View Full Version : Worms for xperia play

2 Apr 2011, 01:40
According to the following press release: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/corporate/press/pressreleases/pressreleasedetails/xperiaplaylaunchpressreleasefinal-20110401

There will be a worms for the xperia play. Will it be the existing worms for android with added control options, or will it be a port of the psp version of battle islands or something else?

I am gonne buy it anyway, but if it will just be an update to the existing worms for android I can buy it already and get the controls upgraded into it. Wouldn't want to buy worms twice when 1 has not the control options the xperia play can give you though.

Also an ETA would be awesome ;)

4 Apr 2011, 16:13
This release is by our mobile partners over at EA Mobile. From what I can gather, it's a version of the one that they released on Android, but if you want more details I would ask them direct.

10 Aug 2011, 16:58
This release is by our mobile partners over at EA Mobile. From what I can gather, it's a version of the one that they released on Android, but if you want more details I would ask them direct.

forgive me for being a noob, but where would i contact them and ask this question because i got the xperia play. and i bought worms and it does not have the xperia play controls