View Full Version : Character Limit

3 Jun 2006, 11:16
I'm getting considerable annoyed with the character limit for the team name and the names of your worms. Its tiny and I can't fit many of the names i want to fit in. Whats more, I've noticed serveral people with teams whos name exceeds the limit by miles.

Is there a way in which i can expand the character limit?

3 Jun 2006, 11:44
There is no official way yet.

The thing people whose names are longer than 16 characters do is use a program called TeamED that allows you to put 17-character team and worm names in, but will automatically repeat the team name after each worm name that's 17 characters long. And no, it doesn't look too good.

3 Jun 2006, 15:51
where can i get a WORKING version of TeamEd...can u please post the link?

as the teamed which i have shows the error that some comctl32.ocx or one of its dependencies is not correctly registered.

Also, can u post me a link fer snooper as it shows the same error for mswinsck.ocx...

3 Jun 2006, 16:29
where can i get a WORKING version of TeamEd...can u please post the link?

as the teamed which i have shows the error that some comctl32.ocx or one of its dependencies is not correctly registered.

Also, can u post me a link fer snooper as it shows the same error for mswinsck.ocx...
You obviously miss those 2 files...
Those "Various Required Files" are obviously required.

3 Jun 2006, 20:38
but that shud have been provided with the snooper and teamed, shudn;t it.

still, thanx bonz

4 Jun 2006, 11:45
You obviously miss those 2 files...
Those "Various Required Files" are obviously required.
http://www.rrkit.com/utilities.php Interesting file, but it isnt aimed purely at extending the character limit, and 17 characters is still quite short. I think.

Alien King
4 Jun 2006, 14:28
Interesting file, but it isnt aimed purely at extending the character limit, and 17 characters is still quite short. I think.

How many do you think you need?

5 Jun 2006, 01:12
17 characters is more than enough to have stupid and annoying names of worms....

5 Jun 2006, 12:18
not really. my tiem has things like: lt. crnl. prv. and such. i'd be happier probobly if they were spelled out but no room.

5 Jun 2006, 13:36
It gets a bit annoying for other players when people have worm names blocking up the map's features.

I know you can remove them, but then you lose the ability to determine worm turn rotation.

5 Jun 2006, 14:08
And too bad Alt+Del drops the FPS in half.

5 Jun 2006, 20:14
How many do you think you need? Oh. Hah. Sorry, when i typed 17 i was thinking 7 for some reason.

5 Jun 2006, 21:01
Well where did "seven" come from anyway? I can fit 16 characters in my team name.

6 Jun 2006, 13:10
Its rude to pick on confused people.

6 Jun 2006, 15:37
Well now I'm as confused as you are :p

So just to recap: is 16 characters not enough?

6 Jun 2006, 21:06
If thats the original limit, no. I need about 5 more.