View Full Version : Worms Revolution Reviews

3 Oct 2012, 07:56
English reviews
IGN (http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/10/03/worms-revolution-review) - 8.5/10 - "Great" - "Should you get Worms Revolution? Well, if you’re a lapsed Worms player like myself, then absolutely. It’s the same classic Worms gameplay with (optional) gameplay tweaks and a lovely new coat of paint. If you’re a die-hard fan, then the classes add a new element to multiplayer competition, and make the customisation options even more robust. All told, this is a great game for a great price."
[VIDEO] IGN (http://uk.ign.com/videos/2012/10/02/worms-revolution-video-review) - 8.5/10 - "Great" - "Revolution is a rock solid new addition to the series. The changes to the formula are thoughtful while multiplayer remains an absolute blast"
Games™ (http://www.gamestm.co.uk/reviews/worms-revolution-review/) - 8/10 - "A winning formula can last for years. Especially with sheep."
Destructoid (http://www.destructoid.com/review-worms-revolution-236702.phtml) - 8/10 - "Worms Revolution is as good as the franchise has ever been. It's good old psychotic fun, and that's all I really wanted."
360 Gamer (http://www.360-gamer.com/review/3536/review-worms-revolution) - 8/10 - "As always, Worms Revolution is a blast to play with other gamers either offline or online and will take up most of your time once the single player modes have been done and dusted."
Digital Spy (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/review/a429861/worms-revolution-review-xbox-live-arcade-a-whole-new-can-of-worms.html) - 4/5 - "we now finally have a Worms game that actually feels new with Worms Revolution."
This is Xbox (http://www.thisisxbox.com/360/worms-revolution-review/) - 9.5/10 - "You Have To Play This..." - "A definite must-have arcade title that will have you in stitches, despair, and unleash your cut-throat competitive demon within!"
Ready-Up (http://www.ready-up.net/reviews/worms-revolution/) - 9/10 - "If you're looking at buying a Worms game then you're after a funny, refined, and thoroughly silly multiplayer experience and Worms Revolution delivers just that."
Xbox Reviewer (http://xboxreviewer.com/review/worms-revolution) - 9/10 - "From the gameplay, to the visuals, to the awesome narration, Worms Revolution truly is the best worms game so far, and I can’t recommend it highly enough!"
x360gamer (http://www.x360gamer.co.uk/#!worms-revolution/c1fg7) - 9/10 - "Worms Revolution is the best worms game created to date and should therefore be apart of everyone’s XBLA collection"
Brutal Gamer (http://brutalgamer.com/2012/10/07/worms-revolution-preview-pc/) - 9/10 - "It’s hard to say no to yet another installment of a such a beloved franchise with offers hours of mindless, violent entertainment."
Chaos Hour (http://www.chaoshour.com/articles/review/worms-revolution-pc-xbox360-review) - 9/10 - "Worms Revolution is a little treasure chest of enjoyment waiting to be unlocked"
Brash Games (http://www.brashgames.co.uk/2012/10/19/worms-revolution-pc-review/) - 9/10 - "I have to say though this time round Team 17 have pulled together and have successfully redesigned the whole gameplay experience. This game is fantastic"
Electronic Theatre (http://electronictheatre.co.uk/xbox360/xbox360-in-depth-reviews/24961/electronic-theatre-in-depth-review-worms-revolution) - 87% - "Worms Revolution is a fantastic addition to the franchise that makes every other Worms title seem redundant"
Digitally Downloaded (http://www.digitallydownloaded.net/2012/10/review-worms-revolution-xbox-360.html) - 4.5/5 - "Worms will never fail to get a smile from me."
Capsule Computers (http://www.capsulecomputers.com.au/2012/10/worms-revolution-review/) - 8.5/10 - "Worms Revolution is different enough to entice fans back into the weird world of Worms, and familiar enough to remind them why they were fans in the first place."
ZTGD (http://www.ztgd.com/reviews/worms-revolution/) - 8.2/10 - "I feel that Worms Revolution is a great contribution to the Worms franchise, and I would recommend giving this game a go, even if you have never played the series before."
Game Style (http://gamestyle.com/reviews/2275/worms-revolution/#.UHmLrPW7rHg) - 8/10 - "Revolution is perfect for getting together with some friends, and just having a good laugh."
The Digital Fix (http://gaming.thedigitalfix.com/content/id/1246/worms-revolution.html) - 8/10 - "It is this level of customisation, along with the various modes and the new features Revolution provides, that makes this game truly worthy of consideration despite its long line of ancestors."
God is a Geek (http://www.godisageek.com/2012/10/worms-revolution-review/) - 8/10 - All in all, Worms Revolution is exactly that. Far, far more than simply a HD re-furb, it modernises a series that was showing its age in more ways than one, presenting it as a new enough prospect to entice first-timers but including the classic gameplay that originally earned it such a loyal following.
Push-Start (http://www.push-start.co.uk/game-review/game-review-worms-revolution-pcxbox-360ps3/) - 8/10 - "it’s the step up from Worms: Armageddon that we have all been waiting for."
Xbox Edge (http://xboxedge.com/reviewss/913-jreviews-cat/1478-worms-revolution) - 4.5/5 - "It's the newcomers to the series that I envy the most. If Worms: Revolution feels different to a lifelong fan like me, I can't imagine how cool all of this is going to be for the newbies. I hope Revolution changes the way you look at video games forever, much like the original did for me all those years ago."
The Gamer's Hub (http://thegamershub.net/2012/10/worms-revolution-review/) - 4/5 - "It’s flashy, it’s fun and downright hilarious; it’s everything a Worms game should have at its core, but with a lot more."
Hardcore Gamer (http://www.hardcoregamer.com/2012/10/07/review-worms-revolution/) - 4/5 - "As impressive as it plays, the presentation is what really ties the release together ... it’s clear that this is a first-rate production."
GamesRadar (http://www.gamesradar.com/worms-revolution-review/) - 3.5/5 - "Solid" - "Worms Revolution freshens up the potentially stale formula by fine-tuning its strategic combat, adding loads of customization options, and including a wicked sense of humor and charm, among other things"

French reviews
Play it Live (http://www.playitlive.fr/2012/10/test-worms-revolution/) - 4.5/5 - "Entre l’ajout des classes, la gestion de l’eau vive dans les niveaux qui promet de bon petit coup de traîtres entres amis, les séquences d’introduction de Don Keystone interprétées avec brio par Matt Berry et un tout nouveau moteur graphique, tout joueur de Worms et amateur de stratégie tour par tour se doit de posséder cet épisode."
Jeux PC Mag (http://www.jeuxpcmag.com/tests/24017-test-de-worms-revolution) - 4/5 - "Worms Revolution devrait ravir tous les fans de la série en 2D et plaire aux nouveaux venus. Avec son nouveau moteur graphique, et ces nouvelles mécaniques de jeu c’est toujours aussi fun de participer activement ŕ l’extinction des lombrics."
Xboxygen (http://xboxygen.com/Tests/Tests-Xbox-Live-Arcade/Test-Worms-Revolution) - 4/5 - "Coup de cœur Xboxygen" - "L’ajout des classes de personnages, qu’on peut utiliser ou non, ainsi que la gestion de l’eau influencent assurément les parties et ajoutent un peu plus de stratégie que les fans apprécieront."
Jeux Video (http://www.jeuxvideo.com/articles/0001/00017753-worm-revolution-test.htm) - 17/20 - "Si comme des milliers de fans, vous vous languissez de jouer ŕ un bon Worms en 2D sur PC, Worms Revolution est plus que jamais l'épisode qu'il vous faut."
News.com.au (http://www.news.com.au/news/crash-test-games-in-review/story-fnejnj7h-1226492088677) - 4/5 - "Great value. Out now"

German reviews
Zockerheim (http://www.zockerheim.de/video-game-review/worms-revolution-review/) - 4.5/5 - "Gold Award" - "Das klassische Gameplay gepaart mit den neuen Features und dem Humor, macht das Spiel besonders für den Preis eine lohnende Investition. Team 17 hat es geschafft ein wunderbares Worms zu entwickeln, wie es sich die Fans gewünscht haben."
Xbox User (http://www.xboxuser.de/xboxlive/worms-revolution.html) - 85% - "Silver Award" - "Wieder hat es Team 17 geschafft: Worms Revolution ist von Anfang bis Ende Worms, mit all seinen Eigenheiten!"

Spanish reviews
Vandal Online (http://www.vandal.net/analisis/pc/worms-revolution/15775) - 7.5/10 - "żTe gusta la saga? Adelante, hazte con el título. żEres nuevo y quieres un Worms con el que introducirte? No lo pienses más."

Italian reviews
SpazioGames (http://www.spaziogames.it/recensioni_videogiochi/console_multi_piattaforma/13814/worms-revolution.aspx) - 8.5/10 - "L'ultimo lavoro di Team17 č un titolo riuscitissimo. Le innovazioni introdotte riescono a dare una rinfrescata al genere cui Worms Revolution"
InformaQuiz (http://www.informaquiz.it/recensione/worms-revolution) - 8/10 - "Un titolo per tutti che regalerŕ ore di sano divertimento, sia in single che in multiplayer."

Dutch reviews
Xbox Only (http://www.xboxonly.nl/reviews/2428/Worms_Revolution/) - 8/10 - "Excellent/Uitstekend" - "en ik moet zeggen dat opnieuw de multiplayer het leukste is aan de game."

Hungarian reviews
Jatekok (http://www.jatekok.hu/jatek-hirek-201210-12-worms-revolution-jatekteszt.html) - 8/10 - "A játékmenetet tekintve a Team 17 ugyan nyíltan visszanyúlt gyökereihez, de képes volt mindazt meg is koronázni néhány érdekes újdonsággal"

Turkish reviews
TR Gamer (http://www.trgamer.com/Yazi.aspx?source=Yazi&ad=&pg=1&YaziID=3071&BaslikID=&ForumID=&TurID=&HG=&Sira=1&FirmaID=&KullaniciID=&Content=&Yil=&Ay=&PlatformID=) - 8.8/10 - "Editor's Choice" - "Worms Revolution kesinlikle Worms Armageddon'dan bu yana çıkan en iyi ve en yenilikçi Worms oyunu olmuş. Kendinize bir iyilik yapın ve Worms Revolution'u hemen satın alın."

Polish reviews
CD Action (http://www.cdaction.pl/artykul-29170/worms-revolution---recenzja-cdactionpl.html) - 8/10 - "Warto nabyć grę"

Croatian reviews
Frenzy Spark (http://frenzyspark.com/2012/10/06/worms-revolution-upad-u-crvotocinu-sulude-zabave/) - "Ovo je najbolje i najpotpunije Worms iskustvo dosad, igra koja vrijedi svakog eura, a donijet će vam sate i sate lude zabave! PREPORUKA!"

Danish reviews
Xbox Life (http://www.xboxlife.dk/review/694/worms-revolution.html) - 7.5/10 - "sĺ skal det ogsĺ siges, at Worms Revolution er et af de absolut bedre Worms spil."

Worms Revolution previews can be read here (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=58359).