View Full Version : Desync quit thing

12 Jan 2011, 07:27
So now, when I'm able to host at WormNET (using ProSnooperFX), sometimes my game forces all players to disconnect due to desynchronisation. It happens with maps and schemes already played on my host without any problems. I was hosting 20 games without any problems and then 3 last ones are totally desynched in a row (maybe it would continue, but i stopped hosting after those crashes and joined other host).

I suspect:

1) ProSnooper generates wrong /url, cause in the Logs, my host name = my nick name, while at WormNET it's i.e. "WXW-no-noobs".

2) It has something to do with v3.6.29.0 emulation due to one outdated player.

I've attached logs of 2 from those 3 last crashes, but for me, they say nothing more.

12 Jan 2011, 15:29
There's a known cascade desync bug in, which can be triggered by someone quitting. (It's been fixed in, of course.)

12 Jan 2011, 19:55
I see. But the thing is, it always happens immediately after a map load and I'm sure, that guy with v3.6.29.0 didn't quit, cause he wanted me to host. Even after the 1st crash, he came back, when I rehosted, what You can see in those Log files I attached.

I was looking into some previous logs and it always happens, when the game is emulated to v3.6.29.0 due to one player.

If emulating to i.e. v3.6.28.0, everything is ok.

12 Jan 2011, 20:43
Just tell everyone to use

12 Jan 2011, 20:53
Just tell everyone to use

Yes, I'd like everyone to be up-to-date too and I hope soon everyone will be.

Before, I thought v29 is better, than v28, so I didn't refuse those players, from now on I will.

14 Jan 2011, 00:58
I think we got to the bottom of GrO's issue.

The schemes he was using are ones he'd made using a scheme editor, and I think he had inadvertently set some rubberworm features.

As GrO doesn't use rubberworm, I assume this would cause a desync if the joining players did have rubberworm.

14 Jan 2011, 19:15
Yes. I met zookman on my host and he helped me to test the scheme. I just downloaded bad described Fly scheme and didn't know it includes Rubber features, than I modified it and saved, as a regular shoppa scheme too, so I had 2 shoppa schemes (fly and reg. shoppa) with a rubber trojan ^^.

Now I got new schemes and everything works like a charm. Sorry for useless bothering at support section.

14 Jan 2011, 20:28
It's fine. Others who get desynchronizations may see this thread and find it useful.

17 Jan 2011, 13:29
But doesn't the latest official version of Rubberworm as well as all/most of the recent unofficial versions detect if the Host is using Rubberworm and disable themselves if the host isn't or was that a planned feature that did not come to fruition?

17 Jan 2011, 23:12
But doesn't the latest official version of Rubberworm as well as all/most of the recent unofficial versions detect if the Host is using Rubberworm and disable themselves if the host isn't or was that a planned feature that did not come to fruition?

Seems like Rubber Schemes shouldn't be used by Non-Rubber hosters. Also, why to use a schemes with Rubber features, while hoster has no Rubber installed ;]