View Full Version : Keyboard Response problem running WA in Virtualbox on iMac

7 Jan 2011, 18:22
I am having trouble with the keyboard response... sometimes my double taps don't "take" (ie only a single tap registers) and I wind up jumping in the water.

I havn't been able to change the game detail level either (to see if that helps) because I have no insert key.

Any suggestions?

7 Jan 2011, 19:07
I think input problems are rather common in VirtualBox... perhaps you should try another solution (e.g. Wine / WineSkin / CrossOver Games).

7 Jan 2011, 21:58
In vmware Workstation on Windows running 7 which runs WA, I get instant keyboard response in WA, though the sound is delayed. Perhaps you should try vmware and/or Windows if the above solutions don't work out.

8 Jan 2011, 01:06
Wineskin is working beautifully! Seamless! And now i just have one Worms Armageddon app on my mac and can get rid of all the other junk.

8 Jan 2011, 11:38
Hey mmmmya,

I am having trouble running Worms Armageddon on a macbook air using Parallels 6. I've downloaded Wineskin like your comment suggested, but I'm a little confused on the settings: "Engines to use," etc. Could you give me a quick rundown on how to use Wineskin with worms? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

8 Jan 2011, 12:21
Also using Wineskin, have you gotten the game to detect your internet connection so that you could potentially play online?