View Full Version : a few questions please leave this here 3/5 are for WA specific.

29 May 2006, 22:11
1. since i dunno what i'm doing, i wanna ake a cool movie, i have some questions.
1. How do u edit the spirites properly as i want to use normal worms and then switch sometimes to a worm in a trench coat with glasses as that just cool.

2. Does anyone know all the weps you can shoot while jumping? i know some but i don't remember all.

3. When u extract a movie from a replay how to increase quality?

4. As i asume someone could tell me, is there a way to replace half a video on one side, with 1 on another. wat i want to do is: Have 1 worm uzi'n and the other backflip and shoot him with a bzooka. i need the worm shooting to always be meaning leave him alone. and then i need when he backflips to edit the land out of shooting a zook and make it look like he did in mid air.

5. how do u make sub titles or do u wormers think that voice over would be better? (meaning i would need some volunteers as i would need good voices that saound evil, sound good and just kinda cool).

long thread, many spelling mistakes i'm sure :P

30 May 2006, 07:39
You might as well ask, "How do you figure anything out on your own?"

Anyway, in response to #3, WA doesn't generate AVI files from replays. It takes PNG screenshots for each frame, meaning it has perfect quality.

30 May 2006, 12:27
1.i tried doing spirites once, thats why in the thread where hes re-doing spirites he added the guide, when i asked cause i was lost. i still am

2. that i could do myself but again it would be better if u just told me

3. thanx for answering

4. i kno nothing about making any kind of movie so this is all new to me.

5. more i was thinking of voices but then i need vollunteers so i posted that for a reason.

p.s. i just did the export video, what do i dow ith the .png's?

30 May 2006, 23:03
Ghost']i just did the export video, what do i dow ith the .png's?
Get Virtual Dub Mod (http://virtualdubmod.sourceforge.net/).
File -> Open video file -> change file type to image sequence -> go to the folder of the extracted image sequence -> select the first image