View Full Version : Newbs/Vets please read. Important Info.

22 Sep 2007, 21:48
DO NOT QUIT! Not only does it affect your % but if affects the other person's % as well.
If you are going to play in an online game then stay and play.

If you accidently jump off a cliff and kill your worm, that sucks, DON'T QUIT.

If you "didn't know that was your worm" and you dropped a dynamite next to him, that sucks, DON'T QUIT.

If you are about to lose, that sucks, DON'T QUIT!

You wouldn't want someone to quit when you are winning, so don't do it to someone else.

Thank you for your time.

22 Sep 2007, 22:06
only losers quit

22 Sep 2007, 23:51
Or when you get the blow torch level.

Otherwise, I stay until the very end.