View Full Version : Blowtorch Bug?

7 Mar 2007, 19:27
I'm not sure exactly what I hit, but I had used the blowtorch with one worm on his last turn and when it was his turn again, I think I hit a few of the facebuttons (probably X and A) right away. The worm jumped and the blowtorch animation and sound kept playing, but the blowtorch didn't do anything. Then I noticed the turn and round timers had both stopped and the blowtorch never ran out. I couldn't hurt any worms with the blowtorch or use it, but when I finally set off a mine, his turn ended. Then instead of a new turn starting, nothing happened. No round or turn timer, it just never advanced to the next turn. Blowtorch sound still playing. Had to quit. This was in a Challenge mission, too: I think 11 or 12.