View Full Version : task > reward

1 Jan 2013, 10:45
Well,I'm one of the new,joined early december. With tasks as they are now (I've been hearing a lot from players that joined earlier) the rewards are insignificant when you look at how much you spend on completing them. Early players are well-stocked,and us fresh are struggling to keep a coin. Even if I am to pay for occasional goods (paying in beta? me is poor for that),I still wouldn't catch up to them. The tasks keep getting wilder,so I got myself in a position where I barely keep the following in my inventory:

coins bought:
-cluster/mine/dragonball/shotgun/uzi/ : 4 of each
-dynamite/sheep : 2 of each
-banana/holy : 4 of each-yes,I get them daily,but also spend them daily

credit bought:

I spend my levelup credits for about 2 bbats and an axe. My silly brother is saving them up in hope of buying some good hat(he also started december) and ain't amused so far. Hats are outrageous.

I'm not asking for much here,just please-give some hope when rewarding,guys! With my inventory as it is I must restock after every good game,and it repeats for days until I get a chance of completing a task-for which I need to spend about 5000 coins at best to complete. For a homing missile? Uzi? 300 coins back? I can buy me a prod with that,c'mon. Right now I'm crying over a bang-bon task(kill 5 with) which rewards me with two homing missiles and a 250 coins. See?

2 Jan 2013, 01:50
I'm not asking for much here,just please-give some hope when rewarding,guys! With my inventory as it is I must restock after every good game,and it repeats for days until I get a chance of completing a task-for which I need to spend about 5000 coins at best to complete. For a homing missile? Uzi? 300 coins back? I can buy me a prod with that,c'mon. Right now I'm crying over a bang-bon task(kill 5 with) which rewards me with two homing missiles and a 250 coins. See?

I'm with you dude, it's getting hard ;/

3 Jan 2013, 09:20
dunno what youse are talking about, with a decent hat, if you kill all 4 worms, or even 2 a game, you get a decent amount of coins in return, the challenges pay out good too with 1000 coins for 4 reinforcements, I joined september/october and havnt got a lot of weapons stocked up, pretty much the same as you, Nemir and still have 12000 coin hats, it does get hard when a new theme comes out, but I somehow always manage to keep at least 5000 coins in the bank, if you use the expensive weapons on kill shots and play fast, with a decent hat theres no reason why you shouldnt get all the coins back, personally I manage with xp hats

3 Jan 2013, 09:24
As for the bang-bon tasks and those like it, they cost a lot of coins, but reward you with worm credit weapons, but it does suck when its the only task left, but hey you can skip it for 3 worms credits, which is like buying a homing missle and getting one for free!! which I think is more than fair :D

3 Jan 2013, 10:00
Believe me,after buying all the island parts for the tasks,all the winter and then christmass tasks and all that,your starting cash is gone. Zip. Nada.
Some of teh tasks are good as they should be,yes,but I'm talking about the recent ones,winter/christmass. They were sadly my first,and drained me of funds for hats. I do make progress,don't get me wrong,but barely,and with a lot of stress.

3 Jan 2013, 21:11
with a decent hat theres no reason why you shouldnt get all the coins back, personally I manage with xp hats

Dingo, the hats are a great way to get a little help, but what we are saying here is that sometimes the task asks much more than it gives, and even if tou spend 12k+ in a coin bonus hat it'll give you max 50% coins...
I prefer the xp hats, in my opinion is the best way to play, but when you get a certain level, it become hard to level up and the cash only goes, does not come back ;/
Yesterday I got a task to kill 8 worms with the cluster bomb...the reward was 2 uzis...
Don't know what's going on, I have kind of 80 uzis or more, and I didn't buy a single one! but the other weapons stock are dropping too much!
Before some updates I was used to maintain around 80 banana bombs and hhg too, 30 dinamites, 30 mines, 60 cluster, 20 sheeps, 50 shotguns, 50 uzis ...and it goes like this..
now I can keep 40 bb and hhg, 10 dinamites, 10 mines, 20 cluster, 10 sheep, 20 shotguns and 80~90 uzis [!!!], that's ridiculous!!!
All tasks rewards has became uzis, and since I don't use it too much, it grows in number while the others just drop...
And in times of themes, there are special weapons, and a good money is spent on them...
See my point here? ^^

4 Jan 2013, 06:41
Yep. The whole point of tasks sounds to me like you wanna do this,not skip 'em and get a homing with a bonus prod. Motivation dropped,and that's a bad thing. If it were four homing missiles,you wouldn't see this thread here.

7 Jan 2013, 16:11
We will look into the rewards for tasks. Thanks for letting us know your concerns.