View Full Version : Alien Breed Impact voice chat?

6 Sep 2010, 21:51
Was just playing this with a friend, and entertaining as it was, it only worked because we had Skype on PC for chat. Am I missing something? Is voice chat included in Impact?

8 Sep 2010, 22:15
That'll be a 'no' then. So Team17 created an online cooperative game that really needs good cooperation due to limits in resources and a requirement for tactics, and yet left out a communications system. That's a...bizarre choice, no? I'd love to hear the reasoning behind that one!

It's a crying shame. Team17 were a top-tier Amiga developer who crafted some of my most pleasurable moments on the platform. Since the dark days of Worms:Everything they became a very one-trick pony, but the introduction of download platforms has liberated them to be more creative. Sadly though they seem to have lost their edge. Alien Breed Impact has a number of design issues and bugs, and the lack of voice chat is criminal for a game advertising online play. Before this I'd have got excited over anything Team 17 announced (except Worms) because of their heritage, but now my enthusiasm is severly diminished.


9 Sep 2010, 21:35
Please don't get mad at 'no voice-chat' while there probably is voice chat.

I don't own the game myself, but I played in the old beta.
-Check the options>controls
-Try 'T'
-Try 'T' again

11 Sep 2010, 16:34
I'm playing the PS3 version. I read a post at the PS3Trohpies forum where a guy said he asked T17 and got an email reply saying they pulled it at the last minute due to a killer bug. You'd have thought Sony would supply some standard code in the SDK, so I don't know what's going on. All I know is online gaming with voice comms is kinda rubbish.

15 Sep 2010, 03:25
whats up team 17 i hope you get a chance to read this. Well my problem to day is when are you going to bring Alien breed impact to the U.S.A for the PS3 my friend in the UK said that they got it for 23.00 pounds and we did not get it will it ever come out for the U.S.A. If it dos not how much is it if i bye it on the UK PSN of 23.00 pounds to American money how do you count that out i was never learn how other country's money work sorry but i saw the PC version on youtube and it looks like fun a game that i would like to have for the PS3 and to play with friends I know some country's promote games to sell but i do like UK games and Japan games as well its hard to get over here because its not poppuler or its not made in the US that sucks some time like one game i am waiting for is dead nation on the PSN and eye pet for my little nephews to play. Do you under stand what I am going threw because the U.S.A choose games that they wont to sell in the US and we don't get a say in it so I have to bye it online or some where ells please write back I would like to here from you on your opinion about Alien breed Impact let me know so i can try to get it some were ells thanks AKA TriksR4kids