View Full Version : Extracting sounds

27 Nov 2011, 08:38
I want to extract the speech files out from Worms Armageddon, but don't know how. I did a bit of searching for the answer, but mostly have only been able to find people putting new speech into the game.

I'm sure this is a simple matter, but I figured it will be a lot faster to just ask here rather than waste more time scouring the internet.

27 Nov 2011, 11:02
The speeches are saved on the W:A CD as wav files I think.

Edit - What do you want to use them for by the way? If you wish to import them to another Worms game, like Reloaded or United, then others have already done the work for you :p

27 Nov 2011, 11:19
They don't get saved to the computer upon installation?

The game belongs to my sister, and since it didn't work on my computer, she took the disk back, so I don't have it anymore. As I only really needed the speech files, I didn't think I would need it...

What I want them for is to make a Worms RTS mod.

Ok then, is there somewhere else I can get the speech files from?

30 Nov 2011, 11:13
They don't get saved to the computer upon installation?

The game belongs to my sister, and since it didn't work on my computer, she took the disk back, so I don't have it anymore. As I only really needed the speech files, I didn't think I would need it...

What I want them for is to make a Worms RTS mod.

Ok then, is there somewhere else I can get the speech files from?

on the W:A CD, in DATA\User\Speech.

30 Nov 2011, 12:08
They don't get saved to the computer upon installation?

The game belongs to my sister, and since it didn't work on my computer, she took the disk back, so I don't have it anymore. As I only really needed the speech files, I didn't think I would need it...

What I want them for is to make a Worms RTS mod.

Ok then, is there somewhere else I can get the speech files from?Worms Armageddon requires the CD to play so most of the data is on there.

You could always use the classic soundbank with the voices from W1: http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=42075

30 Nov 2011, 13:09
You could always use the classic soundbank with the voices from W1: http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=42075How many different voices does that have? I need at least 17. I have Worms 2, but there simply aren't enough to choose from in that game.

In my mod, you will train worms with specific weapons, and each of those worms will have their own voice; e.g. Karate Master worm uses Fire Punch and Dragon Ball and might speak with an Asian voice. Missileer worm uses Bazooka and Homing Missiles and might have a sadistic or gruff voice.

2 Dec 2011, 20:43
How many different voices does that have? I need at least 17. I have Worms 2, but there simply aren't enough to choose from in that game.

Only 1 voice, heh.

You do need the CD to extract the speech banks. I could pass them to you, not sure if sharing game content like that is allowed though...

By the way, this remembers me of... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYFtIAkFbyY)

5 Dec 2011, 21:23
Does Team17 have a community manager?

6 Dec 2011, 11:01
Asian voice

Japanese (http://myfiles.my1.ru/wa/soundbanks/japanese_soundbank.rar), Koreans (http://myfiles.my1.ru/wa/soundbanks/koreansbanks_aqua.rar) and Korean (http://myfiles.my1.ru/wa/soundbanks/korean.rar) banks.;)

Does Team17 have a community manager?


6 Dec 2011, 11:02
Koreans <> Korean?

6 Dec 2011, 12:22
Japanese (http://stepsfiles.tk/wa/soundbanks/japanese_soundbank.rar), Koreans (http://stepsfiles.tk/wa/soundbanks/koreansbanks_aqua.rar) and Korean (http://stepsfiles.tk/wa/soundbanks/korean.rar) banks.;)

Like I said, I have 17 worms to give voices to, Asian voices fit just one.

9 Dec 2011, 03:32
I finally got the speech banks from my sister, so problem solved. :cool:

29 Jan 2012, 19:11
Hate to bring this back up again, but it seems my problem is not as solved as I had thought. I acquired the Armageddon speech, but never bothered to look at what I actually had (for some reason :rolleyes:).

Finally, I took the time to look through the voices only to discover I don't have cyberworm voices. I was certain Armageddon had cyberworms, but apparently it doesn't...

So I checked my Worms 2 to see if it had cyberworms, and realized the speech banks are identical between the two games, meaning I wasted my time getting something I already had.

Anyway, Worms 3D has cyberworms, but unfortunately I only have Worms 3D on my GameCube, which is slightly more difficult to extract sounds from.

So now how can I get a hold of the cyberworms speech bank? The internet is so saturated custom speech banks, that I can't find any originals... but surely someone has already collected the Worms 3D speech banks in order to stuff them into other titles?

29 Jan 2012, 20:35
Of course WA has cyberworms.
Here (http://www.mediafire.com/?q9834owi6svvchv)

29 Jan 2012, 20:42
By the way, is there any speech's of other worms games like W4M and WR for WA ready on the internet.

30 Jan 2012, 01:17
here is about 95% of all soundbanks for W:A. you may find what your looking for there http://wsbdb.org/

30 Jan 2012, 03:57
Of course WA has cyberworms.
Well that's what I thought... but it wasn't in with the speech banks I got from it... :(

here is about 95% of all soundbanks for W:A. you may find what your looking for there http://wsbdb.org/
Ok, I downloaded that and all I got was a file called soundbanks, now what am I supposed to do with it?

30 Jan 2012, 04:49
Open it and extract the contents of it?

30 Jan 2012, 05:00
To clarify, the contents of the compressed download was a file called soundbanks.

30 Jan 2012, 05:55
what program did you use to extract? .tgz needs a tool that can handle it. i use 7zip because it does pretty much all compression formats. if i remember correctly right click extracting didnt work, you need to open the file in the program. the extraction took a while, its a big file.

30 Jan 2012, 05:58
what program did you use to extract?
Winrar FTW

30 Jan 2012, 06:50
i didn't know winrar supported .tgz

30 Jan 2012, 07:04
Try 7-zip. It's free. The Windows GUI binary is 7zFM.exe.

30 Jan 2012, 07:51
I used 7zip. The resulting file is 2,350,270 kB.

30 Jan 2012, 12:01
.tgz is short for .tar.gz. Inflating the .gz file yields an uncompressed tar archive. You need to extract its contents.

30 Jan 2012, 13:42
Ok, got it now, I didn't realize it was a compressed file within a compressed file.

However... I didn't see cyberworms in this mess of... well mostly wormcast (aka worm poo), so I had to grab it from DarkLord22's link.

30 Jan 2012, 16:55
However... I didn't see cyberworms in this mess of... well mostly wormcast (aka worm poo), so I had to grab it from DarkLord22's link.
You're welcome :)
BTW - I believe that file on wsbdb.org is all custom soundbanks. Cyberworms was one of the originals on the WA CD.
i didn't know winrar supported .tgz
Yes, Winrar is awesome.
See here (http://www.rarlab.com/otherfmt.htm)

30 Jan 2012, 17:23
Yes, Winrar is awesome.
See here (http://www.rarlab.com/otherfmt.htm)

kewl !

30 Jan 2012, 18:02
BTW - I believe that file on wsbdb.org is all custom soundbanks.
Mostly anyway. I'm not sure how many of the sound banks were the originals because I tossed them all into the same folder I had all my other sound banks and told it not to overwrite any, but since it had to ask, there was at least one original in there.

I don't intend to use any custom sounds in my mod though, so that pack didn't really help much.

I got 31 voices from Worms Armageddon, but if it didn't include cyberworms, I could be missing more speech files as well.

31 Jan 2012, 05:14
Shouldn't you be like asking Team17 if you can use there audio files in your project?

31 Jan 2012, 05:31
I got 31 voices from Worms Armageddon, but if it didn't include cyberworms, I could be missing more speech files as well.
I have 49 different voicebanks on my WA CD (originals). Can anyone confirm that number?

31 Jan 2012, 05:51
Shouldn't you be like asking Team17 if you can use there audio files in your project?
Perhaps... I guess some companies can get all cranky over mods.

31 Jan 2012, 06:40
t17 ha been lax on fan generated content using their copyrighted material.

31 Jan 2012, 07:04
It's still good courtesy.

6 Feb 2012, 13:02
The rule of thumb is that you only need to ask once you earn more money than the equal of 9.66 liters of beer, which is 17 pints.


6 Feb 2012, 19:33
team17 pints?

7 Feb 2012, 08:19
the rule of thumb is that you only need to ask once you earn more money than the equal of 9.66 liters of beer, which is 17 pints.
