View Full Version : Couldn't establish a full grid network [PSP]

15 Jan 2011, 11:15
It seems like I get this error when I have more than 1 page of friends, and then join a game: "Couldn't establish a full grid network".
This makes me unable to join games from the Friend list, have to search in whole wormnet... Any workaround?

15 Jan 2011, 12:21
Hi Steps,

I have 6 pages full with friends.
It happens often, that wormnet shows hosts which are allready closed, also on the friendlist.

@Facebook I posted some bad things about the online gaming, but Team17 donīt answered yet:


17 Jan 2011, 22:14
I also had that problem but for me i cant find any games or make friends and if I find a game it says what you said. Cannot establish full grid network......so i havent played multi in a while...