View Full Version : Flicky, slow, fast, soundless? ........Problem?......a little help

26 Jul 2005, 20:47
I never had any problems with Worms armageddon with this current computer and this was running it on the latest beta patches.
I now have a new computer all to myself (it's great) but it doesn't have internet connection which isn't a problem since I can use this to download anything and so I install the game run the offical patch and then use the latest beta patch which is what I did on this computer.
Yes the game loads up as I expected it to do but the first noticeable problem was that the intro screans (Team17, Microprose and the Nuke music thingy) don't fade in or out - they just appear then go.
It didn't seem to be much of a problem since it's not important.

Anyway I then move into main menu but I now notice there is no background music. But the other sounds are there including worm speech and fanfare.
But I wasn'y really to concerend about this at the time as I thought it may have something to do with my crappy deafult monitor speakers and I'll soon be getting a suround sound system (tomorrow hopefully) so this little problem wasn't much of a threat.

So I then move on to making my own team.........A BIG NOTICEABLE PROBLEM
Each text bar and image sprite flickers once when I go in to this place. Only one thing flickers at a time and they flicker after the previous one flickerd in a sequence.
This is very annoying and unusaral.
I then go to build a terrain so I load up the terrain editor.
The next problem here is the very very very very sloooooooooooooooooooow animation on the edditor tools icons. But yet the job they preform is instant.
I.E: I click the texture tile where it textures the yellow terrain - you don't even the loading clock, it just textures the terrain instantly. But the little icon's animation takes 7 seconds before it finishes. That's how slow that runs.
The water and background animated sprites run slow and jerky as well.

I never got around to playing the actuall game to see how that runs but I'll be loading it back up tonight and see how it all runs.

This is obviouasly something to do with the graphics card and drivers but this is what I have.

256mb Nvider graphics card (Don't know the seiras number)
DirecX 9.1b
Windows XP home
Ram and proccessor speed should not be relevent to these problems I get.

double post edit

OK, I've just tried out actual game and that runs fine with no problems and yes I can hear the background music as well.

So all these problems I get are only in the main menu and around it.
But this makes map making very very hard, unless I really want to spend around an hour just clicking icons and waiting for them to finish.

10 Aug 2005, 16:35
same problem with me....any help?

10 Aug 2005, 22:03
seems to be the old problem with new, fast graphics devices or their drivers respectively.
deadcode supposedly has solved it, as he suffered the same.
wait till he releases it in one of the beta patches.

until then you can try reverting your drivers to older versions.
forceware 66.93 or prior for nvidia cards.
or try www.omegadrivers.net

12 Aug 2005, 19:16
I have some of the symptoms you've mentioned, and that was because I just installed the latest nVidia drivers (77.77, released yesterday), god damn nVidia, you fix one little thing, and you break 300 other things in the process....time to revert back to 66.17.

13 Aug 2005, 10:55
time to revert back to 66.17.
i think 66.93 works too, as this is the version used in the latest www.omegadrivers.net, which solved the problem for some people.

13 Aug 2005, 12:59
I would have used them if they didnt cause the problem I experiance with pretty much all drivers above my current version : Brief pauses at random intervals in any intensive PC game.

Didnt test the 77.77 version enough to see if it was there as well, but I couldnt stand the fact of not being able to run W:A flawlessly.

18 Aug 2005, 13:30
All the most recent nvidia drivers have this flaw. Dave got his own nvidia card a couple of months ago and fixed it in a couple of days. Don't think he's perfected it yet, but the fix should be a part of the next patch.

In my case, I can't revert to the old nvidia drivers, as my card is a leadtek Winfast with an nvidia chipset. The older nvidia drivers cause blue screens in some places, and I don't know where to find the older winfast drivers.

The newer Nvidia drivers are more stable, but produce horrible effects when watching anything in windows media player.

26 Feb 2006, 22:59
Same problem here...

so does anyone know if they ever released a patch for this? If so please let me know. I really dont feel like messing around with drivers. :p

26 Feb 2006, 23:01
Same problem here...

so does anyone know if they ever released a patch for this? If so please let me know. I really dont feel like messing around with drivers. :p
This has already been fixed with the beta patch.
Read the readme and you'll find something about a SlowFrontendWorkaround_On.reg.

8 Nov 2006, 17:35
I've just got the music Problem, I can't hear the menu background music, but if I reinstall it and don't patch it I wouldn't be able to play a match, since I got it on Windows XP it just shows a black screen when I try to start a match.

It ain't no mayor problem, but it's just so quiet when there is no menu background music...

Anyone got an option?

8 Nov 2006, 17:38
Play an MP3 in the background and use a shortcut key to turn it off when the game starts.

Ah, double post edit, those were the days :)

9 Nov 2006, 06:26
Yes I have the problem with the non-fading intro-credits. I am running nVidia GeForce 6600 or something like that....

9 Nov 2006, 06:50
Play an MP3 in the background and use a shortcut key to turn it off when the game starts.

Ok, well then, tell me how do you make a shortcut key? I never used that...

9 Nov 2006, 09:05
Ok, well then, tell me how do you make a shortcut key? I never used that...
The latest Winamp versions have a "Global Hotkey" feature in the preferences.

If your keyboard has customizable additional buttons, you should use those (R-MX general purpose plugin for Winamp).

9 Nov 2006, 10:14
Joeyjoejoe turning off the slow menu workaround will turn on transition effects.

9 Nov 2006, 10:37
Are you sure, Franpa? You're still using that confident statement method despite being incorrect. Please use "might" instead of "will" so as to not confuse others into thinking they, somehow, have a different version of WA than you do. Also, test that before stating it.

9 Nov 2006, 11:08
i read it in the readme and.... now just tested it and found it doesnt do much -.- at all. funnily its pretty damn fast (im a geforce 6600 owner) with it off... but ye i only saw it fade into the main menu from the intro stuff... theres no other fading...

but i do recall something being said in the beta revision readme.

edit: omg its barely noticible the slowdown... oh and maybe turning on the workaround will fix it as im seeing the flickery stuff on teams etc more often without the workaround... yet it doesnt constantly flicker... goes through once then it only flickers when you click off a box thats like selecting a fanfare etc.

anyways im thinking these 93.71 drivers are owning with the slow bug thing... im gonna test wwp.

-- edit 2: wwp has much less lag and a marginally higher framerate... is much more bearable to use but the lag in the internet lobby isnt improved by much yet everywhere else it is...

--- edit 3: absoloutly zero lag in worms armageddon (frame rate is marginally choppy) but about 1000x better then last time i checked.

10 Nov 2006, 05:15
I had slow frontend workaround off when I installed on this PC (with MEH's auto install) and the intro credits did not fade and the menus were super slow. So I put slow frontend workaround on and it still didn't fade but the menus are running at normal speed.

11 Nov 2006, 19:30
Since I made this thread, I now have completely new hardware :p

I still don't get the fade in / out of the intros and the in menu icons do still flicker and have slow animation but they are faster then they use to be.
However, I have not done anything with the "slow workaround", does it start enabled or disabled?

Oh I'll just mess with it tomorrow :)

11 Nov 2006, 19:42
However, I have not done anything with the "slow workaround", does it start enabled or disabled?
IIRC, it starts disabled since one of the last beta updates.
Switching it to on should fix the flickering menu buttons and fix the speed of the falling stars.