View Full Version : Inspiration for Team17, two Worms concepts

3 Mar 2013, 18:39
I thought of some Worms concepts that I wanted to share. Many ideas are taken from other suggestions done on this forum. This is my idea to Team17 because I would love to support this company by buying another game but there isn’t a game yet that I consider worth buying. The games are good, but not quite good enough for me to buy them.

Concept 1: The revolution continues
-High system requirements (a bit higher than Revolution I would say, so not very high)
-Limited customizability but highly dynamic*
-Graphics like Worms Revolution (though I would personally prefer it to be more like Worms Mayhem)
-(*)Based on Worms: Revolution
-Consoles and PC

Dynamic fire: fire will spread depending on the terrain, if the terrain has grass or trees or certain dynamic objects fire will spread. It will take some turns so you can stop the fire from going to your worms and damaging them by using water based weapons. Oil from oil drums** however will spread quickly in one turn. Organic weapons, think animals think old ladies, when they come in contact with fire will be set on fire and spread it (if the terrain is right), their fuse time will also decrease, sometimes very quickly sometimes just quickly. In that way you can use petrol bombs to protect yourself from being hit by an old lady or sheep, but it isn’t fool proof! And as the animal or lady is on fire as it explodes it will spread it also in all directions which might cause a chain reaction!

**Dynamic oil (drums): oil drums work like Worms: Armageddon when shot with an explosive, however when you shoot with a firearm it will shoot little holes and oil will pour out. Oil makes the terrain slippery, and can be lit on fire, which will spread in one turn.

Dynamic snow: if you choose a snowy map you’ll have snow. Snow vaporizes when using explosives, when using fire based weapons snow will turn into water. Snowy maps will also have ice instead of water which will have to be destroyed in order to drown worms, snowy terrain will be slippery. You can choose to have snow as a weather option***, too much snow will cause worms to die of hypothermia (it works just like water, it decreases health until you blow up).

***Weather: weather can be chosen as a scheme option. Normal maps will have rain, snowy maps will have snow. Rain and snow will not appear every turn, and for a few turns. You can also choose to do rain or snow, depending on the map, as a sudden death option.

Concept 2: Armageddon meets Spore
-Low system requirements
-Highly customizable less dynamic
-Graphics like Worms: Reloaded added with some Worms 4: Mayhem like effects (in 2d of course!)
-Based on Worms: Armageddon
-PC only

Hat editor (optional): there’s a hat editor that lets you drawn hats but also moustaches. You can import images in the background, size them properly and draw on top of them to get that picture. You can also directly import images, convert them to the graphic style and put them on the worm. If you don’t want dick hats and boob masks you can choose the option: no custom hats, this way the computer chooses a random default hat and or moustache online.

Team weapon editor (optional): like Worms Mayhem you can make your own weapon. This time however you can draw it yourself. Like Mayhem you could choose between <launcher>, <airstrike>, <throw>, <drop> and maybe <walker> (walker as in sheep, cow, mole, old lady etc. would be problematic as the image would require an animation). You can also import pictures, transfer them to the graphic style. There’s a scheme option that makes user weapons unavailable, so if you do not like booty blitz and Johnsons strike. Most default schemes would have this option off. There could also be a sandbox option or something like it to allow more than one custom weapon.

Terrain editor (optional): as you can draw your own team weapon and hats, you can draw your own terrain. Terrain texture can be imported and converted to the graphic style, objects (not mines or barrels by the way) can be drawn using a background picture or from scratch. This would also be a scheme option if you don’t want a genitalia landscape. Most default schemes will have it off.

Note: Hats, team weapons and custom terrain can be shared. You can download other hats, team weapons and custom terrain and rate them. Also applies to schemes, missions and maps.

Scheme options: scheme options are similar to Armageddon and WWP. It would also include some new ones. Scheme can be customized between rounds if you do not like something. Schemes can be seen in the lobby and can be seen what it is the most similar to.

Map editor: similar to Worms: Reloaded but you can create huge maps. So you can put mines, oil barrels, poison barrels and perhaps the mega mine (limited to 1, which is also a scheme option) on it for comical effect. 

Huge maps: you’re not limited to average sized maps, but can choose larger maps. So you’ll have island hopping with crate collecting on the way to the enemy games. However default maps are average sized. And in the lobby it will say loading average map OR loading huge map.

Mission editor: like the WWP editor perhaps, I’m not familiar with it.

For both:

Classes + perks: the classes of Worms Revolution of course should now be in any sequel in my opinion. You can customize your worms with perks (three of them, or two). The perks would be tiny changes to your team or individual worms, so it doesn’t get overpowered. The perks would have comical names, I can’t think of them now. Examples:
-I like sunbeds- slightly more resistant to fire
-Big lungs – slightly more resistant to water
-Resistant baby! – slightly more resistant to poison
-Layer of fat – slightly less fall damage
-Big boned – slightly less damage from firearms
Note: I would say all the above 1 point less, not more
-Die hard – slighty more damage dealt when using suicide bomber (if present), when using kamikaze and when dying
-Sharpshooter – slightly more damage dealt when using shotgun, also applies to pistol and sniper rifle(if present), more accurate when using uzi, also applies to minigun (if present)
-Black belt – slighty more damage dealt when using fire punch, baseball bat and dragon ball (I think slighty father thrown away might become overpowered and it might get confusing)
Note: I would say about 5 points extra not more for the above, black belt being an exclusion because I think that could use more, about 10 points

The perks shouldn’t interfere with the gameplay too much, so they should be slight changes to customize your style of playing. And of course just like Worms: Revolution has a option to play without classes, there could also be a option to play without perks.

Crates (optional)
Crates will explode depending on what’s inside. If it contains a poison weapon, some poison will be released. If it contains a firearm, bullets will shoot away. If it contains dynamite or holy hand grenade it will make a big explosion. Not only sheep may become liberated, but also old lady’s with a shortened fuse, etc.

That’s all.

See this as inspiration for Team17. The first concept would make the game a bit more tactical. The second concept keeps the game alive with user content.

The first one would probably be the best one. And with Armageddon being updated it might become a bit the second concept.