View Full Version : Additional Themes

8 Mar 2011, 22:48

I've been wondering wether you were planning to add some more themes to Worms Reloaded? Even if they aren't all new, something like the Worms: Open Warfare 2 themes would be neat, or the first Worms on Xbla exclusive ones (Desert and another one which name I forgot).

9 Mar 2011, 10:20
At this time we have no plans for more themes to WR. Sorry.

11 Mar 2011, 16:57
Why we never got the war theme in ranked games and why that theme isn't never the background of the game, when we are at menus, like others are?

27 Jul 2011, 20:45
I still would like to know the 2 questions that I've made in my last post :p

27 Jul 2011, 21:41
You can't even choose Warzone when creating an own map.

27 Jul 2011, 21:58
You can't even choose Warzone when creating an own map.

That's true also. But why all this restrictions to this theme?

28 Jul 2011, 00:52
Is warzone the one with the airplanes?

28 Jul 2011, 09:49
Is warzone the one with the airplanes?

Yes, that theme with the tower in the background.

The Warzone theme was a DLC for the XBox version and it appears Team17 forgot to fully integrate it. I'm going to get the DLCs with the new Time, Puzzle, Retro and Forts theme in a few days and I have the feeling they're suffering from the same restrictions...

1 Aug 2011, 15:10
In Worms: Reloaded 17 landscape themes (with all DLC). I think this is not a little:)