View Full Version : How do I replace the gravestones and flags to images that I choose?

3 Jul 2006, 00:10
I am having trouble with this. I found an image on google and resized it to the same size as all of the other flags(and did the same thing for the gravestones) and saved it as a bitmap like all the other pictures. However, when I go to edit the team and change it to my picture it either skips the picture and goes to the next one or it will exit out of the game.

3 Jul 2006, 02:10
make sure the image is a 256 colour bitmap file.... do not use any other format.

5 Jul 2006, 21:08

Those pages define exactly what you're looking for.

15 Jul 2006, 18:47

I have the same problem...I have did it just like in the instructions in the link abowe (resized my flag to 20x17, it has 256 colours and it is a BMP file, but I can't find my flag in the game anyway :(. I don't know what to do :(