View Full Version : Nice New Photography Website

23 Sep 2011, 19:04
A friend of mine just made this website: http://highlandworks.com/

Check it out and let me know what you think, I'll pass it on.

Hi all.

23 Sep 2011, 21:36
Needs more explosions and tits.

24 Sep 2011, 04:52
um....well I think they're definitely photographs. that's a good start.

25 Sep 2011, 15:41
Needs comments. Absolutely, absolutely needs comments and explanations. Like, why this city section formed as so, why the river is so blue, how the colours express etc etc etc. Otherwise it's just... pictures. Pretty, pointless pictures.

26 Sep 2011, 18:29
,Needs comments. Absolutely, absolutely needs comments and explanations. Like, why this city section formed as so, why the river is so blue, how the colours express etc etc etc. Otherwise it's just... pictures. Pretty, pointless pictures.

While I agree putting images into context helps.. I don't thunk good art should require a manual on how to appriciate it. Asking why the river is blue seems like a very irrelivant philosophical question that has nothing to do with how good the photo is. Like demanding of someone: "Tell me why this strawberry is red or I will refuse to enjoy eating it!"

2 Oct 2011, 00:55
Thanks for the comments guys :)

I miss this place.

2 Oct 2011, 01:36

While I agree putting images into context helps.. I don't thunk good art should require a manual on how to appriciate it. Asking why the river is blue seems like a very irrelivant philosophical question that has nothing to do with how good the photo is. Like demanding of someone: "Tell me why this strawberry is red or I will refuse to enjoy eating it!"


Are you ok, man?


2 Oct 2011, 10:52
Ouch no. I was writing that on the buss on my impossibly difficult touchscreen keyboard when suddenly the buss crashed into a state of improbability and I thunked my head really hard up against an annoyance. Left a nasty bruise on my ego impairing my ability to write coherent pineapples. Thank you for your concern :)

8 Oct 2011, 15:34
Why are the images so small? Photography websites nowadays have giant images that fill my whole screen. These ones fill something like 1/16 of my screen's area.

9 Oct 2011, 02:49
Why are the images so small? Photography websites nowadays have giant images that fill my whole screen. These ones fill something like 1/16 of my screen's area.

Good point. I'll ask him about it.

10 Oct 2011, 02:30
Plain back background, grey text, Windows 98-esque buttons? Smells like Web 1.0. It feels like no one should've updated it for 10 years.

10 Oct 2011, 08:47
Pro tip: Thumbnails

Using a 2000x3008 image on the frontpage which is loading like in 1998 might fit the equally retro-looking website design, but it makes my mouse cursor move to the 'close tab' immediately.

Using HTML tags to downsize the display doesn't resize the actual image.

16 Oct 2011, 13:40
Some nice photos but the site's design could use a little (lot) of work.