View Full Version : How to Bug worm 4

19 Oct 2009, 05:34
I know some bug to tell you
1.Mutipleshot weapon Bug : use Icarus poison then very quickly change it to any weapon like landmine. Then had you drop a lot of landmine at once.
2.Inside ground Bug : use nin rope shot to land object like barel while you jumping then your worm will gone to inside the ground at the middle of map.
3.Super jump Bug : use nin rope shot to the land while you jumping and quikly release your nin rope if it right you r worm will thrown to the air.
4.Bug tailnail : hit other worm then use cheater weapon destroy the whole map you see that worm that hit with tailnail will stay in the air and did not go down into water.
5.Bug clash with Sentry gun : use your nin rope shot to the wall and swing your worm to your team sentry gun you see that your worm will stuck with your sentry gun.
6.Bug starburst:go near land my wait for it near to explore then use star burst when land my Boom you see like starburst stop but it continue with flying worm without the rocket .
7.Bug invisible land object and worm : use your nin rope rope shot to barel you must shot it rapidly while you press 'Q' botton rapidly too if it work you and land object will invisible.
that all I know. If you know more you can post it.

19 Oct 2009, 06:03
Where are you from? Your English is hard to understand, although I can work out some things.

19 Oct 2009, 09:29
I thought it was obvious, only Russians have the time to find so many game breaking exploits.

22 Oct 2009, 05:51
oh sory for bad english