View Full Version : Lemmings PS3 Locked Levels

5 Apr 2007, 19:11
I recently downloaded Lemmings for my PS3, and played through most of the levels in Fun (after playing through the 'Starter Pack').

However, the next time I went to play the game, all the levels I'd unlocked were now locked again. I can see which I've played, as my time appears with the high scores. It is a little frustrating to have to replay those levels so I can get further.

Perhaps I'll continue from Tricky and hope it doesn't happen again...

5 Apr 2007, 19:34
Did this only happen once, or does it continuously happen?

7 Apr 2007, 09:00
I recently downloaded Lemmings for my PS3, and played through most of the levels in Fun (after playing through the 'Starter Pack').

However, the next time I went to play the game, all the levels I'd unlocked were now locked again. I can see which I've played, as my time appears with the high scores. It is a little frustrating to have to replay those levels so I can get further.

Perhaps I'll continue from Tricky and hope it doesn't happen again...

That's odd, not heard of that problem before in the US/Japan releases. Is this still occuring? Did you complete them under a different gamertag or anything like that?

7 Apr 2007, 11:10
I think I see what's going on here...

If I don't load a profile in the game before playing, it doesn't remember what I unlock. I (not entirely stupidly I think) assumed it would be tied to my PS3 login and wouldn't need to load a game. It does on Xbox Live etc. I know they're not the same, but you get used to it!

Is that correct, or am I still missing something?

Thanks for your time.

9 Apr 2007, 17:44
Yep, you need to load your profiles every time you start playing...