View Full Version : Suggestion about 'Trying guns'

7 Feb 2013, 06:24
I had an idea while playing...and then I came to check the threads...one in particular made me think in one exclusive part and gave me another idea =P
I was thinking that maybe could be a great if you were capable of re-try some weapons that you have in your stock, out of a battle...some weapons that I have but don't use much, as the halloween special, for example...
Maybe could be fun if we could try them direclty from our inventory, as we can do in the shop before buying.

As Siggu said in this thread:
Instead of having only one weapon, you would have all of them available

Maybe could be fun if any of the trials [at market or at inventory] we could try any of the weapons, without the need of go out the try mode to change the weapon!
In the inventory try we could have all of our weapons and in market try we could have all of the market weapons, dismissing the fact that we no longer need to leave the trial to change the weapon =P

7 Feb 2013, 18:24
I'm sure this will be implented, but without Elbobbo all the fun has gone. Anyway this is a realy good idea! Keep it coming! ( That would Elbobbo say probably )

16 Feb 2013, 19:37
Can't wait to see the new updates, it would be nice to try our inventory's weapons too, but it seems that all the staff are busy doing de new stuff .-.
Hope that they give us some attention as well ;x