View Full Version : Draw Experiment no.5

23 Sep 2007, 23:10
I cannot figure this one out and it has been irking the hell out of me. Any tips?

24 Sep 2007, 23:07
"Draw 5? Which one was that?"

Just spent the last few minutes doing it again...

Ignore the first two holes and cover the next two (or one? Forgotten already). Try and get them perfectly straight, so your worm will slide right over them nicely. Now draw a ramp from the portal platform (45 degrees should do) and finally cover the left vertical exit so your worm doesn't go in the wrong direction.

If that last part doesn't make any sense, just cover the top 3rd and 4th holes with perfect lines (use a ruler?), and you can figure out the rest.

25 Sep 2007, 03:38
I just redid it too, and here's the solution I came up with this time.

1. Ignore the first two holes and cover the next one with a perfectly straight line.
2. Don't cover the next hole, but draw a vertical line covering part of the next opening to the RIGHT, so your worm won't go in there; basically, you want your worm to go more or less straight down the fourth pit.
3. Down one level from that horizontal line, draw a partial vertical line to the LEFT for the same reason.
4. Cover the bottom level of that pit with another perfectly straight horizontal line. There should be an oil drum to the left of this pit.
5. Make a diagonal line to the platform before the exit that covers the next pit to the right.

If you did it right, your worm should go down the fourth hole, a mine should follow him, and he should get blown into the exit by the combination of this second mine and the oildrum.

But notice how way up there I said this time. I probably beat it differently the first time. There's no simple solution to these, and subtleties of how and where you draw your lines will alter the results. So you pretty much need trial and error on lab mode, and especially Draw. The best way to start a Draw level is to just run the level once without drawing anything to see basically what you'll need, then keep making alterations, one or a few at a time until you get your worm in.

Edit: Oh, man, I just realized you totally don't even need steps 1-3. Save your ink and just draw a line to the right of the oildrum and something to get you into the exit. This is probably how I beat it the first time; JammyAH's solution screwed me up.

Another edit: Oh, you don't need step 5 either if the line in step 4 is perfectly straight and level with the ground around it. :) Wow, this level is too easy.