View Full Version : Games Statistics

10 Feb 2010, 10:52
I have trouble of gathering games statistics on MyWormNET server. I want to build and publish on my web site something like table with statistics about games, players and teams. How and where I can get this statistic info (number of played games, wins, loses, max damage, etc) to adding it in the table? Do anyone have some experience about this?

10 Feb 2010, 13:39
Ranked WormNET games have the game report back the winner, however the exact protocol is not documented anywhere, so you'd have to figure it out yourself. It's not possible for a WormNET server to know additional statistics (such as damage) without additional support from the client (e.g. some WormKit module).

10 Feb 2010, 14:09
Certainly seems worth looking into. I'd love to see all the accumulated damage I've done etc.

Hopefully, somebody would assist us in making such a module - I'd do it myself, but I can't find any documentation for making one...