View Full Version : Is WUM a big dissapointment?

31 Oct 2011, 20:17
I mean, it provides new content, yes. W3d Maps and Schemes? Yes. But that's about it.
Yes there are the little features (Ranked games, Landscape Support) but that's about it. All of those above could have been added in 2-3 expansions.
While yes, there is still content to be added, WUM is just a better version of W4M. I mean, it's still W4M, it just has the W3D maps and extra content. It has the same weapons, nothing from Worms 3D, no new weapons, no new custom weapon parts or balance changes, the heck, even the basic custom weapons are the same.
Except the worms, WUM doesn't bring lots of customizations, and there are team flags, custom weapons, the wormpot, etc.
Sincerely, I doiubt the gameplay is any different from W4M. It adds nothing new.
So, is WUM just another dissapointment?

31 Oct 2011, 20:27
My personal gaming disappointement of the year, tbh.

31 Oct 2011, 20:33
Not a disappointment, but I don't recommend buying it just yet.
Wait for few updates, game needs to be optimised and finished.
It is not finished obviously, they really rushed to release it.

31 Oct 2011, 20:33
In my opinion it isn't.

And it's a remake, not a new title... what did you expect?

Anyway I like it and I'll be looking forward to have the 3D maps in multiplayer.

31 Oct 2011, 21:28
It's not a remake, it's just an extended re-release.

It's... lesser than what I expected, but not enough to change my opinion on this matter much. Which is basically: worth it if you don't already have Worms4. Skip it otherwise.

31 Oct 2011, 21:34
I have been pretty dissapointed in it. Worms just doesn't flow well in 3D. The game needs a lot of things fixing and they seem to have removed content from the game that they can later release as DLC.

1 Nov 2011, 17:41
The lack of new content really disapointed me, I don't really care about hats or such stuffs.

I think that if team 17 add some old weapons from worms 3d or maybe new weapons it would be way better also they should remove the CRC check for tweakable weapons, and add the possibility to officially and easily add custom maps made with the unofficial map editor.

By adding those 3 features the game would be way more interesting than it is for the moment.

1 Nov 2011, 20:37
My only hope was that this would be Worms 4 with added maps from Worms 3d. Very saddened by the fact it doesn't even do that. The changes are nice but doesn't warrant the price imo.