View Full Version : Crate shower?

6 Dec 2012, 01:46
Hello everyone, i used to play WWP very often with my friends, but now it won't work on windows 7. It used to work, but after a windows update, nothing will help it, many have the same problem and fixed it with system restore, but i cannot do it.

Anyway, i enjoy W:A just as much, but there's only one mode i actually kind of miss. The crates crates crates mode, were crate shower was constatly activated. Now i cannot take super weapons in game, unless i give them to the teams before the game, or the game lasts too long. Is there a way to make create shower be constatly on, like in the crates vrates mode?

Thank you a lot for your time and help.

Truly yours,

6 Dec 2012, 11:42
yes, with the /crateshower feature of RubberWorm (http://worms2d.info/RubberWorm#Continuous_crate_shower).

as for WWP, this will work for sure: http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=57848

6 Dec 2012, 12:49
I freakin LOVE you dude....why the hell did google never showed me this? kept spamiming me with levos wannabe fix -.-

Ty, does rubber worm also support super rope?

6 Dec 2012, 13:57
Can you also , please PLEASE point me to a guide on how to use rubber worm? i mean, i keep googling searching, it says i should change some values, propabilities, but where and how?! Thanks o.o

6 Dec 2012, 14:35
Actually i managed to work my way with rubberworm...took me a while bit kind of figured it out..i still have a question though.

I am using this site : http://www.tus-wa.com/schemes/scheme-editor/

to create a custom Scheme. According to the rubberworm wiki, About the shower crates it says : "Normally, the game checks between turns the crate probability settings, and determines if and which crate must be spawned. With this feature, you can force the game to do this job every 5 seconds, also during turns. If you want a crate shower like Worms World Party, use SchemeEddy to check that the probability of no crate falling per turn is 0%. Keep in mind that the WWP crate shower spawns a completely random crate, that is it doesn't check the probability of each single weapon (that's why you can grab even Surrender)."

So this mean it will spawn more crates, but according to the posibilities i have preset in the scheme? And do i have to use the eddy scheme editor to make it fully random like in Wwp? (which btw cannot find anywhere :p )