View Full Version : Blocked Team Names?

9 May 2013, 12:52
I was making a team on Worms based off of Cannon Fodder, and when I went to put the team name in, I found that "Cannon Fodder" was invalid. Are there any other names that are blocked like this, for both the team and worm names? I got around that minor restriction by putting an exclamation point at the end, but it struck me as a little odd.

9 May 2013, 13:01
I believe Cannon Fodder is the name of a CPU team in the missions. Perhaps this has something to do with it?

9 May 2013, 13:16
I believe Cannon Fodder is the name of a CPU team in the missions. Perhaps this has something to do with it?

That might be it. I tried naming a team "Guardsmen" and it said "Nope"

9 May 2013, 18:29
Hmm, and what would happen if you use a language other than English to create your team, and then switch back to English? (I ask but that's probably the kind of thing I'll test myself right after asking.)

Edit: hah, the limitation can be bypassed by using another language and then coming back to English (worms' names can't be edited once back to English though; as for the team name, it can't be edited then set back to the blocked name when using English).

10 May 2013, 16:32
Lol, love this thread :)

Don't break the system LTK ;)