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18 Mar 2008, 22:29
Don't you guys have a "no quibble" refund policy? I thought you did.

Alien King
18 Mar 2008, 23:06
I need to hand in my Computing coursework tomorrow. I'm not particularly happy with it.
For one thing, I've only got 13000 words (including code) whereas most of my friends have about 20000 or more.
I just feel like I've missed something really important somewhere along the line.
Although to account for the drop in words, it would need to be a lot of important things.

20 Mar 2008, 09:52
Yay, my easter holidays started!

Yay, I immediately got a terrible flu!

Let's hear it for ****ty timing!

20 Mar 2008, 10:08
There was some slight snow fall today, the first day of spring.
Also, my tonsils have been swollen for several days now.

20 Mar 2008, 10:21
Arthur C. Clarke died.

Still, at least he had a good innings (91)

20 Mar 2008, 20:54
Maplin's no-quibble refund policy excludes disco equipment, so if the equipment is not faulty, then it will not be refunded.

20 Mar 2008, 22:27
Maplin's no-quibble refund policy excludes disco equipment

I know it excludes earphones, but they go in my head and I wouldn't want used ones. Disco equipment seems a tad arbitrary.

21 Mar 2008, 05:31
Non-physical pain.

21 Mar 2008, 20:15
Well, people could buy it then use it and return it, which saves them spending money on hiring it instead, and also because it's hard to properly test disco equipment without sending it back to H/O and having it looked at by an engineer - both expensive. Speakers need to be tested to see if they've been damaged due to overdriving, same with amplifiers. Even if we refunded it in store and discounted it, no-one would buy them then and we'd have far too much room in the warehouse dedicated to them.

Besides, this guy bought it all in December.

The Maplin refund policy is 14 days, and also excludes memory and self-install/compile static-sensitive products for the same reasons, along with cut cable and books. Strangely, it doesn't prevent ear or headphones from coming back, or any other device that comes in contact with dirty bits of humans.

21 Mar 2008, 22:33
It did when I bought mine. Which were total ****, by the way. Get a new supplier for those.

22 Mar 2008, 02:24
Which ones were they? How much did they cost?

22 Mar 2008, 12:24
Er, little ProSound ones. They're just not hardy enough to last any decent length of time before giving out. And the larger ones with the ear clip things on are even more fragile. I must have got through about £15 worth of various models of earbuds. I might just get some someplace else next time.

Also, in NE&O related news, I am in what I feel must be the unusual position of being almost unrealistically crazy about a girl but vaguely unsure if the guy she's constantly hanging out with is her boyfriend or just a new friend she's made. I though Facebook was supposed to stop this kind of bull**** -- but neither of them lists a relationship status and while they're as inconsiderate as most mid-term couples are, they're nothing like as tactile. They puzzle me. Possibly they're very obviously a couple and I'm just in denial.

Irritatingly, I've been through almost exactly this with another girl (which is why I was tentative about calling it "unusual") -- although since she's now my closest friend I find it hard to be too torn up about it. I did better this time, though. I'm beginning to see why people say you shouldn't ask friends out -- they give you far more grief than other girls.

There's more than that, but you don't want to know it any more than I want to sit here typing it. I think I've got the point across.

Edit: And I want to make it clear that when I fell for these girls, they were both single. I am blameless in this. Well, fairly.

22 Mar 2008, 12:33
Well it's said that experienced girls are better.

22 Mar 2008, 13:09
Live Action:

22 Mar 2008, 15:39
Well it's said that experienced girls are better.

Are you perhaps trying to comfort me by suggesting that, while the girl I want is in fact sleeping with someone else, I should be happy because if they split up and I do get to be with her she will have learned some new moves?

Because if you are, that might be the poorest attempt at consolation in the history of the world. This is why I don't normally post this stuff here. I have a friend I usually discuss this with -- but she was mentioned in my last post and doesn't know most of the above so that would probably cause more problems than it would solve. (Not that she'd probably care much how I felt about her several years ago.)

Edit: Reading this thread in the "thread review" on newreply.php is scary:

I want to make it clear that when I fell for these girls, they were both single.Which ones were they? How much did they cost?

23 Mar 2008, 12:15
I mean girls are better experienced on telling who's sleeping with who. Don't you have anyone else to "check" for you?

23 Mar 2008, 16:30

You get more and more terrifying, you know that?

23 Mar 2008, 18:02
If you insist.


23 Mar 2008, 22:16
In future I shall just talk to Ben on Google Talk.

24 Mar 2008, 02:41

24 Mar 2008, 05:54
So my brother decided to take on smoking around december last year. At first I poked fun at him since he has always been rather anti-smoking. He said he didn't like it much and would probably leave it sooner or later, and I made a slap bet with him that 1 year from that day he would still be smoking.
Just a month ago he has admitted to have been smoking even a whole box a day for a while, that is, 20 cigarettes per day.
Now he doesn't smoke as much, but he isn't stopping it. I have tried talking with him for a while, but he says he feels a void in his hearth and that cigarettes help him temporarily fill that void and a whole bunch of other stupid baloney.
So today I found his cigarette box and told him I'm not giving it back. After wrestling for a while he gave up and now went to buy another box of cigarettes. :p
I need to find me another way to stopping him...
He's a year and a half older than me btw. :p

24 Mar 2008, 15:36
Well... you can't really make someone stop. He has to want to quit.

24 Mar 2008, 19:21
Well we'll see about that. >:P

24 Mar 2008, 23:39
You can stop someone smoking if you kill them.

25 Mar 2008, 10:40
you could also stop them if you devised a bio-weapon capable of making them deathly allergic to cigarette smoke :p so get on that.

25 Mar 2008, 13:44
Get some of that bitter, anti-thunbsucking solution that you put on children's thumbs to stop them sucking it.
Put it on the filter and the rear end.

You could also import Snus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snus) from Sweden, so he can have his nicotine without needing to inhale exhaust fumes.
AFAIK, there are other types of smokeless tobacco in America that isn't chew or snuff, but Swedish Snus is the best (and guaranteed without any glass splinters as the urban myth might suggest).

Especially if you begin using Snus, you can last several hours without the need for nicotine and you also might get a bit nauseous.

25 Mar 2008, 14:11
Tell him calmly he's a fool and just leave him. Tell him you're done with him as long as he's a hypocrite and that you'll have nothing to do with him while he's lying to himself and can't see the fact it's a physical and/or chemical addiction. Tell him he's changed. But don't ***** about him to anyone. Just explain the facts and let them work it out for themselves.

25 Mar 2008, 14:42
Champix (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champix) has been pretty popular around here ever since the public smoking ban. It stopped my mom from smoking, anyways.

28 Mar 2008, 03:19
Tamper with his cigarettes using something which smells bad, so that his memory of cigarettes is confused with a (different) horrible stench. Inject them with liquid cat poop or something.

28 Mar 2008, 06:41
Hehe, that way he will feel like crap weather he smokes or not. :p

Also, they already did that liquid cat poop thing with snus, that stuff is disgusting.

29 Mar 2008, 00:09
You can't fool people that easily.

29 Mar 2008, 06:46
You can stop someone smoking if you kill them.
Done. What should I do with the body now?

Seriously tough, I don't think Nicotine patches or stuff of the like will really help, since he seems more addicted to the act of smoking than to the substance itself, if that makes any sense.
And he won't be fooled if I put bitter substances, or mess up with his cigarettes. :p

He has promised to stop as of this monday and he hasn't quite stopped, but has lowered consumption considerably. Regardless, I might start Falcon Punching him every time I find out he smoked and see if that works.

30 Mar 2008, 11:54
The Arvika Music Festival just raped our first game project. My school is situated in this town because of the festival, they have some kind of wierd co-operation thingy going on.

So, our 'course coach' Per, decided it would be a good idea to let the festival get involved with this project. First of all, this is a eight week project and we're going to make a game in Ogre3D (http://www.ogre3d.org/), that's been decided since the start of the course. The festival has a campaign about nature, they sell trees, trees are good. So their spokesperson is standing there saying how our games should be about this message, and that the winning game will be playable at the festival and mtv will be involded.

Do they have any idea what their doing? Why would people be interested in seeing a trailer for our very first game ever on MTV and why would we give a crap about publicity? (I don't anyways, and I doubt it's going to happen).
And then he says "Maybe you could make a flashgame for the site"
WHAT THE HELL? Nice going Per, did you even tell him anything about the project, we are making it in ogre, why is he even suggesting flash? This is so stupid. Then they go on saying that "this will in no way limit your creativity". Yeah right, our games have to be about planting trees, that doesn't ruin any of our ideas. :rolleyes:

All this was decided like 2 days before kick-off.
Well, atleast we all get free admission tickets. (this fact seemed to brainwash everybody into liking the whole idea)
Also, trees are the hardest and most boring thing you could possibly make in 3D, this may very well be the most painfull thing about the whole thing :p

30 Mar 2008, 13:49
what you should do is make an extremely cheesy super hero game called The Wonderous Adventures of Super Tree and Arbor Boy :p

30 Mar 2008, 22:41
The Trees Revolt! Every animal that has ever taken a whizz up a tree faces punishment in the form of the deadly marshall art form passed down by the elder trees to their young spawn.

30 Mar 2008, 23:41
Revenge of the Trees 2: Timber Tells no Tales.

31 Mar 2008, 13:55
The Trees Revolt! Every animal that has ever taken a whizz up a tree faces punishment in the form of the deadly marshall art form passed down by the elder trees to their young spawn.

They will pay for their treeson.

31 Mar 2008, 14:26
They will pay for their treeson.I think my eyes are bleeding now....thanks paul....

31 Mar 2008, 17:39
Heh, I like the name Arbor.

Nobody took my idea seriously though, where you play as a bombplane that drops trees on tree-less landscapes/people/stuff for various reasons =P. It was to be called "Trees on a plane". Instead we settled on some strange little game that's like Super Mario Galaxy in which you run around on a small planet killing evil creatues and trees grow from the stop they die. And you win by covering the planet with forrest.

31 Mar 2008, 19:57
That would work as a sort of Bomberman surface area coverage multiplayer. But I do like the sound of your idea better. We don't often get to bomb things.

1 Apr 2008, 21:05

1 Apr 2008, 23:08
It get's worse. Apperently they did not like any crazy ideas. They wanted a very down-to-earth educational game, and now the entire class feels despair.
The game project splits our large class of 40+ into three groups with ~8 graphic artists and 3 programmers each.

In short, what the customer wants is a flashgame that would take about 3 people to make, that tells the player the importance of trees, and now our three teams have to make seperate games that won't be very different at all from each other in some half-assed contest over which game get's chosen.

All the fun has been sucked out of this. The customer doesn't understand games or what it is we do at the school, and our coach seems to love the idea of selling our school's name that he won't have second thoughts about forcing us into this. And people don't know how to rebell against it.

I hope theese 8 weeks go by quickly.

If they try something like this on the next project though, there will be blood.

1 Apr 2008, 23:10
Have you actually tried talking to your coach about it?

2 Apr 2008, 07:10
Well, just make a half assed game fast, and use the rest of the time to secretly work on some other fun game just for the heck of it while you pretend to still be working on the ****ty game.

2 Apr 2008, 07:13
Ouch. That sucks.

2 Apr 2008, 19:57
I'm very much hoping that's an april fools.:(

2 Apr 2008, 23:04
It is.

3 Apr 2008, 01:30
:o you actually got me! damn it! I fell for an april fool! :(

3 Apr 2008, 07:52
It is.
Gah. You got me.

3 Apr 2008, 10:33
Hell. You got me too. :p

3 Apr 2008, 23:50
You shouldn't joke about things like that, Dan :mad: You'll give people false hopes.

4 Apr 2008, 01:47
It is.
I have been gotten by the fool of April.

4 Apr 2008, 09:41
I didn't believe Dan at any point.
His parents know all too well that he wouldn't survive in the outside world for a week.
He'll stay with them till he's 37. :D

12 Apr 2008, 05:15
Nobody will play Smash Bros Brawl with me...and I'm soooo bored I crawled back into this mess again. :C

Violence doesn't kill, the boredom that leads to it, does.


12 Apr 2008, 07:37
Nobody will play Smash Bros Brawl with me...and I'm soooo bored I crawled back into this mess again. :C

Violence doesn't kill, the boredom that leads to it, does.


AGAGAGAGA add my code. It's somewhere in the... um... 100% changing thread title thread thing.
I haven't gotten online on it really, but I'm eager to test it and I should be around in the afternoons more often. ish.
Also I have no clue how the codes work and stuff and also there'll probably be lag because my isp sucks and because my mom steals all the bandwidth when she's downloading the whole internet...

12 Apr 2008, 16:32
also let me know if you want to hook up for a game or two. I'm awake between 7PM - 10AM central time. so if you ever want a late-night match I'm your man :p contact me on the forums or XFire if you have it.

12 Apr 2008, 19:39
Why do I fall in love with every woman I see that shows me the least bit of attention?
Although to be fair in this instance it does appear to be mutual.

12 Apr 2008, 20:30
Although to be fair in this instance it does appear to be mutual.

I'm at a loss to see how this can possibly be in the right thread.

For my part, I've fallen hopelessly for a very lovely girl (who is alarmingly similar to my ex but I am choosing to read nothing into that), but she seems to like someone else, who seems only dimly interested in her (or they're both sodding useless, which is, well, pretty likely to be honest). I'm told that another girl with the same name likes me, so now I'm mostly just confused.

13 Apr 2008, 04:11
Nobody will play Smash Bros Brawl with me...and I'm soooo bored I crawled back into this mess again. :C

Violence doesn't kill, the boredom that leads to it, does.

I saw you log off a while ago. That was one of the only times I actually saw anyone online.

The other time was when I saw Zero playing with someone else, and I was totally unable to join it or anything. Oooof.

13 Apr 2008, 04:15
I'm at a loss to see how this can possibly be in the right thread.
I thought I was in Neutral. Expect to hear this excuse again later in the year when I'm learning to drive and I accidentally reverse over some old woman.

To be fair, though, the girl in question happens to live in Luton and has two kids. I went to High School with her. She met a guy who got her pregnant twice, he turned into a real (bar steward - Ed.) towards the end of last year and she finally kicked him out in February. We met for lunch when I went over to visit last month and we've been a bit friendly via Facebook messages over the past two weeks. I'd actually forgotten just how intelligent she is.

By sheer coincidence, she was going to move to Los Angeles herself, before she got pregnant. She was offered a basketball scholarship with UCLA.

For my part, I've fallen hopelessly for a very lovely girl (who is alarmingly similar to my ex but I am choosing to read nothing into that), but she seems to like someone else, who seems only dimly interested in her (or they're both sodding useless, which is, well, pretty likely to be honest). I'm told that another girl with the same name likes me, so now I'm mostly just confused.
Your ex became your ex because she immigrated, right? Unless she happened to be an utterly unlikeable cowbag, I don't see much of a problem. It just means you know what you like. Now if I were interested in a girl like my ex, there'd be problems...

Still, bit of a tricky situation there. Sounds vaguely like an episode of Coupling, actually.

13 Apr 2008, 08:30
I saw you log off a while ago. That was one of the only times I actually saw anyone online.

The other time was when I saw Zero playing with someone else, and I was totally unable to join it or anything. Oooof.I spotted you while I was playing with Slick one time; he already had his room up and was expecting me, and I didn't have any way to relay the news to him, so you got left behind. Sorry. :(

On a related note, Slick and I just teamed up in the Home-Run Contest for something like a half hour and landed on a final top score of 2658.0. :cool:

13 Apr 2008, 13:14
To be fair, though, the girl in question happens to live in Luton and has two kids. I went to High School with her. She met a guy who got her pregnant twice, he turned into a real (bar steward - Ed.) towards the end of last year and she finally kicked him out in February. We met for lunch when I went over to visit last month and we've been a bit friendly via Facebook messages over the past two weeks. I'd actually forgotten just how intelligent she is.
Okay, I can see how that might do it, yes.
Your ex became your ex because she immigrated, right?
The thing is, that no, that was Wendy you're thinking of and Claire is like Laura-Anne. She only went to Edinburgh, so technically didn't emigrate. That was a big step for me. (How's that for "like an episode of Coupling"?)

I don't mean they were similar as in "nice, pretty, intelligent...". I'm talking specifics. It almost feels like I just failed to get over her, but I think that would be reading far too much into unimportant details.

Is it wrong that my response to this was to ask out the guy she seems to fancy? I mean, I was joking, but the whole thing does seem to be rapidly descending into some bizarre threesome.

Edit: actually, me and Wendy split up a while before she left the country. It was never going to work out anyway.

13 Apr 2008, 14:07
Eventually we're gonna need a flowchart.

13 Apr 2008, 14:17
I saw you log off a while ago. That was one of the only times I actually saw anyone online.

The other time was when I saw Zero playing with someone else, and I was totally unable to join it or anything. Oooof.for you or anyone else who wants to play against me (and Taddar and Kenvarin from my comics), we have game nights on monday and tuesday nights into the wee hours of the night. let me know before hand and we can try an online match against some of you guys.

13 Apr 2008, 17:26
for you or anyone else who wants to play against me (and Taddar and Kenvarin from my comics), we have game nights on monday and tuesday nights into the wee hours of the night. let me know before hand and we can try an online match against some of you guys.
Good to know, though you kinda need to ADD ME. :mad:

Tuesday nights I could probably do, but with the final month of college and all, nothing is for sure.

14 Apr 2008, 04:09
for you or anyone else who wants to play against me (and Taddar and Kenvarin from my comics), we have game nights on monday and tuesday nights into the wee hours of the night. let me know before hand and we can try an online match against some of you guys.
About how late, would you say? Maybe I could make it to some of those.

14 Apr 2008, 14:54
About how late, would you say? Maybe I could make it to some of those.typically they show up at my house for about 7 or so central time. they stay until we get bored of whatever game we're playing, which is normally around 3 AM or so.

for the record, we alternate days. one week it's monday the next tuesday the next monday again. their schedules alternate, so we play around that. this week it's tuesday.

Good to know, though you kinda need to ADD ME. :mad:

Tuesday nights I could probably do, but with the final month of college and all, nothing is for sure.

I'll get to adding you today when I add Mtl. LIES AND FALACY!! I've already added you to my friends list and it says you've added me back. YOU, however, have not added my wii friend code, you dirty slanderous ******* son of a mutant neanderthal! :mad:

15 Apr 2008, 01:25
LIES AND FALACY!! I've already added you to my friends list and it says you've added me back. YOU, however, have not added my wii friend code, you dirty slanderous ******* son of a mutant neanderthal! :mad:

boys please

15 Apr 2008, 03:20
LIES AND FALACY!! I've already added you to my friends list and it says you've added me back. YOU, however, have not added my wii friend code, you dirty slanderous ******* son of a mutant neanderthal! :mad:

I need to put in your friend code AND your Wii number? Sheezy-la-Peezy. What a pain! :p

15 Apr 2008, 05:20
I need to put in your friend code AND your Wii number? Sheezy-la-Peezy. What a pain! :papparently so, since it still has you registering for smash

or well, HAD anyway, since you claim to have added me.

15 Apr 2008, 05:35
typically they show up at my house for about 7 or so central time. they stay until we get bored of whatever game we're playing, which is normally around 3 AM or so.

for the record, we alternate days. one week it's monday the next tuesday the next monday again. their schedules alternate, so we play around that. this week it's tuesday.Hm, cool. I tend to get home from work around 1-2ish AM, so maybe I'll hop online and look for you.

15 Apr 2008, 07:03
Hm, cool. I tend to get home from work around 1-2ish AM, so maybe I'll hop online and look for you.guess we'll need to start hanging out online. can you play an online match on your own machine? just to wait for others actually online? :p

15 Apr 2008, 14:49
It might be possible to just play against bots and have people join you later, but I haven't seen a game being hosted yet, so I haven't the slightest idea.

15 Apr 2008, 15:21
It might be possible to just play against bots and have people join you later, but I haven't seen a game being hosted yet, so I haven't the slightest idea.yes, but I'm wondering about playing tad and ken in an online room rather than a normal one so that if any of you guys log in you can join us. short of that I'd have to just keep MSN or something so you guys can contact me there so I know when to host the game.

16 Apr 2008, 06:41
Welp, looks like I missed you this time. I just went to MSN at you, only to notice in the process that, in a time before time, I seem to had blocked you and forgotten about it. Given that I have no idea why, I think we're past that now... :p

Next time, maybe, and either way, we should probably move the discussion out of NEaO.

17 Apr 2008, 23:57
I need to put in your friend code AND your Wii number? Sheezy-la-Peezy. What a pain! :p

I guess that's so you can keep your friends close and your enemies even closer?

27 Apr 2008, 19:14
So my new USB stick is playing silly buggers.

I think it might be my fault in part - it seemed to be taking so long to respond that I ended up resorting to the old "take it out and put it back in again". But now it's screwing up completely.

I managed to make and save a test file on it, but I haven't been able to access it since - Windows Explorer freezes up whenever I try to go near it now. So does Firefox. Even Device Manager doesn't like it and freezes up when I try to uninstall its drivers.


27 Apr 2008, 21:27
I'd try it on another computer, if it still doesn't work get it replaced under warranty. I had a similar problem with my external hard disc.

27 Apr 2008, 23:21
I managed to make and save a test file on it, but I haven't been able to access it since - Windows Explorer freezes up whenever I try to go near it now. So does Firefox. Even Device Manager doesn't like it and freezes up when I try to uninstall its drivers.

You can't uninstall drivers for USB flash drives.

Have you ****ed up the file system? Try formatting it. Or is it one of the U3 flash pens or one with software on it? Who made it?

27 Apr 2008, 23:47
Some people called Integral.

It's a USB fob. And as I have no idea how to get access to it without having the application that's trying to access it freeze up, I don't know how I could format it.

Other than on a different machine anyway

Star Worms
28 Apr 2008, 10:13
If it was me, I'd be more worried about losing the files on there than the actual USB stick. Even a 1GB or even 2GB one won't set you back more than £10.

28 Apr 2008, 10:14
There weren't any files on there. I'd just got it, for my birthday

28 Apr 2008, 12:29
I killed my old 1GB Sandisk USB stick because I was in a hurry and unplugged as soon as Windows has stopped copying files. (Those darn convincing flying paper icons...)
Unluckily the indicator light on the stick hadn't yet gone out, which meant that Windows was still accessing it while I disconnected it.

I've been using the "safely remove hardware" option consistently since then with my new one.

29 Apr 2008, 00:32
Integral? For your birthday?

Which application accesses it, Paul? Traditionally you access the data on a flash drive using My Computer. To format it, when the drive appears in My Computer upon insertion, right-click it and choose Format.

29 Apr 2008, 00:39
Yeah, some USB sticks come with software to transfer data to and from the drive, although are more often than not Unnecessaryware. In some cases they're actually Spyware/Malware (at least this has been the case from a couple of USB sticks I've bought from Hong Kong) so be careful.

29 Apr 2008, 01:46
I just discovered a small chip missing from the outer surface of one of my teeth. Fortunately, even though I don't have dental coverage, I should be easily able to cover the work with the upcoming tax refund.

29 Apr 2008, 02:13
I discovered such a chip a while back. Must get to the dentist at some point.

29 Apr 2008, 14:21
I should be easily able to cover the work with the upcoming tax refund.
You should also be able to cover it with cement.

4 May 2008, 00:08
This has been a remarkable weekend. I was getting all set to play with everyone on the big TF2 Free Weekend... thing, but my cellphone broke, my PC broke, and my head broke.

Ah, fate, is there anything it can't do?

4 May 2008, 16:41
Traditionally you access the data on a flash drive using My Computer. To format it, when the drive appears in My Computer upon insertion, right-click it and choose Format.

Except it pretty much either refuses to appear at all there or crashes Windows Explorer when I go to My Computer.

Worked fine on a library computer though.

Alien King
13 May 2008, 18:29
AS Exams begin Tomorrow.
First one is a Physics Practical Exam (which is fairly easy)
Final one is on the 16th June - Numerical Methods
My A2 courses begin on the 9th.

14 May 2008, 00:17
AS Exams begin Tomorrow.
First one is a Physics Practical Exam (which is fairly easy)
Final one is on the 16th June - Numerical Methods
My A2 courses begin on the 9th.
is that like AP?

14 May 2008, 07:58
AS and A2 are the replacement for A-levels we got here in the UK the year after I left 6th form college. AS means something like Advanced-Supplementary. For those who don't know what A-levels are they're the qualifications 16-18 year olds go to sixth form either at a school or a college for. I'm sure Wikipedia has a page or two on them.

Alien King
14 May 2008, 18:43
AS and A2 are the replacement for A-levels we got here in the UK the year after I left 6th form college. AS means something like Advanced-Supplementary. For those who don't know what A-levels are they're the qualifications 16-18 year olds go to sixth form either at a school or a college for. I'm sure Wikipedia has a page or two on them.

That's pretty much it.

You do a year on AS in a course and then move onto A2 for the next year to get the full A-Level.

14 May 2008, 18:55
is that like AP?

That depends what AP is.

Astrophysics? Associated Press?

15 May 2008, 00:01
Amiga Power.


15 May 2008, 02:21
That depends what AP is.

Astrophysics? Associated Press?
advanced placement - advanced level courses where you take a standardized test for college credit

16 May 2008, 06:21
I sprained my wrist at school last night being an idiot on a skateboard,

Hope nothings broken.. it hurts like ****. I won't be able to do much today except thinking about pain and my left hand is getting less and less mobile.
This is awesome :p

16 May 2008, 16:17

16 May 2008, 20:39
I'm so sorry:(

20 May 2008, 00:23
DSL at home is not working and it looks like there's a problem at the exchange, but they want me to test my modem at someone else's house before they send someone around to check the exchange. Even though I got the modem from them last month and it was working perfectly fine up until now. :mad:

20 May 2008, 01:33
Hah, that's a bit cheap.

30 May 2008, 19:55
Someone stole my ipod. I was dealing with backpack-related shiz and left my ipod and a few papers on a table. I realized in the middle of the day that i didn't have it with me and went back to check on it, and of course the ipod was gone but i really wasn't expecting wiccan/alchemy symbols to be drawn ALL OVER the papers I had left

Damnit i go to the scummiest school ever

31 May 2008, 00:35
I lost my mp3 player at college once. Which is kinda odd since people leave laptops and pen drives and train tickets and money and everything everywhere and never seem to lose them.

31 May 2008, 21:29
People are scum. And I mean that seriously. I wish there were more honest people around.

And what the hell? Drawing symbols on your paperwork? Maybe they currrsed youuu! :eek:

Alien King
3 Jun 2008, 19:12
Chemistry Exam tomorrow.
Well, technically it's two exams, but they're both done at the same time (one after the other).
One of them is fine, but the other is Organic Chemistry, which I hate.
It's pretty much the only thing I fail at at the moment.

That and Statistics, but that's Maths, so I can get through that.

3 Jun 2008, 22:06
One of them is fine, but the other is Organic Chemistry, which I hate.Primary alcohol -> aldehyde -> carboxilic acid! Woo I remember chemistry! I've got the A2 Chemistry exams next week, and I am thoroughly going to fail them.

Fortunately I only need further maths and physics for uni, so I'm alright :)

3 Jun 2008, 22:10
Organic Chemistry, which I hate.
You should be looking forward to biochemistry then. :rolleyes:

Alien King
3 Jun 2008, 22:11
Fortunately I only need further maths and physics for uni, so I'm alright :)

I suspect that's all I'm going to need. Maths or Physics is certeinly looking like the most favourable options, Maths in particular.
Computing and Chemistry are out.

Also, can't the Alcohol go straight to the Carboxylic Acid?
Oh damn, I've forgotten the conditions already.
Although knowing Chemistry, it's probably lots of heat.

4 Jun 2008, 08:31
I suspect that's all I'm going to need. Maths or Physics is certeinly looking like the most favourable options, Maths in particular.
Computing and Chemistry are out.

Also, can't the Alcohol go straight to the Carboxylic Acid?
Oh damn, I've forgotten the conditions already.
Although knowing Chemistry, it's probably lots of heat.

Probably heat under reflux :p If I remember correctly though, it will seem like it goes straight to the acid simply because it the aldehyde is oxidised as soon as it forms.

I'd intended to drop chemistry this year, but somehow I still ended up on the course and stupidly decided to just carry on anyway.

Alien King
4 Jun 2008, 13:29
Probably heat under reflux :p If I remember correctly though, it will seem like it goes straight to the acid simply because it the aldehyde is oxidised as soon as it forms.

I'd intended to drop chemistry this year, but somehow I still ended up on the course and stupidly decided to just carry on anyway.

That's the one. Almost regrettably, I'm doing Chemistry for A2.
I say almost, because I do not regret dropping Computing.

Ah well, 3 more to go.
Statistics 1 - Friday
Decision and Disicrete Maths next Thursday
Numerical Methods on the 16th

4 Jun 2008, 13:42
I've never done computing, so I wouldn't know which is worse. A2 Chemistry is harder than AS though, I'm certain.

Decision and Desicrete Maths next Thursday


4 Jun 2008, 13:54
:-/ my stupid headset just snapped in 2. horrible, horrible construction on that piece of crap.

Alien King
4 Jun 2008, 15:42

Oops, spelling error there

4 Jun 2008, 15:56
You've not done matchings then?

edit: or perhaps it was just a daft phrase our syllabus used.

Alien King
4 Jun 2008, 17:30
You've not done matchings then?

edit: or perhaps it was just a daft phrase our syllabus used.

Not as far as I know.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matching - doesn't ring any bells for me.

4 Jun 2008, 18:37
Pity. To declare 'breakthrough' was part of the algorithm we were taught for solving them, we kinda took the **** out of it at every opportunity we could.

5 Jun 2008, 01:46
I can't find my GTA:SA cd. D:
I've been infected with the GTA IV hype and since I can't play GTA IV I wanted to play at least SA.
It was here, in my desk, but a couple of weeks ago my mother seems to have moved everything around and glod knows what happened to it. And in my house loosing something means you will never ever see it again until you truly have no use for said thing at all. D:

5 Jun 2008, 02:32
And in my house loosing something means you will never ever see it again until you truly have no use for said thing at all. D:
Cheer up!
According to this logic, once you find GTA:SA again you'll already be playing GTA IV.
That means the quicker you find GTA:SA, the quicker you'll have GTA IV.
Now go and out all your efforts into finding it!

5 Jun 2008, 06:25
Hmm... Maybe I should lose my PS2.

5 Jun 2008, 21:02
"Mom, I think I lost my PS2! Last I saw it it was flying out the window!"

5 Jun 2008, 21:03
Cheer up!
According to this logic, once you find GTA:SA again you'll already be playing GTA IV.
That means the quicker you find GTA:SA, the quicker you'll have GTA IV.
Now go and out all your efforts into finding it!
Either that or I'll find it when my computer breaks down and have nowhere to play it, or when my hands get cut off. Or after I become an amish.

Could happen. :p

6 Jun 2008, 23:27
I'm taking SAT2s in Math, Literature and Chemistry tomorrow. I'm feeling pretty pumped about literature, comfortable with math, but I'm seriously freaking out about chemistry. We'll see :(

7 Jun 2008, 00:04
Good luck! I only took Math and Chem...

7 Jun 2008, 01:20
Sadly I suck at math.. I'm quite bad at remembering facts and information I don't find important. The last to years of school I thought math was interesting because I had started programming and then saw a reason for using it. But it feelt to late to learn, and class moved to quickly through the course. Sure I could have studied hard, but that's not my style.

7 Jun 2008, 08:58
Sadly I suck at math.. I'm quite bad at remembering facts and information I don't find important.

Odd, that's the precise reason I like Maths so much.

7 Jun 2008, 11:40
Good luck! I only took Math and Chem...

I took a math2 practice test last night and i basically shot it with a huge nuclear weapon that killed everyone except for me and some hot chick that i totally grinded after i finished the test

I took a chem test and i got so frustrated about how little i knew that i just gave up :( there is so much stuff on the chem test that i've never even heard of, and i'm positive we never touched on descriptive chemistry. too bad this girl who is totally perfect at everything ever got a 690 on it without studying so it's apparently just me being totally stupid. at least literature should go pretty smoothly.

Alien King
7 Jun 2008, 23:04
Odd, that's the precise reason I like Maths so much.

Hmm. Interesting, I tend to dislike having to remember lots of single facts.
I prefer to just have the general concepts with as few facts as possible so that if it does go bad, I can just derive the logic I need in an exam or something. It usually works. Apart from Stats, that's just irritating

8 Jun 2008, 02:18
I dislike the fact that Maths keeps rewriting itself and in the end you still can't logically solve problems with it.

8 Jun 2008, 16:22
Hmm. Interesting, I tend to dislike having to remember lots of single facts.
I prefer to just have the general concepts with as few facts as possible so that if it does go bad, I can just derive the logic I need in an exam or something. It usually works. Apart from Stats, that's just irritating

I agree. Maths and physics have a wonderful habit of being entirely derivable from first principles. More than once I've forgotten an equation and just worked it out when it was needed. Can't do that with history.

I dislike the fact that Maths keeps rewriting itself and in the end you still can't logically solve problems with it.

Sorry, what?

Aren't you thinking of Wikipedia?

9 Jun 2008, 05:43
Well, shiznit. Just as I feel like actually trying to make a Let's Play video, my computer suddenly sucks at recording from microphones. Recording volume is at max and the only gain boost I have is on. Didn't have this problem before. Wonder what changed.

9 Jun 2008, 13:48
is there an off switch on the mic? I do that a lot and feel like a jack ass for it every time :p

10 Jun 2008, 06:57
No, it isn't that. :p I just get ****-poor volume and lousy quality.

10 Jun 2008, 15:21
Either your mic wire broke or your soundcard has an awful mic gain. You can clear out which if you can try it somewhere else.

11 Jun 2008, 00:12
Do you have a webcam with a built-in mic? Sometimes my computer switches to using my Logitech webcam's mic, so the volume is lower because it's further away and the quality is worse because, well, the quality is worse. Check your Sound Device settings in Windows, make sure all the input options (E.G. voice, recording input) are set to your sound card and that Use only preferred devices is ticked. Better still, if you can, disable your webcam's mic in Device Manager. You probably won't be using it anyway, seeing as you forgot about it!

Assuming that is the cause of the problem :) If not, we can talk in depth about it.

11 Jun 2008, 06:22
...Wait... a minute. My webcam with built-in mic is plugged in, and it does have a certain history of muscling in on other microphones. Let's see here.

Edit: Well, there you go, figures it was something stupid. In fact, having turned on a new boost, now it's too loud. :p That, of course, is a matter of unchecking a box. Thanks for helping me figure that out.

Alien King
11 Jun 2008, 21:01
Decision and Discrete Maths exam tomorrow morning.
Really not looking forward to this; we rushed through the module in lectures and now I've forgotten a lot of things.

Fortunatly, this won't count towards my AS or A2.
Unless I seriously screw up Numerical Methods.

12 Jun 2008, 01:31
I don't ****ing beleive this. My new laptop died! The harddrive clicked and then the screen went blank, now it won't respond at all to pressing the power button. Of course I have tried reinserting the battery several times and tested other power outlets, but it's no use, the computer is compleatly dead. That was a fun day and a half of usage!

I feel weak from dissapointment. I already wrote an email demanding a replacement, and I really hope they send a new one and not want to fiddle around with the broken one for several aeons, because I really need the computer by the end of the month for when I return home for summer :/


12 Jun 2008, 01:41
Wow, that sucks. A lot.

They'd better give you a replacement.

12 Jun 2008, 03:03
oh how thoroughly ****ed I would be...

that is seriously crap. what company did you buy the laptop from?

12 Jun 2008, 10:52
It's from Hewlett Packard. I just got off the phone with them and they're going to send someone to pick it up. Since it worked a short while before dying it doesn't qualify for the Dead on Arival warrenty, so they can't just send me a replacement, they have to pick it up and play around with it. Why can't they just give me a replacement while they take as much time as they want fixing this one? She said it might take ten days to get it fixed. Bah!

12 Jun 2008, 14:13
HP's support sucks, it's a proven fact.

Although I have had things that they claimed that "it would take months to mess around with it to fix it" but in the end they just couldn't give a crap and replaced it days after.

13 Jun 2008, 03:19
Evil Pixels of Doom on my Wii. D:
They don't affect gameplay I suppose, but they are ANNOYING.

13 Jun 2008, 09:50
Evil Pixels of Doom on my Wii. D:
They don't affect gameplay I suppose, but they are ANNOYING.
Pixel of Doom?

13 Jun 2008, 19:01
Blinking black or white pixels on the screens while ingame or in parts of the menu.
I've seen other people with this issue on youtube... Most people seem to think it's the vid card on the console overheating what causes this, no one appears to know a fix to this other than sending it in for repair... and some people speculate it's more likely to happen when you have Wii Connect 24 enabled.
Here's an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS9--El4EDM&feature=related


Alien King
15 Jun 2008, 16:29
Really not looking forward to my Numerical Methods exam tomorrow.
Revision and past papers have been going worse than I expected... and I'm strongly pessimistic when it comes to these things.

18 Jun 2008, 08:14
Today our politicians are voting on weather or not all communication that leaves and enters the country will be wiretapped by the FRA. And considering how the internet works, that means everything. \o/


18 Jun 2008, 15:31
doesn't sweden have a much better record on privacy issues than we do here in the us?

18 Jun 2008, 17:25
Oh no they'll find all the porn! :(

19 Jun 2008, 11:38
doesn't sweden have a much better record on privacy issues than we do here in the us?
They had indeed so far.

But that attempted terrorist attack on one of their nuclear plants seems to make them go crazy with the need for protection from outside.

19 Jun 2008, 12:31
They had indeed so far.

But that attempted terrorist attack on one of their nuclear plants seems to make them go crazy with the need for protection from outside.

What? Are we talking about the same Sweden? I just think politicians are worried that "we gotta be next!" because nothing bad ever happens around here.

19 Jun 2008, 13:01
ok but i just read yesterday that the bill was struck down anyway, so woot

19 Jun 2008, 18:44
Who's idea was it to allow nuclear plants to be on the internet, anyway?

1 Jul 2008, 23:37
Oh glod, the hair! It's hideous!

Also, more sad news:


They're destroying everything that was awesome, WHYYYY?!?!?

2 Jul 2008, 04:08
PAHAHAHAAAA!!! I'd seen the actors list for the live-action DB movie, but that hair is epic! :D

3 Jul 2008, 01:45
So I was buffing the finish on my guitar and I went through to the wood in a spot *cries*

I put more finish on where it needed it. You're supposed to let finish cure for a week before you try to buff it. I'm not sure I'm that patient...:p And then I'm going on a week-long camping trip on tuesday, and I'd love to be done by then. But then my lacquer says "quick dry - full dry in 24 hours" so I'm not sure if I need to wait a week or not... I'll probably give it until Friday, see how it goes, and if it doesn't I'll give it the week I'm gone...

Mblegh I'm just bummed because if all had gone to plan I'd have a playable guitar by the end of tomorrow...:-/

3 Jul 2008, 09:50
So I was buffing the finish on my guitar and I went through to the wood in a spot *cries*

I put more finish on where it needed it. You're supposed to let finish cure for a week before you try to buff it. I'm not sure I'm that patient...:p And then I'm going on a week-long camping trip on tuesday, and I'd love to be done by then. But then my lacquer says "quick dry - full dry in 24 hours" so I'm not sure if I need to wait a week or not... I'll probably give it until Friday, see how it goes, and if it doesn't I'll give it the week I'm gone...

Mblegh I'm just bummed because if all had gone to plan I'd have a playable guitar by the end of tomorrow...:-/
Put it in the oven at about 50°C.
Or if you need that for cooking, use an incubator or a compartment drier if you have those available.
The latter two are better than an oven since they have ventilation and feedback temperature control.

You could ask at woodwork or in a paintshop if they'd let you use their driers.

5 Jul 2008, 02:22
Put it in the oven at about 50°C.
Or if you need that for cooking, use an incubator or a compartment drier if you have those available.
The latter two are better than an oven since they have ventilation and feedback temperature control.

You could ask at woodwork or in a paintshop if they'd let you use their driers.

It's been about 37ºC persistently the last few days, which may have done the trick. I buffed it this afternoon and all went well. By the end of tomorrow I should have a functional electric guitar.:)

6 Jul 2008, 02:00
The software for my scanner isn't compatable with Vista.

I can still use it, but the options are less than ideal, for example I have three resoloutions to choose from: normal, fine, and 'superfine'.

Also It lacks a preview function, any kind of brightness/contrast control and no option to select the area to be scanned.

Also Photoshop just plain crashes when I try to directly import an image.


6 Jul 2008, 17:41
You're lucky. My scanner doesn't work with Vista. Period.

6 Jul 2008, 19:32
Mine does. I win.

6 Jul 2008, 21:25
My scanner works with XP and I don't care at all if it works on Vista because I never intend to 'upgrade'.

I think you'll all find that I win.

7 Jul 2008, 06:33
My scanner works with XP and I don't care at all if it works on Vista because I never intend to 'upgrade'.

I think you'll all find that I win.I'm joining this club.

7 Jul 2008, 15:40
I think vista only actually works if you don't plan to actually USE the OS for anything :p

I don't often transfer files nor do I use a scanner, printer, tablet, etc and vista works fine for me. if, however, I try to use any of those things I start to get serious issues.

7 Jul 2008, 23:05
I think vista only actually works if you don't plan to actually USE the OS for anything :p

I don't often transfer files nor do I use a scanner, printer, tablet, etc and vista works fine for me. if, however, I try to use any of those things I start to get serious issues.
Vista is an interactive piece of artwork.
You can admire the nice colours and click things and stuff.

8 Jul 2008, 00:42
All my hardware works with Vista. Granted, it was bought *after* it came out, Vista doesn't really like upgrading.

9 Jul 2008, 15:41

ordered a new processor a few days ago. finally came in last night and the minute I plugged it in I had problems. specifically the computer wouldn't start up. I swapped in and out between the new processor and the one I already had in the computer and nothing worked. eventually went on my wife's computer to get help. found a tech support message board and someone pointed out to me something I hadn't checked. apparently my current motherboard (despite being an uber gaming motherboard that's only about a year old) cannot support the processor I bought. after running some tests and what-not I found out that one of my RAM sticks got fried somewhere along the way (though this isn't too bad since I had 4 1GB sticks and can only actually use 3), and that caused the old processor to appear broken as well. so after wasting away the night doing nothing but sitting around bored, I now can play computer stuff once again. the good news about this situation is that I'm back on my computer for now. the bad news is I either have to fore-go my attempts to play age of conan and likely any other games in the near future, or fork out $100 or so for a new motherboard.

obviously, I'm paying for the motherboard :p either way it's annoying.

10 Jul 2008, 18:29
My cat died. I just saw him yesterday and he was perfectly fine. My mom says she heard noises outside last night, it seemed the cat was stumbling around for a while in the backyard until it fell dead. Most likely he was poisoned or something.
And now it stinks.


Edit: Had to put him in a bag since there's no one else but me who can do it right now. And the stench, oh glod the stench... x_x

Edit2: Now, what to do with it? My brother wants to bury it in the backyard, but our backyard is really small. No room for a small graveyard... On the other hand, throwing it to the garbage doesn't seem very nice... And no there are no local pet cemeteries.

10 Jul 2008, 21:18
My cat died. I just saw him yesterday and he was perfectly fine. My mom says she heard noises outside last night, it seemed the cat was stumbling around for a while in the backyard until it fell dead. Most likely he was poisoned or something.
And now it stinks.


Edit: Had to put him in a bag since there's no one else but me who can do it right now. And the stench, oh glod the stench... x_x

Edit2: Now, what to do with it? My brother wants to bury it in the backyard, but our backyard is really small. No room for a small graveyard... On the other hand, throwing it to the garbage doesn't seem very nice... And no there are no local pet cemeteries.
Commit him to the fire.

10 Jul 2008, 21:28
Ask your local vet about how to lay your cat to rest - they might know of the nearest cemetery (and may even be able to take care of everything for you), or they may even have the facilities to cremate small pets on site (ie cats & small dogs)

You could probably buy a cat in your back yard - only need a hole a few feet by a few feet (about 4 - 6ft deep = good). Put the grass back on top and you can then put some kind of "mark" or "monument" nearby, where you have space.

10 Jul 2008, 22:05
So my sister insists that spending money and/or time to bury/cremate a cat is idiotic. As such, general consensus is: Throw it to the garbage.
I much prefer a less poetic disposal of my beloved cat than to increase odds of family conflict. :-/

11 Jul 2008, 00:36
You could probably buy a cat in your back yard - only need a hole a few feet by a few feet (about 4 - 6ft deep = good). Put the grass back on top and you can then put some kind of "mark" or "monument" nearby, where you have space.

I take it the hole is to catch wandering cat-salesman dwarves?

11 Jul 2008, 02:30
edit: whoops.

sorry about your cat :( shouldn't seem like it is that big of an ordeal just to bury it in the backyard, i don't see why that would put strain on any relationships.

11 Jul 2008, 08:30
Sorry for your loss, Angelus.

If the general consensus is to dispose of the body in the trash, then the general consensus is ****. Pets are companions, not property. He deserves a dignified burial.

11 Jul 2008, 09:05
Sorry for your loss, Angelus.

If the general consensus is to dispose of the body in the trash, then the general consensus is ****. Pets are companions, not property. He deserves a dignified burial.
Burial - schmurial!
Compress the carcass into an artificial diamond!

Alien King
11 Jul 2008, 10:57
Burial - schmurial!
Compress the carcass into an artificial diamond!

A much nicer idea in my view.
Sad news about the cat though.

11 Jul 2008, 17:25
I take it the hole is to catch wandering cat-salesman dwarves?
Re-filling the hole is entirely optional but recommended :p

11 Jul 2008, 22:13
Re-filling the hole is entirely optional but recommended :p

But how would that help you buy a cat?

11 Jul 2008, 22:13
Sorry for the pet loss, MtlAngelus. :(

Don't throw him in the garbage. If you can't bury it in the backyard, couldn't you find a field somewhere and bury him there?
A companion deserves some respect. I don't see why spending a bit of time to do that should make your family mad, especially if you do it yourself (IF you do it yourself...).

...though I'd be surprised if you still haven't taken care of the body.

11 Jul 2008, 23:23
Your sister is a silly cow. What's with all the din? You want to send the cat off right, and put her in the bin.
It's not unreasonable to suggest acknowledgment to his name. Let's hope, when your sister's dead and gone, her kids will think the same.

12 Jul 2008, 05:54
I don't think throwing it in the garbage means any disrespect or that I loved it any less.
In any case, it's a bit late to do anything right now.

15 Jul 2008, 10:05
Yay insomnia woo.

15 Jul 2008, 19:56
Yay insomnia woo.
Same here.
I've been awake for 27 hours as of right now.

18 Jul 2008, 06:24
*Checks bank account after paying bills*

... I'm unemployed. :(

Guess I'll start that job search... thing now. Shouldn't be tooooooo difficult finding a part time job.

18 Jul 2008, 18:55
*Checks bank account after paying bills*

... I'm unemployed. :(

Guess I'll start that job search... thing now. Shouldn't be tooooooo difficult finding a part time job.
just be glad you're not in michigan, land of the 8.5% unemployment rate and the home of the miserable

19 Jul 2008, 12:40
just be glad you're not in michigan, land of the 8.5% unemployment rate and the home of the miserable

Sounds like planet earth to me..

19 Jul 2008, 14:48
Sounds like planet earth to me..

You have a surreal outlook on the world, haven't you?

The planet Earth has an 8.5% unemployment rate? Satire!

20 Jul 2008, 17:28
You have a surreal outlook on the world, haven't you?

The planet Earth has an 8.5% unemployment rate? Satire!

I looked around a bit but I couldn't find any real figures on that. Only per country.

23 Jul 2008, 18:45
I suspect the Third World will push that number pretty high.

25 Jul 2008, 19:05
Yesterday, I had massive abdominal pains simmilar to the time I had to go to hospital due to the pain. It was horrible, I actually vomited due to the pain. I have no idea what it is, it's just below my ribcage. It's faded now, but it still hurts sometimes. :/

Along with that I've had a nasty cough for the past week, and it won't budge. :(

I'm stressed because I have two gigs, one in a week and one in three weeks. My drummer is going on about doing covers and instead of doing new stuff we just work on what we have. Sounds sensible yes? Thing is, we barely have any stuff of our own and the covers are mostly easy.


Alien King
25 Jul 2008, 19:35
Yesterday, I had massive abdominal pains simmilar to the time I had to go to hospital due to the pain. It was horrible, I actually vomited due to the pain. I have no idea what it is, it's just below my ribcage. It's faded now, but it still hurts sometimes. :/

How far down from the ribcage? Because that sounds like the start of appendicitis.

25 Jul 2008, 19:45
Just below it. Thing is, last time in hospital they thought it might be that, gall stones and possibly "grumbling pancreas". But they found no evidence of Appendicitis.

27 Jul 2008, 18:21
A couple of negative updates:

-My sister has psoriasis. That worries me alot because of the impact it has on her selfsteem and stuff. Plus she has trouble sleeping because of the itching.

-I hate my job.

-I'm hungry.

-Saw the movie Komodo vs Cobra the other day on tv. Oh glod, the horror... :(

27 Jul 2008, 18:33
-My sister has psoriasis. That worries me alot because of the impact it has on her selfsteem and stuff. Plus she has trouble sleeping because of the itching.
So does mine. For her chiropractic course, they all have to stand around in their underwear sometimes and she was not happy, because she was covered in this rash like stuff.

It's died down now, and you'd never know she has it, but I heard that you can't get rid of it and it will just keep coming back over your lifetime. It sucks :(

28 Jul 2008, 00:33
So does mine. For her chiropractic course, they all have to stand around in their underwear sometimes and she was not happy, because she was covered in this rash like stuff.

It's died down now, and you'd never know she has it, but I heard that you can't get rid of it and it will just keep coming back over your lifetime. It sucks :(well there are treatments now. I don't think they cure it, but I believe they at least make it calm down when an outbreak starts up.

28 Jul 2008, 03:04
For some reason my HL2 saves are gone! It had to do its update thing and reset my settings and now it says "64-bit mode on" on top and even though they're in the folder, my saves don't show up.

Another thing I noticed is that I feel sick playing HL2. Like physically sick, after some minutes of play I start getting nauseous and have to put it down and lay down for a while. This doesn't happen with any other game and sure didn't happen back when I first got it years ago. Have I developed some HL2 allergy?

28 Jul 2008, 03:27
For some reason my HL2 saves are gone! It had to do its update thing and reset my settings and now it says "64-bit mode on" on top and even though they're in the folder, my saves don't show up.

Another thing I noticed is that I feel sick playing HL2. Like physically sick, after some minutes of play I start getting nauseous and have to put it down and lay down for a while. This doesn't happen with any other game and sure didn't happen back when I first got it years ago. Have I developed some HL2 allergy?it doesn't happen with ANY other game? including other FPSs?

28 Jul 2008, 03:42
-My sister has psoriasis.
Garra rufa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_fish).
A nice little fish that nibbles on (horny) skin. Their origin is Kangal in Turkey and there's a famous spa there.
Don't know if they're available from breeders in Mexico or the US, but they are available in Germany.

Combine that with a healing earth and some light/laser therapy.

28 Jul 2008, 13:58
Garra rufa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_fish).
A nice little fish that nibbles on (horny) skin. Their origin is Kangal in Turkey and there's a famous spa there.
Don't know if they're available from breeders in Mexico or the US, but they are available in Germany.

Combine that with a healing earth and some light/laser therapy.

Souds interensting. But I can't find any america based center that has this treatment...
And overseas travelling is quite expensive. :/

28 Jul 2008, 14:09
it doesn't happen with ANY other game? including other FPSs?Nope. I've googled around and apparently I'm not the only one, it might have something to do with HL2's FOV so I'm gonna mess around with that.

Alien King
28 Jul 2008, 19:35
Nope. I've googled around and apparently I'm not the only one, it might have something to do with HL2's FOV so I'm gonna mess around with that.

*loads up HL2*

After some trial and error, I found the relevant console commands. After some more trial and error, I found the default FOV value to be 75. That seems unusually low compared to most FPS games. I think 90 is fairly standard. Try 90 (or do what I do and use 105+).

29 Jul 2008, 09:46
Souds interensting. But I can't find any america based center that has this treatment...
And overseas travelling is quite expensive. :/
This Northern Virginia hair & nail salon obviously has them:
Not for whole body psoriasis therapy as it seems, but you might get info where to buy the fish.

This company seems to distribute the fish:

29 Jul 2008, 09:52
This Northern Virginia hair & nail salon obviously has them:
Not for whole body psoriasis therapy as it seems, but you might get info where to buy the fish.

This company seems to distribute the fish:
It's only on her toes, so that could work. Thanks for the link, Bonz! :)

29 Jul 2008, 10:03
It's only on her toes, so that could work. Thanks for the link, Bonz! :)
You should buy some fish and keep them in an aquarium.
Then learn how to efficiently underfeed them so the will love to nibble skin.

29 Jul 2008, 10:20
it amazes me that men have learned to fly, to travel at speeds of more than 700 mph, to survive under water for days, and yet the more we learn the more we find the old fixes were the best solutions. we have medicine for everything from stopping pain to curing dementia and yet the best solution for a skin ailment is fish...

just strange to me, I guess.

29 Jul 2008, 21:53
There is something to cure dementia?

30 Jul 2008, 06:27
There is something to cure dementia?well, there are drugs to help with certain mental illnesses, anyway.

12 Aug 2008, 08:59
My puter a splode with no evident reason. I did turn off a few stupid startup objects last night, all of which I believe were things Apple snuck onto my machine along with the latest iTunes (I'm never updating that tripe again, there's no point, one install is destructive enough). I never turn off any startup objects I can't identify, for obvious reasons. At any rate, I start my computer today, and I have no internet connection -- although the connection wizard assures me that my connection is most definitely working properly, how about that -- and no sound device. No system restore points handy.

Guh-lee. Hope Nero works in case I have to just make backups and wipe everything.

12 Aug 2008, 19:22
Can you try turning the startup items back on? Whenever I've turned something off msconfig still shows it with the check mark box thing deselected, so you should just be able to check the necessary boxes and restart be see if that does anything?

13 Aug 2008, 06:21
Zero Atheila Adi Sanera says:
good thing my dad knows about 10 times more about computers than I do
Munkee says:
find the problem? lol
Munkee says:
also it occurred to me that short of an outright reformat, reinstalling Windows probably would've done the trick
Zero Atheila Adi Sanera says:
yeah, I dunno how the hell, but I managed to like disable 90% of the Windows Services, to include fairly important ones like those responsible for initializing things like sound and internet
Munkee says:
Zero Atheila Adi Sanera says:
I didn't even touch the damn things
Zero Atheila Adi Sanera says:
but whatever
Munkee says:
all good
Zero Atheila Adi Sanera says:

14 Aug 2008, 16:23
Well I can forget doing Pharmacy it seems.

Unless someone points me in the direction of a University that will do CCD, CCC or osmething.

16 Aug 2008, 23:46
owowow im typing one handed because I burned my other hand quite badly...stupid hot engines...being hot and all.....

Alien King
16 Aug 2008, 23:51
stupid hot engines...being hot and all.....

Indeed. How dare they!
Bad luck with your hand there. Having to type one handed sucks.

17 Aug 2008, 04:19
Well I've mostly regained use of my right hand now, with 1st degree burns along my index through ring digits with a 2nd degree burn on the end of my middle finger and a 2nd degree burn right where my index finger connects to my hand. It was my own damn fault though.

Today was just all around a very accident-full day. I set out this morning to rebuild the fuel pump in my ol' vw bug, which means taking it apart and replacing all the innards (except, given that the original vw factory parts are far better quality than any replacement, that means keeping everything that's still in decent shape and only replacing the disintegrating rubber parts like the main diaphram) So I'm prying these two parts apart with a screwdriver, and it gives and the screwdriver goes right into the palm of my left hand, giving me an unexpectedly large gash all full of engine grime. Later I'm using automotive solvent to clean some of the parts and of course I get a good deal of solvent underneath my band-aid which stung quite badly. I keep working, and at one point I spray solvent into this crevase and it sprays right back at me, all over my face, and into my right eye. As I'm heading into the house to wash it out my friend pulls up to show me his new motorcycle. I tell him I'll brb and wash my eye successfully, and admire his quite sexy motorbike before putting my hand on the sexy chrome exhaust pipe and inflicting the aforementioned burn. I knew exactlly what it was, I just forgot for a moment that the engine had just shut off.:p And so after putting ice on my hand for a prolonged period I go back to using the solvent which gets all over my freshly burned hand, which stung quite a bit.

All in all a pretty successful day.:rolleyes: I learned I'm an absolute klutz, but at least I now have a rebuilt fuel pump out of the whole deal. Let's just hope I don't kill myself putting it back on tomorrow...

17 Aug 2008, 16:08
woo! I finally have a legit neg event.....:-/

about 5 years ago now I was taking Tae Kwon Do. during a sparring session with a man who was around 50 years old by my guess and about 6'6" by my guess, I took a kick to the face. no big deal, it was no-contact sparring and so the kick was an accident as well as severely limited in power to begin with and by the time it hit me it was even more so. the kick did nothing more than make me aware of it at the time, really. the next day my jaw was sore but it was never that big a deal, really.

back to more present day, I've noticed that since that day my jaw will pop in and out of place at will. it isn't even slightly painful the vast majority of the time (though it will occassionally lock and not open past a certain extent, though wiggling would typically reset it and allow me to open my jaw completely). I've lived with it as it is for years with no real complaints. it could be annoying on occassion but never really caused noticable pain or discomfort. well, today I was chewing on a skittle (yes, a f@*$ing skittle) and my jaw popped. it set my jaw at an uncomfortable angle of some kind and was reasonably annoying. well, after that short period of mild pain I noticed that I could set my jaw back to the spot it seems like it would originally have been in, where I can open my jaw about as much one would expect a person with a broken jaw would be able to and where I can do so without my jaw popping out of place at all. well, after a few hours of comfort I get home and start eating stuff. now my jaw feels like it's still in the right spot and I can open it more fully than immediately after the skittle, but the left side feels somewhat swollen and....well not painful but sort of throbbing except without any pain....I dunno, it's wierd...and mostly uncomfortable...very uncomfortable. now I'm wondering if it'll set back and heal or anything or if I'm going to have to go get this fixed by an actual doctor. to my understanding that proceedure requires they break your jaw, set it back into its original position, then mend the break and set you up with all sorts of fun bracings to keep you from moving your jaw much.....that doesn't sound pleasant.

17 Aug 2008, 16:16
Ouch that sounds nasty. All I can think of now is the Simpsons episode called "Jaws Wired Shut" where Homer breaks his jaw and Dr. Hibbert has to wire it shut for a while.

Hope it gets fixed soon and you can enjoy eating solids again ;)

17 Aug 2008, 16:18
Ouch that sounds nasty. All I can think of now is the Simpsons episode called "Jaws Wired Shut" where Homer breaks his jaw and Dr. Hibbert has to wire it shut for a while.

Hope it gets fixed soon and you can enjoy eating solids again ;)lol, I'm hoping I don't get to that point :p

I like solids. I like them quite a bit :-/

17 Aug 2008, 21:45
Oof, good luck with that!

This is a subject of great interest to me. I have a bad jaw (we think from genetics - my grandpa had the same thing) and it pops in and out of place exactly as you described. (including the part where it gets stuck and won't open right) I haven'a had any incidents like you have with the Skittle, but I've had some pretty nasty, loud pops if I eat wrong. But it never seems to hurt much, it just feels more weird than anything else...

17 Aug 2008, 22:46
If I have learned anything from TV and movies, I think you need a second kick to your jaw to fix it. However, a third kick will mess it up again and so on.
It probably must be performed by an old, eremitish Tae Kwon Do master somewhere in the Korean mountains.

Seriously, you should visit a physician.

18 Aug 2008, 01:07
well, as of right now I just got up out of bed and my jaw seems to have returned to the way it was before the skittle.

so now I can hopefully go back to ignoring it until something else happens and I have to get it fixed :p hopefully. I'll see how it goes the next few days.

18 Aug 2008, 03:25
Funny that you mention that. Since 2 days ago the left side of my jaw seems to crack when I open my mouth wide, which makes it kinda hard to eat. Unless I push it back, then it won't crack.
It's been puzzling me.

18 Aug 2008, 04:14
Funny that you mention that. Since 2 days ago the left side of my jaw seems to crack when I open my mouth wide, which makes it kinda hard to eat. Unless I push it back, then it won't crack.
It's been puzzling me.well, mine never hurt when I tried to eat except slightly yesterday

18 Aug 2008, 04:14
I've noticed that since that day my jaw will pop in and out of place at will. it isn't even slightly painful the vast majority of the time (though it will occassionally lock and not open past a certain extent, though wiggling would typically reset it and allow me to open my jaw completely).

Similar thing here. Don't think it's ever caused me pain, though occasionally it slips while I'm taking a bite of something. In the past it seemed a bit prone to getting stuck if I was dehydrated, as if the joint needed oiling. :D It's basically just like cracking a knuckle, except I can do it with the right side of my jaw. In other words, it's harmless assuming you don't move it excessively and strain it (Don't believe the myths about arthritis).

I once asked the dentist about it off-handedly and he suggested it might have been caused by opening my mouth too wide.

to my understanding that proceedure requires they break your jaw, set it back into its original position, then mend the break and set you up with all sorts of fun bracings to keep you from moving your jaw much.....that doesn't sound pleasant.


18 Aug 2008, 04:57
well, mine never hurt when I tried to eat except slightly yesterday

It doesn't hurt much at all, but the cracking is pretty notorious.

18 Aug 2008, 13:53
well another day passes and I seem to be fine once more. jaw is doing the same as it used to. I think I just strained it or similar on the skittle and made it swell and get uncomfortable. so I'll go back to waiting to see how it works out in the future

18 Aug 2008, 19:59
Unfortunately I suffer from a similar experience if I don't eat carefully. For a few years I have taken care when I eat, and that has alleviated the problem completely. Just be careful.

As a side note, I'm 25 and I still have my wisdom teeth, though they have been half-covered by gum for a few years, and don't appear to be making any signs of movement. I count this as strange. Perhaps there is some link, or it's just a coincidence. Again, just make sure you take care, Nathan, as I wouldn't want you to have to have something done.

18 Aug 2008, 23:10
I'm 25 and I still have my wisdom teeth, though they have been half-covered by gum for a few years, and don't appear to be making any signs of movement. I count this as strange.

I think that's pretty common: "When wisdom teeth don't have room to grow or they haven't reached their final position by age 25, they are considered impacted."

19 Aug 2008, 00:10
As a side note, I'm 25 and I still have my wisdom teeth, though they have been half-covered by gum for a few years, and don't appear to be making any signs of movement. I count this as strange. Perhaps there is some link, or it's just a coincidence. Again, just make sure you take care, Nathan, as I wouldn't want you to have to have something done.I'm looking to be the same so far. only got one showing I believe and it's half covered by gum. no idea if it's related at all.

20 Aug 2008, 08:12
I've had my wisdom teeth taken out, and yet I still have jaw problems.


In milder cases, the only representation may be joint sound such as clicking or popping. These symptoms of TMD are often caused by overusage of the muscles of mastication. Common causes include chewing gum continuously, biting habits (fingernails and pencils), grinding habits, and clenching habits.

But in my case it's most likely due to the occlusional surfaces on my teeth (english: how the teeth fit together). I have a pretty decent open bite in that, for some reason, my rear teeth hit in such a way that I can't touch my front teeth together. It's more pronounced on my left side - on my right side nearly all of my teeth contact. On the left only the back few, and I physically cannot make my left canines touch however much I contort, even though my right canines touch when I naturally close my jaw. I figured my jaw was probably having problems from my occlusion, but I just realized that all my jaw problems are on the left side, the more open side.

My orthodontist who did my braces says that my jaw simply grew in at the wrong angle to explain my open bite. The solution to that would be as akuryou said - they'd have to break my jaw and reset it at the proper angle. He says it's about as painful as getting your wisdom teeth taken out (which as stated, I've had done) but there's no way in hell that's going to happen.

But I do wonder about his assessment, given that one side seems to fit. I do wonder how good a job he did with my braces in the first place. It's too much to go into here, but I'm thinking to get a second opinion from someone else.

21 Aug 2008, 03:10
Some recent studies have demonstrated a statistical relation between bipolar disorder and temporomandibular joint disorder

Nice. :p

22 Aug 2008, 03:19
Currently the company my dad works at pays for our internet connection, because my dad needs to be available pretty much all the time, and he can work remotely from his laptop. But it appears that now they have decided to switch to giving their employees broadband connection cards, which means they will stop paying for our internet connection. Which means I'll have to pay for it myself. CURSES!

Or I can leech my neighbour's, which I sometimes do with my Wii. But I think it's slower...
Bah, that wouldn't work anyway because my mom also needs internet access and she's too righteous to steal someone else's. :(

edit: There could be a good side tho, since I'll most likely pick another provider and that might just solve my high ping issues in online games. (Which is pretty much why I haven't got into TF2 at all. I can't find a server with <200 ping. D: )

22 Aug 2008, 03:32
edit: There could be a good side tho, since I'll most likely pick another provider and that might just solve my high ping issues in online games. (Which is pretty much why I haven't got into TF2 at all. I can't find a server with <200 ping. D: )is that 200 ping on the server list or in-game? every search I do yields nothing lower than about 300 for my ping but when I get into the actual games my ping stays around 100 or 150 at most.

22 Aug 2008, 05:28
in the game list, but also when I join games I get severe lag.

Alien King
3 Sep 2008, 21:59
College starts tomorrow.
Oh how I am not looking forward to getting up at 6:20 ish tomorrow morning.

Star Worms
8 Sep 2008, 03:33
I haven't posted in a while so a post in this thread is due.

A week or two ago, my car overheated in the tiger enclosure of Longleat safari park. Long story short - it was serviced and needs a lot of repairs. So I'm hunting for a new car. But they're too expensive for me.

This computer has gone to pot. It's crashing all the time. I was going to buy a new one, but can't afford it. I'm thinking of selling the half-valuable parts and just using my macbook. While I'm on the subject of computers, I'd like to rant about all the free stuff that dyslexics get. In the first year, my friend, a dyslexic, was gifted a free computer, monitor, printer, scanner and some weird expensive electronic dictionary that scans words, among other stuff. As he had a decent monitor, he sent the monitor home, which I presume has landed some money on eBay. Secondly, he is doing a 4 year course. After 3 years, the computer is considered out of date, so they'll give him a new one next year. He also gets £100 to spend on paper and another £100 to spend on ink - none of which he has bought. In fact, that was invested into his new PS3.

Pardon me for saying, but is there a correlation between lack of a computer, and having dyslexia? And no, it doesn't have any special software.

I'll soon be starting my final year, which means another few months of being frozen over winter due to gas prices. Still, maybe it will mean I'll spend more time at the library.

8 Sep 2008, 03:40
Pardon me for saying, but is there a correlation between lack of a computer, and having dyslexia? And no, it doesn't have any special software.welcome to america. the only place on earth where a poor mother with starving kids can afford a brand new hair stylist and a manicure paid for by the government.

15 Sep 2008, 23:56
When McCain picked Palin as his VP I was like, hell yes, he just shot himself in the foot unbelievably bad and Obama is going to win this. Picking Palin ultimately proves he's struggling and since he picked the most unqualified person he could have possibly picked simply because she's a woman, everyone will see right through it and be completely insulted. I was wrong, and he's probably going to win, and, making the not-unreasonable assumption that he has a health issue in office, the idea of a Palin presidency makes me unable to get to sleep at night.

16 Sep 2008, 02:49
When McCain picked Palin as his VP I was like, hell yes, he just shot himself in the foot unbelievably bad and Obama is going to win this. Picking Palin ultimately proves he's struggling and since he picked the most unqualified person he could have possibly picked simply because she's a woman, everyone will see right through it and be completely insulted. I was wrong, and he's probably going to win, and, making the not-unreasonable assumption that he has a health issue in office, the idea of a Palin presidency makes me unable to get to sleep at night.

Agreed geez it's miserable. I'm kinda loosing faith in humanity. Everyone fell in love with her after she did no more than give a speech she didn't write. It's depressing that everyone likes her so much while knowing NOTHING about her. I'm hoping that her stance on the issues spreads around and people acquire some form of logic. Then again, this IS the country that elected Bush into office. Twice. So I probably shouldn't expect much.:rolleyes:

edit: I was going to correct myself that Bush actually only won the election once, but I'm not sure that would make me feel any better about our country, or our failed election process...

16 Sep 2008, 11:10
When McCain picked Palin as his VP I was like, hell yes, he just shot himself in the foot unbelievably bad and Obama is going to win this. Picking Palin ultimately proves he's struggling and since he picked the most unqualified person he could have possibly picked simply because she's a woman, everyone will see right through it and be completely insulted. I was wrong, and he's probably going to win, and, making the not-unreasonable assumption that he has a health issue in office, the idea of a Palin presidency makes me unable to get to sleep at night.
That's because most of the voters are Americans. 'Nuff said :p

Do they not realise that Palin is highly likely to be president of the USA if McCain gets elected? I really wouldn't want someone as president who says that the Iraq war is a "mission from God".


This blog post from Andrew sums up McCain perfectly: http://www.apathysketchpad.com/blog/2008/09/03/dumb-****-john-mccain-has-done/

16 Sep 2008, 18:14
This blog post from Andrew sums up McCain perfectly: http://www.apathysketchpad.com/blog/2008/09/03/dumb-****-john-mccain-has-done/
Thank you, forum word filter.

16 Sep 2008, 18:42
Thank you, forum word filter.
Stupid forum word filter.

TinyURL to the rescue!

16 Sep 2008, 19:28
Also, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this, but this is the state of America right now:


16 Sep 2008, 23:54
My sister moved into a house with her boyfriend, their friend Mike, his boyfriend, and my ex and her fiance. This was a month ago and, before you say "I smell a sitcom!", tonight it all crumbled apart.

Firstly, a personal note. I no longer care about Amy one way or the other. I don't love her, I don't hate her. I nothing her. She isn't a blip on my radar. She is, or at least was, a friend of my sister's. However whenever I've gone over to their place she's been visibly angry at my presence. Why? No idea - she wronged me in the relationship, not I her - but nevertheless, I apparently still register on her systems.

Amy took control of the house. Despite the Tenancy Agreement being in my sister's name, Amy called all the shots. Mike's girlfriend had to smoke outside. They weren't allowed a dog. There was a communial whiteboard on which To Do Lists could be written, but Amy would decapitate anyone who removed the message she'd scribbled on it two and a half months ago when her boyfriend had proposed to her. She wanted what she wanted and she got what she wanted, which is pretty much what the sitch was when we were going out.

When my sister told me she was moving into a house with Amy, I wanted to warn her about... well, all of the problems she would encounter living with someone like Amy. I opted not to because it's difficult to try and sound reasonable, impartial and objective about your ex. I know that, no matter what I say, people will assume I still have some kind of bias against her. Maybe they're right. Either way, I kept my nose out of it.

Anyway, Amy and her fiance decided they weren't going to pay their part of the rent for... some reason. I honestly don't know the specifics but apparently they felt there was something wrong with the property that made it unlivable, but decided to live there anyway and not really tell anyone what the problem was. With the rent due yesterday, Amy and her other half decided they were going to move out.

Except they didn't tell my sister directly. They got Amy's parents to do it for them.

So now my sister is £300 short on the rent, which they have to pay in the next week-and-a-half, otherwise they'll be evicted and my sister will be taken to court. Fortunately it's Student Season and, as she lives in Luton which is a University town, she shouldn't theoretically have any trouble finding someone to take the now-vacant room (any takers, incidentally?).

Amy can say what she wants about me. I don't care. But the minute she hurts my family, the gloves are fvcking off. That goes for her, and that goes for anyone.

17 Sep 2008, 12:29
When McCain picked Palin as his VP I was like, hell yes, he just shot himself in the foot unbelievably bad and Obama is going to win this. Picking Palin ultimately proves he's struggling and since he picked the most unqualified person he could have possibly picked simply because she's a woman, everyone will see right through it and be completely insulted. I was wrong, and he's probably going to win, and, making the not-unreasonable assumption that he has a health issue in office, the idea of a Palin presidency makes me unable to get to sleep at night.I've given up on having a political opinion when the internet does it so much better:

At this point I kinda wish the HDC would kill us off first. :p

17 Sep 2008, 15:16
If you see yourself as reasonable in any way, Ben, you should have warned your sister regardless of any feeling of bias you think you might have. Remember what she did to you; the facts are plain, and nothing can get in the way of that.

Odd how bad behaviour repeats itself, isn't it? Poor Teri. I'd move in myself if I lived about, just to help them out for a little bit.

17 Sep 2008, 17:49
Is obama finished?

17 Sep 2008, 19:44
Is obama finished?

No. Last I heard the polls are about even and drifting towards Obama, and most of McCain's newfound support is in states he was always going to win anyway (read: states where you basically don't get a vote).

17 Sep 2008, 20:28
If you see yourself as reasonable in any way, Ben, you should have warned your sister regardless of any feeling of bias you think you might have. Remember what she did to you; the facts are plain, and nothing can get in the way of that.
Unfortunately human beings, being as they are, will assume otherwise. Now, though, nobody cares what I say - pretty much everyone agrees with me now.

Odd how bad behaviour repeats itself, isn't it? Poor Teri. I'd move in myself if I lived about, just to help them out for a little bit.
I'll pass that on, I'm sure she'll appreciate the thought. You met my sister, didn't you...?

17 Sep 2008, 20:47
Yes. There's proof in my Flickr account if you need it.

17 Sep 2008, 20:51
I have to go to speech day (renamed prize giving) for my school tomorrow night, it's the most boring night of the year, the headmaster's speech usually lasts around 30mins, then there is the guest's speech, and this year it's rumoured the guest is some guy who loves English...