View Full Version : Weapons don't end turns

30 Mar 2013, 15:52
There is a mode in WWP multiplayer where the timer is set to 10 seconds but using weapons don't end your turns. I haven't been able to find this in vanilla WA yet I have only seen this in the RubberWorm module as a feature.

Do I need RubberWorm to use this? Does every client have to install RubberWorm in a network multiplayer game?

Is there a lobby command to enable this or do I need to modify the crate probability of mole sqadron to enable?

30 Mar 2013, 19:26
There is a mode in WWP multiplayer where the timer is set to 10 seconds but using weapons don't end your turns. I haven't been able to find this in vanilla WA yet I have only seen this in the RubberWorm module as a feature.

Do I need RubberWorm to use this? Does every client have to install RubberWorm in a network multiplayer game?

Is there a lobby command to enable this or do I need to modify the crate probability of mole sqadron to enable?

Yes, you need use RubberWorm to do it, the command line is

/sdet (shot doesnt end turn)

1 Apr 2013, 17:29
Yes, you need use RubberWorm to do it, the command line is

/sdet (shot doesnt end turn)

Thank you. After reading your answer I searched for the documentation on this and found the Chat_command_interface (http://worms2d.info/RubberWorm#Chat_command_interface) description for RubberWorm. How could I have missed it before?

1 Apr 2013, 19:32
Does every client have to install RubberWorm in a network multiplayer game?

Yes, every client must have it. Those who don't have it will desync from those who have it.