View Full Version : Worms Evolved 2 : Now much less complicated!

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9 Nov 2008, 11:03
How on earth could it take that long to generate a map after just one weapon?

9 Nov 2008, 11:30
More then you would care to imagine, I guess. Job hunting always gets priority over hobbies anyways.

10 Nov 2008, 01:51
Oh right. Actually I was talking about the worm grid. You had team red, yellow, etc. in columns and team Plasma in a row.
Oh right :p That makes much more sense now.
How on earth could it take that long to generate a map after just one weapon?
Not long, but I also have to EMBIGGEN this one. Fortunately, I have a tmeplate, but still.

Oh, and I'm aware that the worms look a bit silly next to the huge numbers, but meh. It's more playable now and that's what matters.


The crown worm teleports to B1 and collects the weapons crate and then moves to A1.

Plasma teleports to D5 and collects the weapons crate and then moves to B6.

Mech Plasma moves to J14 and releases an old woman Southwards! She walks to the purple baseball cap worm on O14 and steals some weapons before exploding!
The purple baseball cap worm rebounds off of the border and lands on N14, suffering 61 points of damage! His health is reduced to 79.
The purple goggles worm goes flying onto O12 and suffers 35 points of damage, reducing his health to 105.
The mine on O12 lets out a poisonous cloud and the purple goggles worm is further poisoned!

Poison reduces the purple goggle worm's health to 95.
Poison reduces the purple baseball cap worm's health to 74.
Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 105.
Poison reduces the blue bandana worm's health to 1.

The wind is blowing East at a strength of 1. A weapons crate falls onto K3.

Paul's turn


10 Nov 2008, 02:13
the worms really do look fairly bad at this size....perhaps we should use a different worm sprite? anyone have the W:OW worms, maybe? I can do the hats or whatever

Metal Alex
10 Nov 2008, 07:32
the worms really do look fairly bad at this size....perhaps we should use a different worm sprite? anyone have the W:OW worms, maybe? I can do the hats or whatever

Nah, that would defeat the sole purpose of making the map bigger: To have hugeass numbers.

10 Nov 2008, 09:55
Nah, that would defeat the sole purpose of making the map bigger: To have hugeass numbers.yes, but the worms look silly next to said large ass numbers. I was just suggesting maybe we try a sprite that wouldn't look as silly.

10 Nov 2008, 11:54
New VG version! (http://host-a.net/Plasma/Worms%20Evolved%20Alpha6.exe)
Now includes mines that actually do something (but poison is still disabled) and stack. Also includes window scaling.

10 Nov 2008, 17:55
Shiny. Now make it in something other than GM so it runs on wine :p

10 Nov 2008, 18:15
Shiny. Now make it in something other than GM so it runs on wine :p
Gamemaker programs don't work in Linux? Seriously?

10 Nov 2008, 18:21
Gamemaker programs don't work in Linux? Seriously?
Well, last time I checked they didn't even if you did have hardware openGL (on my last distro). In this distro, hardware openGL drivers don't work, so it gives an error initialising Direct 3D even if the app doesn't actually use it.

I'll boot into my other distro just for you and try it out to see if it works.


11 Nov 2008, 17:52
Oh well.

Download Worms Evolved Alpha7.exe (http://host-a.net/Plasma/Worms%20Evolved%20Alpha7.exe)

Now with fully working mines (including poison), all colours choosable, and weapon select. In a completely placemarkered way.

Which it will probably remain unless anyone wants to work on menus for that.

11 Nov 2008, 23:42
How do you move worms in that? dragging or clicking one then using arrow keys?It's all mouseclicks. Click to select a worm, click where you want to move it, click to select a weapon, click where you want to fire it, etc.

12 Nov 2008, 01:40
Click to select a worm, click where you want to move it,
I did overlook that option, it is all well and truely clear how it functions now.

12 Nov 2008, 11:19
I couldn't move your purple baseball cap exactly to where you wanted him to go Paul (not enough moves), so I moved him as close as I could. If you want it changed, let me know, but I didn't really want to confirm and hold this up any longer than it already took.


Paul moves to I9 and launches an airstrike between E8 and E12.
The blue bandana worm is thrown Southwards onto F8 and suffers 35 points of damage, killing him.

The blue bandana worm has died!

He explodes, detonating the nearby oil drum on G9 as well and drops a donor card.
A mine on E9 is thrown onto E10.
The grey banadana worm is thrown onto E11 and suffers 35 points of damage, reducing his total health to 115.

The purple baseball cap worm moves to K14 and drops a dynamite onto Mech Plasma, then retreats to K12.
Mech Plasma is thrown Eastwards by the explosion and hits the border, falling down onto J15 and suffering 74 points of damage. His health is reduced to 76.

The purple goggles worm fires a longbow shot at the blue baseball cap worm, who slides onto O8 and suffers 15 points of damage, reducing his health to 135.
The purple goggles worm firs a second arrow at him again. He slides onto O6 and pushes the white D: worm with him, who slides onto O5. The blue baseball cap worm suffers another 15 points of damage, reducind his health to 120.
The mine on O5 sends out a incredible wave of energy, which sends the white D: worm flying onto O2 and the blue baseball cap worm flying back onto O8.
The purple goggles worm retreats to M11.

Poison reduces the purple goggle worm's health to 85.
Poison reduces the purple baseball cap worm's health to 69.
Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 100.

The wind is blowing South at a strength of 2. A wepons crate falls onto N7.

Metal Alex's turn


15 Nov 2008, 17:58
The white D: worm uses a Fast Walk and rushes to O7. He drops a dynamite onto the blue baseball cap worm and runs away to N5, picking up the weapons crate on N7 on the way.
The dynamite explodes, sending the blue baseball cap worm to O6, and deals 74 points of damage, reducing his health to 46.
The mine on N8 is moved to M8.

The white nerdy worm launches an Old Woman Eastwards. She steals some weapons from the grey archer worm before exploding! The grey archer worn is sent flying onto E5 and suffers 61 points of damage, reducing his health to 89.
The mine on D4 is moved to D5.

Metal Alex moves to O14 and fires two shotgun shells at the blue baseball cap worm. He suffers 50 points of damage, killing him.

The blue baseball cap worm has died!

He explodes, dropping a donor card.
The white D: worm is thrown onto N4 and suffers 35 points of damage, reducing his total health to 12.

Poison reduces the purple goggle worm's health to 75.
Poison reduces the purple baseball cap worm's health to 64.
Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 95.

The wind is not blowing this turn. A weapons crate falls onto L15.

Franpa's Turn



Wow, you guys really hate Franpa this game don't you?

15 Nov 2008, 19:09
Bad luck, Franpa. Sorry about killing the 1HP worm, but I wanted to hit multiple targets and, well...

15 Nov 2008, 20:38
Hey, don't blame me! All I did was help an old lady cross the street and into Paul!

16 Nov 2008, 09:47
This game looks like a lot of fun. I'm definitely joining the next game, got my PM saved up already :p

One question: I might make some sprites for my team, but i'll need some plain WA sprites, the same size as the one's on the board.

Or do I just get a normal sized WA sprite, (and I do know where to find some) and do you resize it so it is the right size, Melon?

16 Nov 2008, 10:03
One question: I might make some sprites for my team, but i'll need some plain WA sprites, the same size as the one's on the board.

Or do I just get a normal sized WA sprite, (and I do know where to find some) and do you resize it so it is the right size, Melon?
Why not just get some WA sprites from the page of light and resize them :rolleyes:?

16 Nov 2008, 10:21
Why not just get some WA sprites from the page of light and resize them :rolleyes:?

Because I don't know what the size of them have to be.

16 Nov 2008, 10:22
Because I don't know what the size of them have to be.
Measure it then :p

16 Nov 2008, 10:25
Because I don't know what the size of them have to be.
...what? You can take the size directly from the sprites above!

16 Nov 2008, 10:37
I've Decided not to make my own sprites at all.

I'll just use some premade ones.

16 Nov 2008, 15:31

that's teh link to all the animations. about half of those have worms in them (all the ones starting with W, for reference).

16 Nov 2008, 15:47
Why isn't there a worm in http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/worms/wa/anims/gfx/wcrate1.gif then? ;p

16 Nov 2008, 16:07
Why isn't there a worm in http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/worms/wa/anims/gfx/wcrate1.gif then? ;p:confused: huh..... go figure....

I guess I'm capable of being wrong even in the most pointless of ways.

Metal Alex
16 Nov 2008, 17:11
I guess I'm capable of being wrong even in the most pointless of ways.

Nah, not really.

see what I did there?

16 Nov 2008, 17:18
Nah, not really.

see what I did there?I will KEEL JOO!! :mad:

17 Nov 2008, 07:19
Once my current turn plays out, I will make the last decision on where I wish to end my turn.

17 Nov 2008, 22:51
This game looks like a lot of fun. I'm definitely joining the next game, got my PM saved up already :p

One question: I might make some sprites for my team, but i'll need some plain WA sprites, the same size as the one's on the board.

Or do I just get a normal sized WA sprite, (and I do know where to find some) and do you resize it so it is the right size, Melon?
Thanks for your interest in the game. Unfortunately, once this match plays out, I'll be giving this a break until after Christmas, probably sometime in January (this game should finish before then, hopefully :p). You're still free to join in the next game though.
Once my current turn plays out, I will make the last decision on where I wish to end my turn.
Yeah sorry about the delay. I never could have predicted the sheer amount of workload I've had lately. It'll mostly clear up after Christmas, it just all seems to have hit at once.

Metal Alex
17 Nov 2008, 23:05
Thanks for your interest in the game. Unfortunately, once this match plays out, I'll be giving this a break until after Christmas, probably sometime in January (this game should finish before then, hopefully :p). You're still free to join in the next game though.

You are too sexy for resting ;)

19 Nov 2008, 02:13
The blue crown worm uses a fast walk! He collects the donor card on O6 and then moves to O4. He fires a longbow arrow at the white D: worm, who slides onto M4 and suffers 15 points of damage, killing him!

The white D: worm has died!

He explodes, detonating the nearby oil drum which detonates the weapons crate too, and drops a donor card.
A mine on L5 is pushed to L6.
A mine on M3 is pushed to N3.
A mine on J4 is pushed to J5.

The blue crown worm then moves to O6 and fires his second arrow at Metal Alex, who slides onto O15 and suffers 15 points of damage, reducing his total health to 135.

Poison reduces the purple goggle worm's health to 65.
Poison reduces the purple baseball cap worm's health to 59.
Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 90.

The wind is blowing South at a strength of 2. A health crate falls onto J8.

Aku's turn


19 Nov 2008, 11:43
Wait, don't you mean Plasma's turn?

19 Nov 2008, 11:48
wait, don't you mean plasma's turn?
game 2 has begun!

the order of the teams is as follows:
Franpa (blue)
aku (grey)
plasma (yellow)
paul (purple)
metal alex (white). .

19 Nov 2008, 14:51
Oh right, you've changed the order of the health bars so that they represent "which team has the most health" rather than "what order the teams go in". Sorry. (It's fair enough given that's what happens in the games, but dammit I was relying on those to tell turn order :p)

21 Nov 2008, 01:57
The grey archer wirm moves to E6 and launches an Old Woman at Plasma, before retreating to D7. The Old Lady steals some weapons from Plasma before exploding. Plasma is thrown Northwards by the explosion and he hits the border, falling onto A6. He suffers 67 points of damage, reducing his total health to 83.

Aku moves to A9 and fires two shotgun shells at Plasma, causing 50 points of damage. His health is reduced to 33.

The grey beanie worm moves to B11 and fires a homing missile at Plasma, who flies onto A7 and suffers 47 points of damage, killing him.

Plasma has died!

He explodes, dropping a donor card.

Poison reduces the purple goggle worm's health to 55.
Poison reduces the purple baseball cap worm's health to 54.
Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 85.

The wind is blowing South at a strength of 1. A weapons crate falls onto H1.

Plasma's turn


21 Nov 2008, 08:49
Crown worm uses a bubble.

Mechplasma teleports to L4, then moves to L1 and uses a bubble.

Yar har, feebledeegee, being a pacificst is all right with me!

22 Nov 2008, 01:38
The yellow crown worm surrounds himself in a protective bubble!

Mech Plasma teleports to the donor card on L4, then retreats to L1. He then uses a bubble trouble.

Poison reduces the purple goggle worm's health to 45.
Poison reduces the purple baseball cap worm's health to 49.
Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 80.

The wind is blowing North at a strength of 1. A weapons crate falls onto O13.

Paul's turn


22 Nov 2008, 10:31
And what about the part where I said "MechPlasma uses a bubble"?

22 Nov 2008, 11:42
What? It's always been that way.



22 Nov 2008, 13:34
What? It's always been that way.


Now the text says he did but the image doesn't

22 Nov 2008, 14:31
Now the text says he did but the image doesn'tuh.....yes, teh image has the bubble around him....and it hasn't been edited since melon's last post, either.

22 Nov 2008, 14:52
Now the text says he did but the image doesn't
He's using the same image address.
Aka: reload the picture.

22 Nov 2008, 15:00
He's using the same image address.
Aka: reload the picture.done. bubble is still there as it should be.

22 Nov 2008, 15:59
done. bubble is still there as it should be.

Plasma was speaking to Muzer. (yes, Muzer, not Yakuza ;))

22 Nov 2008, 16:01
oh, lol. I'd read that as Aku, not Aka :p

just ignore me.

22 Nov 2008, 22:23
Worms Evolved 2: Online Edition update:
- Bazooka
- Grenade
- Homing missile
- Holy hand grenade
- Stuff exploding and getting shoved around
- Drowning
- Damage

23 Nov 2008, 16:17
Sorry about the delay, chaps, but I need to have a chat with Melon about this because I know that the result of my first shot will affect the strategy I employ in my other shots.

Metal Alex
23 Nov 2008, 16:20
Worms Evolved 2: Online Edition update:
- Bazooka
- Grenade
- Homing missile
- Holy hand grenade
- Stuff exploding and getting shoved around
- Drowning
- Damage

Sounds promising... for when an open beta? ;)

23 Nov 2008, 16:37
When I'm sure you can't blow up my site when I'm not looking. :p
Just for you though, here's a sneak peek at the fun fun world of PHP!
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y237/supsuper/th_ohthatphp.png (http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y237/supsuper/ohthatphp.png)

I've also added crate generation/pickup today, with the code now at a whopping 1000 lines! Mines to come next.

24 Nov 2008, 00:00
Sorry about the delay, chaps, but I need to have a chat with Melon about this because I know that the result of my first shot will affect the strategy I employ in my other shots.
If this is the case, please don't wait for me to go onto MSN, because I can't guarantee that I will. Instead, send me the first part of your turn, then I can process it and PM you an update.

Alternatively, send me a mega-post with a whole string of "if so and so happens then do this otherwise..." detailing every possible outcome ;)

I'll try to get on MSN tomorrow though, but it won't be until the evening if I do.

26 Nov 2008, 00:37
The purple baseball cap worm moves to J11 and fires an arrow at the grey beanie worm. He slides onto A11 and suffers 15 points of damage, reducing his health to 100. The grenade on A11 explodes, dealing 40 points of damage and sending the grey beanie worm flying South back onto B11. His health is reduced to 60.
The purple baseball cap worm fires his second arrow at the grey beanie worm again, who goes sliding onto A11 and suffers 15 points of damage, again. His health is reduced to 45.

Paul collects the health crate on J8, healing his team mates from poison and granting him 30 health points, raising his total to 180. He then moves to I8 and launches an Airstrike between A7 and A11.
The donor card on A7 disintegrates and is lost forever!
Aku is thrown Northwards, but hits the border and so remains on A9. He suffers 35 points of damage, reducing his health to 115.
The grey beanie worm is thrown Eastwards. He flies onto A12 and suffers 35 points of damage, reducing his health to 10.

The purple goggles worm uses a Fast Walk and then rushes to O14, picking up the weapon crate on O13 along the way. He drops a Dynamite onto Metal Alex and then retreats to L15, picking up that weapon crate too.
The dynamite explodes, sending Metal Alex flying Northwards onto M15 and dealing 75 points of damage. His health is reduced to 60.

Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 75.

The wind is blowing East at a strength of 1. A weapons crate falls onto N4.

Metal Alex's turn


27 Nov 2008, 23:30
I don't know about you guys, but I was really pleased with the move I came up with for Goggles :).

Metal Alex
28 Nov 2008, 00:54
I don't know about you guys, but I was really pleased with the move I came up with for Goggles :).

That can't be good...

28 Nov 2008, 00:59
Metal Alex moves to N14 and fires a bazooka at the purple goggles worm. He goes flying onto K15 and suffers 48 points of damage, killing him.

The purple goggles worm has died!

He explodes, dropping a donor card!

The white geeky worm moves to H1 and collects the weapons crate. He then fires a homing missile at the purple baseball cap worm. He goes flying onto K11 and suffers 50 points of damage, killing him.

The purple baseball cap worm has died!

He explodes, dropping a donor card!

Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 70.

The wind is blowing South at a strength of 1. A health crate falls onto A15.

Franpa's turn


28 Nov 2008, 14:01
That can't be good...Well, I was pleased with it tactically, anyway. Strategically it was kind of average (as it left Goggles open to instant -- and fatal -- counterattack), so it's nothing to say "That can't be good..." about.

Speaking of strategically average, you missed a golden opportunity to dynamite or mine the yellow crown worm while he was inside a Bubble Trouble. Well, yes, of course I'm bitter that you homing missile'd Baseball instead. But if I was in your position there, I'd have definitely gone for the yellow crown worm. Not only would it waste Plasma's Bubble Trouble, but you've used up a homing missile on my worm when you could have saved it for the endgame.

There's the "but Plasma's a pacifist this game!" argument, but all he has to do is survive with Bubble Troubles into a situation where there's only one opposition worm left, and he can launch his Super Sheep or any crates he picked up, to win the game.

Fair play on killing Goggles though, nothing wrong with that. TBH I was kind of expecting it.

EDIT: On the other hand, I won last time. So at the highest level of strategy, it actually does make sense to target me. Fair enough if that was your reasoning.

28 Nov 2008, 14:34
There's the "but Plasma's a pacifist this game!" argument, but all he has to do is survive with Bubble Troubles into a situation where there's only one opposition worm left, and he can launch his Super Sheep or any crates he picked up, to win the game.
Actually, I used my team weapon first go, and only got two crates. At this rate, even if I wanted to shout "SURPRISE" now, there's little chance of me winning.

Plus there's the fact that you were winning, not me.

28 Nov 2008, 18:06
Actually, I used my team weapon first go, and only got two crates. At this rate, even if I wanted to shout "SURPRISE" now, there's little chance of me winning.

Plus there's the fact that you were winning, not me.True, but killing Goggles put Aku in the lead, I think.

Metal Alex
29 Nov 2008, 00:46
Well, I was pleased with it tactically, anyway. Strategically it was kind of average (as it left Goggles open to instant -- and fatal -- counterattack), so it's nothing to say "That can't be good..." about...

OH! No. Not in that sense... I meant in the sense of "Crate contains ARMAGEDDON" way.

EDIT: To make it clearer: Bad for us.

29 Nov 2008, 01:45
True, but killing Goggles put Aku in the lead, I think.technically plasma is still ahead by about 10 health points.

29 Nov 2008, 09:55
technically plasma is still ahead by about 10 health points.
*checks* Oh right, yeah. And I think I'd still have been leading by 3hp anyway.

30 Nov 2008, 01:35
The blue crown worm uses a Fast Walk and runs to N4, picking up the weapons crate. He then releases a Mad Cow Eastwards before retreating back to O6 and setting up a Bubble Trouble.
The cow keeps walking until he reaches Metal Alex on N14, where he explodes, sending Metal Alex flying Eastwards. He hits the border and falls down onto N15 and suffers 60 points of damage, killing him.

Metal Alex has died!

He explodes, dropping a donor card, but the land beneath him crumbles, the donor card falls into the water and is lost forever.

Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 65.

The wind is blowing West at a strength of 1. A weapons crate falls onto L5.

Aku's turn


30 Nov 2008, 15:26
The grey archer worm uses a Fast Walk and runs to F8 and collects the donor card. He then teleports onto the donor card on K11 and runs to K14. Finally, he surrounds himself with a Bubble Trouble.

The grey beanie worm moves to A15 and collects the health crate, raising his total health to 40.

Aku moves to B10 and surrounds himself with a Bubble Trouble.

Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 60.

The bubble on A1 dissapears.
The bubble on L1 dissapears.

The wind is blowing North at a strength of 3. A weapons crate falls onto C4.

Plasma's turn


30 Nov 2008, 22:30
Crown Worm teleports to C4 and uses a bubble. Surprising, I think not!

Mechplasma squirms down to O1 and uses a bubble, and...
Ladies and gentlemen, I am now finally using a weapon!

...on the barrel at N2. With a bazooka.


30 Nov 2008, 23:33
The yellow crown worm teleports to C4 and collects the weapons crate. He then uses a Bubble Trouble.

MechPlasma moves to O1 and uses a bubble trouble. He then fires a bazooka at the oil drum on N2. The oil drum explodes (perhaps unsurprisingly).
The mine on N3 is pushed onto N4.

Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 55.

The wind is blowing East at a strength of 2. A health crate falls onto A2.

Paul's turn



Over half of the worms in this game are near the edge of the map and hiding in bubbles. This game is going to be so exciting.

1 Dec 2008, 07:12
Over half of the worms in this game are near the edge of the map and hiding in bubbles. This game is going to be so exciting.

hahahahaha, yea -_-"

1 Dec 2008, 08:33
Over half of the worms in this game are near the edge of the map and hiding in bubbles. This game is going to be so exciting.Don't look at me, I'm doing my bit :p.

Althought the phrase "short on options" springs to mind...

1 Dec 2008, 11:53
we need to kill aku and plasma -_- they got too many worms each :/

1 Dec 2008, 15:00
we need to kill aku and plasma -_- they got too many worms each :/so....how many homing missiles DO you have? :p

1 Dec 2008, 18:35
Paul fires a homing missile at the grey beanie worm. He goes flying onto B15 and suffers 46 points of damage, killing him.

The grey beanie worm has died!

He explodes, dropping a donor card, but the ground crumbles beneath it and it sinks and so is lost forever.

Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 50.

The wind is blowing South at a strength of 2. A weapons crate falls onto M9.

Metal Alex's turn


1 Dec 2008, 19:09
so....how many homing missiles DO you have? :pAt the time of asking? At least one :p

Also, as one of only two non-Bubble'd worms on the map, I sense a lot of hurt coming my way this turn.

Metal Alex
1 Dec 2008, 19:38
OH MAN! I love how good the game's looking for me!


EDIT: OH HAI. Let me join the bubble club.

2 Dec 2008, 03:43
so am I the only one noticing mechplasma nearly trapped in a corner? :p

2 Dec 2008, 03:52
no :)

2 Dec 2008, 08:20
dooo it.

Mostly I'm saying this because it's one less shot fired at poor "dammit my Bubble Trouble got donor card'd" me

2 Dec 2008, 23:17
The white geeky worm teleports to A2 and collects the health crate, unpoisoning him and increasing his health to 80. He then moves to A1 and uses a bubble trouble.

The bubble on O6 disappears.

The wind is not blowing this turn. A weapons crate falls onto G3.

Franpa's turn


3 Dec 2008, 03:24
Fast Walk, 3x left, grenade the square above the yellow worm then retreat 3x right. (it needed to be done :/ )

3 Dec 2008, 09:56
Let it be known that it is Franpa's fault that I got stuck in a corner!

3 Dec 2008, 10:17
unless you tele away, I will personally make sure your not stuck there for long ;)

3 Dec 2008, 17:05
Let it be known that it is Franpa's fault that I got stuck in a corner!
Well, and my fault for egging him on.

4 Dec 2008, 21:55
The blue crown worm uses a Fast Walk and runs to O3. He throws a grenade onto N1 and then retreats back to O6.

The bubble on B10 disappears.
The bubble on K14 disappears.

The wind is blowing South at a strength of 2. No crate falls this round.

Aku's turn


4 Dec 2008, 22:04
A beautiful tropical island, covered in snow.

7 Dec 2008, 02:12
The grey archer worm moves to K15 and collects the donor card. He then moves to L14.

Aku moves to C9 and uses a bubble trouble.

The bubble on C4 disappears.
The bubble on O1 disappears.

The wind is not blowing his turn. A health crate falls onto K12.

Plasma's turn


7 Dec 2008, 11:23
unless you tele away, I will personally make sure your not stuck there for long ;)
That sounds like a threat.

A threat against me, to be precise.

Crown worm moves to F4 and uses a homing missile on O7.
MechPlasma uses a bubble, and shoots a longbow at the worm at O6.

And that, Franpa, is why you do not threaten your enemies.

7 Dec 2008, 12:10
Of course, an island can also double as a moat.

7 Dec 2008, 13:01
Of course, an island can also double as a moat.not when the shortest fire range is 3 squares :p

7 Dec 2008, 13:51
not when the shortest fire range is 3 squares :pbubble trouble

7 Dec 2008, 14:31
bubble troubleobviously, but how long can he keep that up?

7 Dec 2008, 15:36
Crown worm moves to F4 and uses a homing missile on O7.
MechPlasma uses a bubble, and shoots a longbow at the worm at O6.
Awww, GG for now ;)

7 Dec 2008, 18:40
obviously, but how long can he keep that up?Hmm. 130 point spend, so at eight points apiece that's a maximum of 16 BTs. Also assuming he isn't lying about not buying any weapons.

But let's take it turn-by-turn:

Turn 1: Two teleports (2 x 5 = 10 points) and an Old Woman (special). Two weapon crates collected, three weapons nicked from me (two shotguns and a longbow)

Turn 2: One teleport, two bubble troubles (5 + 2 x 8 = 21 points). One donor card collected (I've forgotten whose card it was, but they'll know what was in it)

Turn 3: One teleport, two bubble troubles (5 + 2 x 8 = 21 points), one zook (crate/donor card?). One weapon crate collected.

Turn 4: One bubble (8), one homing missile (crate/donor card?), one longbow (the Old Woman that attacked my team).

So he's only definitely used 60 points so far, with a possible 70 points in reserve.

Question: does the water level rise in Sudden Death? Because if it does, then that places a definite limit on how long Plasma can "keep it up".

7 Dec 2008, 20:05
how long Plasma can "keep it up".:eek: :eek:

7 Dec 2008, 22:03
The yellow crown worm moves to F4 and fires a homing missile at O7.

Mechplasma uses a Longbow and fires an arrow at the blue crown worm, who slides into the water on O7.

The blue crown worm has drowned!

The blue team has been eliminated!

Mechplasma decides not to use his second arrow and uses a bubble trouble.

The wind is blowing North at a strength of 2. A weapons crate falls onto C2.

Paul's turn



@Paul: Nice analysis, and yes, the water does rise during sudden death.

7 Dec 2008, 22:11
obviously, but how long can he keep that up?
Do you remember the part where I said "I didn't get any weapons this time"? Wanna take a guess as to what I spent the points on instead?

8 Dec 2008, 01:09
Do you remember the part where I said "I didn't get any weapons this time"? Wanna take a guess as to what I spent the points on instead?lol wow. if that's basically all you got then you are going to be one boring player this round :p

8 Dec 2008, 01:11
just super weapon him into the sea, ignore the bubble! unless the bubble also protects the ground he stands on :/

9 Dec 2008, 23:22
Paul launches a super sheep! It goes flying through the air and lands on Plasma. By "lands" I mean "explodes violently".
The weapons crate on G3 is caught in the blast and also explodes! The combined explosions of the sheep and crate sends Plasma flying onto H5 and causes 137 points of damage, reducing his health to 13.
Another sheep is also thrown from the crate explosion and it lands on F4 and drowns. By "lands" I mean... oh wait not this time. A PETA supporter looks on in disgust.

The bubble on A1 disappears.

The wind is blowing West at a strength of 1. A health crate falls onto I10.

Metal Alex's turn


10 Dec 2008, 00:39
Something tells me that worm isn't going to survive the night...

10 Dec 2008, 08:22
See, there was one thing bugging me. "If Plasma has Bubble Troubles out the wazoo, why didn't he protect the crown worm?". I still don't know the answer - whether a) he'd ran out, b) he wanted to use them all on Moat Worm, c) he was lying about having spent all his points on utilities or d) he just forgot - but I do know an open goal when I see one.

10 Dec 2008, 13:29
That would be plan B there Paul. I don't have enough bubbles to cover both worms that far into Sudden Death, and if darksiding does somehow manage to work, I don't need a second worm.

Remember, blame Franpa for the moat.

12 Dec 2008, 01:47
The white geeky worm moves to C2 and collects the weapons crate. He then uses a bubble trouble and prods the mine on C3. The mine rolls onto C4 while beeping and then releases a poisonous cloud, but it affects no-one.

The bubble on C9 disappears.

The wind is blowing East at a strength of 1. No crate drops this round.

Sudden Death will occur in 3 rounds (Rounds being full cycles of turns)

Aku's turn


12 Dec 2008, 08:15
what was turn.

Anyway, another question about sudden death: do our healths get reduced to 1?

12 Dec 2008, 10:14
what was turn.

–noun 66. a movement of partial or total rotation: a slight turn of the handle.
67. an act of changing or reversing position or posture, as by a rotary movement: a turn of the head.
68. a time or opportunity for action which comes in due rotation or order to each of a number of persons, animals, etc.: It's my turn to pay the bill.
69. an act of changing or reversing the course or direction: to make a turn to the right.
70. a place or point at which such a change occurs.
71. a place where a road, river, or the like turns; bend: About a mile ahead, you'll come to a turn in the road.
72. a single revolution, as of a wheel.
73. an act of turning so as to face or go in a different direction.
74. direction, drift, or trend: The conversation took an interesting turn.
75. any change, as in nature, character, condition, affairs, circumstances, etc.; alteration; modification: a turn for the better.
76. the point or time of change.
77. the time during which a worker or a set of workers is at work in alternation with others.
78. that which is done by each of a number of persons acting in rotation or succession.
79. rounded or curved form.
80. the shape or mold in which something is formed or cast.
81. a passing or twisting of one thing around another, as of a rope around a mast.
82. the state of or a manner of being twisted.
83. a single circular or convoluted shape, as of a coiled or wound rope.
84. a small latch operated by a turning knob or lever.
85. style, as of expression or language.
86. a distinctive form or style imparted: a happy turn of expression.
87. a short walk, ride, or the like out and back, esp. by different routes: Let's go for a turn in the park.
88. a natural inclination, bent, tendency, or aptitude: one's turn of mind.
89. a spell or period of work; shift.
90. a spell or bout of action or activity, esp. in wrestling.
91. an attack of illness or the like.
92. an act of service or disservice: He once did her a good turn. She repaid it with a bad turn.
93. requirement, exigency, or need: This will serve your turn.
94. treatment or rendering, esp. with reference to the form or content of a work of literature, art, etc.; twist: He gave the story a new turn.
95. Informal. a nervous shock, as from fright or astonishment: It certainly gave me quite a turn to see him.
96. Stock Exchange. a complete securities transaction that includes both a purchase and sale.
97. Music. a melodic embellishment or grace, commonly consisting of a principal tone with two auxiliary tones, one above and the other below it.
98. Chiefly British. an individual stage performance, esp. in a vaudeville theater or music hall.
99. Military. a drill movement by which a formation changes fronts.
100. a contest or round; a bout, as in wrestling.
well you asked

12 Dec 2008, 14:14
That's a lot of definitions. Although I think "set" has got more.

But yeah, strange move there, Alex. Out of big weapons?

12 Dec 2008, 15:54
That's a lot of definitions. Although I think "set" has got more.that was only the noun section: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/turn

set apparently has just about as many

14 Dec 2008, 13:44
Aku moves to C8 and fires two shotgun shells at Paul, who suffers 50 points of damage, reducing his health to 130. Aku the retreats to C10.

The grey archer worm uses a Fast Walk and runs to the health crate on K12, increasing his health to 119. He then runs to I12 and fires a shotgun shell at the health crate on I10, which explodes. He fires his second shot at Paul, who suffers 25 points of damage, reducing his health to 105. The grey archer worm retreats to J12.

The bubble on O1 disappears.

The wind is blowing West at a strength of 1. A weapons crate falls onto D8.

Plasma's turn



Sorry about the rather large delay on updating this turn. I've now gone home for Christmas and might be starting some full time work over the Christmas period so updating this could get a bit slow. I was hoping to have this game done before now for precisely this reason, but oh well :/

Anyway, another question about sudden death: do our healths get reduced to 1?
No. As soon as Sudden Death hits (The start of Aku's 3rd upcoming turn), the water will rise covering the 1 damage squares (or the land crumbles, whatever). It will then continue to rise/crumble at the end of everybody's turns until one team is left or everyone drowns. People in bubbles will still have the land disappear beneath them in this scenario.

14 Dec 2008, 13:47
MechPlasma uses a bubble.
Crown worm moves to F4.
End turn.

14 Dec 2008, 13:52
MechPlasma uses a bubble.
Crown worm moves to F4.
End turn.

I have not been following this, but you appear to be spontaneously deciding to give your worm swimming lessons?

14 Dec 2008, 13:56
I have not been following this, but you appear to be spontaneously deciding to give your worm swimming lessons?shhhhh. he'll never notice :p

14 Dec 2008, 14:02
I have not been following this, but you appear to be spontaneously deciding to give your worm swimming lessons?
Pretty much. I planned on killing him so that he wouldn't drop a donor card, but I didn't pack any kamikazes. Had Paul not gone for the 'open goal', I would've been stuck.
The alternative would be to try kill Paul and leave a donor card, but I wanted him to survive because Aku is too far ahead. I'd rather die than break my pacifist oath! (Franpa doesn't count. Although technically he died because he wasn't able to swim; all I did was shoot him with an arrow.)

Now Paul, what did we learn about when someone leaves themselves open?

Edit: even better, he's now one team weapon short! AHAHAHAHAHI'mevil.

14 Dec 2008, 14:20
Don't suppose there's a Nuclear Bomb in any of those crates.

14 Dec 2008, 21:40
MechPlasma surrounds himself in a bubble.

The yellow crown walks up to the water in F4 and holds his breath. He plunges in, and is never heard from again.

The yellow crown worm has drowned!

The wind is blowing South at a strength of 1. A weapons crate falls onto I9.

Paul's turn


15 Dec 2008, 00:18
. . . . . plop*

15 Dec 2008, 00:22
That is one coincidental weapon crate. It'd be even better if it held something big that he used right there.

15 Dec 2008, 00:45
That is one coincidental weapon crate. It'd be even better if it held something big that he used right there.no, that would suck :p

and the weapon drops DO tend to drop near the person who's turn it is. I'm wondering if melon's system is just flawed or if he takes a hand in the randomness once in a while.

15 Dec 2008, 22:21
Paul moves to I9 and collects the weapons crate.
He then moves to J10 and fires a longbow shot at the grey archer worm, who slides onto J14 and suffers 15 points of damage, reducing his health to 104.
Paul fires his second arrow at the mine on E10, which rolls onto C10 and lets out a huge force of energy. Aku gets thrown Southwards by the shockwave and lands on G10.
The mine on B9 gets pushed onto A8.
The mine on D9 gets pushed onto E8.

The bubble on C2 disappears.

The wind is blowing South at a strength of 2. A health crate falls onto C11.

Metal Alex's turn



So... yeah. I'm aware that the way mines works looks really weird here, with Paul firing a mine North and Aku moving really far South as a result.

and the weapon drops DO tend to drop near the person who's turn it is. I'm wondering if melon's system is just flawed or if he takes a hand in the randomness once in a while.

I can 100% guarantee that it's entirely random. I just use "rand(15) + 1" and floor it when deciding where crates should drop. Exactly how I decide placement of worms and objects at the start of the game (and I re-roll if it tries to spawn somewhere invalid). I too have noticed the hilarious tendency for crates to drop next to Worms, but I can guarantee that it is coincidental.

Unless of course, there's something wrong with how my calculator generates random numbers.

16 Dec 2008, 08:29
Owch! I can only imagine how screwed Paul is right now!

16 Dec 2008, 08:46
Owch! I can only imagine how screwed Paul is right now!:cool: haven't decided yet :cool:

17 Dec 2008, 21:50
The white geeky worm releases a mad cow Eastwards. It collects the health crate on C11, increasing the geeky worm's health to 110, and then walks into the water on C14.
The geeky worm then moves to D2 and launches a second mad cow Eastwards. It collects the weapons crate on D8 and then explodes when it reaches the border at D15.
The mine on D15 is thrown Eastwards and rebounds off of the border. It settles on D14.
The mine on E14 is thrown onto E13.
The geeky worm retreats to B2.

No wind is blowing this round. A weapons crate falls onto A7.

Sudden Death will occur in 2 rounds

Aku's turn


17 Dec 2008, 22:48
Hmm, now this is an interesting Standoff.
There's Alex, who now has a good collection of weapons. There's me, whose quite obviously trying to last out for a Sudden Death win/stalemate. There's Aku, who has twice the team as anyone else. And there's Paul, who is now officially screwed.

17 Dec 2008, 23:04
Could be worse. I could have 1 health or something.

18 Dec 2008, 01:38
Could be worse. I could have 1 health or something.it's ok. you won't have to worry for long.

18 Dec 2008, 16:25
Hmm, now this is an interesting Standoff.
There's Alex, who now has a good collection of weapons. There's me, whose quite obviously trying to last out for a Sudden Death win/stalemate. There's Aku, who has twice the team as anyone else. And there's Paul, who is now officially screwed.

You do realise you'll only last two rounds of sudden death right? I assume everyone else has just assumed you are out already and are ignoring you

Metal Alex
18 Dec 2008, 17:05
You do realise you'll only last two rounds of sudden death right? I assume everyone else has just assumed you are out already and are ignoring you

Teleport... Then bubble... I see where this is going.

18 Dec 2008, 18:22
Teleport... Then bubble... I see where this is going.
Jetpacks & Fastwalk & Bubble, actually.

19 Dec 2008, 22:38
The grey archer worm moves to J11 and drops a dynamite on Paul. He then retreats to L11.
The dynamite explodes, sending Paul flying Westwards onto J8 and suffers 63 points of damage, reducing his health to 42.

Aku moves to G8 and fires a bazooka at Paul. He then retreats to G7.
Paul flies onto K8 and suffers 47 points of damage, killing him.

Paul has died!

He explodes, dropping a donor card and detonating the barrel on K7.
The mine on L6 moves to L5 and booby traps the crate.

The purple team has been eliminated!

The bubble on O1 disappears.

The wind is blowing North at a strength of 3. A utility crate falls onto B10.

Plasma's turn


19 Dec 2008, 23:51
gg .

19 Dec 2008, 23:52
Use a bubble. Yawn.

Metal Alex
20 Dec 2008, 02:19
Use a bubble. Yawn.




20 Dec 2008, 21:15
MechPlasma uses a bubble trouble.

The wind is not blowing this turn. A health crate falls onto C2.

Metal Alex's turn


20 Dec 2008, 22:23
The white geeky worm moves to C2 and collects the health crate, increasing his health to 140. He then moves to A2.

The white geeky worm gets down onto his.... uh.... knees (or knee-analogues) and begins to pray for world peace and a new series of Star Trek. Unfortunately, the little squirming creatures of this world didn't please the badly drawn overlord when they decided to worship a garden ornament instead a few millennia ago and he still seems to hold a grudge.
A meteorite lands on N7.
The mine on M8 flies onto the weapons crate on M9 and booby traps it!
A meteorite lands on A5.
A meteorite lands on F13.
The mines on E13 fly onto D13.
A meteorite lands on L13.
The mine on L13 flies onto N13.
A meteorite lands on A6.
The weapons crate on A7 explodes.
The mine on A8 flies onto A9.
A meteorite lands on O10.
The mine on N10 flies onto M10.
A meteorite lands on M7.
A meteorite lands on G4.
A meteorite lands on M4.
The mine on N4 flies onto O4.
The weapons crate on L5 explodes. A sheep flies out and lands in the water on M4 and drowns without exploding.
A meteorite lands on J5.
The mine on J5 flies onto L5 and sinks.
A meteorite lands on F10.
A meteorite lands on B9.
The utility crate on B10 explodes.
The combined explosions sends the mine on A9 NorthWest. It hits the border and lands on A8.
A meteorite lands on E3 and sinks.
A meteorite lands on O15.
A meteorite lands on K12.
The grey archer worm is thrown onto M11 and suffers 35 points of damage, reducing his health to 69.
A meteorite lands on A8.
The mine on A8 flies onto A6 and sinks.
A meteorite lands on I5.
A meteorite lands on E8.
The mine on E8 flies onto E10.
A meteorite lands on E4.
The mine on D5 flies onto D6.
A meteorite lands on J13.
A meteorite lands on M12.
The mine on N13 flies onto N14 and sinks.
The mine on N12 flies onto O12.
The grey archer worm is thrown onto M10 and suffers 35 points of damage, reducing his health to 34.
The mine on M10 lets off a burst of energy.
The grey archer worm is thrown Westwards onto M6.
The weapons crate on M9 is pushed onto M7.
A meteorite lands on I14.
The mine on H14 flies onto G14.
A meteorite lands on B10.
A meteorite lands on N2 and sinks.
A meteorite lands on K11.

The wind is blowing West at a strength of 1. A health crate falls onto N3.

Sudden Death will occur next round

Aku's turn



Oh lordy why did I make that weapon?

Anyway, I just want to make sure everyone's clear on how Sudden Death works. The water will rise after every turn starting from as soon as it strikes. That means that at the end of Alex's next turn it will strike and the water will rise immediately, so Aku will start his turn with all of the light green squares underwater.

Metal Alex
20 Dec 2008, 22:50
That sure felt good, even if everyone survived :cool:

I couldn't care less about the outcome now :D

21 Dec 2008, 01:11
wow melon. that must have been an enormous pain in the ass to calculate...

11 Jan 2009, 15:41
Hey everyone, sorry about the three week hiatus. This game is nearly over so we should manage to finish it off pretty quickly. Let's get this finished.


The grey archer worm walks up to the weapons crate on M7. He begins to open it when he hears a beeping sound. He cautiously looks to the side and discovers a mine ready to explode.
The booby trapped crate explodes! The grey archer worm is sent flying onto M5 and suffers 73 points of damage, killing him.

The grey archer worm has died!

He explodes, dropping a donor card (Contains Jetpack x 1 and Homing missile x 1), but the ground crumbles away and it sinks.

Aku moves to H8 and uses a bubble trouble.

The bubble on O1 disappears.

The wind is blowing East at a strength of 1. A health crate falls onto K6.

Plasma's turn



I do feel a bit bad about this turn because the results of the armageddon weren't formatted very well so Aku missed the part saying how that crate became booby trapped. Oh well never mind.

As a recap because it's been so long, Sudden Death is going to hit after Metal Alex's turn (he comes next after Plasma).

11 Jan 2009, 16:08
Teleport to health crate on K6, move to yellow square K9 picking up donor card. Use bubble.

Also, I knew someone'd grab that booby crate.

11 Jan 2009, 17:36
MechPlasma teleports onto the health crate at K6, increasing his total health to 106. He then moves to K8 to collect the donor card before moving to K9 and using a bubble trouble.

The wind is blowing West at a strength of 1. A weapons crate falls onto B3.

Metal Alex's turn


11 Jan 2009, 18:01
Oooooh, I think I just nabbed the last thing Aku could've used to stop me from winning!

14 Jan 2009, 00:32
The white geeky worm moves to B3 and collects the weapons crate. He then moves to C3.
He launches an airstrike between M9 and M13. It weakens the land but causes no other damage.

The bubble on H8 disappears.

The wind is blowing West at a strength of 3. A health crate falls onto G10.

Sudden Death strikes!
The ground begins to crumble away.
A mine on D14 sinks.
A mine on E10 sinks.
A mine on G14 sinks.
A health crate on N3 sinks.

Aku's turn


14 Jan 2009, 01:01
I'm sure that somehow, someway, that was a totally logical thing to do.

Unless you're teaming up with Aku, in which case there's something he's not telling you.

14 Jan 2009, 13:05
prod him
prod him prod him prod him prod him prod him

14 Jan 2009, 14:05
how come the square that the white worm is now on, didn't get affected by SD? Does SD weaken dirt per turn? or does SD just remove each level of dirt starting from the lowest? (the difference is how it is presented graphically)

14 Jan 2009, 14:58
prod him
prod him prod him prod him prod him prod himand instantly drown? I think not :p

Alien King
14 Jan 2009, 15:10
how come the square that the white worm is now on, didn't get affected by SD? Does SD weaken dirt per turn? or does SD just remove each level of dirt starting from the lowest? (the difference is how it is presented graphically)

It removes each level of land per turn, judging by the key. Note how the level 1 land has been replaced by water.

14 Jan 2009, 15:26
The ground begins to crumble away.
I believe this, threw me a bit off on how SD was being presented.

14 Jan 2009, 16:48
I believe this, threw me a bit off on how SD was being presented.the effect is the same. this way is just FAR less work for melon.

14 Jan 2009, 18:37
and instantly drown? I think not :p
I'd do it.

Entirely worth it to kill Plasma.

14 Jan 2009, 21:26
I'd do it.

Entirely worth it to kill Plasma.
Honestly, I expect he has a better way to kill me. Especially considering I hadn't really thought this part of the match through, and didn't realise that I'd be in combat range of Aku; but couldn't do anything about it, as it would put me out of combat range of Aku anyway.

Second thoughts, scratch that:
I hadn't really thought ANY of the match through.
I mean, the whole reason I picked 'no weapons' was to see how long I'd last! No plan behind it!

Metal Alex
14 Jan 2009, 22:41
how come the square that the white worm is now on, didn't get affected by SD? Does SD weaken dirt per turn? or does SD just remove each level of dirt starting from the lowest? (the difference is how it is presented graphically)

Check the level color scheme on the top right. OH NOES.

Honestly, I expect he has a better way to kill me. Especially considering I hadn't really thought this part of the match through, and didn't realise that I'd be in combat range of Aku; but couldn't do anything about it, as it would put me out of combat range of Aku anyway.

Second thoughts, scratch that:
I hadn't really thought ANY of the match through.
I mean, the whole reason I picked 'no weapons' was to see how long I'd last! No plan behind it!

Actually, a mine/dinamite gives you 2 extra moves, doesn't it?

14 Jan 2009, 22:46
Actually, a mine/dinamite gives you 2 extra moves, doesn't it?
Well yes, if he had a mine or dynamite, I'd be screwed anyway.
However, I was just after stealing a dynamite from him on my last go! I'm also hoping that he doesn't have another.

14 Jan 2009, 23:56
I believe this, threw me a bit off on how SD was being presented.
Yeah, sorry. I was considering redrawing each square with a lower down colour, but decided it was too much hassle because I'm lazy. I'm sure the online version can do that if it's clearer for people to understand. I also considered writing that the water was rising, but technically this ground is flat and that wouldn't have made sense either, but oh well.


Aku moves to J9. He reaches into the bubble on K9 and places a mine onto Mech Plasma, before running away chuckling to himself. He retreats to I9 and uses a bubble trouble.
The mine explodes, sending MechPlasma flying Westwards onto K8 and dealing 49 points of damage, reducing his total health to 57.

The bubble on K9 disappears.

The wind is blowing South at a strength of 2. No crate drops this turn.

The ground continues to crumble away.

MechPlasma has drowned!

The yellow team has been eliminated!

Metal Alex's turn


15 Jan 2009, 00:30
The geeky white worm straps on a jetpack and flies over to C6. He drops a mine into the water on B6 in order to give himself some more fuel (YES IT MAKES SENSE I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE WEIRD LOGIC I'M NOT LISTENING LA LA) and lands on D6.

The mine on D6 releases a cloud of noxious green gas, poisoning the geeky white worm.

Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 135.

The bubble on I9 disappears.

The wind is blowing South at a strength of 3. A weapons crate falls onto B2.

The ground continues to crumble away.
The mines on D13 sink.
A health crate on G10 sinks.
A mine on I1 sinks.

Aku's turn




Also, seriously risky and lucky turn there Alex. How amusing. (Seriously, I didn't swing the random numbers in favour of this because of the potential lulz factor, because I know someone is going to say it :rolleyes:)

Metal Alex
15 Jan 2009, 00:50
OH GOD! I can't believe it worked. Now, all I have left is to pray.

15 Jan 2009, 00:52
Goddamit, he still had a mine!
Eh well, at least I died going down with the shipmap.

15 Jan 2009, 02:09
Goddamit, he still had a mine!nya nya-nya nya-nyaa- nyaaa :p

15 Jan 2009, 15:22
Aku moves to I8 and uses a bubble trouble. He also throws a grenade onto H8 to weaken the land.

Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 130.

The wind is blowing West at a strength of 1. A weapons crate falls onto N10.

The ground continues to crumble away.
The weapons crate on B2 sinks.
The weapons crate on N10 sinks.
The mine on O4 sinks.

Metal Alex's turn



Hmmm... maybe I should make the crates drop after destroying the ground....

15 Jan 2009, 15:46
my wife says everyone should catch fire so we can hear the screams better...

so make with the fire before I start screaming :p

15 Jan 2009, 15:57
And then everyone died in a fire.

Game Over

Only joking. Don't you want to win here?

15 Jan 2009, 16:30
And then everyone died in a fire.

Game Over

Only joking. Don't you want to win here?I do believe I already have unless he pulls some magic teleporting dynamite out of his ass :p

Metal Alex
15 Jan 2009, 16:54
I do believe I already have unless he pulls some magic teleporting dynamite out of his ass :p

Don't understimate me :cool:

15 Jan 2009, 16:55
Don't understimate me :cool:well you've got one turn to use that donkey or whatever else you could have that could still be useful :p

if you do, I'll definitely be surprised.

15 Jan 2009, 17:35
In one last bid of desperation, the white geeky worm leans over the edge into the water and begins to prod it, hoping to create a giant tidal wave to drown Aku given enough time. To his complete surprise, it almost works! Unfortunately, the ground crumbles beneath him first. Oh well. He should have pulled that magic teleporting dynamite out of his ass instead.

Poison reduces the white geeky worm's health to 125.

The bubble on I8 disappears.

The wind is blowing West at a strength of 1. A weapons crate falls onto H7.

The ground continues to crumble away.
The weapons crate on H7 sinks.
The mines on H12 sink.
The mine on O12 sinks.

The white geeky worm has drowned!

The white team has been eliminated!

The grey team wins!


Best. Ending. Screen. Ever.

Congratulations Aku! You're winner!

Game Replay (http://www.kieranmillar.com/wormsevolved/game5.html)

That link there is a replay of the whole game in all it's spoileriffic and full-of-typos glory! There's no post match awards just yet. (Hahahaha, it seems I haven't done the awards for the previous match yet either :p)

Signups for the next game are...........not ready yet. There's a few things I want to do first, including a few rule tweaks. I'll let you know when it's OK to apply for the next game (here I am making it sound like a job!)

Metal Alex
15 Jan 2009, 19:38
Ah well, I can't always be lucky :p

Even though, I loved this game. The ending was spectacular.

15 Jan 2009, 21:18
It would've been even more impressive if Aku had moved to H8, the very centre of the map, rather than playing it safe at I8.

Still, good game. I lasted far longer than I expected for a guy with no weapons. But yes, a land-damagable Bubble is sorely needed.