View Full Version : Worms Evolution

5 Sep 2011, 23:07
Well here is how I think of it:
It would be a 3D or a 2D i don't care I'm fine with both.

When you kill let's say 5 worms you will advance from classical to medival age.

In main menu you can choose what will your worms wear in what age.

You can choose will you be able to build buildings like in Worms Forts Under Siege.

And you will be able to choose your starting age.

You will be able to make your weapons for ages of your choise.

Weapons form older ages like rocks form prehistory will be able to use in medival age.

You would start at prehistoric age and you will have rocks,slingshots,and some funny small dinosaurs.(like some small ate loads gunpowder and you throw it.)

Then classical age (Old Greeks,Persians,Romans...) with spears,javelins,funny animals and instead of prood you will punch him (sence they don't have legs) and say "THIS IS SPARTA!!".

Medival age will have arrows,swords,Posions on arrows,throwing poison somehow...

Imperial age will have guns,cannons,indian smoke pipes that will decease worms like skunk.

And finally modern age where you will have uzis,miniguns,bazookas,granates and so on.

The idea isn't really good,I didn't have anything to do so I wrote this.I'm sorry for my English I'm from Croatia and I'm 13.

6 Sep 2011, 08:58
Well, personally I like your idea... :D