View Full Version : Worms 4 Mayhem (PS3)

14 Apr 2009, 13:05
Hi, I was very pleased if i have found that Team 17 released Classic worms 2 on the PSN .... and an idea rised in my head .... from my point of view was the Best title in the worms series Worms 4 Myhem...they have lot of possibilities, funny worms costumes...and the 3D game play was really good, do you think that Team 17 can sometimes release the Port for PS3, i will be very Grateful for possibility to play them on PS3 ...

I will be most grateful if answer will come from some official source :)

16 Apr 2009, 13:48
Hmmm.... not entirely sure why W4M, should come to PSN or PS3, to be honest. Would it sell a lot? is it worth it? I would say "no" to both those questions.

And what, W4M is your best worms title? I think i'm gonna be sick.

16 Apr 2009, 13:57
Its too old and didn't quite sell enough to be ported again. Besides, it was already on the PS2.

But there is word of a new 3D Worms game early in the making.

16 Apr 2009, 14:56
Its too old and didn't quite sell enough to be ported again. Besides, it was already on the PS2.

But there is word of a new 3D Worms game early in the making.

Wait, there is?


15 Oct 2009, 11:34
Its too old and didn't quite sell enough to be ported again. Besides, it was already on the PS2.

But there is word of a new 3D Worms game early in the making.

Is there any more details on this at all?? I love Liability Insurance (http://www.public-liabilityinsurance.org.uk/) but didn;t think they would make any new games just simply becuase its not really a gigantic seller is it?

I await your response either on here or via PM :)

16 Oct 2009, 11:02
For which? W4M being ported, or a new 3D Worms game?

Because I've pretty much given up the thought of a 3D Worms game now. Spadge did say something about a 3D game... about half a year ago, but hasn't even hinted at it since!

1 Dec 2010, 17:52
I can understand why this may not have sold as much as hoped. Mainly because Worms 3D wasn't that great. However, I would always urge people to play Worms 4 and give it a try because the progress from 3D to 4 is immense. In my opinion they came on leaps and bounds with Worms 4 Mayhem and I totally get why many people regularly go back to Worms 4 of all games. Like someone said before, it's the game to play with mates or even by yourself. Me and my wife have played it non stop for the last 2 years on both ps2 and Xbox 360. It's surpisingly easy to get into and I love the open feel of the maps and the sense of freedom to explore, hide and think tactically. The 3D maps and characters look great and the customisation seems so much more fun when you see your worm in 3D as opposed to 2D. I still love 2D, but 3D is just the one for my wife and I