View Full Version : Transferring Content from Worms Armageddon to Reloaded

17 Sep 2010, 19:17
I moved all my speech banks, Gravestones, etc around from game to game on the old games and was terribly disappointed when i got the new one and found out they were different formats.

Does anyone out there know how to make .xgs , xsb. , xwb. files out of the old speech folders. (wav)??

Then comes the Gravestone issue. They have changed them to .flg files, i have not looked into transferring files to this format but maybe someone can help me with it.

I have moved some of my old maps into the new game by transferring files to the correct file, and even went to the extent of making my own maps from pictures on my computer. ;) So that is a plus.

If anyone has any input on how i can save the old content mostly talking about the speech files i would greatly appreciate it!

19 Sep 2010, 10:04
No idea, you can try searching for those extensions and see if you find a program that can handle those files, but I don't think it will be that easy. Also the worms say more things than they did in Armageddon, so there will be some missing expressions.

19 Sep 2010, 12:30

Good luck.