View Full Version : the cyber and the stock

28 Sep 2007, 19:58
Hey yo!
How do i unlock the cyber hands and the cyber head?!
i did all the story but it doesent appear in the shop...
and also...
what shall i do when the shop says "awaiting new stock"? :-/

sorry for my bad english, i am Bulgarian

28 Sep 2007, 20:17
Why dont you just download all saved game with all unlocks and infinite money.
for all schemes (put in data/tweak folder where you installed worms)
and for all saved game ( my teams,put in data folder where you installed worms)

28 Sep 2007, 20:25
Tip: To unlock everything, you'll have to complete the story mode and beat the times that are at the bottom of the page in the book; you'll have to do the same for deathmatches; complete the tutorial; and get all trophies.

For the cyborg set (hands, head and voice), get all 15 trophies.

If you want to know what unlocks what, or how to get all the trophies, click <here>.

Edit: Alternatively, you can download Dzani's 100% complete savegame... But I really wouldn't reccomend it, it's a lot less fun.

28 Sep 2007, 20:39
yes,i want to unlock my self 10x and way plazma and dani.
plasma: i will read that guide ;)
edit:doesent work :/