View Full Version : 2 Custom Speech Banks<3

8 Sep 2009, 22:41
I hope it's okay to put these here, otherwise you could delete this or whatever.

I spent a few hours making this girlie one last night that I'm pretty proud of:

http://www.eternalnovel.com/AnnaMolly.zip (13.0MB)

It's comprised mainly of voice actress auditions for a female character in a novel I'm writing, so you'd be like WTF with some of the lines, but it's cute. She doesn't always sound the same, since I chose clips from different girls, but all-in-all it's good.

Here's one I voice-acted myself aaaaall the way back in January 2006, of a sort of suave businessman type guy, also based on a character in my novel:

http://www.eternalnovel.com/IdealEnsoules.zip (4.39MB)

Put them in your C:\Team17\Worms Armageddon\User\Speech (whatever the directory is) folder, inside a subfolder for each collection of audio files, such as C:\Team17\Worms Armageddon\User\Speech\AnnaMolly, and then select them at the very bottom of the list of Speech options in your Edit Team Options.

9 Sep 2009, 13:44
The AnnaMolly one needs a lot of clean-up. In most of the actual speech sounds, there's noise in the background or microphone muffling from blowing into the microphone; a sign of bad recording practices.