View Full Version : Does anyone know where I can find this program (if it exists)?

16 Dec 2006, 11:04
Is there a program where I can save the state in simple applications (eg very simple games)?

For example, if I got to a certain point in a level just past a hard bit, and I saved it there, then died, I could go back to that point.

If you don't mind, I'd prefer to keep the reason confidential ;)

It can be shareware, freeware or commercial or anythingelseware for all I care.

16 Dec 2006, 16:33
as far as I know... it's a fictional program called "iSAVE" from Pear :rolleyes:

17 Dec 2006, 01:32
If you made the program that you want to save in, sure.

17 Dec 2006, 13:12
No. I've got this multiple emulator system for retro computers ( www.mess.org ), but the save state function desn't work.