View Full Version : Surrender penalty

20 Oct 2012, 19:16
Since its pretty lame when someone surrenders just when u trow an banana in the hole where it's 3 worms are, and u lose all that waluable coins and xp bonuses plus you have wasted an bomb, think there should really be some penalties for that -.-
So lets say, if you surrender, you cant play for next 1 hour or such, tho more sugestions would be nice?
Just an idea..

20 Oct 2012, 21:00
I think halting the game would better be off done after all the explosions and damage dealts have passed, just like in the Match End (a normal end of a match)

21 Oct 2012, 00:45
Sometimes people even loose connections with the server and I think that shows like a surrender. Maybe the code should detect that and not punish you for disconnect.

21 Oct 2012, 03:59
I think halting the game would better be off done after all the explosions and damage dealts have passed, just like in the Match End (a normal end of a match)

Yeah, good idea, since game knows to stuck from time to time so you really gotta surrender at those ocasions in order to continue playing :)

22 Oct 2012, 10:46
This is really a bug reports too. Request for developers; Client needs some code to be able to detect when it's "sick" or when user just closed the window, also a server needs code to detect if client is unresponsive and detect if someone quit on purpose or communication between client and server is problematic.

22 Oct 2012, 11:22
Well said chaos! Lack of communication between server and client also makes another bug i mentioned earlier, where if ending screen loads faster for 1 player and s/he clicks OK, second player gets the message at the end of a game that other player got surrendered..

And last nite i again had situation, when after killing persons 3rd worm, she quitted before her worm detonated, so i wasnt able to get all the dammage coins and xp, plus got short for killing ones too :\

22 Oct 2012, 17:10
We are busy making a new build that should eliminate the crash/cut off bugs that reared their ugly heads in the last version. We're also striving to update the game to combat quitters. We saw a massive decrease in rage quitting when we introduced the harsh penalties for it a few weeks ago. Hopefully all this work we're doing will eliminate your concerns and the game will be better and stronger for it!

22 Oct 2012, 19:10
Let them quit, but give us XP points and coins that we deserved through our kills.

23 Oct 2012, 22:37
I see two ways of solving this:

1- The quitter is replaced by a bot until the end of the match (allowing you to continue your battle and earn your XP/coins).
2- The game won't stop while it is your turn. If the player leaves, you can finish your turn before the end of the match.

26 Oct 2012, 09:48
I agree that the ideal scenario is that the player should be replaced by a bot, but there are technical limitations with the platform that makes this difficult. However, we are constantly striving to improve the game and this is something we're very aware of. For now however, we are aiming to the get the game & the system solid enough so we can launch, then the real work begins! :)

26 Oct 2012, 10:14
Ok, but whats with you finish your turn no mather opponent surrendered? That seems more fair to me ;)

26 Oct 2012, 14:04
The best would be as I said: a player surrendered but the game continues until your turn ends AND all the remaining explosions stop.
Otherwise you lose all the bonuses, etc.
sounds good ElBobbo?

27 Oct 2012, 00:58
I think that, when the player surrenders, you must get what you lost back [guns, reinforcements], because it was not a 'fair play', you enter a battle to have fun, winning or losing is part of the game, but you gain nothing with the battle, just spent credits/money that won't come back. The other player should be unable to surrender for a couple of time, maybe it's the best option :D
someone agree?

28 Oct 2012, 03:30
I think you should retain any weapons that cost coins/worms-cash to obtain (as well as reinforcements) when used in a battle where the opponent surrenders before the last minute begins...

28 Oct 2012, 10:34
You do currently get reinforcements back when players quit mid-battle. However, as for weapons we won't be reimburssing them as you gain XP & Coins from them. If you got them back people could easily farm it. On the other hand I am completely aware of the situation and we're monitoring the numbers of rage quitters. We have had a massive increase in the percentage of completed games when we added the quit features we've got in now (no bonuses, reinforcements reimbursement) and we know that we'll always have some people who do it, but it is a frustrating situation, and one we will definitely be keeping an eye on.

28 Oct 2012, 18:30
Its perfect as it is now, they quit they get nothing, simple as. The 'Winner' gets full 150 money, 100 XP and 2 reforcements back job done

28 Oct 2012, 19:20
Its perfect as it is now, they quit they get nothing, simple as. The 'Winner' gets full 150 money, 100 XP and 2 reforcements back job done
How can it be perfect if someone quit just when you trow some imba expencive weapon that should kill several its worms on them, so you lose your weapon and miss damage + killing XP and coins bonuses? O.o

And for those who dont know, first kill gives 50 (70 with blue diver)coins, second 150 (210), third 300(420) and 4th 500(700) coins, + arround 40 bonus if u dive enemie worm tho not 100% sure about that, so its MUCH MUCH more than 150 coins and 100 XP!

29 Oct 2012, 11:21
This is what im talking about.. last attack, guy have last worm with 21HP and i shot an bazooka that would directly hit him, but no...!
So i sucked it for 700 coins, since shooting worm had blue diver, plus hit coins and XP bonus!
And he just lost some stupid 150 coins and 100 XP.. What do winner wave out of it, if he lost much more?

So just let us finish our turn if nothing, it would be fair enough...

30 Oct 2012, 15:08
Something has to be done about the surrendering. First, make it clearer when you press the surrender button: Yes or No. The current options are a bit confusing. Second, maybe ask "Are you sure" when the surrender button is hit to confirm, and put a warning that if you surrender you will not receive any post-battle bonuses. Some people may still not realize it. I agree that at minimum, we have to be able to finish our turn so we can get a kill or at least not lose our weapon that we fired before they quit.

I still think the whole surrender thing is useless. I think that because it's there, people use it more often than they would close the browser.

30 Oct 2012, 15:47
...The only time I surrender is when the game freezes and the other player is a buddy and is winning at the time of the freeze... so i do the honorable thing and let them have their rewards swiftly, rather than what I do to non-buddies, which is wait them out until they quit or get frustrated and surrender themselves =p LOL

22 Dec 2012, 17:10
Well this sucks! After Xmass update I started to play random online's again (since before that I had bunch of "who need friends" tasks which kept me from random online's which I have almost 2000 btw..), and surrender ratio I experienced is like 75%! Even worst, some are on last 30 sec's when I have a turn and those few enemy worms left are softened enough to finish em all, so since its on 30th or 29th second, I don't get any reinforcements back, my weapons are wasted since I don't also get bonuses for killing those few left.. And it also affect tasks which stay unfinished, make frustrations and so on :\

23 Dec 2012, 09:11
Maybe to disable the surrender button UNTILL it's your turn? If they can only surrender on their turn,we could mouseover the bonuses in about 5 sec until enemy's turn. Oh! -change the quitter's color to yellow!! That would bring us lulz,seeing a yellow player and knowing what's the danger.

(edit) 4 example- if someone quits a game,rest of the day his team's color is yellow. I would love this seeing done.

23 Dec 2012, 12:56
Maybe to disable the surrender button UNTILL it's your turn? If they can only surrender on their turn,we could mouseover the bonuses in about 5 sec until enemy's turn. Oh! -change the quitter's color to yellow!! That would bring us lulz,seeing a yellow player and knowing what's the danger.

(edit) 4 example- if someone quits a game,rest of the day his team's color is yellow. I would love this seeing done.

Lol, love the marking thing :D

Problem is and if you disable surrender button, they can turn off browser or kill tab.. Another problem is that sometimes you have to surrender if game stuck or if you get rift in the spacetime continuum bug, it will kick you out of game instantly, showing your opponent that you have surrendered..

So the only solution I see here is AI stepping up instead of "surrendered" player.

And as I said somewhere already, would be nice if there is ignore list too so that we can ignore and not play anymore against lamers :mad:

24 Dec 2012, 23:29
So the only solution I see here is AI stepping up instead of "surrendered" player.

And as I said somewhere already, would be nice if there is ignore list too so that we can ignore and not play anymore against lamers

Agreed completely.

25 Dec 2012, 18:31
Be allowed to continue to play?

You get as much time as you want and the opportunity to kill all his worms.

If you don't want to, you can always quit yourself.

7 Jan 2013, 15:26
We are looking into adding an "ignore" list so you can effectively block rage quitters and not play them again. This should be a simple, yet effective solution.

2 Feb 2013, 06:42
We are looking into adding an "ignore" list so you can effectively block rage quitters and not play them again. This should be a simple, yet effective solution.

could be used to block good players too though...

6 Feb 2013, 11:11
Well this one guy was unbelievable. :D I bombed him hard and he wanted rematch, which was okay for me, but then he surrendered and after that he still tried to rematch with me. Yeah right! :D

But I think the most effective way to stop surrendering would be something like -500-1000 coins penalty. Cash is important part of the game and no one wants to lose them. Well, some though, but the most people doesn't, I think.

Okay, that's only the second effective way, the most effective way would be removing the whole surrender button. I see no real use for it, since it is mostly used only by rage quitters, which everybody hates, so no loss there. :p

6 Feb 2013, 12:54
Okay, that's only the second effective way, the most effective way would be removing the whole surrender button. I see no real use for it, since it is mostly used only by rage quitters, which everybody hates, so no loss there. :p

Or maybe there could be some kind of message notifying the other player, like "Your opponent wants to surrender, do you accept it?" or something like that, with a yes or no option. If the player clicks no, the game continuous, of yes then the game ends in good terms and we are all happy! :p

7 Feb 2013, 20:30
So the only solution I see here is AI stepping up instead of "surrendered" player.

I agree. It took me way too many hours to get the "Wormicide" achievement, since my opponents would always surrender when I was about to kill their last worm.