View Full Version : Where is my thread???

12 Sep 2007, 21:49
I made a new thread called "What are doing right now?" and now it is missing! Please someone tell me what happened to my thread, it is missing without reason.

12 Sep 2007, 22:20
probably got deleted for being obsolete

So will thins one.

13 Sep 2007, 10:40
Ooops, sorry dude I ate it. I tought you were done with it.
Sorry. :(

13 Sep 2007, 10:41
Ooops, sorry dude I ate it. I tought you were done with it.
Sorry. :(

Why you ate my thread!!!

I'm going to cut you in 2 pieces and then pull out my thread of you, and put it again on the forum!

13 Sep 2007, 10:59
The thread got deleted because it served no real purpose and we're trying to cut down on the pointless spam games in online orgy.

And since there's nothing more to discuss...

*Thread closed*