View Full Version : Issue with configuring gamepad for WWP

16 Aug 2011, 19:38
Awhile back I asked if there was any way I could change the controls for Worms World Party [Because I prefer the Ps1 version] and someone suggested a better idea; that I use a gamepad and configure the controls exactly like my Ps1 controller. They suggested that I use Joy2Key for this, so I am.

Well, I bought a Ps3 PC compatible controller and, although I've got it figured out, I am running into one small issue.

I have all of the basics of Joy2Key figured out and working, except for one thing.

Jump > Triangle - Working as intended
Back Jump > Circle - Working as intended
Fire > X - Issue with selecting weapons without firing at the same time. Is "Ducktape-Solved" by having to hold Square down while moving the cursor or selecting weapons in the
Select > Does open weapons menu, however, must hold down Square or else you cannot select a weapon without firing and directional-buttons/joystick automatically close the weapons menu instead of moving cursor.
Start > Menu/Pause - Working as intended
Directional Pad/Joystick - Working as intended, except the issue with closing the weapons menu.

I have Square as the "Use other Joypad Config" button, which temporarily allows me to move the cursor and use X only as Left Click. [When in fact, this is exactly how it operates in the PS1 version].

This doesn't really sound like such a big problem to you, but it is to me. My friends and I have grown accustomed to playing this game the way we have for years. I myself am willing and able to adjust to these controls, however, my friends are big babies about this sort of thing. They will b**** and moan that it's not the same and after accidentally killing themselves a few times, will b**** out and not play at all.

The crappy thing is, I know that the PC version is 10x better than the Ps1 version with the controller configuration working properly. You get 8 worms per team instead of 4, even more team customization, custom terrains instead of just terrain generation, a hand full of new weapons, better graphics, and the "Shrapnel Fires" from explosions is, in my opinion, is a good addition to the game. Yeah, you get the point, so saying "Well if they don't like it, they can just play the Ps1 version" really doesn't help at all. I'd like to get them on board with playing the PC version instead.

So if at all possible, I'd like to know if there is any better way to allow weapon selecting without X shooting your weapon. There doesn't seem to be, but maybe there is.

Suggesting that I simply don't use X as Left Click isn't a valid suggestion either, as I would still be required to hold down Square to keep the directional pad/joystick from closing the weapons menu.