View Full Version : My Other Worms Armageddon Thread Was Closed, So...

28 Mar 2010, 16:29
I tried PMing the last guy who posted in it, as it seemed like he closed it. This was my message:

As I said, I bought the game earlier last week. My CD drive is entirely fried though, so I made an imagine of the disc on my sister's computer (where it runs fine, by the way, but she's on XP Pro SP3), and a friend of mine linked me to gamecopyworld.com. That site had a disclaimer on the front saying I was within my rights to make an image of the game if I actually owned it, and only then is it actually legal to download or use the cracks.

However, I didn't think the crack had anything to do with the problem. If you think it's Windows 7, I'm still willing to try more troubleshooting. If not, my uncle is supposed to bring me a spare drive from his computer shop this weekend, and I can wait until then to test the game and see if it works at that time. Please do unlock my thread now.

Just because I'm using a no-cd crack doesn't mean that I've stolen the game. No-CD cracks are faster anyhow.

However, I got the following error:

CyberShadow has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

If you are trying to send this message to multiple recipients, remove CyberShadow from the recipient list and send the message again.

Anyhow, I've already got the game working on Windows XP via emulation with VirtualBox. I think if I were a pirate or whatever that I'd quit now as I'm able to play the game.

I don't know if you guys get a lot of thieves here or whatever and get hasty about it, but I have -not- stolen this game. I'd like my thread re-opened, please, and I'd at least like to know if anyone on Windows 7 is able to play successfully and stablely.

28 Mar 2010, 16:54
Listen - cracks are not supported, and never will be. I can play on Windows 7 using the official Beta updates and Wormkit (with module wkColorFix.dll). If you want to play without using a CD, make sure you have your CD image somewhere, and download and install "Daemon Tools". It will allow you to mount an ISO image as if it were a CD drive. This is a legal and recognised way to play W:A. It's even on the W:A Wiki, www.worms2d.info.

Be sure to check out some of the pages on the wiki, as you'll find answers to pretty much every issue there.

28 Mar 2010, 17:24
Your problem was typical for people who try to update a pre-cracked version of the game to Of course, the official update requires the CD to run, so they try to crack that too, and that's what they get.

Stating that you were using a no-CD crack in your original problem description would have went a long way towards a friendlier outcome. It looks like the global moderators are away, judging by that you're not banned yet.

As I said, I bought the game earlier last week.Where? You just said you have a new CD. That could very well mean it was freshly burned, or you bought (or "bought") a pirate edition. FYI, no genuine editions come pre-patched to

I'd like my thread re-opened, please, and I'd at least like to know if anyone on Windows 7 is able to play successfully and stablely.Request denied. Also, if you look around the forum you'll see that many people can play the game just fine, with some workarounds for unrelated problems. The problem you described is not a (common) Windows 7 compatibility issue - it manifests for people who have an unreadable CD or no genuine CD at all.

28 Mar 2010, 17:36
Listen - cracks are not supported, and never will be. I can play on Windows 7 using the official Beta updates and Wormkit (with module wkColorFix.dll). If you want to play without using a CD, make sure you have your CD image somewhere, and download and install "Daemon Tools". It will allow you to mount an ISO image as if it were a CD drive. This is a legal and recognised way to play W:A. It's even on the W:A Wiki, www.worms2d.info.

Be sure to check out some of the pages on the wiki, as you'll find answers to pretty much every issue there.
Alright, as long as it plays, I'll just wait until later this week when my uncle gets here with the drive, and I'll come back if it doesn't.

Anyhow, yeah, I tried the same thing, but with Alcohol 120%, and it said the CD wasn't in.

I was already there, which is why I tried mounting the the first place, and why I ended up turning to VirtualBox.

Your problem was typical for people who try to update a pre-cracked version of the game to Of course, the official update requires the CD to run, so they try to crack that too, and that's what they get.

Stating that you were using a no-CD crack in your original problem description would have went a long way towards a friendlier outcome. It looks like the global moderators are away, judging by that you're not banned yet.

Where? You just said you have a new CD. That could very well mean it was freshly burned, or you bought (or "bought") a pirate edition. FYI, no genuine editions come pre-patched to

Request denied. Also, if you look around the forum you'll see that many people can play the game just fine, with some workarounds for unrelated problems. The problem you described is not a (common) Windows 7 compatibility issue - it manifests for people who have an unreadable CD or no genuine CD at all.
Okay, cool. That is fantastic. I'll be sure to tell my friends how similar my problem is when they're wondering why I can't play. I'll also point out that some of the people on these forums are know-it-all jerks, even to legitimate customers.

Sorry, I honestly didn't think it matters, as I went to google my problem, and google auto-filled in Windows 7. That immediately lead me to believe the problem was with Windows, not a modified exe. Especially considering it installed and worked fine on my sister's computer. And banned for what? I haven't done anything wrong, as I've stated -several- times.

What? When the hell did I say it came pre-patched? It was crashing on load for me at first, so I looked it up, and found the wiki, which said that before I ask for help, I should update to the newest version. It was called 2dworms.info or something. I exhausted everything on there before posting, which is why I also already had wormkit installed. And I got it at the secure shop or whatever it's called. I saw a link to it in another post- of yours, in fact.

I saw very few of these, and none of them said they were on Windows 7 Ultimate. I figured it was simply a distribution problem. Not to mention, Worms World Party worked fine for me until a Windows "Program Compatibility Update" for older programs, which causes that to crash on launch. And the oh-so helpful people at this forum told me to just buy Worms Armageddon instead, since it was better.

Anyhow, thank you Dr. Melon. I'll consider coming back here to post if it works once my uncle brings me a drive. Short of that, I'd have no reason to, since it seems many of the higher-ups are self-righteous jerks.

Have a nice day everyone, I suppose.

28 Mar 2010, 18:09
Creation, distribution and usage of no-CD cracks is in violation of international copyright law.

If you use a no-CD crack, we won't help you, but even if we wanted to, we can't - because cracks add their own set of problems which we can't possibly support.

If you use a no-CD crack, you are not welcome here, and we will not help you. If you can't play without a no-CD crack - sorry, that's your problem.

28 Mar 2010, 18:13
Team17 do not like their forums to be used to provide tech support to people who are using pirated or cracked versions of their games - funnily enough they prefer people to actually buy legitimate copies of their games.

Our usual course of action is to ban people who insist on getting help but refuse to buy a legitimate copy of the game. You should consider yourself lucky I am in a good mood and can't be bothered to issue an infraction.

In the meantime I am going to lock this thread, since we only provide tech support to those who own legitimate copies of the game. If you create any further tech-support threads without sufficient proof that you own a legitimate copy of the game, you will be banned from this forum.

Copies of the game can be bought for next-to-nothing from https://secure.team17.com

*Thread closed*


Also, calling people "know-it-all jerks" isn't wise. Some people on this forum who attempted to help you are actually creating the Beta patches for the game, and therefore know it quite well, and what all the various errors do and how they're created.