View Full Version : Waiting for other players?

13 Oct 2008, 06:05
I played countless games in the past where it says waiting for other players for about 10 minutes and then the session is no longer available. What is the cause of this?

13 Oct 2008, 08:02
see the dissconnect list thread. it says something in there.

14 Oct 2008, 21:06
I know some facts, that solve this problem a bit:

1. Donīt chat during games!
2. Donīt even press the start button if it is not your turn

If its not your turn just watch the next player, donīt enter menues or chat, profiles...

The problem is, if you enter, for example, the chat menue you activate a delay for all players and the system must wait till all players are syncron again.

14 Oct 2008, 21:13
once, it was a four match, and i had to wait about 20min for it to to say 'This Session is no longer available'

it is so stupid that problem is.