View Full Version : How can i graphically mod WWP sucsessfully?

29 May 2010, 23:10
Hello there :D

I've been a great worm fan as long as i can remember, streching far back when i was a five year old. I've been growing up with theese worms, and i wouldn't want to change it even if my life depended on it.

Now- i don't know if this is illegal or against rules or so, but im trying to (privatly of course) mod my WWP. Changing the hud graphics and in-game music and sound. The changed music and sound effects works fine, but the graphics however does not.

I really just started by copying the backdrop bmp. into my image editor, changed it a fair bit, then saved (and overwrited) it again where i took it. When i get in-game, it's all messed up. (Like it has the Vista colour problem)

I've tried to save it in 256 colours, generally same thing. Now, is WWP automaticly restricting me to change the backdrop or something? Do i have to do a workaround or what? I know it'll work, somehow, because i've seen on youtube that some german person changed thier backdrop sucsessfully.

Is this wrong, Illegal, or against rules? If not, then what am i doing wrong?¨

...If this have already been covered, then please re-direct me to that thread or post, uhm- yeah.