View Full Version : 'border-detection'? = still blowing myself up when it doesn't seem possible...

25 Oct 2012, 16:32
This has happened quite a few times now... I'll be standing on the edge of a

cliff/drop off/tower, and then I'll aim downwards to shoot an enemy at a

lower 'sea-level'... I take notice and am always sure that no part of the barrel of

the bazooka is touching or aiming at the platform I'm standing on(there is

nothing but air between the barrel and the enemy worm) yet it still blows me up

upon firing... i guess the borders on the landscape aren't exactly where they

should be?...

25 Oct 2012, 20:26
I had this today aswel

28 Oct 2012, 02:53
and yet again...

ver. 0.161.0

1 Nov 2012, 12:43
and still yet another one more gaen... missing out on some super shweet kills here =p

4 Nov 2012, 06:14
Had this happening twice, I think that it's something related with the 'Gravity engine', since the bazooka shots tends to 'curve' even if they were launched downwards. =B

5 Nov 2012, 16:52
Thanks for the report guys, we're looking into it.