but the problem was still there, so in saying that, he validated my point that inside the amp, each channel's circuit was exactly the same. There is no specific amp circuit for the left or right, just two that run in parallel.
I gave him two explanations for the problem. The first is the stereo effect, in that stereo music tracks aren't just duplicated mono. Each channel has different instruments and effects in it. The second reason is that the left and right human ears work differently to one another, receiving higher/lower, or louder/quieter sounds, or something along those lines, so it's expected. Craig at Shop Support backed me up by telling me that he has always had imbalance between channels that he's had to correct with his mixer either by using the balance control or adjusting the EQ for the affected channel.

Mr. Buckley says he's never had these problems on any of his older equipment, but after I gave him my explanations he didn't seem so sure. I suggested his older equipment might not have been as sensitive. After he left me, he spoke to Paul and told him "I don't know what to do now. The wife says I should just bring it all back." Paul told him that if he brought it back, it would be sent to head office, and if they didn't find a fault with it, it would be sent back to them. All this was Friday the 14th.

I feel I've given him the correct advice, and have made a good deal of effort in explaining what I mean by using demonstrations in-store and acknowledging all of his queries. I am satisfied I've told him all he needs to know to use his amp and mixer effectively. He has chosen to have the items returned, so now it is up to H/O to test the equipment to determine if there really is a fault. If H/O return the items to him, then obviously there is nothing more we can do in store. If Mr. and Mrs. Buckley take issue with H/O's decision, then they should contact Customer Services themselves, as we cannot act as middlemen once a decision has been made; it's out of our hands. I advised that the usual turnaround time for RTXs is two weeks, but it can take longer. I have promised nothing. I asked Mr. Buckley what he wanted the fault report to say. The RTX sheet has Mrs. Buckley's details as she paid for the equipment.

They did not bring in the stands (XM28) so they will be bringing those in Sunday. We have enough empty totes to make up a pallet for collection on Tuesday. I want this thing sending out ASAP. I explained we cannot send the items back until we receive the stands due to it all being part of a bundle. They do not have cardboard boxes but I said that is fine. All that remains is to attach some kind of extended report to the RTX paperwork for the benefit of the engineers. I will sort that on Monday. The paperwork also needs to say that the rack mount holes have been filed out with Customer Service's allowance. I made a photocopy of the receipt reprint they had with yours and Paul's names on it.

He also said he spoke to you on the phone and played you the hiss. You suggested it could be a faulty component (transistor or capacitor or something). Obviously without using the equipment yourself, you can not come to any kind of judgement, especially not over the phone where so many audio and electric factors come in to play.

Mr. Buckley had come in Thursday but Paul was not in. At that time I didn't have the required knowledge to offer any advice so I didn't make any suggestions. I only made suggestions on Friday after speaking with Craig in the phone. So all of what I've said is Maplin's official line and nothing else. It is true that there are unwritten conventions when using DJ equipment but some people seem to accept these more readily whilst others do not. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley appear to be the latter.


Two 500W 15" PA speakers, one 1000W two-channel amplifier, two tripod speaker stands, two speaker covers, two speaker leads. All about £300-400, which to buy is a fantastic deal but to refund is a pain in the ****. Maplin's no-quibble refund policy excludes disco equipment, so if the equipment is not faulty, then it will not be refunded.

Bring it on.

18 Mar 2008, 06:28
So how bad is the hiss anyway? I hate when customers want refunds for petty reasons.
Like this one customer who wanted me to waive the Early Termination Fee for him because his phone didn't have signal in some areas, and he says Sprint's tv ad said "Nationwide coverage" and that for him that meant that every square inch in the country should have signal. :rolleyes:

18 Mar 2008, 06:45
reminds me of a guest we had a while back. they wanted their room comped and a new room. the reason? there was a loud noise in the room and they couldn't sleep.

well, that's sensible enough, but 4 employees went to the room and all of us only heard one noise: the heater :p

18 Mar 2008, 21:15
Well, when he turns his master level all the way up, the hissing is noticeable but not alarming. It's the kind of hiss you would get if you turned up the speakers on most home or computer speakers, except a little worse because this retard is over amplifying the output voltage. If you use the master how it should be used, to balance out the resulting sound after EQ adjustments (using the level meter as a guide) then there is absolutely no noticeable hiss at all.