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26 Jun 2009, 22:45
My brother bought a dog. A Blue Heeler. Female.

I don't really like dogs, but this one is very calm and quiet, so I like it so far.

Bitey(cat) is wary.

26 Jun 2009, 23:04
Cats > dogs.

I had too many bad experience of other people's dogs when my girlfriend co-ran a dog walking company. Most notable was the young German Shepherd took a pi*s on our bed.

A big p*ss. :mad:

26 Jun 2009, 23:36
Tortoises > anything fluffy. Tortoises can't make me sneeze :p And they're cute.

27 Jun 2009, 17:00
Tortoises are definitely good, but I still rate them below cats on the scale of cuteness.

28 Jun 2009, 18:05
And now Billy Mays (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Mays) is dead too.

Talk about a strange week.

28 Jun 2009, 18:29
I know. Three deaths and I've only heard of one of them.

28 Jun 2009, 18:46
Looks like the media's only heard of one of them, too. And are gonna remind us for a long, long, long, long time.

Star Worms
28 Jun 2009, 19:25
I know. Three deaths and I've only heard of one of them.I was about to post the same thing...

29 Jun 2009, 01:23
That's four, by my watch, if you count Ed McMahon.

Billy Mays?! Even if he was actually full of hot air, he was still cool. :(

29 Jun 2009, 04:00
I think with all these celebrity deaths that it's all a conspiracy. I still think Micheal Jackson is still alive. In fact, I saw him down by the Taco Bell.
They are all going to show up at the same time during some concert or something and just ROCK the place. :cool:

29 Jun 2009, 12:13
Well Jacko supposedly wanted to "die like Elvis", which is going to cause a tremendous amount of "the king isn't dead" type faff.

Alien King
29 Jun 2009, 12:43
Well Jacko supposedly wanted to "die like Elvis", which is going to cause a tremendous amount of "the king isn't dead" type faff.

That's a bit of a weird ambition.
I most certainly don't want to die due to a drug overdose whilst desperatly trying to use the toilet.

29 Jun 2009, 13:57
I can think of worse ways to die.

Cancer, bleeding to death having been shot in the stomach, suffocating in a steel box in the Sahara and old age being a few I can think of.

I mean, old age would be horrible. Spending the last 5-10 years of your life desperately clinging to what's left of your waining body and its now uncontrolable functions before unexpectedly just ceasing to exist is my idea of a fairly bad way to go. I'd much rather go out in some spectacular fashion.

Maybe burnt to death by Arnie with a flamethrower, or freefalling from a aeroplane, through the roof of the BBC News studio and into Fiona Stewart's lap live on TV. At least that way you know you're going to die. The thought that each day could be your last, your penultimate or even a year before your death... that uncertainty would be enough to destroy my soul, ifnot my body.

2 Jul 2009, 15:08

http://www.speedtest.net/result/508590037.png (http://www.speedtest.net) :eek: :(

I'd much rather go out in some spectacular fashion.

Maybe burnt to death by Arnie with a flamethrower, or freefalling from a aeroplane, through the roof of the BBC News studio and into Fiona Stewart's lap live on TV. At least that way you know you're going to die. The thought that each day could be your last, your penultimate or even a year before your death... that uncertainty would be enough to destroy my soul, ifnot my body.you are my new favorite person ever.

2 Jul 2009, 16:31
i just want to hold somebody. actually the weird thing is that there's a very specific girl who i have in mind right now but i don't even like her beyond finding her physically attractive. but i enjoyed the experience of holding her in the past. le sigh

2 Jul 2009, 16:39
Are you using "hold" as a euphemism?

If so, 'hold' her until your 'arms' turn blue and then 'hold' her sister. Don't worry about anything else unless you have found someone you think you might love. There's nothing wrong with 'holding' for the sake of 'holding'.

2 Jul 2009, 16:40
no i'm not. i seriously just want to wrap my arms around her in an embrace and feel her do the same. it's really weird

2 Jul 2009, 16:55
That's so gay.

2 Jul 2009, 16:59
you got me there

2 Jul 2009, 17:03
Maybe burnt to death by Arnie with a flamethrower, or freefalling from a aeroplane, through the roof of the BBC News studio and into Fiona Stewart's lap live on TV. At least that way you know you're going to die. The thought that each day could be your last, your penultimate or even a year before your death... that uncertainty would be enough to destroy my soul, ifnot my body.

Hmm, I had a dream a while back about dying. In the dream I was told by a doctor that I had two weeks left to live. My first reaction was that it was too little time to do the things i wanted to do before dying, but then I realised that no matter how I spent my last two weeks nothing would matter. I walked around with the group of people I was with feeling very melancholic about the fact that everything I ever learned and experienced would dissapear with me. Later though the doctor turned out to be just some douche who wanted to make money off of me some how.

Anyway, I've decided just not to die. Ho hoo ha.

Edits: I'm probably more afraid of old age than death though. Observing how your brain slowly stops performing. "Stop.. I can feel it, my mind is going."
So yeah, falling out of an airplane sounds nice. Or take a balloon up to the stratosphere and go from there.

Related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCXmYMPEAlc

Alien King
2 Jul 2009, 22:42
That's so gay.

Wait, is this "her" a "him"?

2 Jul 2009, 22:48
Just been invited to a friend's wedding, with one of them +1 dealies.

Days until wedding: 43.
Days until discounted hotel rooms become unavailable: 1.
Days since I met my current girlfriend: 12.

Oh, Volkswagen.

3 Jul 2009, 10:33
Wait, is this "her" a "him"?

Uhhh, I assumed not and was just, you know, joking... like, having emotions and feelings and stuff is gay.

Come on, dude. I may be a bit of a sh1t at times but I'm not an arseh0le.

3 Jul 2009, 17:59
'twas funny. i chuckled

3 Jul 2009, 18:15
i chuckled

That's all I live for.

6 Jul 2009, 15:51
I'm not sure where it counts in terms of good or bad, but i've had an interesting morning. talking to a close friend this morning and made a comment that sounded much more sad and pathetically emo than was absolutely necessary. the result was me sounding like I was way more sad and soppy than I am and at the same time blaming said friend for it in a fashion. didn't hurt anything as she understands the situation I'm going through and all, but I feel kinda like an ass for even thinking what I did even if it is just my brain being screwed up right now.

I'm happy to have good friends, but why is everything so damn complicated? everything needs to be all sunshine and lollipops and crap, damn it.

24 Jul 2009, 05:16
The lack of a web browser on the 360 really bugs me... I mean, even the Wii has one for glods sake...

28 Jul 2009, 00:46
So, I'm single again. But for once rather than being resigned to being single, I'm single and excited about who I'll meet next.

I just got home from drinks with my now-ex, and it was great. I'm happy for no reason I can think of!

28 Jul 2009, 17:59
My PSP was throwing me all kinds of annoying PSP problems, most of which are probably pretty standard fare for the thing -- the analog "stick" was wigging out on me (adding an indecisive jerking stutter to your step at uncontrollable times is not conductive to efficient monster hunting, nor is just plain turning your back on it and meandering the other way) and it would sometimes decide to just shut completely off and forget what time it is at the slightest bump. In fact, it chose to do this about, oh, at least half an hour into what had already been a pretty aggravating hunt, undoubtedly moments before I would have finally cleared it, aaand yeah that kind of skeeved me a little. So, I looked around and found a good deal on eBay on a brand-new PSP 2000, complete with free shipping, so I probably saved about 50 bucks on it.

I dunno why I feel guilty about the sudden dropping of 150 big ones, but it probably owes a lot to having done so much other impulse buying lately. :p I certainly know I have the funds for it, but still.

I just hope the freakin' thing is in acceptable shape. I don't trust Sony hardware.

28 Jul 2009, 21:11
I returned to this forum and I'm not quite sure wether to cry or laugh.

hey andrew, welcome aboard the single-again train. i sort of half accidently broke up with my gf couple of weeks ago. long complex story.. happy about it but sad, life's still beautiful. loving your tweets btw.

3 Aug 2009, 14:20
Just updated my sticky thread. It was linking to wwwclan.de, which has been dead since '04.


Admittedly, it's in a subforum that's now hidden from view, but still. Nobody can say I don't fix things when I notice!

3 Aug 2009, 14:35
So, the next girl I met was Interesting Girl At Party.

But, the next phone number I got was Girl I Met Waiting For Bus At 5AM On Way Home From Said Party.

I'm thinking maybe this is someone not to call.

3 Aug 2009, 14:42
You make it sound like an episode of Friends. As a result I think neither are people to call.

I strongly dislike Friends.

3 Aug 2009, 15:00
By this logic it's pretty hard to see how I'll ever call anyone.

What would be unlike an episode of Friends?

"So I met this girl and she hit on me in a non-totally-obvious way and spoke in an interesting and well-written manner. Then we kissed and everyone watching us kept politely quiet instead of whooping like retarded hyenas."?

3 Aug 2009, 15:43
No, those situations you described are fine but you spoke of them in a manner not disimiliar to a Friends episode.

Simply describe the women you met in less Freindsy ways:

So, the next girl I met had big jugs.

But, the next phone number I got was from a girl with small jugs.

I'm thinking maybe this is someone not to call.

3 Aug 2009, 15:55
Simply describe the women you met in less Freindsy ways:I'd rather sound like Friends than The Man Show...

3 Aug 2009, 18:44
I'd rather spell "Friendsy" correctly.

Anyway, they were just examples taken from the opposite end of the spectrum. AT should find his own way... even if it does involve sounding like a sub-par 90s 'comedy'.

3 Aug 2009, 21:56
So now the spectrum runs from Sitcom You Arbitrarily Hate to Misogyny?

I... I don't want to be on that spectrum, but if I have to be, I'd rather be at the Friends end, because at least that's only subjectively bad.

3 Aug 2009, 22:38
Yes, those are the spectral limits. As I said, I was just exposing the extremes. You can be nearer the Friends end without being Friendsy, too. Or should I say: could you be any nearer the Friends end without being Friendsy? No. No I shouldn't.

I don't make the rules up, the Bible does.

Also, this post is making me think of Transformers. The cartoon. New movie Frenzy sucks.

3 Aug 2009, 22:50

Well, there goes your desire to spell 'Friendsy' correctly.

3 Aug 2009, 23:10
Damn it!

4 Aug 2009, 08:36
I'd say the new PSP was pretty much worth it, by the way.

5 Aug 2009, 19:17
I'd say the new PSP was pretty much worth it, by the way.
I dunno I think I'd rather wait for the next version. Y'know the one that won't let me play any of the games I already own.

5 Aug 2009, 20:24
That thing is a Hunter's nightmare, not only in the "whoops I guess I better buy all my games again lol" sense, but also in that the "hunter's claw" -- thumb on the analog stick, index finger on the control pad so you can keep your camera where it belongs -- just doesn't work.

7 Aug 2009, 03:00
Went to eat and to the movies with the family today. After the movie, we went to Office Depot where my sister was delighted to see they now sell iTunes cards that can be used to purchase stuff on the iTunes store that just recently has become available here in Mexico. So she grabbed herself a card to get the ipod touch upgrade so she can finally download apps to hers, only to be told at the register that the cards haven't been activated yet and cannot be sold until tomorrow. IS THAT WHY YOU HAVE THEM ON DISPLAY ALL OVER THE STORE, EH? -.-

Also, I got myself 1500 ms points (plus 150 I had left), which I promptly used to get Turtles in Time: Reshelled. :cool:

Have 850 left, still unsure of what to use them for. Either W2:A, Monkey Island or Fallout 3 DLC. I'm partial towards Monkey Island, because I've never played it, but I think I might as well wait for other stuff to show up. Stuff like this for example. (http://kotaku.com/5330843/dust-an-elysian-tail-is-xnas-best-looking-game)

7 Aug 2009, 08:47
Have 850 left, still unsure of what to use them for. Either W2:A, Monkey Island or Fallout 3 DLC. I'm partial towards Monkey Island, because I've never played it, but I think I might as well wait for other stuff to show up. Stuff like this for example. (http://kotaku.com/5330843/dust-an-elysian-tail-is-xnas-best-looking-game)

Looks like it might be fun, but I don't see why they call it the best looking xna game. Surely they were drunk or bribed?

7 Aug 2009, 09:05
I'm partial towards Monkey Island, because I've never played it
You have never played Monkey Island? None of the games in the series? Ever? :eek:

The new MI1 remake with updated graphics and speech might be great (more so since you can switch forth and back to the original during the game), but unless they also make a remake of the 2nd game, you'll probably get used to the new shiny graphics and like the 2nd game less.

Anyway, you definitely have to play at least the first two games, which are the ones created by Ron Gilbert.
Since the original games have ancient graphic resolutions, I suggest you get ScummVM and emulate them on some handheld device or mobile phone.

I'm doing this on my Windows mobile PDA and it's really great. No upscaling and filtering pixely graphics on my Full HD desktop screen.

7 Aug 2009, 15:23
The only handheld device I have is a DS-i, and while there is a scummvm for ds it seems to have some issues on the dsi. They'll probably release a working version for dsi at some point, but I still also need an r4 type device.

To be honest I don't really like the new graphics, I tried the demo on live arcade and the old graphics seem just so much more charming(I'm a sucker for pixel art), and the voiceover doesn't work when you switch to the old style anyway. That's why I'm still dubious of purchasing it.

I'll just wait it out. Maybe it'll make deal of the week. :p

7 Aug 2009, 18:04
I think you should get a M3 card, it's better than R4. Mostly because the community is much more active, they are constantly updating it's firmware and such. The R4 development team is pretty inactive. But it's cheaper, and if you only want to run certain things that might be enough.

I need to get a memory expansion card so I can play Quake 2 on my DS. That would rule.

7 Aug 2009, 19:14
Looks like it might be fun, but I don't see why they call it the best looking xna game. Surely they were drunk or bribed?I haven't seen a lot of XNA titles, so I'm willing to believe them. Certainly the best-looking one-man XNA title anyways.

7 Aug 2009, 19:22
Looks like it might be fun, but I don't see why they call it the best looking xna game. Surely they were drunk or bribed?
Well I haven't browsed trough other xna titles, but this game still looks gorgeous. Reminds me a lot of Muramasa.

7 Aug 2009, 19:53
I'm mostly annoyed by the character portraits. Such a boring and generic anime style. The characters running animation is weird too, he's almost laying down while he's running, I know it's to indicate great speed, but that's no good when he's running so slowly. And it just takes one step for him to run like that. I really dislike the clean Flash-like shading. The new Monkey Island also has that uggly shading. It's like the artists said "I don't want to shade all this stuff.. I know, I'll just use the gradient fill tool!"

The effects look fantastic though, I have to give them that, and the fighting is nice. But it's still realistic effects like light refraction over cartoons, which is strange.

8 Aug 2009, 01:53
You need to be careful on a DSi. For one, DSi-native homebrew isn't (yet) released to the public (until the major hacking groups such as Team Twiizers refine their methods), so you can't use any of the DSi's features, extra RAM or increased processor speed. The other thing is that old DS flashcarts are incompatible - for DS-mode homebrew you still need a special DSi flash cart.

8 Aug 2009, 06:12
You need to be careful on a DSi. For one, DSi-native homebrew isn't (yet) released to the public (until the major hacking groups such as Team Twiizers refine their methods), so you can't use any of the DSi's features, extra RAM or increased processor speed. The other thing is that old DS flashcarts are incompatible - for DS-mode homebrew you still need a special DSi flash cart.

Yeah I know that. :p

3 Sep 2009, 22:01
I am now officially unemployed.

kinda odd.

should be moving within the next few days.

6 Sep 2009, 10:57
Welcome to the club bro :D

8 Sep 2009, 03:07
I'm thoroughly confused now. I saw an ad on the 360 dashboard saying the 360 has lowered it's price here in mexico, like it has pretty much everywhere else. Thing is they quote the "new" price of $5500 Mexican pesos for the Elite. What hugely confuses me is that it's the exact same price I paid for my 360 elite almost a year ago(I even have the receipt to confirm it). And I'm pretty sure it wasn't on promotion when I bought it, I thought it over for nearly two months before purchasing and the price was the same pretty much everywhere.


8 Sep 2009, 06:03
I'm thoroughly confused now. I saw an ad on the 360 dashboard saying the 360 has lowered it's price here in mexico, like it has pretty much everywhere else. Thing is they quote the "new" price of $5500 Mexican pesos for the Elite. What hugely confuses me is that it's the exact same price I paid for my 360 elite almost a year ago(I even have the receipt to confirm it). And I'm pretty sure it wasn't on promotion when I bought it, I thought it over for nearly two months before purchasing and the price was the same pretty much everywhere.

IT'S LIKE THE TWILIGHT ZONE.if I remember right, the 360 price was stealthily RAISED a while back so that they could promote the price drop that you're seeing now.

11 Sep 2009, 01:24
if I remember right, the 360 price was stealthily RAISED a while back so that they could promote the price drop that you're seeing now.
haha what the hell is that bull****

11 Sep 2009, 05:15
haha what the hell is that bull****good business practice if no one anywhere notices :p

11 Sep 2009, 06:17
good business practice if no one anywhere notices :p

I guess it had to do with the shaky economy. At least here, given the bad exchange rates for the Mexican peso. Last year in october the exchange rate to USD started raising, in one month went from 10.86 pesos per USD on september 30 up to 12.89 on october 31. I got my Xbox on Nov 1st. By march this year the exchange rate was a ridiculous 15.53. I'm guessing sometime during this period the price must have raised.

Right now the exchange rate is around 13.40.

Anyway, speaking of prices, the PS3 slim is coming to mexico at $6500 pesos. That's around $480 US dollars. It's a shame, I was thinking of getting one. Gonna have to import from the US I guess. :p

Star Worms
12 Sep 2009, 04:19
There's a guy in my labs who looks remarkably like Paul. :-/

12 Sep 2009, 16:30
Ask him about cricket and gauge his reaction.

12 Sep 2009, 17:33
Watch out, though. If he is Paul or Paul-like then there'll only be one way to stop him talking about cricket -- which is to ask him about trains. And that's hardly progress.

15 Oct 2009, 04:16
had my only wisdom tooth removed today. I'll be glad that the piercing pain is gone, but the constant throbbing pain right now isn't much of an improvement :-/

either way I'm glad I've only got the one to be removed. the employees at the dentist's office all made sure to tell me how lucky I am, lol.

15 Oct 2009, 05:12
either way I'm glad I've only got the one to be removed. the employees at the dentist's office all made sure to tell me how lucky I am, lol.

i won't need any of my wisdom teeth removed :cool:

15 Oct 2009, 08:38
My job has suddenly started looking pretty unstable. They still talk like we'll be around at Christmas, but we're really, really light on work right now, to such an extent that we're wondering if there will be anything at all to do tomorrow or next week.

You know I'm not the type to worry myself anemic over something like this, but I am preparing myself for the idea of being laid off.

15 Oct 2009, 15:25
I've had all my wisdom teeth for ages. The most painful bit was when they were cutting through the gum to grow. The most interesting bit was when I had teeth with a thick triangluar flap of gum covering them. Now they are boring and forgotten about, mostly.

Sorry to here about your job, Zeor. I'm in a similar boat right now. I've had no work for a couple of weeks and they don't know when there will be more work but keep giving the impression it will be in a few days. When I do return it will be on a commission only basis, so I'll get paid per question I write. The problem is I do a lot of admin and editing on top of the writing so I thnk I'm going to be jobhunting in the next few weeks. Again.

Sometimes I wish I could just sleep forever and live in my dreams, where things are made of LEGO and edible and women are mostly nude and sexy.

15 Oct 2009, 19:14
Sometimes I wish I could just sleep forever and live in my dreams, where things are made of LEGO and edible and women are mostly nude and sexy.Hopefully without combining both. :p

Alien King
15 Oct 2009, 20:14
women are mostly nude and sexy.

You mean you'd want some unsexy women?

15 Oct 2009, 22:24
Laid off. The job is dead. Done. I'm outta work. It was a surprisingly sad time around the workplace, I gotta say. My poor supervisor Deb was just about in tears, and so was my huge friend Eric. Didn't really occur to me that I meant so much around the place, but I'll definitely be keeping in touch with at least a few of my buddies from there.

'course, it sucks to be outta work.

But! You know what? Right now I'm looking at this and seeing an opportunity. By the gods, how that job ruined me. For the past four years or so, I've barely existed to the world. I could hardly motivate myself to open my damn mail, fold my laundry, shave, or make a phone call, I was so wiped out by that night-shift hellhole. Now I can start putting myself back together and make a daytime human being of myself again. I'm going to collect unemployment, and I'm going to find my way back to that computer programming home study course I enrolled in probably more than a year ago now, and try to bounce back better than I was before. Though practically anything would be better than the night-shift zombie I've been this whole time.

For right now, though... I'm gonna help myself to a little downtime. I've always wanted more free time, and well heck, now I've got all the free time in the world. And I still fully intend to fill a fair portion of my immediate future with Rock Band 2, while the box set is around and cheap.

16 Oct 2009, 01:28
Well it certainly sounds like you needed to get out of there. Congratulations!

16 Oct 2009, 01:41
A fine post! Have fun, Zeor.

16 Oct 2009, 07:14
My poor supervisor Deb was just about in tears, and so was my huge friend Eric.

does this mean that eric is your friend who is also a huge guy or does it mean that he is your close (or "huge") friend

16 Oct 2009, 08:54
More the first one. He's large.

16 Oct 2009, 14:49
More the first one. He's large.
i figured as much but your language left room for interpretation

16 Oct 2009, 16:16
You mean you'd want some unsexy women?

For frame of reference, yes. They'd not be nude, though.

And Zeor, I'm glad you're happy about your situation. Try to maintain that proactive mindset. It's not easy but it's worth it!

20 Oct 2009, 00:21
Question: What do you do if there's this girl you're basically seeing, although it's not quite "official", and then she goes off to study abroad and suddenly starts to largely ignore you?

It's obviously a little more complicated than I can post on a forum, but I do know she liked me and we hung out quite a bit. The thing is that she previously did something similar and when I asked what was up we had a discussion and worked it out and things were returning to normalcy right when she left and then now she doesn't want to talk about it and says she's just busy. I really do hope that's it, but she seems to make an effort to keep in contact with everyone but me. And I'm getting the hint she's trying to end it. But I really wish we could talk about it.

This probably only gives you 2% of the picture, but it's the best I can do. :p

22 Oct 2009, 01:51
She's not interested. Ask her, straight. Don't waste your time.

Alien King
26 Oct 2009, 21:21
I've just bought the student discount version of Windows 7 (64bit).
It's downloading now at 111Kb/s, but that will decrease (it was at 220 earlier).

Thing is, I don't have 20GB oh HDD space to install it onto.

26 Oct 2009, 23:39
Question: What do you do if there's this girl you're basically seeing, although it's not quite "official", and then she goes off to study abroad and suddenly starts to largely ignore you?

Extrapolating from my behaviour, I'd guess there's something she doesn't want to deal with. I can't see that being good.

28 Oct 2009, 17:58
I've just bought the student discount version of Windows 7 (64bit).
It's downloading now at 111Kb/s, but that will decrease (it was at 220 earlier).

Thing is, I don't have 20GB oh HDD space to install it onto.

So.. get an additional hard drive? Disk space is really cheap now a days.
WD Passport disks are hot.

Alien King
28 Oct 2009, 18:29
So.. get an additional hard drive? Disk space is really cheap now a days.

I intend to. But I'm a student and am therefore poor.
I intend to get my dad to buy it, which means waiting.

28 Oct 2009, 22:05
I intend to. But I'm a student and am therefore poor.

Student loan :P

28 Oct 2009, 22:50
Student loan :Pstudent loans for extra living expenses sort of stuff isn't guaranteed through school, for the most part. mine, for instance require credit or a cosigner. I have neither of those things, and so I too am a broke ass college kid.

Alien King
28 Oct 2009, 23:37
Student loan :P


Well, Beer and Gin.

Star Worms
28 Oct 2009, 23:50
You could try claiming you're dyslexic. You get a free computer, monitor, printer, dictophone thing etc. and £200 each year for printer ink and paper. My housemate was dyslexic and got all that. Also after 3 years they deem the computer too old and since he's on a 4 year course he's getting another one.

Oh and he spent the printer ink and paper money on a PS3.

I still haven't worked out the link between dyslexia and not having the money to buy a computer.

Alien King
29 Oct 2009, 00:12
I still haven't worked out the link between dyslexia and not having the money to buy a computer.

You misread the price of aforementioned beer and lose too much money?

29 Oct 2009, 03:02
perhaps the people funding the scholarship have dyslexia and misread the symptoms/cures?

16 Dec 2009, 00:33
I randomly got handed the Bagavad Gita today while walking across campus to get some mat board for Design 116. this is definitely the most random thing I've ever been given for free, but I intend to try and read it.

9 Jan 2010, 06:41
what? am I the only one to which neutrally-aligned events are happening!?

anyway, I'm officially divorced now.....yay....

18 Feb 2010, 05:10
shaved my hair off today.

I've been going bald the last few years anyway, and I'm tired of looking like complete trash in the process, so I sped things up a bit.

18 Feb 2010, 17:06
It's not like anybody can tell the difference what with the viking helmet and all.


19 Feb 2010, 00:08
It's not like anybody can tell the difference what with the viking helmet and all.

Hehehe :D

19 Feb 2010, 02:50
It's not like anybody can tell the difference what with the viking helmet and all.

:p since you keep bringing it up, you should buy me a viking helmet. quality doesn't matter. I'll give my address and post a photo :p

19 Feb 2010, 08:24
This is where we then realise Akuryou is actually, by some amazing coincidence, exactly like his Sims caricature :p

Either that or the exact opposite, which would probably be equally funny in a Viking helmet.

22 Feb 2010, 20:11
I got a dental filling for the first time today. Reality bites, but it's a hell of a lot better than not getting it.

I'll be getting the wisdom teeth out sometime this year, but that'll be more of a positive event. They've never given me any pain, but the bottom two have basically toppled over and are pointing sideways. The top ones are still going the right way, but they're squeezed in and there's really not enough space where they're headed. Getting them all out at once has got to be the sensible option.

23 Feb 2010, 04:23
Getting them all out at once has got to be the sensible option.sensible, yes, but have fun being incapable of doing anything for a few days. I've been told that it really sucks.

25 Feb 2010, 17:05
I have a filling in one tooth. When I first got it done I was young and too scared of the needle to be anaesthetised. The dentist in question did a rubbish job and the tooth continued to decay beneath the filling until, a few years later, the rot emerged around its edges. I then had to go to a different dentist, have the filling drilled out, the new rot drilled out and a new filling put back in. That time I opted out of anaesthesia again but because I was worried I'd chew my own face off after.

It bloody hurt.

25 Feb 2010, 19:02
I was worried I'd chew my own face off after.
You're weird. I kinda looked at the needle, and the dentist said "don't look at it". I didn't say anything, but it didn't bother me one bit. Having a half-numb face was just amusing.

25 Feb 2010, 21:51
Having a half-numb face was just amusing.
Yeah, you can already experience the marvels of being a drooling geriatric in your youth! :D

26 Feb 2010, 01:40
So our internet connection at work has been wobbly for the past month or so. We frequently lost connection, and for the past week the speed dropped drastically from 2Mb to a max of about 250 Kb per second. So I called the company and a couple of technicians showed up today, ran some tests and told us that the cable was apparently damaged, so they changed it. They also changed the modem and, apparently, also altered our speed limit. I've been getting between 15Mb to 30Mb after that. :p

Not sure if they did it intentionally, if they didn't then... hopefully they won't notice. :p

Upload speed is still pants tho, around 300 kb per second. :(

26 Feb 2010, 08:49
Yeah, you can already experience the marvels of being a drooling geriatric in your youth! :D
Sorry to de-fruit your pizza, but numbness and loss of muscle control aren't the same thing.

3 Mar 2010, 02:44
Recently, there's been a bit of a war going on around here, allegedly involving the mexican army, El Cartel del Golfo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_Cartel) and Los Zetas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Zetas). Rumour says that the army is working togheter with Cartel del Golfo to eliminate Los Zetas. Apparently, CDG wants to focus on drugdealing and stop the practice of kidnapping and robbing/threatening commonly attributed to Los Zetas(they frequently stop transporting trucks/civilian vehicles on highways to steal from them, they also frequently force businesses to pay them tribute "or else". I personally know of one business we used to sell to that had to close down because of this, and we also have had several incomming trucks arrive with less merchandise because they were stopped on their way here).

So, few days ago the governor of Tamaulipas (our neighbours to the east, home to the CDG) made an statement saying that the reports of a war going on the internet were nothing but rumours and people just being paranoid.
This video was shot in Camargo, Tamaulipas last saturday.

So... yeah, things aren't looking very good around here. :p

3 Mar 2010, 11:43
Recently, there's been a bit of a war going on around here, allegedly involving the mexican army, El Cartel del Golfo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_Cartel) and Los Zetas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Zetas). Rumour says that the army is working togheter with Cartel del Golfo to eliminate Los Zetas. Apparently, CDG wants to focus on drugdealing and stop the practice of kidnapping and robbing/threatening commonly attributed to Los Zetas(they frequently stop transporting trucks/civilian vehicles on highways to steal from them, they also frequently force businesses to pay them tribute "or else". I personally know of one business we used to sell to that had to close down because of this, and we also have had several incomming trucks arrive with less merchandise because they were stopped on their way here).

So, few days ago the governor of Tamaulipas (our neighbours to the east, home to the CDG) made an statement saying that the reports of a war going on the internet were nothing but rumours and people just being paranoid.
This video was shot in Camargo, Tamaulipas last saturday.

So... yeah, things aren't looking very good around here. :p
You should get bulletproof vests and combat helmets for you and your family.
Also, apply metal plating to your cars, creating makeshift armored vehicles, A-Team style.

And don't forget to armor your computer and modems! One ricochet shrapnel and you're offline.

3 Mar 2010, 14:56
"Mr. Felipe Calderon[president of Mexico]
With all due respect, stop helping us. POISON is battled with POISON itself.
Atte. Fusion of Cartels of Mexico united against the "Z"[Los Zeta]
After we are done you can continue chasing us.

This message was left overnight on public display on various locations, allegedly placed by CDG. Leaving signs is another common practice of this group, so it's unlikely to be fake.

On a similar note, we heard a series of explosions around 6:00 AM, possibly gunshots. They were spaced out, was most likely to draw attention to one of this signs. They placed one at the highschool I used to attend to. :p

4 Mar 2010, 18:38
i'm sorry that my ****ty country causes so many problems in yours

15 Apr 2010, 17:32
so I realized last night that I may be in the wrong college.

where I am has an excellent school of art in terms of drawing and painting but I'm attending college to advance my skills in sculpting so as to advance my skills in 3D Modelling/animation. as time goes on I've not seen any real sculpture of any quality coming out of this school and it dawned on me last night that the sculpture I HAVE seen is basically just design-related rather than actual sculpting of objects/figures.

so now I'm planning to look into the matter closer tomorrow, but it appears I might be moving to the next town over, where there is an actually decent school of sculpting. even comes with a course in 3D modelling/animation that my college doesn't provide.

11 Jun 2010, 16:57
Full-Metal Alchemist Manga is over.
Its sad because it was very well written and it's over now... And I can't look forward to the next one. It's good because it ended very well and I'm satisfied with how it all tied up.

I'm extremely bored, and I hate facebook. :(

11 Jun 2010, 17:01
That's more or less how I felt when Ashes To Ashes finished.

11 Jun 2010, 22:23
I didn't like when Futurama ended.
It was more like a beheading though, with no proper conclusion, and a lot of episodes getting aired not in the order they were produced.

The recent movies did help, although, a proper series is much better.
In fact, I'd rather see The Simpsons get cancelled and Futurama continued. :eek:

Alien King
11 Jun 2010, 22:59
In fact, I'd rather see The Simpsons get cancelled and Futurama continued. :eek:

I haven't seen many of the new Simpsons episodes, but the ones I have seen tend too much to the absurd - it's a shift that I'd prefer it didn't take.
Absurdity is what Futurama is about and it suits it much better.

12 Jun 2010, 00:41
You... do know the new season of Futurama is starting later this month, right?

For Americans, at least. Don't know when they'll be getting out to everyone else.

12 Jun 2010, 03:12
Full-Metal Alchemist Manga is over.
Its sad because it was very well written and it's over now... And I can't look forward to the next one. It's good because it ended very well and I'm satisfied with how it all tied up.

I'm extremely bored, and I hate facebook. :(
do you like american comics at all? i've been reading the walking dead and it's pretty good

12 Jun 2010, 09:11
You... do know the new season of Futurama is starting later this month, right?

For Americans, at least. Don't know when they'll be getting out to everyone else.

My guess would be about 45 minutes later, on the interwebs.

12 Jun 2010, 10:29
My guess would be about 45 minutes later, on the interwebs.
That long? :p

12 Jun 2010, 20:13
You... do know the new season of Futurama is starting later this month, right?

For Americans, at least. Don't know when they'll be getting out to everyone else.
Isn't that "new season" just the 4 movies cut into 16 episodes?
At least that's the last I heard about.

Ohhh! Very nice!
24th of June 2010.
My guess would be about 45 minutes later, on the interwebs.
That long? :p
Usually 9 hours later for me due to the different time zone.

12 Jun 2010, 21:47
England, I am dissapoint.

Or maybe I should direct that to Robert Green. :p

Not that my team did any better in their debut tho. :(
I really should stop expecting results from them.

13 Jun 2010, 15:39
Usually 9 hours later for me due to the different time zone.

Wow you must have a really bad internet connection to get that much lag.

13 Jun 2010, 23:11
Wow you must have a really bad internet connection to get that much lag.

Nah, an airing time in the evening of EST in the USA is six hours later for me right in the middle of the night, and I only get up a few hours later.

16 Jun 2010, 22:34
Ah well we are in the same time zone after all so it affects me the same.
Though I am incapable of doing things in the morning so I prefer to watch them much later in the day.. or night.. which might be why I can't do things in the morning hm..

18 Jun 2010, 11:57
England, I am dissapoint.

Or maybe I should direct that to Robert Green. :p

Not that my team did any better in their debut tho. :(
I really should stop expecting results from them.
Well, on the plus side, you did just beat France.

As for us... this should be our official World Cup song :p (http://www.mitchbenn.com/)

18 Jun 2010, 21:48
Well, on the plus side, you did just beat France.

Yes, it was an awesome game. I wasn't expecting that result at all.

But I can't help but feel like France wasn't even trying. Maybe I'm reading too much into things.

21 Jun 2010, 22:41
Honestly the thing I'm enjoying most about this World Cup is watching New Zealand go round drawing with Slovakia and Italy and going "we're scoring points?? holy balls!!! :D"

They're just so happy. I really hope they make the Last 16.

21 Jun 2010, 22:56
The England team are whinging at Loughborough University for designing a ball that can't be kicked at the goal (Loughborough designed this year's "revolutionary" world cup football). Most of the other teams seem to be managing fine... perhaps England just can't play football?

22 Jun 2010, 09:45
Portugal certainly didn't seem to have a problem yesterday. :P

22 Jun 2010, 11:30
Portugal certainly didn't seem to have a problem yesterday. :PMan that was the best game in history, if only because it's gonna lead to hundreds of lame jokes all week. :p

22 Jun 2010, 21:50
We lost against uruguay. We're still in for the next round, but we go against Argentina. :/

22 Jun 2010, 23:39
Man that was the best game in history, if only because it's gonna lead to hundreds of lame jokes all week. :p
ronaldo's "here let me slide the ball off my head and shoulders down to my feet for the goal" play was pretty much the coolest thing ever

23 Jun 2010, 23:10
In other sports news, at Wimbledon a tennis match between Isner and Mahut has gone to 59 games all in the final set (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/tennis/8757259.stm).

This... this is impossible to put into context. The final set has gone on longer than the next longest match ever. Isner has served 98 aces, Mahut 95. Why. How. What.

It sort of de facto makes it the best tennis match ever though :v

26 Jun 2010, 22:11
USA and South Korea out, both the teams I was rooting for today :p.

Tomorrow shall be a fun day, England vs Germany and Mexico vs Argentina. :D

Alien King
26 Jun 2010, 22:35
Tomorrow shall be a fun day, England vs Germany and Mexico vs Argentina. :D

A psychic octopus has predicted a German victory over the English scum.
We have been vilified by a 2 year old cephalopod.

27 Jun 2010, 01:08
A psychic octopus has predicted a German victory over the English scum.
We have been vilified by a 2 year old cephalopod.

Yeah, I read about that. Heard that it managed to correctly predict Germany's previous three games. :O England is certainly doomed.

27 Jun 2010, 03:58
A psychic octopus has predicted a German victory over the English scum.
We have been vilified by a 2 year old cephalopod.I thought you were kidding until mtl's reply. wtf?!

Alien King
27 Jun 2010, 13:01
I thought you were kidding until mtl's reply. wtf?!


It's a sad day when your downfall is prophecised by a mollusc.

27 Jun 2010, 13:49
It's a sad day when your downfall is prophecised by a mollusc.as opposed to some other sea-creatures' predictions which would be far less embarrassing.

27 Jun 2010, 15:33
THE OCTOPUS IS A WITCH. BURN IT!!111! :eek::eek::eek:

edit: Hold it, there's hope yet...

Do ready the fire tho.

edit2: That was a goal indeed....

Alien King
27 Jun 2010, 15:53
Bets that referee or linesman are assassinated tomorrow?
Possibly the octopus too.

27 Jun 2010, 16:30
4-1, no way this gets turned around. THAT OCTOPUS IS A WITCH.

Or the first confirmed time traveler...:eek:

Alien King
27 Jun 2010, 16:34
I think England deserved to lose after the first half hour. Had a chance to get back but couldn't make it happen.

27 Jun 2010, 16:44
I still consider Octopus witchcraft to be an unfair advantage tho.

27 Jun 2010, 16:45
...I know you keep hearing all about those friggin' vuvuzelas, but I've heard that they can actually be louder than jet engines, and also they had to make them shorter to prevent them from being used as weapons.

Alien King
27 Jun 2010, 16:50
...I know you keep hearing all about those friggin' vuvuzelas, but I've heard that they can actually be louder than jet engines, and also they had to make them shorter to prevent them from being used as weapons.

The buzzing they make is very annoying, even through my speakers. Sounds like a swarm of flies.

Germany 4 - 1 England.
England knocked out in the Last 16 in their worse defeat in World Cup history.
They deserved it with that shocking performance.

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles?

27 Jun 2010, 16:51

27 Jun 2010, 17:17
I love vuvuzelas so much.

Of all the things to become a meme, I doubt anyone expected thBZZZZZZZZZZZZ

27 Jun 2010, 18:54
Football? Stupid game anyway. (http://www.cricinfo.com/england-v-australia-2010/content/current/story/464878.html)

27 Jun 2010, 18:59
T minus 30 minutes...

...I don't wanna watch... but I will... T_T

Here's hoping for a miracle, and to get picked by baby ktulu if we do win this match. :P

Also, you can browse the forum in true World Cup 2010 fashion here (http://www.vuvuzela-time.co.uk/forum.team17.com).

27 Jun 2010, 19:24
Even Youtube now has a button on videos to watch them WITH THE FULL WORLD CUP EXPERIENCE.

27 Jun 2010, 20:05
So... it's clearly offside, the assistant referee says it's legal, then they show the goddamn play on the screen for some reason, both the assistant and the central referee see it was offplay... and they do nothing. This, and what happened with England earlier today... why the hell doesn't FIFA do anything about this kind of mistakes?

... 2-0 now.


Alien King
27 Jun 2010, 20:12
So... it's clearly offside, the assistant referee says it's legal, then they show the goddamn play on the screen for some reason, both the assistant and the central referee see it was offplay... and they do nothing. This, and what happened with England earlier today... why the hell doesn't FIFA do anything about this kind of mistakes?

I suspect today will be cited in arguments for allowing replay technology to be used by the officials before making final decisions.
The vuvuzelas are more annoying in this match I feel.

27 Jun 2010, 20:16
Robert Green must feel better now that his mistake is no longer the worst mistake on this cup. -_-

edit: Not talking about the clear arbitral mistake, talking about our defense pretty much giving away the second goal.

As allways, we have no game. No coordination, lots of mistakes, absolutely no deinition when approaching the opponent's net... everyone looses their cool too fast... 3-1 with 20 minutes to go.

Oh well, Argentina vs Germany shall be a fun match.

28 Jun 2010, 11:03
Speaking about referees' wrong decisions...
Be glad that it hasn't been like in the 1934 semi-final of Italy against Austria.

The only goal there was when several Italians pushed the ball-carrying Austrian goalie across the goal line.
The Swedish referee even actively intervened in the game by heading the ball away from an Austrian player in favour of the Italians.

The referee has been invited as a guest of honor by Mussolini the day before. :p

29 Jun 2010, 23:59
Yeah but that was 1934. :p

Anyway, Japan and Portugal are out now. :(

My bet is on the final match being Brasil vs Germany.

3 Jul 2010, 17:57
Two great games yesterday, Netherlands beat Brasil and Uruguay beat Ghana in a rather controversial way (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-07-03/-hand-of-god-reappears-to-send-uruguay-past-ghana-to-world-cup-semifinal.html).

But today, today I witnessed greatness. Germany 4-0 Argentina. Just as the octopus predicted, too.


6 Jul 2010, 18:16
I have a job! This is good.

However I spent most of the last two days answering tech support queries to customers.

Now my head hurts and I have the urge to append 'Regards' to the bottom of everything I say.

6 Jul 2010, 21:25
Nooooo Uruguay. :(

So close.... so close. Those were the most intense last 5 minutes ever.

7 Jul 2010, 01:39
Nooooo Uruguay. :(

So close.... so close. Those were the most intense last 5 minutes ever.
uruguay? more like uru-gay. go holland

7 Jul 2010, 02:00
uruguay? more like uru-gay. go holland

Also, the octopus is rooting for Spain now.:eek::eek::eek:

7 Jul 2010, 12:01
Also, the octopus is rooting for Spain now.:eek::eek::eek:
Well, Paul was born in England.
Now the charade is over and he's backstabbing Germany now.

Or the betting mafia dropped the more stinking clam meat into the other container this time.

7 Jul 2010, 21:33
The octopus is god. Its will is undeniable. :eek::eek::eek:

Spain totally earned that win. Cannot wait for the final, it has to be epic.

7 Jul 2010, 21:57
The octopus is god. Its will is undeniable. :eek::eek::eek:

Spain totally earned that win. Cannot wait for the final, it has to be epic.
I agree completely.
The only question is, will Paul predict for games without the German team playing?

7 Jul 2010, 22:00
They'll probably have him predict the match for third place so we will likely never know...

7 Jul 2010, 22:06
I'm getting very confused reading this thread, thinking you're all talking about a certain member of OD who has a passion for taking threads wildly off topic :p

7 Jul 2010, 22:30
Wait... so you saying Paul.Power is an octopus and has been deceiving us all this time? :eek:

7 Jul 2010, 22:35
Since it would make my life a heck of a lot easier when reading this thread, yes I am :p

Obviously his extreme devotion to nothing but cricket was a lie!

7 Jul 2010, 23:02
Wait... so you saying Paul.Power is an octopus and has been deceiving us all this time? :eek:hey. The octopus IS smart. who's to say this isn't the truth?

7 Jul 2010, 23:08
hey. The octopus IS smart. who's to say this isn't the truth?

Paul, presumably?

7 Jul 2010, 23:13
Paul, presumably?
But why would he diss himself?

7 Jul 2010, 23:36
Paul, presumably?clearly we can't trust a psychic octopi's opinion. how do we know he's not manipulating us to aid in his deception?

8 Jul 2010, 08:33
I take my eye off this thread for five minutes and suddenly I'm an octopus :p

8 Jul 2010, 13:42
I'm an octopus :p

Aha! A confession!

8 Jul 2010, 21:56
The cunning art of selective-quoting pagetoppers ;)

Alien King
9 Jul 2010, 00:51
It's the beard, it's a dead giveaway.

9 Jul 2010, 00:59
figured I should share: http://forum.team17.co.uk/showpost.php?p=723097&postcount=881

11 Jul 2010, 20:52
Aaaaah I can't stand it. Cmon Spain, you can do it!

Damn that last one by Roben was too close, Casillas only barely managed to save it with his foot... I call that the first Paul miracle.

edit: Ugh, 0-0, going into extra time.

Overall, a pretty ugly game. I still want Spain to win tho, GO SPAIN!

11 Jul 2010, 21:59

Spain, few minutes away from being World Champion! :D

edit: Aaaand we have a new cup holder! So glad they won, they really did deserve it. Specially considering Netherlands's extremely aggressive and unsporting play today...

11 Jul 2010, 22:37
Well it seems Mr. Power was right.

Errr, wait... I'm confused again...

11 Jul 2010, 22:50
Also this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsG7QHQ6UqA

And just a yellow card. I mean, let alone that it deserved a red card, the guy is lucky he didn't get arrested for attempted murder. :p

Alien King
12 Jul 2010, 00:41
Dirty match. Neither team was clean in their play but the Dutch clearly got desperate towards the end.

12 Jul 2010, 00:54
Also this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsG7QHQ6UqA

And just a yellow card. I mean, let alone that it deserved a red card, the guy is lucky he didn't get arrested for attempted murder. :p
Let's wait for some edited Youtube videos and funny spoofs. :D
This could well be the successor to Zidane's head-butt.

12 Jul 2010, 07:26
Well it seems Mr. Power was right.

Errr, wait... I'm confused again...The irony is, I myself was supporting Holland.

I mean, come on. They clearly won the battle of "who can clog the hell out of the opposition more".

12 Jul 2010, 16:28
There isn't enough hate for Spain going on in here and I wll not stand for it. :p

13 Jul 2010, 03:19
I was rooting for the Netherlands simply because everyone else in the house was rooting for Spain, and it's no fun if everyone wants the same outcome. :p

13 Jul 2010, 07:35
My CRT monitor of 7 years appears to be dying (last time it appeared to be dying (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_10606O3t4) it actually wasn't, but this time it's stuffed no matter what I plug it into). On the upside it means I don't have any other serious computer problems, and it's time to shop for a replacement.

Alien King
30 Jul 2010, 14:00
I broke my keyboard. My keyboard is easily over 15 years old and last night I spilt tea over the left-hand side. Everything still worked at the time and so I cleaned up and didn't think anything of it.
Well this morning some of the keys started to go (Caps Lock, Tab, 5, t, g, b and the two Windows keys). So I took it apart and cleaned up - wiping dirt and tea residue off the circuit tracks. Still didn't work.
Closer inspection the second time round revealed that the all the broken keys were on one of two tracks and both were completely corroded through at the bottom left side.

Solution: bit of wire sellotaped over the corroded sections of the track.

30 Jul 2010, 15:12
Exactly the same thing happened to my netbook keyboard, except s/tea/coke/g. Except that I ended up replacing mine.

30 Jul 2010, 17:05
s/tea/coke/g.I get what you're saying with this shorthand, but I'm wondering what it specifically means, why it's laid out like it is, etc. mind explaining?

30 Jul 2010, 17:09
Sorry, I was in IRC mode (they're common in many IRC channels).

It's a regular expression, which are used in many tools in Unix (including Linux). The "s" means "substitute", then there are the two words separated by "/" (the most common character, but you can use many others if "/" would get in the way), then the "g" means "global" - replace every match, rather than just the first one.

30 Jul 2010, 17:21
Sorry, I was in IRC mode (they're common in many IRC channels).

It's a regular expression, which are used in many tools in Unix (including Linux). The "s" means "substitute", then there are the two words separated by "/" (the most common character, but you can use many others if "/" would get in the way), then the "g" means "global" - replace every match, rather than just the first one.ooooh ok. and no need to apologize at all. your meaning was pretty clear even if I didn't understand the format.

31 Jul 2010, 05:35

31 Jul 2010, 06:54
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expressionyeah. let me get right on reading all of that after I've been told all I wanted.

31 Jul 2010, 10:46
Odd - they don't mention sed-style substitutions on that page. Perhaps those are less regular than I thought.

31 Jul 2010, 16:04
Odd - they don't mention sed-style substitutions on that page. Perhaps those are less regular than I thought.I think the match/replace thing is a Perl convention, not really a standard. They are mentioned here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression_examples

3 Aug 2010, 16:31
Starting college for Graphic Design at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh August 19th.

Yeah, finally making my ass do something with itself.

Also, trying other business ideas to make income. Affiliate Marketing is annoying as hell but kinda fun.... and might start going around town advertising to pick of dog sh!t for $5-10.
Not that glamorous I know, but 10 houses in one day = $100 the government doesnt know about and tax me at the end of the year. Do that every week for lets say a total of what... two hours a day to do the 10 houses... thats like $400 extra every month to pay bills. for what... 8 hours of work per month? hells yeahs.:cool:
Still picking up crap though... lol... guh need to make more fliers now that I think about it.
Also donating 20% of the profits to the ASCPA for animal cruelty. So win win. I guess.

See you all... next month?

3 Aug 2010, 16:44
See you all... next month?or you could just stick around this time...

3 Aug 2010, 16:54
Starting college for Graphic Design at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh August 19th.

Yeah, finally making my ass do something with itself.

Also, trying other business ideas to make income. Affiliate Marketing is annoying as hell but kinda fun.... and might start going around town advertising to pick of dog sh!t for $5-10.
Not that glamorous I know, but 10 houses in one day = $100 the government doesnt know about and tax me at the end of the year. Do that every week for lets say a total of what... two hours a day to do the 10 houses... thats like $400 extra every month to pay bills. for what... 8 hours of work per month? hells yeahs.:cool:
Still picking up crap though... lol... guh need to make more fliers now that I think about it.
Also donating 20% of the profits to the ASCPA for animal cruelty. So win win. I guess.

See you all... next month?
grats on your marriage btw

16 Aug 2010, 20:58
check me out im a college student now

16 Aug 2010, 22:16
check me out im a college student nowwhat're you majoring in?

17 Aug 2010, 19:22
IT, Web and Applications Emphasis. Hope I'm cut out for it. :p I think I should be.

PS: Woo Scott. I'm all about Stills, though. Much more my style. Even if Scott does get the Mega Man exit.

18 Aug 2010, 23:06
Good luck with that, man!

25 Aug 2010, 23:34
Car broke down on Tuesday night. Got a push so I could get it around a roundabout, which was amusing/embarrassing. Got a new ignition coil & module put in yesterday, all happy again.

31 Aug 2010, 05:07
Locked myself out of my apartment last night, as did all my roommates except one who'd gone home for the weekend and wasn't due to get back for another couple hours. I opted to pass the time on the roof of the complex - we have a nice sun-deck area with a bunch of chairs and a hot tub.

After about half an hour, this cute girl I'd been flirting with a little who lives in the building comes up onto the roof with her roommate and a pair of friends. We say hi and she asks me what I'd doing up there, and then she goes to continue showing her friends around.

15 minutes later I'm totally spacing out and hear a "are you still locked out??" followed by a "Come join us!" as they go toward the hot tub. How could I not? I end up hanging out with them for like 5 hours and we walk around town and whatnot and have several epic adventures

It was amazing :D

I'm completely smitten :(

I'm 95% sure she likes me, but I care way more than I expected, and that scares the crap out of me.

And to think if I'd had my keys with me, what I'd have missed...

31 Aug 2010, 05:53
Locked myself out of my apartment last night, as did all my roommates except one who'd gone home for the weekend and wasn't due to get back for another couple hours. I opted to pass the time on the roof of the complex - we have a nice sun-deck area with a bunch of chairs and a hot tub.

After about half an hour, this cute girl I'd been flirting with a little who lives in the building comes up onto the roof with her roommate and a pair of friends. We say hi and she asks me what I'd doing up there, and then she goes to continue showing her friends around.

15 minutes later I'm totally spacing out and hear a "are you still locked out??" followed by a "Come join us!" as they go toward the hot tub. How could I not? I end up hanging out with them for like 5 hours and we walk around town and whatnot and have several epic adventures

It was amazing :D

I'm completely smitten :(

I'm 95% sure she likes me, but I care way more than I expected, and that scares the crap out of me.

And to think if I'd had my keys with me, what I'd have missed...oh very nice! I love when random stuff just falls into place like that! here's to hoping she likes you as well, you sort through your fear and you all live happily ever after with 900 fat children.

31 Aug 2010, 15:47
with 900 fat children.
What a terrible, terrible thing to say! :eek:
I can tell you that 2 (regular sized) are already enough, close to torment. ;)

31 Aug 2010, 15:55
I initially read that as 900 fat chickens :D

31 Aug 2010, 17:24
I initially read that as 900 fat chickens :Dthat would be fine as well.

Star Worms
2 Sep 2010, 16:00
Though you can't make as much profit from chickens.

4 Sep 2010, 09:30
My interest in this girl does not invoke feelings of wanting to make profit via children... In fact, that doesn't come to mind in the slightest.

Tomorrow afternoon we're making pancakes together! :) So excited.

4 Sep 2010, 20:52
My interest in this girl does not invoke feelings of wanting to make profit via pancakes... In fact, that doesn't come to mind in the slightest.

Tomorrow afternoon we're making children together! :) So excited.



4 Sep 2010, 23:12

:pLOL! I actually fell for it for a second, damn you!

5 Sep 2010, 01:15
It would have been brilliant if my post had started a new page. :p

edit: You've got to be kidding me...

5 Sep 2010, 04:02

No pancakes, she had to work late and so is too busy with her finals next week (summer classes). She promised that after finals we'd make babies pancakes. Only she's going away for a week after finals. So it'll have to be in 2 weeks. :(

5 Sep 2010, 04:04
It would have been brilliant if my post had started a new page. :p

edit: You've got to be kidding me...ahahahaha! I love murphy!

7 Sep 2010, 16:40
ahahahaha! I love murphy!Yeh, he's a bit of a sod, isn't he?

7 Sep 2010, 17:44

19 Nov 2010, 03:49
String date;
int old = 24;
System.out.println("Er, what was the date?");
date = keyboard.nextLine;
if(date == "November 19th"){

3 May 2011, 12:24
So yeah, err... the last thing I expected today was a tornado heading directly for me. First time I've ever seen one. It had weakened in strength before it arrived at my work. There was no damage to people or vehicles in my immediate vicinity, just rooves and the boats in the yard next door.

http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/3272/22503412850381055808210.jpg http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/4741/22915412850382055808110.jpg

^Those photos by a workmate. It changed directions slightly and ripped the roof & air conditioner off of the general manager's office instead. My building was ok.


8 May 2011, 15:52
I've just completed a 5km "fun run" in aid of charity. I've not done any real running (and only then school cross country) in about 10 years, so I am pretty dead now! Places ache I didn't know could ache! I completed it in just under 35mins

On the plus side I raised just over £100 for the Derbyshire, Leicestershire & Rutland Air Ambulance - my local air ambulance service. For those who don't know, all air ambulances in the UK are privately funded and receive no lottery grants or government subsidies.

8 May 2011, 16:46
How does running raise money? Do people give you cash when you run by them and then you place it in a big box at the finish line?

8 May 2011, 16:52
How does running raise money? Do people give you cash when you run by them and then you place it in a big box at the finish line?
It was all by sponsorship collected before the race (online and in person), and this gets passed onto the charity.

8 May 2011, 23:33
How does running raise money?
They're running in big hamster wheels and excess electricity is fed into the power grid, sold as renewable eco-power.

13 May 2011, 20:09
lol. I had a close encounter with Spadge today. Some Nvidia guys were visiting our office and Martyn happened to be in Stockholm and was invited over by our boss. They were there for about two hours. I had no idea it was him until they left when my boss saw I had the Worms tshirt I just won and was all like "oh you have a Team17 shirt, didn't you notice that the founder of Team17 was here?" :p

13 May 2011, 22:09
lol. I had a close encounter with Spadge today. Some Nvidia guys were visiting our office and Martyn happened to be in Stockholm and was invited over by our boss. They were there for about two hours. I had no idea it was him until they left when my boss saw I had the Worms tshirt I just won and was all like "oh you have a Team17 shirt, didn't you notice that the founder of Team17 was here?" :pLOL! that would be awesome if it weren't so frustrating!

14 May 2011, 20:50
lol. I had a close encounter with Spadge today. Some Nvidia guys were visiting our office and Martyn happened to be in Stockholm and was invited over by our boss. They were there for about two hours. I had no idea it was him until they left when my boss saw I had the Worms tshirt I just won and was all like "oh you have a Team17 shirt, didn't you notice that the founder of Team17 was here?" :p
argh, what a shame

7 Jul 2011, 16:19
The future of Jump Leads looks uncertain. JjAR simply doesn't have the time to work on it at the moment, and there's no indication of how long it'll be until he's freed up again. I highly doubt I'd be able to find another artist to fill his shoes, and that's assuming I even want to replace him which I don't. I can't imagine anyone else providing the art for the comic.

I have a couple of other comic projects in the pipeline, one of which I might be providing the art for, and the other of which I'm definitely providing the art for. They're both very different, mind. I'm just sad that after four years - five if you count the pre-production work and build-up - Jump Leads may be coming to a premature close.

Worm Mad
13 Jul 2011, 18:22
*sigh* Well, we had a good run. :(

13 Jul 2011, 21:59

13 Jul 2011, 22:13
It's all still up in the air, and I haven't heard from JjAR in a while. I'll email him tonight.

19 Jul 2011, 07:54
I think I might have a crush on a coworker at SpaceX...

Some of my friends/coworkers have already noticed the chemistry and make fun of me, referring to her as my "girlfriend" etc...

This could end poorly... :-/

19 Jul 2011, 08:28
I think I might have a crush on a coworker at SpaceX...

Some of my friends/coworkers have already noticed the chemistry and make fun of me, referring to her as my "girlfriend" etc...

This could end poorly... :-/
Especially when you're on a long mission to Mars.
You need to have a strong relationship to last through more than a year without seeing each other.

20 Jul 2011, 00:54
Jump Leads might not be quite as dead as I had previously feared.

20 Jul 2011, 03:38
Jump Leads might not be quite as dead as I had previously feared.

Also, SomePerson, if you ever actually go to mars... DIBS ON THE FIRST STONE YOU BRING. :p

20 Jul 2011, 12:50
DIBS ON THE FIRST MARTIAN (http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/3203/71rgllissllss500.jpg) YOU BRING. :p

20 Jul 2011, 14:31
You're just in it for the laz0r gun, admit it.

20 Jul 2011, 19:09
You're just in it for the laz0r gun, admit it.
Guns. Plural. She has three of them. :D

20 Jul 2011, 21:33
I think I might have a crush on a coworker at SpaceX...

Some of my friends/coworkers have already noticed the chemistry and make fun of me, referring to her as my "girlfriend" etc...

This could end poorly... :-/
or really ****ing well

this happened with me and my girlfriend before we started going out and now we've been going for a year and ten months

20 Jul 2011, 22:48
or really ****ing well

this happened with me and my girlfriend before we started going out and now we've been going for a year and ten monthsyeah, take my advice, SP. Don't just avoid it simply because she's a coworker. I've a rather large amount of chemistry with my best friend, but due to our friendship and her past troubles, she's reluctant to act on them. The result is a whole boat load of awkwardness and frustration.

Just give it a shot and be prepared to deal with it if things go sour. Better to have lived and loved, as they say.

22 Jul 2011, 07:15
or really ****ing well

this happened with me and my girlfriend before we started going out and now we've been going for a year and ten months

That's possible. Or I could muck up my dream job in the process... :p If I were working anywhere else there would be no hesitation. But mucking up my work environment at SpaceX?...

On the other hand we're talking about having our own astronaut corps picked from employees, surely that would get us picked for a colonization mission ;) :rolleyes:

22 Jul 2011, 07:27
That's possible. Or I could muck up my dream job in the process... :p If I were working anywhere else there would be no hesitation. But mucking up my work environment at SpaceX?...oh, that's simple. when you realize the relationship isn't going to work out, simply instill in her knowledge that her place is in the kitchen and that she has no business doing man work. You'll get lots of tasty food, and once you're done with her, you'll have the work place to yourself. it's win-win!

22 Jul 2011, 22:35
On the other hand we're talking about having our own astronaut corps picked from employees, surely that would get us picked for a colonization mission ;) :rolleyes:

31 Jul 2011, 09:10

Whitty. :p

This actually puts me in a little of a sticky predicament as now I'm getting myself involved with 2 girls? :-/

About a year ago as you may recall this happened: http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?p=728984#post728984
Let's call her L. Turns out she has a boyfriend so things have gotten strange in the last year. I'm pretty sure she's interested as much as she tries not to be. She tries to avoid seeing me, but when I happen to run into her she's standoffish for like a minute and then she breaks and it's like we're practically dating. We're so incredibly compatible and I swear I'm in love with this girl, she just has a damn boyfriend. :( And she's not the kind to break it off anytime soon so I'm just in limbo...

So now that I'm crushing on this coworker of mine, let's call her H... When I'm around her I don't think about L at all, but when I'm NOT at work... :confused: If I pursue H, I feel like I'll always wonder about L since it's such an unclosed situation. But if I try to pursue L, I'll still be sitting a knight's move away from H and see her every day and I know there's no point trying to deny my interest... Both situations are messy too because of either being coworkers or her having a bf.

Life, y'know?

Worm Mad
31 Jul 2011, 11:42
Go for H. No point in thinking about L while she's in a relationship with someone else. And I honestly think you're making too much of a big deal over the co-workers thing.

I guess you're worried that you'll break up (or she won't want to date you) and then you'll both be left feeling awkward every time you see each other. But really, if you like her enough, it should be worth the risk. You don't want to be left, years later, wondering what could have been.

31 Jul 2011, 22:55
I honestly think you're making too much of a big deal over the co-workers thing.
Just think about Pierre and Marie Curie and what became of them working together.

1 Aug 2011, 07:51
Holy shiznit Worm Mad just came back from the abyss to give me advice and then disappeared again :eek:

1 Aug 2011, 10:03
Holy shiznit Worm Mad just came back from the abyss to give me advice and then disappeared again :eek:
Everything for our prospective astronauts, soon battling with HAL9000's offspring.

14 Aug 2011, 12:27
Much of New Zealand is being dusted with snow, including the suburb I grew up in (http://static2.stuff.co.nz/1313306196/575/5442575_600x400.jpg). Never happened once in the 24 years I lived there.

14 Aug 2011, 16:25
Much of New Zealand is being dusted with snow, including the suburb I grew up in (http://static2.stuff.co.nz/1313306196/575/5442575_600x400.jpg). Never happened once in the 24 years I lived there.snow in AUGUST?!

Alien King
14 Aug 2011, 17:24
Silly upside down people.

14 Aug 2011, 17:29
Silly upside down people.OH! XD my mistake. I forgot New Zealand is by australia. ignore me :p

14 Aug 2011, 20:40
Much of New Zealand is being dusted with snow, including the suburb I grew up in (http://static2.stuff.co.nz/1313306196/575/5442575_600x400.jpg). Never happened once in the 24 years I lived there.
??? i thought you were british