View Full Version : online leaderboards for psp

14 Jan 2008, 11:59
The website indicated that leaderboards would be viewable online once the game was released.

is this going to happen? or are leaderboards only viewable through the psp?

personally I'd really like an RSS feed of my own performance.

14 Jan 2008, 12:59
The top ten overall, most boring and most exciting scroll along the top on http://www.wormsopenwarfare2.com but it's a slow flash site and a scroller is a poor way to display a leaderboard.

My site fetches the XML from http://www.wormsopenwarfare2.com/stats/psp.php and pukes out a table:


Unfortunately the PSP website leaderboard data doesn't match the leaderboards displayed in game. The DS leaderboard data matches exactly.

Fixing the PSP website leaderboards and adding more data would be nice. I think 10 top race and forts would be more interesting than the boring and most exciting lists. I don't know if I can fetch the data the same way the game does, I expect it to be encrypted but I haven't looked.