View Full Version : The most epic plop I've ever seen (vid)

21 Aug 2009, 08:45
I've only been playing on WormNet for a few months but I can pretty safely say that the chances of this happening are one in a million.

Worms Armageddon - Shopper - Epic Triple Plop (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt4JptNT1XQ)

Sorry no sound :(

21 Aug 2009, 12:27
Chances of that happening are indeed low but I gotta say I've seen more spectacular plops. :) Nice one though.

21 Aug 2009, 15:08
This is why WA remains superior to all other (non W2/WWP) worms games, the phisics engine allows for amazing things like this, planned or otherwise.

21 Aug 2009, 15:36
I enjoyed your video.

21 Aug 2009, 15:42
I enjoyed your video.

I enjoyed your post

21 Aug 2009, 15:43
I'm glad you did. I was actually expecting that.

21 Aug 2009, 23:41
I don't know where it is but I was playing with some friends using rubberworm for firing multiple weapons. One of my mates flung someone into the air with an overpowered sheep and froze himself and the freeze caused the flying worm to bounce into the plop.

On a non-side note: nice shot.

22 Aug 2009, 04:58
replay, Ghost?

22 Aug 2009, 05:18
Read, franpa?

22 Aug 2009, 13:17
Very nice shot!

Lucky git!

22 Aug 2009, 17:11

In the 55th minute. You need rubberworm and open it with wormkit.
And don't mind the lack of actual chat this game...no idea whats up with that.

I'd make a vid but i'm to lazy to export frames and I don't have any fraps like programs installed atm.

o and it was the zook that caused the plop, the sheep was used before it.

22 Aug 2009, 19:31
This is why WA remains superior to all other (non W2/WWP) worms games, the phisics engine allows for amazing things like this, planned or otherwise.
Obviously. Man, in the later games, they sorta just hit an invisible wall when the game detects that something awesome is going to happen. Or, at least that's what I think you're yammering about.