View Full Version : "Wormnet connection terminated" (Can not join channels)

29 Jan 2011, 23:55
Hello. Let´s see if I find help..

In Wormnet 1, inside Wa, when i click over a channel to try to join it, nothing happens for about 1 minute until a "WormNet connection terminated" error appears and I can only exit... (I can see everybody who is online, but I can not join channels...)

Before of posting here I have been whole day searching in forums, reading similar problems and trying a lot of things...

Of course I have actived and deactived all... Firewalls, exceptions.. open ports, etc, etc..

I even have deactivad fully firewall of Windows and in router I have set my local ip in a DMZ Host (this is, all ports were forwarded to that local ip), but it doestn´t work...

I´ll try to give you all data I can for you can help me better (and I will "pre-answer" all your possible future questions...):

I almost could ensure the guilty is my ISP or router, cause I have tested in different hard diskes with different OS (Windows 7 and Windows XP) and same happens. Besides, this same pc, in another house, with different router and ISP, connects without problems... (And about 4 years ago, I had these same problem in another house with this same ISP (and I think it was same router too...)

(Well, the problem really wasnt exactly same. In those years, I remember I could join channels only sometimes... [almost every times could not and very very very few times could] [it was weird...] and when not joining, none message appears, just nothing happened... but this probably is due to the new version...)

But well, let´s come back to present (nowadays it never join) and to go on with the issue:

Router is Webstar Scientific-Atlanta EPR2320R2, and ISP is ONO (Spain)

(Have anyone of you this router?) (Ono and that router is one the most populars in Spain, it would be easy to find a player that uses it... Unfortunately, currently there are not many Spanish players active..., Anyways, I´ll ask in their forums...)

If it helps, I have to say that I have read in forums a lot of spanish users (no wormers) of this router and ISP talking about they cannot connect to irc channels of some games, etc... (It seems people says this ISP don´t allow users to access to advanced options in router...)

Here is the mainly options that I can set in router, (and I really think I've tried almost everything..., I have checked and unchecked and made a lot of combinations...)

Shot at 2011-01-29

Shot at 2011-01-29

For example, "Wan Blocking", "Block Fragmented IP Packets", "IP Flood Detection and "Firewall Protecion" was activated... I deactivated them one by one with the heart full of hope, but nothing happened...

And here is the main menu. I have looked inside of each section, but I actually don´t see nothing relevant...

http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/6283/mainmenurouter.th.jpg (http://img692.imageshack.us/i/mainmenurouter.jpg/)

Any suggestion?

I also have tested "telnet wormnet1.team17.com 6667" and all is fine: i see black screen and then that error message that means all is fine (i was learning this in another threads...)

And I have also saved a "packets log", according to this tutorial http://worms2d.info/Recording_a_packet_log (I attach the file in this message)

I also have to say that only way I have found that I can connect in channels is ONLY using ProSnoopperFx (it´s the only snooper that allows me, the rest of them give me problems, including Wheat Snooper) and here I can join games and play, but if I host, my game doesn´t appear in channel... (however, I have tested that my game is joinable using this: http://www.canyouseeme.org/)

I wish some expert like Cybershadow could help me..., maybe setting router...

If problem goes on, I´m thinking of calling my isp..., or buying another router...

Oh, I was forgeting to say something that I think it´s important: I have just tested if I can join channels in Wwp (wormnet 2), and I CAN. it´s exactly same that was happening several years when I had this problem in the another house (with same router and isp. I think I never solved the problem... cause I left Worms a little time after that and besides I played more wwp in that time and so I didn´t care much..., or maybe I moved to another house in that moment... I don´t actually remember it..)

Why is this? Maybe cause and WA uses 6667 and Wwp uses 6677? (btw, is this right?). I don´t see another difference..., but well, I am a ignorant...

I guess I should set port 6667 in something like "outgoing" (instead forwarding="insiding") (I dunno if this I am telling it´s an aberration). And how am I supposed to set this? Just calling my Isp?

PD: Sorry for my english. I hope you could understand all what I wanted to explain. Let´s see if someone can help me....

PD2: A very post long... I know..., but I think on this way people will be able to help me better...

Thanks and regards.

30 Jan 2011, 01:51
In the incoming traffic from wormnet, your router has replaced your external IP (which appears in your hostname) with wormnet's IP. This is presumably 2 bytes longer than your own IP because it then subtracts 2 bytes from the following sequence numbers - except because it's already confused it's doing this to the outgoing sequence instead of the incoming sequence (the one it modified).

Upgrade the router firmware. It's trying to modify the TCP stream so that IRC DCC (which isn't even being used) works through the NAT and failing badly. If that doesn't fix it, replace the router.

30 Jan 2011, 01:53
Why is this? Maybe cause and WA uses 6667 and Wwp uses 6677? (btw, is this right?). I don´t see another difference..., but well, I am a ignorant...

I guess I should set port 6667 in something like "outgoing" (instead forwarding="insiding") (I dunno if this I am telling it´s an aberration). And how am I supposed to set this? Just calling my Isp?

The only port you should be forwarding is 17011 (incoming). Forwarding port 6667 or entering any special behaviour for this port into your router's configuration may be the cause of this issue.

30 Jan 2011, 12:34
Why is this? Maybe cause and WA uses 6667 and Wwp uses 6677? (btw, is this right?). I don´t see another difference..., but well, I am a ignorant...

I guess I should set port 6667 in something like "outgoing" (instead forwarding="insiding") (I dunno if this I am telling it´s an aberration). And how am I supposed to set this? Just calling my Isp?

The only port you should be forwarding is 17011 (incoming). Forwarding port 6667 or entering any special behaviour for this port into your router's configuration may be the cause of this issue.

Ok. Np. I have only forwarded 17011.

But my doubt is...: why can I join channels in wormnet 2 and can not in wormnet 1?

30 Jan 2011, 12:45
In the incoming traffic from wormnet, your router has replaced your external IP (which appears in your hostname) with wormnet's IP. This is presumably 2 bytes longer than your own IP because it then subtracts 2 bytes from the following sequence numbers - except because it's already confused it's doing this to the outgoing sequence instead of the incoming sequence (the one it modified).

Upgrade the router firmware. It's trying to modify the TCP stream so that IRC DCC (which isn't even being used) works through the NAT and failing badly. If that doesn't fix it, replace the router.

OK, thank you very much. I have been investigating in net and unfortunately it seems that this router firmware cannot be updated... Only the ISP can do, and even if you ask them, they always don´t do it... I´ll try it... Or I will ask them another router or (better) a cablemodem (and I will connect to this a neutral router with which I can be sure I will have not problems...)

Anyways a friend of mine, with same ISP (and I think same router) is going to try it and let´s see what happen (If same error, I will bring you the capture to see if it shows same log...)

Thank you very much.

PD: Another suggestion? Could Reseting router help? I mean RESET, and not restart (I know it´s not same thing)

30 Jan 2011, 14:29
But my doubt is...: why can I join channels in wormnet 2 and can not in wormnet 1?Your assumption was correct: it's because WWP uses port 6677.OK, thank you very much. I have been investigating in net and unfortunately it seems that this router firmware cannot be updated... Only the ISP can do, and even if you ask them, they always don´t do it...If your ISP refuses to cooperate, it may be considered as a breach of contract (they are not respecting their obligations of providing correctly-functioning Internet connectivity, which includes IRC).PD: Another suggestion? Could Reseting router help? I mean RESET, and not restart (I know it´s not same thing)Probably not. In the chance that the router has a setting regarding IRC or DCC that wasn't in the screenshots you posted, disabling that setting might fix it, but otherwise it appears that this behaviour is not configurable.

3 Feb 2011, 00:28
Hello. It was finally solved. Maybe I could say I have been lucky...

(After phoning and talking with a technician about my problem) I have increased my bandwidth (with the same ISP) (and paying 2 euros/monthn less than before!) (it seems that this possibility recently arrived to my town) and so they have had to bring me a new router (I ask them for a router that I surely knew that wouldn´t give me problems with IRC [before of doing I searched in google])

So now all is right with W:a and my connection is better (4 times faster) than before (and paying less). :)

Thank you both for trying to help me.


3 Feb 2011, 01:43
Glad to hear it :)

4 Jun 2012, 16:23
Hi Cyber,

Im having connection terminated problem. I tried to ping the link wormnet1.team17.com in cmd and i got message destination port unreachable.

I also read somewhere that i have to contact admin in order to permit the ping packet request.

Is there any way i can solve this problem?

Thnx in advance,
