View Full Version : Anyone play "Rope Games" anymore?

11 Jul 2011, 13:35
I used to play what we called "rope games" like 10 years ago on worms 2. The games were really simple; level with 2 pieces of land and a border. Weapons: rope, bazooka, mines, nades, 2 dynas and 10-15 seconds per turn.

I just bought Worms Reloaded on Steam hopeing to get back into it and it seems pretty empty. Does this type of game even exist anymore? I can't even figure out how to make the border around the level.

11 Jul 2011, 20:45
I used to play what we called "rope games" like 10 years ago on worms 2. The games were really simple; level with 2 pieces of land and a border. Weapons: rope, bazooka, mines, nades, 2 dynas and 10-15 seconds per turn.

I just bought Worms Reloaded on Steam hopeing to get back into it and it seems pretty empty. Does this type of game even exist anymore? I can't even figure out how to make the border around the level.that kind of game evolved into a slew of other type of "roper" games. variants where you have to touch certain walls before attacking, or only attack using weapons found in crates and only from the rope, as well as various other alterations.

I can't say whether you'll find that sort of rope game anymore, but the newer deviations based on it are definitely still around.

12 Jul 2011, 00:45
I used to play what we called "rope games" like 10 years ago on worms 2. The games were really simple; level with 2 pieces of land and a border. Weapons: rope, bazooka, mines, nades, 2 dynas and 10-15 seconds per turn.

I just bought Worms Reloaded on Steam hopeing to get back into it and it seems pretty empty. Does this type of game even exist anymore? I can't even figure out how to make the border around the level.

The rope in Worms Reloaded is useless for this kind of games, and the scheme editor is far too simplified to be able to create proper roping schemes. There's a built in "rope race" scheme, but it's horrible.

If you want to get back into rope-centric games, then you should try to get a copy of Worms Armageddon (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=worms+armageddon&hl=en&safe=off&prmd=ivns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1565&bih=943&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10172015162445762519&sa=X&ei=zYobTufYHsLq0gHyiMXvBw&ved=0CFcQ8wIwAA). The game is still getting updates(runs on all current OS's), still has an active community, and is much, much better than WR.

12 Jul 2011, 02:17
ugh that's too bad... will the old Worms 2 work on Windows 7? I remember not even liking armegeddon years ago when that first came out.

12 Jul 2011, 09:32
ugh that's too bad... will the old Worms 2 work on Windows 7? I remember not even liking armegeddon years ago when that first came out.

I have Worms 2 and it works (I use Windows 7), so yeah :D.

12 Jul 2011, 11:18
ugh that's too bad... will the old Worms 2 work on Windows 7? I remember not even liking armegeddon years ago when that first came out.
Umm... if you don't mind me asking: why? I always thought of Armageddon as being Worms2, but bigger.

12 Jul 2011, 11:36
I agree with rimorris Worms 2 was my favourite Worms game, before Worms Reloaded came out.

The reason is the same of why Worms Armageddon fans don't like Worms World Party: it's not so much as customizable as his predecessor.

Worms 2 weapon editor had a lot of more options than Worms Armageddon one.
You could have transformed an Uzi in a very dangerous and powerful weapon that could have destroyed the entire scenario.

So in my opinion that's why Worms 2 is better than Worms Armageddon.

12 Jul 2011, 14:52
ugh that's too bad... will the old Worms 2 work on Windows 7? I remember not even liking armegeddon years ago when that first came out.

A lot has been added since Deadcode was given access to the source code.


There's a video showcasing many of the improvements the game has gotten since. Besides, it's your best bet if you want to find people to play against online.

12 Jul 2011, 14:57
But I like and still love Worms Armageddon, don't worry guys! :cool: